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01-22-2012 , 05:36 PM
Having major trouble with PostgreSQL please help!!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-22-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Do you mean it deleted that one entry and all the hands under that result, or did it delete all results/hands?

You will need to manually import the hands/summaries again from your archive.

To get all your missed hands imported

1) Right-Click your Desktop > New > Folder.
2) Go to your \HMArchive folder - To verify the path, go to Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder: _________.
3) Open that folder and copy the hands (folders of hands) you think it has missed. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HMArchive\2009\07\31). Also get any hand files that are in your \poker site\hand history folder.
4) Paste them into your new desktop folder > HM > Import From Folder.

If you continue to have problems, try the following -
*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -
Before I try anything I'd just like to say that I don't think any of the hands are lost as data in the REPORTS/PREFLOP CARDS/HANDS tab are still intact. It is strictly data in the Results tab where I tried to check a box for one tourny entry I wanted to delete and the rest are gone. I've tried manually re-importing the hands and it just says importing duplicate hands so basically just the tourny entries in the results tab are missing.

Do I have to create a new database to retrieve the info, or is there another way? Thanks
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Slasher1
Having major trouble with PostgreSQL please help!!
What sort of trouble? Can't connect?

This is usually a firewall or windows update issue.

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

Please try all the following steps -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by 10bbs
Before I try anything I'd just like to say that I don't think any of the hands are lost as data in the REPORTS/PREFLOP CARDS/HANDS tab are still intact. It is strictly data in the Results tab where I tried to check a box for one tourny entry I wanted to delete and the rest are gone. I've tried manually re-importing the hands and it just says importing duplicate hands so basically just the tourny entries in the results tab are missing.
Did you try copying the files to a new folder before you imported them? You can't import the same hands from the same folder twice.

If it still says duplicates after copying/importing from a new folder, you can try to purge the hands and then copy to and import from a new folder again.

Do I have to create a new database to retrieve the info, or is there another way? Thanks
If none of the above steps solve it a new database will likely be the easiest fix.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:48 PM
Any news regarding the Android app? ETA?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by whatdafeck
Any news regarding the Android app? ETA?
No, not at this time. It is still on our to do list but it is low priority right now so it won't be real soon.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-22-2012 , 11:34 PM
I just downgraded to HM1. HM2 has cost me so much money and time already. It's clearly a buggy software and I'm not going to be a guinea pig for you guys. I'm just being honest. I've had the program for a very short period of time and have had severe issues with it. I'll check back in a few months once things get ironed out by you guys.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by AnimalWarrior
I just upgraded to HM1. HM2 has cost me so much money and time already. It's clearly a buggy software and I'm not going to be a guinea pig for you guys. I'm just being honest. I've had the program for a very short period of time and have had severe issues with it. I'll check back in a few months once things get ironed out by you guys.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 08:45 AM
I want to run a report which filters for all those hands when hero donks the flop heads up (ie 2 players to flop and villain is PFR).

The big problem is that filtering "flop action=bet" only filters those hands where villain then folds or calls the flop, and excludes hands where villain raises the flop...

How do we filter for exactly all those hands where hero donks?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 08:46 AM
Hi all i am having a problem with HEM it will not track hands in 2012 I have downloaded the latest release/update i thought that would fix it but to no avail sorry if this has been asked/posted Before Everything else works ok btw
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by tagWAG
I want to run a report which filters for all those hands when hero donks the flop heads up (ie 2 players to flop and villain is PFR).

The big problem is that filtering "flop action=bet" only filters those hands where villain then folds or calls the flop, and excludes hands where villain raises the flop...

How do we filter for exactly all those hands where hero donks?
Is this for HM1 or HM2? You should be able to select more Bet actions if you press SHIFT and select the flop actions.

Originally Posted by enzo72uk
Hi all i am having a problem with HEM it will not track hands in 2012 I have downloaded the latest release/update i thought that would fix it but to no avail sorry if this has been asked/posted Before Everything else works ok btw
Which site are you playing? I assume you are talking about HM1? If you are playing on Stars you must update to HM1 version 1.12.09:
Please check the version in the HM title. If its still not working please check the handhistory configuration of your Pokerclient and the auto-import folders in HM

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 01-23-2012 at 10:51 AM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by netsrak
Please contact [email]
Is this for HM1 or HM2? You should be able to select more Bet actions if you press SHIFT and select the flop actions.

if i select just one of bet/fold or bet/call or bet/raise then HM2 filters ok for just that sequence

But if i select them all, then HM2 just gives no results (there should be......)

so i still dont see any way to get exactly all those hands after betting flop.............
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by AnimalWarrior
.... I'll check back in a few months once things get ironed out by you guys.
Im very sorry to hear your initial experience wasnt a good one and ill PM you to see if there is anything i can do to work through those issues, i respect that you may not have time at the moment but hopefully we can help you out some way.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:09 AM
yes sorry i play on pokerstars and it is HM1 1.12.09
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:26 AM
I just got HEM2 and it seemed to have automattically made a note "[F] when holding straight draw played aggressively" on a player, but im not sure what it means.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:54 AM
Is standard deviation on winrate not available in HEM 2? I can't seem to find it.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 12:07 PM
I just tried to use hold em manager for the 1st time in a long time. I used the most recent update posted in this thread for holdem manager 1. It then said I had only a 15 day trial. I went to register it, but I already have it registered. Is it a 15 day trial or do I have the full product?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by tagWAG
I want to run a report which filters for all those hands when hero donks the flop heads up (ie 2 players to flop and villain is PFR).

The big problem is that filtering "flop action=bet" only filters those hands where villain then folds or calls the flop, and excludes hands where villain raises the flop...

How do we filter for exactly all those hands where hero donks?
Originally Posted by netsrak
Is this for HM1 or HM2? You should be able to select more Bet actions if you press SHIFT and select the flop actions.

Originally Posted by tagWAG

if i select just one of bet/fold or bet/call or bet/raise then HM2 filters ok for just that sequence

But if i select them all, then HM2 just gives no results (there should be......)

so i still dont see any way to get exactly all those hands after betting flop.............
I have sent an email to my supervisor and tech team for more input on this question. At first glance it appears to be a bug of some sort but once I have more details or an internal ticket# to reference I will reply back with my findings.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by enzo72uk
yes sorry i play on pokerstars and it is HM1 1.12.09
Filter > Clear and then Filter > Use for all. Also try enabling the Options > Settings... > Miscellaneous > [x] Auto apply filter changes to all tabs

Make sure the hand histories and poker client are in English.

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

Reboot the PC.

If you continue to have problems, try the following -
*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'tWork

Please email the answers, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
Is standard deviation on winrate not available in HEM 2? I can't seem to find it.
I can't find it either so I am investigating this further to see if we need to write up a stat request for it. Once I have more info I will reply again.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by John IrL
I just tried to use hold em manager for the 1st time in a long time. I used the most recent update posted in this thread for holdem manager 1. It then said I had only a 15 day trial. I went to register it, but I already have it registered. Is it a 15 day trial or do I have the full product?
Please try using our site to register your current/new license. If your code isn't there already you can upload it manually and then reset the code whenever necessary.

If you continue to have registration issues, please send your Reg.log file from the C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Logs folder. If your Windows is hiding known file extensions the file will simply be called 'reg'.

Please email the log, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 01:18 PM
I'm having a lot of trouble with HEM2

1. The client started auto-importing Note Caddy notes and does this on launch everytime, how can I stop this ?

2. When I try to make a note on a player, the client often crashes, this is very annoying

3. I play on Pokerstars and when I sit at a table, it takes like 2 hands for the HUD to show up, and once it does the stats are in the wrong place and they're not all there. They only get in place after I play the 2nd hand of Poker. This is very annoying.

4. The WTSD stat is wrong on the HUD, it is not the same as the one in the tabs of HEM2

5. Are you going to add more "Vs Hero" stats ? Why is there so few of them ?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 01:24 PM
Would just like to thank Fozzy for all the help he has given me over the past 2 or so days. He has been very fast in responding and extremely accomodating.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Klakteuh
I'm having a lot of trouble with HEM2

1. The client started auto-importing Note Caddy notes and does this on launch everytime, how can I stop this ?
This is a known bug affecting some NC users. You can turn off NC under the HUD Options > Displayed stats if you want it completely disabled.

It looks like Sreti put out a patch that solved it in this thread/post -

2. When I try to make a note on a player, the client often crashes, this is very annoying
Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and email your log.txt file to with a link to this thread and your forum name.

c:\documents and settings\{username}\application data\HoldemManager


Enable the option to see Hidden Files and Disable “Hide protected operating system files”: - It should look like this:

3. I play on Pokerstars and when I sit at a table, it takes like 2 hands for the HUD to show up, and once it does the stats are in the wrong place and they're not all there. They only get in place after I play the 2nd hand of Poker. This is very annoying

This is a combination of the pre-fetch of observed hands and having the preferred seating option enabled.

If you open a table and don't sit down the HUD will appear to aid in table selection. Once you sit down the table spins to put you in the preferred seat you chose in the pokerstars options. The HUD can not spin to adjust until after you play your first hand, and HM2 imports the hand.

You can disable pre-fetch by removing the Hand Importing > Auto Import Folders > \users\username\appdata\roaming\hem data folder.

4. The WTSD stat is wrong on the HUD, it is not the same as the one in the tabs of HEM2
This is a known bug that should be fixed in our next release.

5. Are you going to add more "Vs Hero" stats ? Why is there so few of them ?

Yes, we have some open requests for more of these stats to be added in the future but I don't have an ETA yet. If there are specific ones you would like to see us add, please email your suggestions to and we can check to see if they have already been requested and/or add them to the open requests.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-23-2012 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I can't find it either so I am investigating this further to see if we need to write up a stat request for it. Once I have more info I will reply again.
Thanks's a bit odd that it is not in there since this is one of the most basic stats that has been available since the earliest versions of tracking software.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
