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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

01-14-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by dickkemp
My HEM1 just crashed or something. I did not try to add that stat. It just started doing this:

Originally Posted by dickkemp
Here are the details of framework, Iam currently uninstalling and reinstalling HEM and will probably need my product key again.

Originally Posted by dickkemp
Reinstall from scratch worked and found product key. ......

This was likely a corrupted main holdemmanager.config file.

If it happens again, try this before you try a complete reinstall:

0. Make sure you have installed the latest Beta version.
1. Note your database connection settings from the database management
2. Close holdemmanager
3. Go to the folder config in the holdemmanager installation path
4. Rename the file holdemmanager.config to holdemmanager.config.corrupt or sth. like that.
5. Under Vista make sure that UAC is switched off or check the administrator settings for holdemmanager.exe, hmhud.exe and dbcontrolpanel.exe under properties->compatibility
6. Restart Holdemmanager
7. Holdemmanager reinstalls and displays some messages and warnings
7a. A new holdemmanager.config file is generated
8. Reconfigure your database connection
9. After successful start reconfigure your Auto-import settings
10. Table manager should start again.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Mainfield
The hud hand replayer stopped working again. In the beta build that I tried last week it started working, however since the update a couple days ago it won't work on the 3 sites I tried it on.

I also had a strange pop-up bug which I'm almost hesitant to describe because I have no idea how it happened. However twice this session the pop-up would not work. It was working fine on a table and then it all of a sudden wouldn't, I restarted HEM2 and it worked, but a couple minutes later it happened to another table. And for the next half an hour the pop up would never pop up and I was forced to rely on the HUD. I was playing 10 tables at the time and the others were seemingly unaffected.
Pardon the canned replies, if I have given them to you in the past:

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Update your graphics drivers -

If you continue to have problems, try the following -

Reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework:

If Vista/XP:
1) Download and run this uninstaller -
2) Install this one:

Then download 4.0 here -

If Windows 7:
1) Download and run this uninstaller -
2) Install this one:

Make sure windows is still fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

If you continue to have problems:
  1. Please email me at, with a link to this thread, and your forum name, so we can schedule a Teamviewer session. Download the Teamviewer Quick Support Module - Please let me know what time zone you are in and what time/days are convenient for you. I schedule support from 09:00 - 18:00 GMT, any day except Sunday or Wednesday.
  2. Please reproduce the problem and attach your log.txt file.

Please the file before attaching it, as sometimes text files can become corrupted as attachments.

c:\documents and settings\{username}\application data\HoldemManager


Enable the option to see Hidden Files and Disable “Hide protected operating system files”: - It should look like this:


Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheComeUp
For some reason all my hands from pacific and microgaming arent being imported now. When it auto imports it says "files imported 1 of 1" "hands im ported 0". Stars is importing fine, my hud works fine. what can i do?

Uncheck "Import from Subfolders" in the auto-import settings.

Move the gamehistory.dat file your \hmarchive folder and import it via Import From File(s).


Move the files in the handhistory folder to your \hmarchive folder and import them via import file or import from folder.

Try a new session with auto-import. A new handhistory file should be generated.

If you continue to have problems, try the following -

*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'tWork

Please email the answers, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to

Please attach your holdemmanager.config file from C:\Program Files(x86)\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config. If your extensions are off you'll just see a file called holdemmanager. Windows hides 'known file extensions' by default.


Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 10:16 PM
I'm currently using HEM version 1.12.03b and am looking to update the software but cannot seem to find a link.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 10:53 PM
Prima imports have been very slow since yesterday. I have changed nothing on my setup.

After I play a hand it will take HEM about 20-30 secs to import it and for the hud to finnally show mucked hands / recent pot.

I tried to reinstall the poker client and deleted the hh file but nothing.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:01 PM
HM1: Please update to the latest version - 1.12.09

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 01-14-2012 at 11:07 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Sofa King
I'm currently using HEM version 1.12.03b and am looking to update the software but cannot seem to find a link.
Originally Posted by Patvs
HM1: Please update to the latest version - 1.12.09
The HM1 official updates are still on the downloads page. You just have to scroll down past the HM1 setup link to the 'older versions' section of the page.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by JusRight
Prima imports have been very slow since yesterday. I have changed nothing on my setup.

After I play a hand it will take HEM about 20-30 secs to import it and for the hud to finnally show mucked hands / recent pot.

I tried to reinstall the poker client and deleted the hh file but nothing.

Please update to the latest version -

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'tWork

Please email the answers, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:49 PM
is it possible to import a hud from hem1 to hem2?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by spoogy167
is it possible to import a hud from hem1 to hem2?
Yes, HM2 -> Hud options -> Import 1.0
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 07:57 AM
i have a trial version of HM2. my HUD is not recordin hands and on all tables after maybe 500 hands i have only 10 hands or so recorded in the HUD. I play on Pokerstars.

Also, in sessions it will show very little hands recorder as a result thus completely wrong $ won/lost because of the few hands it records.

I am not very big on computers and deff not planing to spend countless hours trying to figure out what the problem is. I wanted to buy HM2 but now it just seems like too much hassle to deal with all these issues. I mean the basic stuff doesn't seem to work properly.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by spoogy167
is it possible to import a hud from hem1 to hem2?
Originally Posted by stevdoro
i have a trial version of HM2. my HUD is not recordin hands and on all tables after maybe 500 hands i have only 10 hands or so recorded in the HUD. I play on Pokerstars.

Also, in sessions it will show very little hands recorder as a result thus completely wrong $ won/lost because of the few hands it records.

I am not very big on computers and deff not planing to spend countless hours trying to figure out what the problem is. I wanted to buy HM2 but now it just seems like too much hassle to deal with all these issues. I mean the basic stuff doesn't seem to work properly.
Stars changed the handhistory format recently so please make sure you have your HM2 upgraded to build 6088 (Settings -> check for update).
And please check your configuration of the stars handhistory folder and the HM2 auto-import:
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 01:06 PM
Hi, im posting this here since i havent got a response on my mail after mailing a few times.

1 or 2 years ago i bought a HEM key that i used without problems, and a half year ago i got my email stolen and my computer crashed so bad i had to format it. When i tried to reinstall HEM i couldnt get my HEM key since i couldnt get into my mailbox (fu hotmail). Now i just started playing again and after my trial has expired i want to have a legal copy of HEM, i just cant afford a new key right now and i have already paid for one.

Can you contact me in PM to sort this out? Thank you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by urgen
Hi, im posting this here since i havent got a response on my mail after mailing a few times.

1 or 2 years ago i bought a HEM key that i used without problems, and a half year ago i got my email stolen and my computer crashed so bad i had to format it. When i tried to reinstall HEM i couldnt get my HEM key since i couldnt get into my mailbox (fu hotmail). Now i just started playing again and after my trial has expired i want to have a legal copy of HEM, i just cant afford a new key right now and i have already paid for one.

Can you contact me in PM to sort this out? Thank you.
I would like to apologize for this, can you please PM me your email address and i can look up and see why your email has not being answered, and we will get your issue solved as soon as possible

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26
I would like to apologize for this, can you please PM me your email address and i can look up and see why your email has not being answered, and we will get your issue solved as soon as possible

Holdem Manager Support
I cant PM you
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 02:28 PM
When's the next update for HEM2 coming? The last one was a complete POS, it broke everything and made the performance even worse. When are we actually going to see any performance gains? I'm pretty sure the last update promised some and it made it even slower while using more resources. I hear a lot of fluff about how you're working around the clock but nothing actually changes.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by urgen
I cant PM you
Here is my email ........... email me here and i will look into the issue.

Holdem Manager Support

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 01-16-2012 at 12:37 PM. Reason: removed email
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by luke4130
When's the next update for HEM2 coming? The last one was a complete POS, it broke everything and made the performance even worse. When are we actually going to see any performance gains? I'm pretty sure the last update promised some and it made it even slower while using more resources. I hear a lot of fluff about how you're working around the clock but nothing actually changes.

I would like to apologize for the problems you are having, can you please let us know What version you are using is it 6112, if so can you please email as there was some big performance gains across the board in that version, so can you please email the address above to arrange a team viewer session also link to this thread.

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 04:34 PM
New to HM2. How do I edit tourney results? It says I bought into a tournement for 108,000 and it's skewing all my results. Thanks!

Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. Still trying to get used to the new interface.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by IsAmbitionEnough
New to HM2. How do I edit tourney results? It says I bought into a tournement for 108,000 and it's skewing all my results. Thanks!

If you go to the tournament stat > right click on a tournament > edit > you will be able to edit in the tournament editor

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

If you go to the tournament stat > right click on a tournament > edit > you will be able to edit in the tournament editor

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:10 PM
Does Optomize do the same thing as Vacuum and Analyze?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
Does Optomize do the same thing as Vacuum and Analyze?


Yes it does the same thing, if you are referring to HM1 See this FAQ for the automatic vacuum solution we added to the 1.11.04 build on 8/11/2010

If you want to do it manually, read below.

Overview: (Options/Vacuum Analyze Database)

For HM2 go to databasemanger > Maintenance > optimize

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

I would like to apologize for the problems you are having, can you please let us know What version you are using is it 6112, if so can you please email as there was some big performance gains across the board in that version, so can you please email the address above to arrange a team viewer session also link to this thread.

Holdem Manager Support
I'm using 6088. Last time I emailed with a bug was a month ago, heard no updates, bugs still there. What's the point? Nothing gets fixed.

I'm pretty sure 6088 promised big performance gains and it's slower, uses more resources and has even more bugs than before. What exactly is different about 6112?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-15-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by luke4130
I'm using 6088. Last time I emailed with a bug was a month ago, heard no updates, bugs still there. What's the point? Nothing gets fixed.

I'm pretty sure 6088 promised big performance gains and it's slower, uses more resources and has even more bugs than before. What exactly is different about 6112?

The performance updates are ongoing and there have being a bunch more since 6088 but you are right that there was some in 6088 also, we did send version 6112 to a beta tester that was having issues with performance and he said the improvement was significant. If you are still getting issues with this version then you may have another issue which is why we would like to do a team viewer session to assist you and resolve the issue.

We have several other performance updates planned and are releasing them in phases over the next couple of weeks.

Holdem Manager Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
