Originally Posted by MyironThumb
Thanks. I guess I should get HM2, I'm just too lazy to have to set everything up again. Do I need to make a new database, re-do my HUD, add all my alias's again and everything?
You will need to create a new database. You can import directly from your HM1 database or manually import the original hands from your HM1 \HMArchive folder. HM2 imports hands MUCH faster than HM1 so it should be a relatively quick process by comparison. I don't think the alias's will be created automatically so you will likely need to create them again but you can open HM1 and then HM2 to have them open at the same time so it shouldnt be too hard to look at the HM1 alias menu and duplicate it in HM2.
Custom HUDs can be imported from HM1 but you have to import the main prefs.xml from HM1 and delete any unnecessary HUD configs using the Import 1.0 button in the HM2 HUD Options menu. Or you can recreate them manually and take advantage of the large number of new stats in HM2.
Originally Posted by Ijizz
any estimated time on realese of HM1 zoom hud?
days or weeks?
"Since the HM2 update has been released for Zoom, we are now working on the integration of Zoom for HM1. We anticipate that will take a few days but at this point we can't commit to specific date. We are extending an additional 30 day trial of HM2 for any HM1 users so that Zoom support is available to them . . . just contact
support@holdemmanager.com and request the new trial period."
Originally Posted by TheComeUp
Hey. When i opened HM2 today it had me enter my holdem manager login and password. said i have 0 days remaining on my trail. I purchased HEM a while ago and upgraded to HM2 a while ago. When i enter my serial number i get an error message that says to retry or contact customer service. under details it says "could not register liscense. could not register with the server. the liscense has been modified.
Please try all the steps on this FAQ -
If you continue to have registration issues, please send your Reg.log and log.txt files as explained in the last step.
Please zip and email the logs, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to