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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

03-28-2012 , 12:23 PM
I am using HM1 and saw something weird in the stats.
My number of hands read 235 but another players hands read 1,500.
How can another person have more hands than me?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Skyrock
Thanks very much for breaking that down for me Fozzy.
I am glad I could help.

Originally Posted by MilkMan
That sounds like a much more competent way of accomplishing bug-free support for zoom in the speediest time-frame possible but then what do I know about the meaning of the word competent.

Word of advice Fozzy, the continued failure of HM2 is pretty much driving people over to PT. HM1 is still a great product that your customers love so stay sharp on supporting it with fast updates, otherwise you are only accelerating the exodus.
We understand that in this case of a new game like Zoom where it was only available on the test site (stars is the only site with a test client of play money only games AFAIK) it would have helped speed up our zoom development if we supported play money. On the other hand, if we typically spent developer time adding and maintaining support for play money games (think about all the sites that have play money and no zoom or new games) it would only delay other important fixes/features for real money games and would upset everyone else that doesn't play on Stars/Zoom and is waiting for fixes to their problems. We have to balance the needs of all our customers, not just those that play Stars/Zoom, and we feel that spending valuable developer time working on play money support is not the most effective use of our developer's time (and I am willing to bet all of our non-Stars/real-money players agree).

Last edited by fozzy71; 03-28-2012 at 01:01 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Thanks, I pmed you yesterday (in case you didn't see it)
I have answered all of my PM's, and just checked the past few days of messages, but do not see a PM from you. Can you please PM me the details again or email me directly at ( and I will get you a temporary HM2 code ASAP.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by yeaFMLdegen
i must say fozzy is doing a great job of replying to any questions in here and through pm (in my case anyway) keep up the good work mate!
Thank you for the kind words.

Originally Posted by Royston Vasey
Version 6537 is now fully working tell them to not touch anything else please.

I am never updating again!
Originally Posted by Pokerpingu
You mean 6534 or? And how you fixed it. Checking those boxes doesnt work for me. Though my own hero hud starts counting and stats of others are displayed to but the hud shows for instance always 9 hands on some dude while in fact i already had over 200 hands on him.
Here is a link -

It was posted on our forums. We often post beta/internal versions of new releases on our forums in the 'HM2 Releases' sub-forum before we post them here so we can get help testing them before public release. We have a fairly large team of paid testers on staff but we often need the help of our customers to get additional feedback on fixes/features.

Here is a link to the thread and a quote of where it was posted:

Originally Posted by morny
William please email me if your using this latest version and your still having issues, should be able to get this taken care of, CPU will be higher because your pulling all time stats on 6-10 new players on several tables every few seconds so its not possible to avoid the extra CPU usage but it should never get to the point where its unusable. is my email

Ok so here is another update:

Id like to thank the guys with the -/-/-/-/- hud stats issue who took some time out to do a teamviewer with me so i could narrow down the problem, it turned out to be anyone with "Include hands for other limits" in Hud Options > Hud Filters then it would make everyone's HUD show as /-/-/-/-/ but even though this was reported earlier we couldn't reproduce because it only happens after you untick AND reboot HM2. Were now working on putting a fix for this, if you tick that option in the meantime the HUD will work fine.

Known issues left are:
Hud sometimes wont show until the 2nd hand only after youve restarted HM2 and stars.
Bug i just mentioned above for "include hands for other limits"
There was an issue with the installer that would sometimes cause a crash if an exe didnt close correctly, well need to fix that before the next release
/-/-/-/-/- HUD when unticking "Include hands for other limits" in Hud Options > Hud Filters

In the meantime i would be cautious with this build since were still testing internally
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Bgrind09
Is there anyway to set a specific HUD for Zoom?
This is a known issue and it has been documented in detail and provided to the developers to resolve. While I don't have a specific date for when this issue will be resolved, we are putting out updates regularly and are hoping this will be resolved in one of the upcoming releases.

The previously assigned internal ticket # on this issue is HM-4435: Zoom - can't set desired HUD.

Set non-default HUD to be shown on Stars table, open "normal" table and "zoom". on normal cash table desired HUD is shown, but on zoom - default only.
We will often release builds on a limited basis, only in the forums for a few days first, so please check back in this forum for that ticket #.

*I am not sure if we yet have a feature request for Site Options > Games > 'Zoom' yet so you can assign a custom HUD to only Zoom tables but I am investigating that and will make sure we write a feature request if it has not yet been written up.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by KansasCT
fozzy, I just started HM2 today and the HUD is working perfectly. didn't do a thing. oh, well.

Originally Posted by paulandrew
I am using HM1 and saw something weird in the stats.
My number of hands read 235 but another players hands read 1,500.
How can another person have more hands than me?
For the opponents it should show their lifetime history, if all the additional hud filters are set to default, and assuming they have many hands in your current DB. To verify if a player at your table has more hands in the DB open the HUD Options > Active Player Details Window

HM is designed to only show your Hero's session stats at that table as we felt it was a lot more useful for a couple of reasons:
1) A lot of people will have a huge amount of stats on themselves so it saves lagging issues having to show these for yourself
2) A lot of regulars are very aware of their stats and when you have a lot of stats accumulated it would take a huge swing just for 1 stat to change since you've such a big sample and so there not very useful
3) Its much more beneficial to see your session stats to get an idea of how aggressive or passive people will see you since you sat at that table. (again even if its against a reg youll know yourself your overall image or at least you should)
4) You can easily check your overall stats in the reports section to remind any stats but again most people know their stats pretty well.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by FR-Nit
Epic fail
Lake Superior State University proposed that both "epic" and "fail" should be banished from the English language for improper use and overuse.

Last edited by Poker Clif; 03-28-2012 at 04:22 PM. Reason: typing error, no content change
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I have answered all of my PM's, and just checked the past few days of messages, but do not see a PM from you. Can you please PM me the details again or email me directly at ( and I will get you a temporary HM2 code ASAP.
Ok will do, I pmed the other person not you (denise?) as that was who responded. Thanks!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Are you playing cash or tourneys? Have you adjusted the HUD Options > HUD Filters and/or Tournament Filters? Have you adjusted the HUD Options > Config Properties > Min Hands or Stat Appearance > Min Samples values?

#2 may be related to #1:

I play cash. I hadn't touched any of those options, and they all look like they are at reasonable levels.

2) Do the hands appear to be imported at the proper clock time on the Reports? Have you ever edited your holdemmanger.config file according to instructions by one of our technicians to reduce the time between sessions shown in the reports?

Check your Site Time Adjustment setting -

If this setting is wrong for adjusting the site time to your windows time it can cause a lot of problems with the HUD and the Active Session Tab.

Apparently the site time adjustment was wrong so when i fixed, it also fixed the error in the reports. So the reports work fine now.

It should auto-refresh every 30 seconds. To make it manual refresh only you need to change the Settings > General Settings > [ ] automatically refresh.

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -

Please email the answers, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
So I'll submit that form later this week, for the problem where the HUD was not appearing for new players at the table (and stuck showing a blank HUD for the person who had left)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
Lake Superior State University proposed that both "epic" and "fail" should be banished from the English language for improper use and overuse.
lol, thanks for the laugh (i needed it)

Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Ok will do, I pmed the other person not you (denise?) as that was who responded. Thanks!
OK, did she get you taken care of yet? She doesn't check these forums often so might not have seen the PM yet. She is not online right now to ask via skype so feel free to ping me and I will get you taken care of asap.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 07:25 PM
Fozzy what's HEM company position on the app Note Caddy not giving support to questions related to their side website notecaddyadvantage?

Just when I thought I might get some use out of hem2 and note caddy for that matter.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by pureklas
Fozzy what's HEM company position on the app Note Caddy not giving support to questions related to their side website notecaddyadvantage?

Just when I thought I might get some use out of hem2 and note caddy for that matter.
NoteCaddy Advantage is a third-party site started by Nilay (a NoteCaddy forum moderator). It is not directly related to NoteCaddy or Holdem Manager.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Unfortunately there is not. HM1 will only be receiving critical fixes going forward so it will not be possible to do this in HM1. In HM1 you can reset them with a double right-click and we recently added a auto-reset feature for Anon tables in the latest version:
Thanks. I guess I should get HM2, I'm just too lazy to have to set everything up again. Do I need to make a new database, re-do my HUD, add all my alias's again and everything?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:51 PM
any estimated time on realese of HM1 zoom hud?

days or weeks?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:46 PM
Hey. When i opened HM2 today it had me enter my holdem manager login and password. said i have 0 days remaining on my trail. I purchased HEM a while ago and upgraded to HM2 a while ago. When i enter my serial number i get an error message that says to retry or contact customer service. under details it says "could not register liscense. could not register with the server. the liscense has been modified.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
Thanks. I guess I should get HM2, I'm just too lazy to have to set everything up again. Do I need to make a new database, re-do my HUD, add all my alias's again and everything?
You will need to create a new database. You can import directly from your HM1 database or manually import the original hands from your HM1 \HMArchive folder. HM2 imports hands MUCH faster than HM1 so it should be a relatively quick process by comparison. I don't think the alias's will be created automatically so you will likely need to create them again but you can open HM1 and then HM2 to have them open at the same time so it shouldnt be too hard to look at the HM1 alias menu and duplicate it in HM2.

Custom HUDs can be imported from HM1 but you have to import the main prefs.xml from HM1 and delete any unnecessary HUD configs using the Import 1.0 button in the HM2 HUD Options menu. Or you can recreate them manually and take advantage of the large number of new stats in HM2.

Originally Posted by Ijizz
any estimated time on realese of HM1 zoom hud?

days or weeks?

"Since the HM2 update has been released for Zoom, we are now working on the integration of Zoom for HM1. We anticipate that will take a few days but at this point we can't commit to specific date. We are extending an additional 30 day trial of HM2 for any HM1 users so that Zoom support is available to them . . . just contact and request the new trial period."

Originally Posted by TheComeUp
Hey. When i opened HM2 today it had me enter my holdem manager login and password. said i have 0 days remaining on my trail. I purchased HEM a while ago and upgraded to HM2 a while ago. When i enter my serial number i get an error message that says to retry or contact customer service. under details it says "could not register liscense. could not register with the server. the liscense has been modified.
Please try all the steps on this FAQ -

If you continue to have registration issues, please send your Reg.log and log.txt files as explained in the last step.

Please zip and email the logs, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
NoteCaddy Advantage is a third-party site started by Nilay (a NoteCaddy forum moderator). It is not directly related to NoteCaddy or Holdem Manager.
Except that the notecaddy developer has stated in their thread that he is involved with the project and is dealing with payment processing. On top of that he is deleting threads, in the note caddy forum on the holdem manager forum, related to topics about things they are selling.

Edit: Just to be clear that is related to getting help for doing the work yourself.

Last edited by pureklas; 03-29-2012 at 02:34 AM. Reason: To be concise.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 02:30 AM
Not sure if this has been reported but in the sessions report, the total sessions time for the month is way off.

I have played 12 hours this week and it's giving me 9 hours for the entire month.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by MMD
Not sure if this has been reported but in the sessions report, the total sessions time for the month is way off.

I have played 12 hours this week and it's giving me 9 hours for the entire month.

We have a similar issue reported at the moment, can i please ask you to email the problem hands to and i will test and see if it is the same issue, can you also link to this thread.

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by pureklas
Except that the notecaddy developer has stated in their thread that he is involved with the project and is dealing with payment processing. On top of that he is deleting threads, in the note caddy forum on the holdem manager forum, related to topics about things they are selling.

Edit: Just to be clear that is related to getting help for doing the work yourself.

I am unsure of your issue so i am going to forward this to our 2nd level support some one will reply to you asap.

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 03:19 AM
Is there a way other than playing zoom to not have the mucked and board cards pop up at the end of a hand?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 03:20 AM
All I want is fairness Denise. The ability to post on the NC forum and not have my thread deleted because it conflicts with side income you are making. After seven years of posting on forums. Owning PT; poker ace hud; Hem1; Table manager; Table ninja; Note caddy from the beginning; Hem 2; table scan to name a few. I've never once had anyone refuse to help me and then delete the thread!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Denise26

We have a similar issue reported at the moment, can i please ask you to email the problem hands to and i will test and see if it is the same issue, can you also link to this thread.

Holdem Manager Support
Hi Denise I'm not quite sure what you mean or how I would go about doing it? Iv played 15k hands this month.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 03:46 AM

A new zoom internal version is available to test for anyone who wishes to do so
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2012 , 03:47 AM
Hud finally works but sometimes now when i fast fold between hads the default huds shows up and dissapears about 1 second later ....
Holdem Manager Support Quote
