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11-17-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
Ok thx, i mean that works. It's just a pain in the ass.
It'd be nice to be able to go like ctrl+F and type in the last 4 digits of a tournament #, then the database gets filtered for tournaments with that sequence.

As is, I'll just scroll through the list chronically.
I agree that your suggestion would be really neat but I am not sure how easy it would be for the developers to implement a real time filter like that and doubt it would ever get implemented at this point since we have the current tournament number filter method.

Originally Posted by All Hail Circe
Thanks for the recco. It seemed to work just by deleting those 2 files. I ran the CHKDSK like you said as well.

I wondered if the database could have been damaged but so far it appears to be working ( fingers crossed )

As for those 2 files, what do they do? There is no problem with erasing them Fozzy? I saw someone bring up a point that the could show up again if I reboot the HEM, is this possible or just if it is re-installed?

Thanks for your quick response. I plan on upgrading to HEM2 someday when I have a better system. I have heard it can be a bit resource intrusive and I do not think my pos computer at this time could handle it since it is quite old so for now, sticking with the original and do not have any real complaints.

Service after the sale to me is uber important and you always come through in spades Fozzy. It is MUCH Appreciated!

Keep up the good work.
It might not hurt to run a vacuum/reindex on the database if you think there are any problems with it but it sounds like the database is fine. Some times if your machine blue screens or loses power while you are in the middle of a hand and HM is auto importing it can corrupt the database but it doesn't always open. This is why regular backups are a good idea. If your database becomes corrupt you can restore a backup and only have to import the most recent hands (that were played after the backup was created). We have a backup and restore feature within Holdem Manager that makes it easy for you to backup all your settings, hand histories and files.

Deleting those 2 files will not cause any problems. I am not 100% sure what the bodog file does/did but we no longer support the site. The blitzer file is basically just a zoom/rush log file. It will recreate itself the next time you play zoom or rush and it can be deleted any time you want if it were to ever become exceedingly large.

My current desktop is 4+ years old and runs HM2 well but I bought a top of the line computer at the time and added an SSD a year later and I don't mass multi table like many customers. If/when you decide to get a new computer the most important things to look for are a i7 CPU, 8GB or more of RAM, and an SSD instead of HDD. Make sure you get a large enough SSD for windows and your database. I have a 160gb SSD but I don't play as many hands as most of our customers so I would suggest at least a 256gb SSD for most customers.

In HM1 there are a lot of tables that deal with a specific hand played by a specific player. In HM2 we don't have these tables, instead, for player related hand data, we use a flat file approach. Each player has his own folder and each file represents a single day. Each line within the file is a tokenized version of a single hand with incredible amounts of detail. Your overall HM2 spaced used (DB + Files) is about 2/3 of HM1 and we store probably 2-3 times as much info plus it can be accessed many, many times faster and allows us to do some things that wouldn't be possible otherwise, many of which are yet to come. If you don't want the space in your Roaming folder due to C: file space or something like that, we do give you the option of storing this data anywhere

General rule is 1 million hands = 10 GB.

In reality it's: 1 million hands
HM1: 6.8 GB
HM2: 4.3 GB
PT4: 13.6 GB

So with a 10 million hand database you need as SSD of at least 60 GB (Windows) + 100 GB = 160 GB.
We use 1 million = 10 GB (instead of 6.8) because when you want to perform a vacuum/analyse or backup/restore a database it will require a LOT of disk space to perform such a task.

Originally Posted by Pokernubz
Fozzy, could you help me this situation.. the stats in the hud have stats based on bb's...
PFR SB unopened pot 4-6 bb stack
PFR sb unopened pot 7-9 bb stack

What happens if an opponents stack is in between those. for example. 6.2bb
One of our testers just tried this and told me that the 6.5bb hand got rounded up into the 7-9bb stat. The 6.2bb hand gets rounded down to the 4-6bb stat.

Originally Posted by gball
Hi, need little help with HM2 db. I'm trying to read the vpip/pfr of the players, and figured this would do it, but there seem to be some differences compared to actual numbers in HM2 reports.

    sum(cpr.totalhands) as Hands,
    sum(cpr.vpiphands) as VPIPCount,
    sum(cpr.pfrhands) as PFRCount,
    100.0 * sum(cpr.vpiphands) / sum(cpr.totalhands) as VPIP,
    100.0 * sum(cpr.pfrhands) / sum(cpr.totalhands) as PFR
    players p left join compiledplayerresults cpr on cpr.player_id = p.player_id
    where cpr.totalhands > 0
    group by p.player_id
    order by p.playername
This is beyond the scope of this thread and my knowledge to be completely honest. It is something I would have to ask the developers but we try not to bother them with these types of questions as we don't want to distract them from their programming work.

I don't think these types of DB queries can be ran on HM2 like they could in HM1 because of the parent database structure we incorporated in HM2. This is something we had hoped the HMQL report would address but we had to shelf that project due to problems that didn't present themselves until we were very deep into the project.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-17-2013 , 05:20 PM
hey fozzy. what are the drawbacks of NOT archiving?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-17-2013 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Yeti
hey fozzy. what are the drawbacks of NOT archiving?
Performance problems. HM2 will have to scan thousands of old files, containing tens or hundreds of thousands of old hands, every 5 seconds looking for a few new hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-17-2013 , 09:44 PM
Thx fozzy
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 12:55 AM
From Fozzy in post 37439, "We can not change the HUD automatically based on the number of players dealt into the hand (it is done by table size). You will have to use the Table HUD menu to change the HUD manually when you get HU. We have an open feature request to make this possible in the future but I do not know when/if it might be implemented."

Question: How exactly do I access the Table HUD menu while multitabling cash games? I have two monitors (same size) and I might have four tables on one screen using the same HUD but on my other screen I might only have 1 or 2 tables, expanded larger than the others, and I'd like to use a different HUD on just those tables.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Tropics
From Fozzy in post 37439, "We can not change the HUD automatically based on the number of players dealt into the hand (it is done by table size). You will have to use the Table HUD menu to change the HUD manually when you get HU. We have an open feature request to make this possible in the future but I do not know when/if it might be implemented."

Question: How exactly do I access the Table HUD menu while multitabling cash games? I have two monitors (same size) and I might have four tables on one screen using the same HUD but on my other screen I might only have 1 or 2 tables, expanded larger than the others, and I'd like to use a different HUD on just those tables.
Please see this:

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71

One of our testers just tried this and told me that the 6.5bb hand got rounded up into the 7-9bb stat. The 6.2bb hand gets rounded down to the 4-6bb stat.
If a sb with 6.5bb shoves into a 3bb, big blind.
Which stat is recorded?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 05:14 AM
HM2 support: regarding performance, up to how many tables and with how many stats in the hud and with what kind of computer spec would you consider HM2 still usable/smooth, lets say on PartyPoker?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by gball
HM2 support: regarding performance, up to how many tables and with how many stats in the hud and with what kind of computer spec would you consider HM2 still usable/smooth, lets say on PartyPoker?
Check the PP official thread. Even a Cray won't help you much with Party Poker lag and disconnects. Not much the HM folks can do about it.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
Fozzy, could you help me this situation.. the stats in the hud have stats based on bb's...
PFR SB unopened pot 4-6 bb stack
PFR sb unopened pot 7-9 bb stack

What happens if an opponents stack is in between those. for example. 6.2bb
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
If a sb with 6.5bb shoves into a 3bb, big blind.
Which stat is recorded?
I will ask the tester that looked at this yesterday to give it another test and I will PM you the results when he has had time to test it. It will depend on whether the stat is based on effective stats or not I think.

Originally Posted by gball
HM2 support: regarding performance, up to how many tables and with how many stats in the hud and with what kind of computer spec would you consider HM2 still usable/smooth, lets say on PartyPoker?
I don't play on Party and don't recall any recent threads from customers saying their specs were 'ABC' and they could play 'X' tables. Each client is going to be different, as is evident by the post from PJs Ronin below, and database size will also have an effect on your performance since we load hands in to memory for report/filtering perfromance. Optimal performance for HM2 is going to come from having an Intel i7 CPU, 8+ GB of RAM, and an SSD instead of a HDD.

Originally Posted by PJs Ronin
Check the PP official thread. Even a Cray won't help you much with Party Poker lag and disconnects. Not much the HM folks can do about it.
Thank you for the feedback. I don't follow the Party thread regularly like I do some of the other client's software improvement threads so I really appreciate you posting in here that there are known performance issues with the party client that are independent of any trackers.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 10:04 AM
Ok forget Party, lets say Pokerstars then. Adding player notes, checking hand viewer etc, basic usage. Do you have any concrete number + pc spec that it was still running smooth? One of your testers must have tried to actually use the software, right? I just wanna know do I need to try to find the cause from my system or is it just running as it's supposed to.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:08 AM

I am playing on Microgaming (Betsson) and HEM2 doesnt import the hands of the .dat file. It doesnt show a HUD either. What to do?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by gball
HM2 support: regarding performance, up to how many tables and with how many stats in the hud and with what kind of computer spec would you consider HM2 still usable/smooth, lets say on PartyPoker?
Originally Posted by gball
Ok forget Party, lets say Pokerstars then. Adding player notes, checking hand viewer etc, basic usage. Do you have any concrete number + pc spec that it was still running smooth? One of your testers must have tried to actually use the software, right? I just wanna know do I need to try to find the cause from my system or is it just running as it's supposed to.
We have many customers that 20+ table stars with large databases. Some have SSD's and some don't. I can't really be much more specific than that in terms of their specs. 3rd party security software and permissions problems are the most common cause of performance problems.

We would be glad to help you try and resolve any problems you might be having but this thread is not suited for these types of issues that may require a lot of back and forth.

If you continue to have problems, please duplicate the issue and send us log files with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing:
- Open Windows Event Viewer's - Windows Logs - Applications.
- Check for any errors and send the information (Save All Events As...).
- Please send a log file as well -

Please zip and email the log, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to

Please include the following information so we can better assist you:

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using? What CPU, how much RAM, and what type of HDD/SSD do you have?

How big is your database in the Database Info tab? How many hero/alias hands do you have? How many tables (which games?) are you playing and what types of problems are you experiencing when playing or when using the software while not playing?

Are you using NoteCaddy or is it disabled? If you are using NC Premium are you using any add on like Edge or Advantage?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by hplogi

I am playing on Microgaming (Betsson) and HEM2 doesnt import the hands of the .dat file. It doesnt show a HUD either. What to do?
We do have one old ticket about a similar issue but it was only reported by one customer so far:

HM-6564: Microgaming (Betsson) hands not importing

Uncheck Ïnclude Subfolders"in the Site Setup Auto Import Folder settings.

Move the gamehistory.dat file from the poker client folder to your \hm2archive folder and import it via Import From File(s).

Try a new session with auto-import. A new handhistory file should be generated.

If you continue to have problems please zip and email the problem hand histories (gamehistory.dat), with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
Fozzy, could you help me this situation.. the stats in the hud have stats based on bb's...
PFR SB unopened pot 4-6 bb stack
PFR sb unopened pot 7-9 bb stack

What happens if an opponents stack is in between those. for example. 6.2bb
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
If a sb with 6.5bb shoves into a 3bb, big blind.
Which stat is recorded?
It is recorded in the 7-9bb stat. It is not based on effective stacks.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 05:59 PM

I have got this problem. The stat from winamax keeps comming to anywindow that is overlaped. it goes from one table of winamax to the other and to stars etc and all stats get mixmax which is use less. Im sure there some option like stay on top or some thing like this if anyone can help me out. stars and doesn't have this problem its just winamax. please help me out, for eg the stars table on top left or winamax table on bottom middle
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 06:06 PM

I want a short review about HM2.
Now I use HM1 and 4-5tabling.
Am I in a very big disadvantage to those who use hm2?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 06:48 PM
Is there something in HEM2 or some add on i can use that helps with note taking what players 3 bet or 4 bet by position.

I have already configured my HEM2 pop ups to show the stats by position but is there something i can use that imports or shows the actual hands they 3 bet or 4 bet by position.

I saw on a DC video someone using PT4 note tracker and im convinced i saw a option where they opened up a pop up and could actual select preflop and get a list of positions and put whatever info they liked in a certain position.

I could manually go through my database and add the 3 bet / 4 bet hands by position if i used PT4, but i prefer HEM2.

Is there a option similar to that on PT4 i can use with HEM2 ?

There does not seem a great place to make notes using HEM2 or am i missing something ?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by 1gambler

I have got this problem. The stat from winamax keeps comming to anywindow that is overlaped. it goes from one table of winamax to the other and to stars etc and all stats get mixmax which is use less. Im sure there some option like stay on top or some thing like this if anyone can help me out. stars and doesn't have this problem its just winamax. please help me out, for eg the stars table on top left or winamax table on bottom middle
Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

Update your graphics drivers -

Try toggling the HUD Settings > General Settings > Advanced Settings:
[x] Force HUD on top of tables
[x] Show HUD on active table only

until you find a combination that works well.

If you continue to have problems please try to reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework -

Originally Posted by Tschinga-Tschanga

I want a short review about HM2.
Now I use HM1 and 4-5tabling.
Am I in a very big disadvantage to those who use hm2?

I wouldn't say you are at a major disadvantage but HM2 has a lot more HUD stats you can use when playing and filters for reviewing better. If you already used your HM2 30 day trial and want a 30 day trial extension please PM me your email address your HM1 code is linked to and I can issue you a 30 day HM2 trial code to give it another test so you can decide if you want to upgrade.

Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
Is there something in HEM2 or some add on i can use that helps with note taking what players 3 bet or 4 bet by position.

I have already configured my HEM2 pop ups to show the stats by position but is there something i can use that imports or shows the actual hands they 3 bet or 4 bet by position.

I saw on a DC video someone using PT4 note tracker and im convinced i saw a option where they opened up a pop up and could actual select preflop and get a list of positions and put whatever info they liked in a certain position.

I could manually go through my database and add the 3 bet / 4 bet hands by position if i used PT4, but i prefer HEM2.

Is there a option similar to that on PT4 i can use with HEM2 ?

HM2 has NoteCaddy. There is a very limited free version that is enabled in the HUD Settings > HUD Designer > [x] Show Caddy Notes. The premium version is incredibly powerful and was the inspiration for PT4's Note Tracker. All of the reviews I have read comparing the 2 say that our NoteCaddy is far superior. Here is an example NoteCaddy Popup below. These NC notes can be seen in the Note Editor and they can be added to the bottom of specific popups.

There does not seem a great place to make notes using HEM2 or am i missing something ?
Did you disable the note editor icon in the HUD Settings for your HUD?

HUD Settings > General Settings > Common Settings > [x] Show Note Icon

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 08:11 PM
What the hell ???

Ive never have the option of flop, turn, river, main and pre flop options when i click on the note icon.

How do i get that ??

I just get the players name and the option to " type player notes here .. "
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
What the hell ???

Ive never have the option of flop, turn, river, main and pre flop options when i click on the note icon.

How do i get that ??

I just get the players name and the option to " type player notes here .. "
That is part of NoteCaddy. I am not sure if it is part of the free version or not as I have been using the premium version since before HM2 was released so my recollection of what is included in the free version is fading.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-18-2013 , 10:46 PM
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-19-2013 , 04:23 AM
Thanks for the reply fozzy, looks like im going to have to try note caddy.

Is there a trial period ?, maybe im having a blond moment ( early, therefor coffee needed ) but i cannot find a link to download it
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-19-2013 , 04:52 AM
Hm2 freezes my laptop if run more than 6 tables help. Been doing it for 2weeks at least almost unusable .
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-19-2013 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
Thanks for the reply fozzy, looks like im going to have to try note caddy.

Is there a trial period ?, maybe im having a blond moment ( early, therefor coffee needed ) but i cannot find a link to download it
The trial is included in HM2, just open the Notecaddy Tab
Holdem Manager Support Quote
