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02-25-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by evasive
hem 1.12.06 ipoker, started new database for HU sngs, went back to old database for a couple of Dons - they imported ok, logged back into the HU database a few days later and these two Dons imported - so now they are in both databases, anything I may be doing wrong?
It sounds like they are not being archived from the client folder. They should get archived when HM is closed and/or opened if the client is not locking the files.

The poker clients may be locking the files so make sure you close the poker client before you close HM2 so it gets a chance to archive it. You should also open HM2 before you launch the poker client.

It should be ok to just delete them from the HU database?
Yes, find the tourney in the Dataview tab and select it in the upper window and then select [x] All the hands in the lower window and delete all the hands. Once the hands are deleted you will need to right-click the tourney results row in the upper window and Delete the results.

But id like not to have to do that every time I switch.
Just logged into the old database , clicked import and the last HU sng (out of 4) played today got imported.
Could changing databases whilst the pokersite is open cause this problem?

Use the steps I gave above to make sure the ipoker client is locking the files but you may also want to manually check the HH folder for your poker client to be sure they were archived before you change databases.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Elite Donk
Why does the hud stat 'Fold to flop CB Raised Pot' give a different % to the stat inside the main popup window under VS PFR: 'Fold to CB', under 'Regular'?
Please reproduce the problem and email a screen shot -

Please email the picture, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by MMD
Hey I will try and explain this as best I can.

On HEM1 when setting up the position of your HUD and the position of mucked cards, board etc.... you could click an option that showed you every single thing that the HUD would show at the table and you could move everything around using that. It was great for setting up the positions of mucked cards.

Is there an option like that in HEM2? Where would I find it? Thanks.
It is in the Settings menu on the table averages HUD at each table -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I am sorry about that. I had the same problem so I will send you a different link via PM.
I downloaded the new version you sent me via pm and its not working. Is there anything you can suggest or should I just try to download the link again?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
I downloaded the new version you sent me via pm and its not working. Is there anything you can suggest or should I just try to download the link again?
Are you playing 6max or full ring rebuy mtts? The 1.12.10 internal version I linked you to should work for full ring rebuys. If you are playing 6max there is nothing I can do until the developers finally push a fix for it and we get an official release of 1.12.10.

The only thing I can suggest would be the following as we need more 6max rebuy mtt hands to help the developers fix it:

Please reproduce the problem and post a screen shot of your desktop -

with the following:

1) The table manager
2) The tables (including one with no stats)
3) The ...handhistory\screenname folder.
4) The "\rvg software\holdem manager\importing\hud data" folder AND the \appdata\roaming\hem data folder.

Please Zip these folders and email them, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to

Please make 3 and 4 the detailed view with the dates and file sizes etc.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Elite Donk
Why does the hud stat 'Fold to flop CB Raised Pot' give a different % to the stat inside the main popup window under VS PFR: 'Fold to CB', under 'Regular'?
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Please reproduce the problem and email a screen shot -

Please email the picture, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Is this HM1? One of our stat specialists just told me this sounds like an old bug that was recently fixed.

Please update to the latest version -

*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 09:03 PM
Any update on ELG?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-25-2012 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
Any update on ELG?

HM2 is completely useless if it can't import hands
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 06:11 AM
Looks like adjusting time didnt fix the active session as I said eariler. Here it's how it works for me. You can see that I played some tournaments in report section. Also notice how some column names in reports disappear when I click refresh.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by netsrak
We are aware of the new tourneys on Stars and working on a fix. To help us please send us the original hands and summary files for some sample tourneys with link to this thread to

We are also working on some fixes for the HM2 redline but this hasn't been completed yet.
I sent along some HH and summaries and linked the thread.

Any ETA on the HM2 redline bug? It's been months, and until it's fixed I can't switch from HM1 to HM2. Do they know what is causing the disparity?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 07:15 AM
I want to add the Open 4-bet/Cold 4-bet stat to one of my HUD popups, where can I find this stat?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
HUD Options > Main Popup > Table Stats > Remove all 3 stats from the 'Table Stats' window

HUD Options > config properties > hud settings

turn off [ ] Settings/HUD Select and change Last Hand Winners to 0
Actually I have Omaha manager and I don't even have those settings...
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
Any update on ELG?
We are still working on it. I don't have any ETA.

Originally Posted by ra]\\[dom
Looks like adjusting time didnt fix the active session as I said eariler. Here it's how it works for me. You can see that I played some tournaments in report section. Also notice how some column names in reports disappear when I click refresh.
Please send the original handhistories for some sample tourneys and the video link together with link to this thread to
We need to check this.

Originally Posted by OMGBarackObama
I sent along some HH and summaries and linked the thread.

Any ETA on the HM2 redline bug? It's been months, and until it's fixed I can't switch from HM1 to HM2. Do they know what is causing the disparity?
I have no ETA for this. But a new release with a lot of bugfixes will be released in the next days.

Originally Posted by Antidote
I want to add the Open 4-bet/Cold 4-bet stat to one of my HUD popups, where can I find this stat?
You find the available stats in the 4bet section

Originally Posted by Mustardgas
Actually I have Omaha manager and I don't even have those settings...
Hud options -> Player preferences -> Choose your active Hud configuration -> Appearance -> disable "Show table avgs" and change "number of pots" to 0
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by netsrak
Hud options -> Player preferences -> Choose your active Hud configuration -> Appearance -> disable "Show table avgs" and change "number of pots" to 0
Yep. I have done these steps but that box still don't disappear.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 10:19 AM
I've had this problem for some time now but never bothered me cuz i never got into playing heads up. However, when I play 6-max the HEM pops up automatically on each table. When I play multiple HU matches I have to do the table finder on one table and when the other match starts it keeps switching stats- like on the table i did the table finder on with the same person it switches stats from his and my other match every hand. I can make a quick video and post it on here if that is easier. Kinda annoying to explain. Thanks in advance.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Mustardgas
Yep. I have done these steps but that box still don't disappear.
Make sure the HUD Options > Player Preferences > Use For tab are setup accordingly. It sounds like you are not editing the proper HUD config if the changes aren't taking effect.

If you continue to have problems, pPlease email your holdemmanager.config and prefs.xml files from C:\Program Files(x86)\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config. If your extensions are off you'll just see a file called holdemmanager. Windows hides 'known file extensions' by default.

Please email the files, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
I've had this problem for some time now but never bothered me cuz i never got into playing heads up. However, when I play 6-max the HEM pops up automatically on each table. When I play multiple HU matches I have to do the table finder on one table and when the other match starts it keeps switching stats- like on the table i did the table finder on with the same person it switches stats from his and my other match every hand. I can make a quick video and post it on here if that is easier. Kinda annoying to explain. Thanks in advance.
A video might help me to provide some suggestions but only because I don't know which version of HM you are referring to or which site/games. It sounds like something is setup wrong in your HUD Options or perhaps corrupted in the files for those settings.

HM1 or HM2? Which site/games?

Make sure you update to the latest version -

If you continue to have problems, try the following -


1) Export any custom HUDs
2) Close HM and the Table Manager.
3) Delete > \Holdem Manager\Config\prefs.xml. If you want to reset your HUD panel positions also, delete: pospref.txt, and pospref2.txt, and pospref4.txt.
4) Start HM< Auto Import, Open the Table Manager, and test on a single cash table.


1) Export any custom HUD configs.
2) Close HM2.
3) Delete the following file: Enable the option to see Hidden Files and Disable “Hide protected operating system files”: - It should look like this:
W7 - C:\Users\Fozzy711a\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\C onfig\prefs.xml
XP - C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\HoldemManager\Config\prefs.xml
4) Restart HM2
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 02:14 PM
Hello, I have HM1, can I export the notes to pokerstars?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Leroy2DaBeroy
Does NoteCaddy work for MTT hands? I haven't upgraded yet - just using basic although I have a subscription and I don't think I've ever seen a note on any MTT Villains.

Originally Posted by fozzy71
Yes it works with MTT/SNG both. In the full version you can pick the game type when creating/editing a note definition and there is also a test environment that allows you to paste in HHs to see the notes it creates.
Is PLO8 not supported by NC? I.e. are Omaha note definitions Omaha-hi only and that's why I'm not getting notes for PLO8 hands?

If so, PLO8 should be added as well, IMO. A lot of the PF range stuff would be useful.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 03:01 PM
The reason the notes aren't showing for o8 is a bug that will be fixed in the next release

o8 is supported in that it picks up the hand histories and makes notes but there's no way of saying a certain note should be o8 only
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 04:22 PM
Hello, I'm trying to move my HEM database from an old comp to my new comp. I backed up old DB onto a CD but it says it's a .hembk file and im unable to just import it into HEM. Was hoping I could get some help on this please! Thanks!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Voizzz
Hello, I have HM1, can I export the notes to pokerstars?
I am sorry but this is not possible.

Originally Posted by Chipchucker5
Hello, I'm trying to move my HEM database from an old comp to my new comp. I backed up old DB onto a CD but it says it's a .hembk file and im unable to just import it into HEM. Was hoping I could get some help on this please! Thanks!
You need to restore the backup file. Importing is for hand history files. Restore is for backup files.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 05:12 PM
Iv just started playing at 888 this weekend and I am having trouble with the hud not staying in the place it should be when I open a new table. Keeps rotating. Any pointers guys? Cheers
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 05:27 PM
Hey Fozz any info on everleaf yet?
Tx Man, Stu
Holdem Manager Support Quote
02-26-2012 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by MMD
Iv just started playing at 888 this weekend and I am having trouble with the hud not staying in the place it should be when I open a new table. Keeps rotating. Any pointers guys? Cheers
Please make sure you setup the pref seat in pacific client -

Then setup the HM2 pref seat option to match -

If the HUD appears on the tables before you have finished playing your first hand do NOT move the HUDs on the table. The following quote is from the HM1 FAQ but it holds true for HM2 also:

Important Note: Seating preference only works after we sit down and play a couple of hands not straight away, it does not work while we are observing tables so never move the stats box into their positions while observing or if youve played less than 3 hands. The first time you setup seating preferences just open 1 table, play a couple of hands and move all the stats boxes on that table to the correct places, then open a 2nd table, wait for 3-4 hands and the hands should line up fine then.

The biggest mistake people make is to start moving the boxes too soon without allowing time for a couple of hands to import because they dont line up until a couple of hands have imported. Also if your having issues with preferred seating make sure WYSIWYG is ticked in Hud Options / Table Preferences
Holdem Manager Support Quote
