FTCash - free script for FullTilt cash players.
I'm not running any other AHK scripts, but I do have Hold'em Manager and HUD running.
I have desktop composition turned off on full tilt.
I generally play stars, but I mess around on FT from time to time and just got a bonus on FT so I'm grinding a bit there now to clear it.
Is "Display table on action" option checked in FT client and is everything working fine without FTCash?
I know "Display table on Action" is checked. As far as everything working fine, well, I'm not sure. I'm running FTCash to use my gamepad, otherwise I'm using a mouse so I guess I'm not sure how to tell?
One thing I did try last night was to over lap the tables some. When a table needed action, it actually moved to the top of the zorder of windows, but the red active square stayed on the old table as well as input.
I do not have move mouse or activate table under mouse on.
I can try the run as admin on the ft client later tonight when I'm home.
Sometimes it works just fine, others I have to manually move the focus. Could it be some strange timing issue? On stars I use your modified StarsHotkeys script and I think it uses a loop vs FTCash looks like it uses all timer functions.
One thing I did try last night was to over lap the tables some. When a table needed action, it actually moved to the top of the zorder of windows, but the red active square stayed on the old table as well as input.
I do not have move mouse or activate table under mouse on.
I can try the run as admin on the ft client later tonight when I'm home.
Sometimes it works just fine, others I have to manually move the focus. Could it be some strange timing issue? On stars I use your modified StarsHotkeys script and I think it uses a loop vs FTCash looks like it uses all timer functions.
One thing I did try last night was to over lap the tables some. When a table needed action, it actually moved to the top of the zorder of windows, but the red active square stayed on the old table as well as input.
I may have figured out another difference. Haven't had a problem tonight so far, and the difference is I don't have that little bonus window up all of the time.
Cool script.
I am having one issue though... the Sit Out All and Deal Me In All hotkeys only work for tables of the same stakes. For instance, if I'm at two $1/2 tables and two $2/4 tables and I use the Sit Out All hotkey, it only sits me out on the $1/2 tables, but I'm still sitting in at the $2/4 tables.
Any way to fix this?
Cool script.
I am having one issue though... the Sit Out All and Deal Me In All hotkeys only work for tables of the same stakes. For instance, if I'm at two $1/2 tables and two $2/4 tables and I use the Sit Out All hotkey, it only sits me out on the $1/2 tables, but I'm still sitting in at the $2/4 tables.
Any way to fix this?
If you can fix the problem I described above, I'd happily ship you a donation on FTP... basically I want to be able to sit out on all tables across multiple limits (NL/PLO cash games).
If it's easy, I'd also like to optimize the script so nothing else is in it besides the Sit Out All and Deal Me In All functionality, so the script isn't scanning the tables or consuming more resources than necessary for those features.
PM me if you're interested in helping Max1mums, thanks
If it's easy, I'd also like to optimize the script so nothing else is in it besides the Sit Out All and Deal Me In All functionality, so the script isn't scanning the tables or consuming more resources than necessary for those features.
PM me if you're interested in helping Max1mums, thanks
Check if this version is working correctly on nl400+ and nl400- tables at the same time. Deal me in and timebank options are most resource taking so using any other options won't affect script work alot and you can always uncheck all options you don't need.
; #### FTCash #### ; AHK version: ; date: March 14,2010 version := "1.02a" ; author: Max1mums (max1mums@overcards.com) #SingleInstance, Force #NoEnv #Persistent Settitlematchmode, 2 OnExit exitSub StringTrimRight, thisahk, A_ScriptName, 4 SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, menugui Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, reload Menu, Tray, Default, Settings Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Suspend, Suspend Menu, Tray, Add, Pause, TogglePause Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Edit, Edit Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitSub OnMessage(0x112,"WM_SYSCOMMAND") WM_SYSCOMMAND(wParam) { if (A_Gui && wParam = 0xF020) ; SC_MINIMIZE { Gui, destroy return 0 } } boost:=false ; Border of the "Highlighter" border_color := "ff0000" border_size := 5 trans := 255 debug:=0 SetBatchLines,-1 SetWinDelay,-1 SendMode Input SysGet, xbord, 32 SysGet, ybord, 33 SysGet, cap, 4 SysGet, border, 32 SysGet, caption, 4 time_x:=0.9093 time_y:=0.7200 time_x1:=0.8808 t1:=0xdedbde v:=25 back_x:=0.6534 back_y:=0.9862 back_x1:=0.5859 back1:=0x181818 v1:=5 join_x:=0.6158 join_y:=0.9292 join_x1:=0.8261 join:=0xffffff v2:=5 once:=true tablequeue= ddlist= Loop 14 ddlist:=ddlist . A_index . "|" ddlist1= ddlist1.="ssnl" . "|" ddlist1.="trny" . "|" ddlist1.="mix" . "|" ddlist1.="----" . "|" gosub,getini ifwinnotexist,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget { if flicker1 { winwait,Logged In ahk_class QWidget Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, High } } else { Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, Normal } } if flicker2 { winwait,Logged In ahk_class QWidget Process, Exist, AutoHotkey.exe if (ErrorLevel) { Ahk := ErrorLevel ; SetAffinity(Ahk,0) SetAffinity(Ahk) } Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel ; SetAffinity(FTP,0) SetAffinity(FTP) } } } else winwaitclose,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget ;;;;;;;;;;;;End of init;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if Timebank settimer,clickwithdelay,100 if autopot OR Highlight settimer,act,55 if Highlight settimer,Highlighter,43 if dealmein OR Timebank settimer,check,639 settimer,Colorinit,187 if MoveMouse settimer,MouseMove,119 settimer,BetPot,87 settimer,onFTclose,1078 if activatetableundermouse settimer,activateundermouse,133 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- onFTclose: Settitlematchmode, 3 ifwinexist,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget { exitapp } Settitlematchmode, 2 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FoldFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.6834,0.9358,id) } CallFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.8032,0.9358,id) } RaiseFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.9356,0.9358,id) } Fold2anyFT(id) { global Racetrack if Racetrack PostclickFT(0.4325,0.8937,id) else PostclickFT(0.0088,0.7472,id) } Fold2anyFT400(id) { global Racetrack if Racetrack PostclickFT(0.4193,0.9169,id) } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fold: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { FoldFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold%} } sendmode input return call: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { callFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%call%,ahk_id%id% send {%call%} } sendmode input return raise: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { raiseFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%raise%,ahk_id%id% send {%raise%} } sendmode input return fold2any: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { fold2anyFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold2any%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold2any%} } sendmode input return fold2any400: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { fold2anyFT400(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold2any%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold2any400%} } sendmode input return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pot1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round1 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot1Pre A_space Pot1Flop A_space Pot1Turn A_space Pot1River, Roundsb, Open1, fix1) if autobet raiseFT(id) return pot2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round2 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot2Pre A_space Pot2Flop A_space Pot2Turn A_space Pot2River, Roundsb, Open2, fix2) if autobet raiseFT(id) return pot3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round3 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot3Pre A_space Pot3Flop A_space Pot3Turn A_space Pot3River, Roundsb, Open3, fix3) if autobet raiseFT(id) return alt1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb1 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"up", incr1, sb) return alt2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb2 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"down", incr2, sb) return alt3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb3 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"up", incr3, sb) return alt4: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb4 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"down", incr4, sb) return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetPot: GroupAdd, FullTiltTables,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,,Full Tilt if autopot { isbetboxnew() } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsBetBoxNew() { global oldid,PotDefPre,PotDefFlop,PotDefTurn,PotDefRiver,RoundDef,OpenDef,FixDef winget winid,id,A betboxX:=0.9687 betboxY:=0.8000 relFTclientpoint(winid,betboxX,betboxY,0) pixelgetcolor,bet,betboxX,betboxY,ahk_id%winid% if (winid<>oldid) { if bet=0xffffff { oldid:=winid if RoundDef Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(winid,PotDefPre A_space PotDefFlop A_space PotDefTurn A_space PotDefRiver, Roundsb, OpenDef, FixDef) } else oldid= } else { if bet!=0xffffff oldid= } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- act: id:=act() wingetclass,class,A wingettitle,title,A ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget if (instr(title, "Logged In") & instr(title, "/")) winactivate,ahk_id%id% return act() { winget,list,list, Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt return list1 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- activateundermouse: activatetableundermouse() return activatetableundermouse() { MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% if (class="QWidget") winactivate, ahk_id %WinID% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ActivateBottomWindow: GroupActivate, FullTiltTables return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SitOutNextAll: ;ClickImBack:=false settimer,Check,off WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%Z% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 if Racetrack { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.4263 sity:=0.9264 } else { sitx:=0.4125 sity:=0.9345 } } else { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7770 } else { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7857 } } click_x:=sitx+0.0070 click_y:=sity+0.0070 WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z% if w>1000 Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,15,15) else Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,10,10) if !(instr(Sittingout,"-0-")) & !(instr(Sittingout,"1710618")) ; & !(instr(Sittingout,"16777215")) { PostClickFT(click_x, click_y, Z, 0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveSitout: ;ClickImBack:=true if dealmein OR Timebank settimer,Check,639 if Racetrack { sitx:=0.4278 sity:=0.9287 } else { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7770 } click_x:=sitx+0.0070 click_y:=sity+0.0070 WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z% if w>1000 Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,15,15) else Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,10,10) ; FileAppend, %Sittingout%`n`n, test.txt if (instr(Sittingout,"-0-")) || (instr(Sittingout,"1710618")) ; & !(instr(Sittingout,"16777215")) { PostClickFT(click_x, click_y, Z, 0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout1: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 7} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout2: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 8} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout3: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 9} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HighLighter: HighLighter(1) return HighLighter(Highlight=1) ;x_mouse=0.75, y_mouse=0.75 { global OldX,OldY,OldW,OldH global highlighthero,last_table_id global border_color global border_size global trans global xbord,ybord global cap ;act() foldx:=0.6534 foldy:=0.9662 foldx1:=0.5859 foldy1:=0.9662 back_x:=0.6534 back_y:=0.9862 back_x1:=0.5859 back_y1:=0.9862 join_y:=0.9292 join_x:=0.8261 fold1:=0x181818 v:=15 ; id:=act() ; wingetclass,class,A ; wingettitle,title,A ; ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%id% ; if class=QWidget ; if (instr(title, "Logged In") & instr(title, "/")) ; winactivate,ahk_id%id% ; winget,id,id,A ifwinactive, Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt { winget,id,id,A WinGetActiveStats,ActiveTitle, ActiveW, ActiveH, ActiveX, ActiveY relFTclientpoint(id,foldx,foldy,0) pixelgetcolor,fold,foldx,foldy,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,foldx1,foldy1,0) pixelgetcolor,bacgr,foldx1,foldy1,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,back_x,back_y,0) pixelgetcolor,deal,back_x,back_y,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,back_x1,back_y1,0) pixelgetcolor,deal1,back_x1,back_y1,ahk_id%id% ; relFTclientpoint(id,join_x,join_y,0) ; pixelgetcolor,join,join_x,join_y,ahk_id%id% if (id != last_table_id) || ((OldX <> ActiveX || OldY <> ActiveY || OldW <> ActiveW || OldH <> ActiveH)) { OldX := ActiveX OldY := ActiveY OldW := ActiveW OldH := ActiveH mouse_last:=last_table_id last_table_id := id if(!id) { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel return } WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id%id% x := x + xbord y := y + xbord + cap w := w - (2*xbord) h := h - (2*xbord) - cap ;Makes Border around urgent table ; if ( Highlight = 1 ) if (highlighthero=0) || ((highlighthero=1) & (comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=0) & (comparecolors(fold,fold1,v)=0) & (comparecolors(deal,deal1,v)=1)) ; & (comparecolors(join,deal1,v)=1)) { ;top guinum := 2 Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%w% h%border_size% x%x% y%y% NoActivate ;left guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%border_size% h%h% x%x% y%y% NoActivate ;bottom guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption y2 := y + h - border_size Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%w% h%border_size% x%x% y%y2% NoActivate ;right guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption x2 := x + w - border_size Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%border_size% h%h% x%x2% y%y% NoActivate } else if highlighthero=1 ; if comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=1 ; { ; Gui, 2: Cancel ; Gui, 3: Cancel ; Gui, 4: Cancel ; Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= ; } } else if highlighthero=1 if comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=1 { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= } } else { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MouseMove: MoveMouse() return MoveMouse(x_mouse=0.7468, y_mouse=0.8735) { if IsWindowNew() { wingetclass,class,A wingetactivetitle,title if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { winget,id,id,A relFTClientPoint(id, x_mouse, y_mouse,0,1) DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x_mouse, int, y_mouse) } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsWindowNew() { global oldwinid,stealfocus winget,id,id,A wingetclass,class,ahk_id%oldwinid% if id!=%oldwinid% { oldwinid:=id if stealfocus return 1 else { if class=QWidget return 1 else return 0 } } else return 0 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colorinit: if once Colorinit() return Colorinit() { local id,t,col,v1 v1:=15 id:=WinExist("Logged In ahk_class QWidget","","Full Tilt") if id { once:=false settimer,Colorinit,off t:=PixelColorA(time_x,time_y,time_x1,time_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,col2,v1)=false) { t2:=col2 once:=true settimer,Colorinit,87 } else t2:=col1 t:=PixelColorA(back_x,back_y,back_x1,back_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,col2,v1)=false) { back2:=col2 once:=true settimer,Colorinit,87 } else back2:=col1 } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check: check() return check() { local listft,id,t,col winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(time_x,time_y,back_x,back_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,t1,v)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,t2,v)=false) { if !InStr(tablequeue,id) movetolist(id,A_TickCount) } else if InStr(tablequeue,id) removefromlist(id) if dealmein if (CompareColors(col2,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col2,back2,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col3,back2,v)=true) PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- relFTClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y, client=1, screen=0) { global xbord,ybord,cap WinGetPos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%id% w-=2*xbord h-=(2*ybord)+cap x:=floor(W*x) y:=floor(H*y) if !client { x+=xbord y+=ybord+cap } if screen { x+=x1 y+=y1 } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostLeftDoubleClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) { ; ### Max1mums: Send the double left click, then the mouse-up messages, ; some windows can get activated on the down left click so we will use ; left doubleclick instead, don't use on objects which have any functions ; binded to doubleclick unless you want to make doubleclick on them ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!). If activate WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id% critical,6 PostMessage, 0x203 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% ; without 0x001 as lparam which is Lbutton down PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% critical,off sleep,-1 } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostclickFT(x,y,winid,activate=1,client=1) { relFTClientPoint(winid, x, y,client) DllCall("SetCapture","Uint",winid) PostLeftDoubleClick(x, y, winid, activate) DllCall("ReleaseCapture") } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clickwithdelay: Loop, Parse, tablequeue, `, { interval:=interval1*1000 stringsplit,tab,A_loopfield,- if abs(tab2-A_TickCount)>interval { PostclickFT(time_x,time_y,tab1,0) listDelItem(tablequeue, A_Loopfield) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PixelColorA(colx,coly,backx,backy,joinx,id,region=0,regionw=70,regionh=15) { global boost,xbord,ybord,cap if boost critical,6 setwindelay, -1 hdc_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", "UInt", id ) hdc_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", "UInt", hdc_frame) WinGetPos,,,W,H,ahk_id %id% hbm_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", "UInt",hdc_frame, "Int",w, "Int",h) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "UInt",hdc_buffer, "UInt",hbm_buffer) DllCall( "PrintWindow", "UInt" , id , "UInt" , hdc_buffer , "UInt" , 0 ) DllCall("RedrawWindow","UInt",id,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt", 1|16|32|64|1024) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*colx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*coly) + ybord + cap) pix1= pix1 := DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*backx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*backy) + ybord + cap) pix2:=DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*joinx) + xbord) pix3:=DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex pix1 += 0 pix1 .= "" pix2 += 0 pix2 .= "" pix3 += 0 pix3 .= "" SetFormat, IntegerFast, d pix1.="-" . pix2 . "-" . pix3 if region { x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*joinx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*backy) + ybord + cap) pix1.="*" loop %regionw% { delta:=A_index loop %regionh% { delta1:=A_index p := DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x+delta , "Int", y+delta1) ;p1:=p ;SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ;p += 0 ;p .= "" ;SetFormat, IntegerFast, d ;pix1.=p . "*" . p1 . "-" pix1.=p . "-" } } } sleep,1 DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Uint", hbm_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Uint", hdc_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Uint", hdc_buffer ) if boost { critical,off sleep,-1 } return pix1 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CompareColors(ByRef bgr1, ByRef bgr2, ByRef variation) { c1 := bgr1 & 0xff c2 := bgr2 & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false c1 := (bgr1 >> 8) & 0xff c2 := (bgr2 >> 8) & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false c1 := (bgr1 >> 16) & 0xff c2 := (bgr2 >> 16) & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false return true } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listAdd( byRef list, item, del="," ) { list:=( list!="" ? ( list . del . item ) : item ) return list } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listDelItem( byRef list, item, del=",") { ifEqual, item,, return list list:=del . list . del StringReplace, list, list, %item%%del% StringTrimLeft, list, list, 1 StringTrimRight, list, list, 1 return list } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- movetolist(winid,time) { global tablequeue listAdd(tablequeue, winid . "-" . time) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- removefromlist(winid) { global tablequeue Loop, Parse, tablequeue, `, { if InStr(A_loopfield,winid) listDelItem(tablequeue, A_Loopfield) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetAffinity(pid, cpu=1) { h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x1F0FFF, "Int", false, "UInt", pid) DllCall("SetProcessAffinityMask", "UInt", h, "UInt", cpu) DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt" h) return } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- register: ifwinactive, ahk_class QWidget { winget,id,id, A wingettitle,title,ahk_id%id% if instr(title,"Full Tilt Poker -") { reg_x :=0.9080 reg_y :=0.7357 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget,,4 if !errorlevel { sleep,50 winget,id,id,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget wingetpos,,,,h,ahk_id%id% reg_x :=0.3608 if h<240 reg_y :=0.4876 else reg_y :=0.4193 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) ifwinExist,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unregister: ifwinactive, ahk_class QWidget { winget,id,id, A wingettitle,title,ahk_id%id% if instr(title,"Full Tilt Poker -") { reg_x:=0.9080 reg_y:=0.6709 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget,,4 if not errorlevel { winget,id,id, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget reg_x :=0.8876 reg_y :=0.0776 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget,,0.5 if not errorlevel { winclose,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget ifwinexist, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } else { settitlematchmode,3 winwait, Full Tilt Poker ahk_class QWidget,,4 if not errorlevel winclose,Full Tilt Poker ahk_class QWidget settitlematchmode,2 ifwinexist, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toggledealmein: If (dealmein=true) { dealmein:=false T=Off } else { dealmein:=true T=On } Gui, 12:Add, Text,, Auto Deal me in: %T% Gui, 12:+ToolWindow Gui, 12:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1000 Gui, 12:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joinwaitlist: winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(join_x,back_y,back_x,join_y,join_x1,id,1) stringsplit,st,t,* stringsplit,col,st1,- if (CompareColors(col1,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,back2,v1)=false) if !instr(st2,"16777215") & !instr(st2,"67284200") & !instr(st2,"111670350") & !instr(st2,"148766710") PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unjoinwaitlist: winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(join_x,back_y,join_x1,join_y,join_x1,id,1) stringsplit,st,t,* stringsplit,col,st1,- if (CompareColors(col1,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,back2,v1)=false) if instr(st2,"16777215") or instr(st2,"67284200") or instr(st2,"111670350") or instr(st2,"148766710") PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlterAmount(id, dir="", frac=1, unit="") { WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% amount := 0 StringTrimRight, tablename, title, ( StrLen(title) - (InStr(title, " - ")-1) ) IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 } StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,Ј,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,Ђ,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,€,,1 ; bb++ ; bb-- sb := sb(bb) ;listvars If (unit = "" or unit = "bb") { unit := bb } Else If (unit = "sb") { unit := sb } Else If (unit = "pot") { pot := 0 call := 0 hero_bet := 0 street := "pre" hero_position := "" open := 0 max := 10000000 IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { PotSizeFullTilt2(id, pot, call, sb, bb, hero_bet, street, hero_position, open, max) } pot := ((pot + call + hero_bet) )+ call unit := pot } amount := unit * frac if (dir="down") { amount := amount - (2*amount) } a:=floor(amount) if amount-a=0 amount:=a IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { oldClipboard = %clipboard% clipboard = PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send ^c ClipWait, 0.3 If !ErrorLevel t := clipboard clipboard = %oldClipBoard% t := t + amount if (t < 0) { t := 0 } t2 := Round(t, 0) t1 := Round(t, 2) t := Round(t, 3) if t-t1=0 t:=t1 if t-t2=0 t:=t2 PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send %t% } } Pot(id, frac=1, round_bet=0.2, open_adjust="", fixblinds=0) { global debug global attempts if attempts<=0 attempts:=1 pot := 0 call := 0 sb := 0 bb := 0 hero_bet := 0 street := "" hero_position := "" open := 1 max := 10000000 IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { loop %attempts% { PotSizeFullTilt2(id, pot, call, sb, bb, hero_bet, street, hero_position, open, max) if pot>0 break sleep,20 } } Else { return } StringSplit, fr, frac, %A_SPACE% if (fr0 < 4) { times := 4 - fr0 Loop, %times% { n := 5 - A_Index fr%n% := fr%fr0% } } if (street = "pre") { frac:= Round(fr1/100,2) } else if (street = "flop") { frac:= Round(fr2/100,2) } else if (street = "turn") { frac:= Round(fr3/100,2) } else if (street = "river") { frac:= Round(fr4/100,2) } if (debug) { TrayTip, BetPot, Pot:`t`t%pot%`nCall:`t`t%call%`nHero_bet:`t%hero_bet%`n`nPosition:`t%hero_position%`n`nBlinds:`t$%sb%/$%bb%`n`nStreet:`t%street%`n`n%fr0%`n%fr1% %fr2% %fr3% %fr4%`n`n%frac%,10,17 } ; listvars if (fixblinds AND open AND street="pre") { if (hero_position = "sb" ) { pot := pot - sb call := call + sb } else if (hero_position = "bb") { pot := pot - bb call := call + bb } } pot := ((pot + call + hero_bet)* (frac)) + call if (open=1 AND open_adjust="ssnl" ) { pot := pot + bb - sb } else if (open=1 AND open_adjust="trny" ) { pot := pot - bb } else if (open=1 AND open_adjust="mix" ) { if (bb=2) { pot := pot + bb - sb } ; pot := pot + bb + sb } if(round_bet = "smallblind") { ; if sb<1 pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),2) ; else ; pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),0) } else if(round_bet = "bigblind") { pot := Round((Floor((pot / bb)) * bb),2) } else if (round_bet < 1) { places := round_bet*10 pot := Round(pot, (places)) } else if (round_bet >= 1) { pot := Floor(pot / round_bet) * round_bet } p:=floor(pot) if pot-p=0 pot:=p IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send %pot% } } PotSizeFullTilt2(id, ByRef pot, ByRef call, ByRef sb, ByRef bb, ByRef hero_bet, ByRef street, ByRef hero_position, ByRef open, ByRef max) { global deduct_rake,Racetrack rake := 0 notraked := 0 maxrake := 3 max := 7654321 WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 sb := sb(bb) TotalPotDigitsPosX=393 TotalPotDigitsPosY=277 if Racetrack { MainPotDigitsPosX=334 MainPotDigitsPosY=183 } else { MainPotDigitsPosX=285 MainPotDigitsPosY=335 } ;PotDigitsPos6X=338 ;PotDigitsPos6Y=340 PotDigitsPosW=80 PotDigitsPosH=14 pot:=DigitSearchByPixelCount(TotalPotDigitsPosX,TotalPotDigitsPosY,PotDigitsPosW,PotDigitsPosH,Id) if pot is not number pot:=DigitSearchByPixelCount(MainPotDigitsPosX,MainPotDigitsPosY,PotDigitsPosW,PotDigitsPosH,Id) ;oldClipboard=%clipboard% oldClipboard:=clipboard clipboard = PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) min := sb Send ^a Send ^c ClipWait, 0.3 If !ErrorLevel { min := clipboard clipboard = %oldClipBoard% } else { min := 2*bb } street := "pre" street := GetStreetFT(id) if (min = bb) { call := 0 } else if (min > bb) { call := min / 2 } else if (street != "pre") { call := bb } call2 := Round(call, 0) call1 := Round(call, 2) call := Round(call, 3) if call-call1=0 call:=call1 if call-call2=0 call:=call2 if (call != bb || street != "pre") { open := 0 } pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),2) ;pot := pot - (2 * call) if call is not number call:=0 if hero_bet is not number hero_bet:=0 return } GetStreetFT(id) { CoordMode, Pixel, Screen street := "pre" x1 := 485 y1 := 214 x2 := 520 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "river" return street } x1 := 431 y1 := 214 x2 := 461 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "turn" return street } x1 := 378 y1 := 214 x2 := 414 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "flop" return street } return street } ; finds number of specified pixels in a region GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, options="") { CoordMode, Pixel, Screen pixels := (x2 - x1 + 1)*(y2 - y1 + 1) If ( pixels <= 0 ) { ErrorLevel = 1 return } count = 0 x = %x1% Loop { If ( x > x2 ) { break } y = %y1% Loop { If ( y > y2 ) { break } PixelGetColor, c, x, y, %options% If ( c = color ) { count++ } y++ } x++ } return count } sb(bb) { If bb = .25 sb := .10 else if bb = 15 sb = 10 else if bb = 0.05 sb = 0.02 else sb := bb/2 if (sb > 1) { sb := Round(sb, 0) } else { sb := Round(sb, 2) } return sb } StrRep(str,char,rep_char="",all=1) { StringReplace,str,str,%char%,%rep_char%,%all% return str } StrMid(str,str1,str2,startPos1=1,startPos2=1,caseSense=0){ If startPos1 = startPos1 = 1 If startPos2 = startPos2 = 1 StringTrimLeft,o,str,InStr(str,str1,cS,startPos1) + StrLen(str1) - 1 StringLeft,o,o,InStr(o,str2,caseSense,startPos2)-1 return o } IIf(_boolExpr, _exprTrue, _exprFalse) { If _boolExpr Return _exprTrue else return _exprFalse } relStarsClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { global border global caption rw := 792 rh := 546 WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id% w := w - (2*border) h := h - (2*border) - caption x := Floor( (x / rw ) * w ) y := Floor( (y / rh) * h ) } relStarsWindowPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { global border global caption relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) x := x + border y := y + border + caption } relStarsScreenPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { relStarsWindowPoint(id, x, y) WinGetPos, x1, y1, , , ahk_id%id% x += x1 y += y1 } reverse_calc_stars_client_area(cw, ByRef w, ByRef h) { global border global caption w := cw + (2*border) h := Floor(cw / 1.45) + (2*border) + caption } client_area(id, ByRef x, Byref y, ByRef w, Byref h) { WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id%id% global border global caption x := x + border y := y + border + caption w := w - (2*border) h := h - (2*border) - caption return } PostStarsClick(x, y, id) { relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) ;listvars PostLeftClick(x, y, id) } PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) { ; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages. ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!). If activate WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PixelCount function source taken from PokerShortCuts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /* DigitsByPixelCountGetValue() Purpose: This function looks for digits by counting pixels in each column of a digit and tries to find a match for those counts when a column of 0 pixels is found. we search the client area xywh Returns: DigitString - the numbers found A for All In S for Sitting Out "" if no digits found Parameters: X - x poistion in standard client area to search for digits Y - y " W - standardized width of search area H - standardized height of search area DigitsType - e.g. Bet, Stack or Pot. This var is used to get the colors and tolerances from the global variables ByRef PixelCountForAllDigitsStringReturned: for test purposes... this is the long pixel count string WinId: window id Notes: 1. I was having problems with the alternate color not reading the digits correctly on FT. This is black digits on white background. There sometimes seems to be a black pixel in the area below the stack numbers, and this would cause one of the columns to read incorrectly. To fix it, I had to reduce the Height parameter that it was checking from 15 down to 12. This seems to be reliable for all table sizes. 2. Full Tilt on small tables does not have a blank row of pixels above the stack digits if the user's name has a decender character in it. I had to change the software to allow for a few pixels in this row for it to be considered a blank row. I suppose this could be a problem if the user only has a stack size of 1, in which case the blank row at the top would be intrepreted as the stack digit with on (since it might only have 1 pixel in the row.) The "y" has one pixel that is right above the stack numbers, and the "g" character has 2 pixels... so we will allow for 2 pixels in the row. If the user's name has more than 2 pixels in the decenders, then this code won't work at the smallest of table sizes (need a table size that puts in a blank row of pixels.) 3. On small full tilt tables, you can't position the initial starting position too far to the left, else the software doesn't read the stack size correctly. I have found that just to the left of the "Sitting Out" words is about right. for some reason it picks up a number of decimal point characters if X is too far to the left. 4. At the larger table sizes, Stars tables go to a stack font that is not one solid color. It has the shading of the digits. But it does have one dominant color, and that is what I use to do the pixel count with. The color variation seems to be at least 10 for the other colors. So I captured the pixel counts setting the color variation to 1. This should work, unless there are some computers that show the color with more variation. I know that my alternate sony laptop has doesn't show the colors the same as my main sony laptop. So we need some color variation in there. So I'll try setting the variation to about 5. It may be that if this doesn't work, then we'll just have to tell users that have too much color variation in their font digits, that they can't use the larger table sizes on stars. 5. One good testing method is to outputdebug the Y paramater to let you know if the software is finding the blank line above the digits. Also, output the digitstring and alternate and pixel count strings at the end of this function. In the debug, you can use a mouse position to look for the digit characters. */ DigitSearchByPixelCount(X,Y,W,H,WinId) { DigitsColor=0xFFFFFF DigitsColorTolerance=0 FTMinimumPixelCountPerColumn := 2 ; when counting pixels in a column, this is the minimum number to be a valid column (else it is a spacer column) FTMaximumAllowedNumPixelsInRowToBeBlank:=2 ; FT has some columns with one pixel in them next to a decimal point that we need to say these are spacer columns. ; Like the 4 digit has one column on the right with one pixel, and this will be right next to the decimal point. ; Fortunately the decimal point has 2 pixels in it, so that it can be detected as a dp. ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 472-563 PixelCountDigits52254 := 0 PixelCountDigits276 := 1 PixelCountDigits35335 := 2 PixelCountDigits33335 := 2 PixelCountDigits23344 := 3 PixelCountDigits22276 := 4 PixelCountDigits53335 := 5 PixelCountDigits53321 := 6 PixelCountDigits23321 := 7 PixelCountDigits43344 := 8 PixelCountDigits23354 := 9 PixelCountDigits21 := "." PixelCountDigits3333332 := "A" PixelCountDigits333335 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 564-682 PixelCountDigits622265 := 0 PixelCountDigits287 := 1 PixelCountDigits333336 := 2 PixelCountDigits223355 := 3 PixelCountDigits22287 := 4 PixelCountDigits533346 := 5 PixelCountDigits533332 := 6 PixelCountDigits33321 := 7 PixelCountDigits533355 := 8 PixelCountDigits333354 := 9 PixelCountDigits21 := "." PixelCountDigits3433432 := "A" PixelCountDigits333346 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 683-841 PixelCountDigits6822865 := 0 PixelCountDigits2887 := 1 PixelCountDigits3544536 := 2 PixelCountDigits2433855 := 3 PixelCountDigits222787 := 4 PixelCountDigits653646 := 5 PixelCountDigits6833632 := 6 PixelCountDigits47521 := 7 PixelCountDigits5833855 := 8 PixelCountDigits3633865 := 9 PixelCountDigits221 := "." PixelCountDigits36636632 := "A" PixelCountDigits4644646 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Special situation below 842-881 - looks like only the 2 digit is different here PixelCountDigits23444647 := 2 ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 842-960 PixelCountDigits79222976 := 0 PixelCountDigits22998 := 1 PixelCountDigits33444647 := 2 PixelCountDigits22333966 := 3 PixelCountDigits2222998 := 4 PixelCountDigits5533757 := 5 PixelCountDigits68433743 := 6 PixelCountDigits465421 := 7 PixelCountDigits69333966 := 8 PixelCountDigits47334865 := 9 PixelCountDigits221 := "." PixelCountDigits2555355521 := "A" PixelCountDigits56333656 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 961-1040 PixelCountDigits684224865 := 0 PixelCountDigits22AA9 := 1 PixelCountDigits354435647 := 2 PixelCountDigits463337735 := 3 PixelCountDigits22222AA9 := 4 PixelCountDigits275335647 := 5 PixelCountDigits685335632 := 6 PixelCountDigits3555421 := 7 PixelCountDigits7A3333A77 := 8 PixelCountDigits365335865 := 9 PixelCountDigits332 := "." PixelCountDigits3556365532 := "A" PixelCountDigits475445746 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 1041-1119 PixelCountDigits8A42224A87 := 0 PixelCountDigits22CCB := 1 PixelCountDigits3544445649 := 2 PixelCountDigits4623337957 := 3 PixelCountDigits222222CCB := 4 PixelCountDigits2863335759 := 5 PixelCountDigits7954335743 := 6 PixelCountDigits35555421 := 7 PixelCountDigits5973337957 := 8 PixelCountDigits4753345976 := 9 PixelCountDigits332 := "." PixelCountDigits355653565532 := "A" PixelCountDigits5864446858 := "S" coordmode, pixel, Screen WindowScaledPos(X, Y, ClientScaleFactor, "Screen", WinId) W := Round(W * ClientScaleFactor) H := Round(H * ClientScaleFactor) PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,X,Y,RGB CheckPrimaryColorFlag := 1 CheckAlternateColorFlag := 0 Y += Round(H/2) TopRowFound := 0 loop, % Round(H) { Xpos := X PixelCountInRow := 0 ScanWidth := Round(W*3/4) loop,% ScanWidth { Xpos += 1 PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,Xpos,Y,RGB if (CheckPrimaryColorFlag AND (ColorWithinTolerance(ColorRGB, DigitsColor, DigitsColorTolerance))) { PixelCountInRow++ if (PixelCountInRow > FTMaximumAllowedNumPixelsInRowToBeBlank) break } } if (Xpos == (X + ScanWidth)) { TopRowFound := 1 Y += 1 ; move back down to the top row of the font break } Y -= 1 } if NOT TopRowFound { return "" } DigitString:="" PixelCountForAllDigitsString := "" PixelCountForThisDigitString := "" loop, %W% { ColumnNum:= A_Index PixelCountInColumn:=0 FirstPixelPosition := 0 LastPixelPosition := 0 loop, %H% { RowNum:=A_Index PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,X+ColumnNum-1,Y+RowNum-1,RGB if (ColorWithinTolerance(ColorRGB, DigitsColor, DigitsColorTolerance)) { if (!FirstPixelPosition) FirstPixelPosition := RowNum LastPixelPosition := RowNum PixelCountInColumn++ } } if (PixelCountInColumn >= FTMinimumPixelCountPerColumn) { LastMinusFirstPixelPosition := LastPixelPosition - FirstPixelPosition if (PixelCountInColumn > 9) { PixelCountInColumn := chr(64 + PixelCountInColumn - 9) } if PixelCountInColumn is alnum PixelCountForThisDigitString .= PixelCountInColumn } else { if (PixelCountForThisDigitString != "") { if (LastMinusFirstPixelPosition > 9) LastMinusFirstPixelPosition := chr(64 + LastMinusFirstPixelPosition - 9) if LastMinusFirstPixelPosition is alnum PixelCountForThisDigitString .= LastMinusFirstPixelPosition Temp := "PixelCountDigits" DigitString .= %Temp%%PixelCountForThisDigitString% PixelCountForAllDigitsString .= PixelCountForThisDigitString . A_Space PixelCountForThisDigitString := "" } } } Loop, { StringPosition := instr(DigitString,".") ; find the first decimal point if StringPosition { if ((strlen(DigitString) - StringPosition) > 2) StringReplace, DigitString, DigitString,.,, else break } else break } if (DigitString) { PixelCountForAllDigitsStringReturned := PixelCountForAllDigitsString return DigitString } } ColorWithinTolerance(SampleColor, TestColor, Tolerance) { if (SampleColor == TestColor) return 1 If (Tolerance == 0) return (SampleColor == TestColor) SampleColorRed := SampleColor >> 16 TestColorRed := TestColor >> 16 SampleColorGreen:= SampleColor >> 8 & 0xff TestColorGreen := TestColor >> 8 & 0xff SampleColorBlue := SampleColor & 0xff TestColorBlue := TestColor & 0xff return ( ( (SampleColorRed + Tolerance >= TestColorRed) && (SampleColorRed - Tolerance <= TestColorRed) ) && ( (SampleColorGreen + Tolerance >= TestColorGreen) && (SampleColorGreen - Toleranc <= TestColorGreene) ) && ( (SampleColorBlue + Tolerance >= TestColorBlue) && (SampleColorBlue - Tolerance <= TestColorBlue) ) ) } WindowScaledPos(ByRef PosX, ByRef PosY, ByRef ClientScaleFactor, ScaleType="Screen", WinId="") { local TitleBarHeight, WindowBottomBorder, WindowSideBorder, WindowTopBorder ,WindowX,WindowY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight local ClientWidth, ClientHeight , ClientWidthScaleFactor, ClientHeightScaleFactor StandardClientWidth=794 StandardClientHeight=547 SysGet, TitleBarHeight, 4 SysGet, WindowBottomBorder, 32 SysGet, WindowSideBorder, 33 WindowTopBorder := TitleBarHeight + WindowBottomBorder WinGetPos,WindowX,WindowY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight,ahk_id%WinId% ; if this is a poker table, then scale the XY position based on the size of the current table to a standard table size ; ifWinExist, ahk_id%WinId% ahk_group Tables ; { ClientWidth := WindowWidth - 2 * WindowSideBorder ClientHeight := WindowHeight - TitleBarHeight - 2 * WindowBottomBorder ClientWidthScaleFactor := ClientWidth / StandardClientWidth ClientHeightScaleFactor := ClientHeight / StandardClientHeight ClientScaleFactor := ClientWidthScaleFactor ; pass back the scaling factor in case the calling function needs it PosX := Round(PosX * ClientWidthScaleFactor) PosY := Round(PosY * ClientHeightScaleFactor) ; } if (ScaleType == "Client") { return } else if (ScaleType == "Window") { PosX += WindowSideBorder PosY += WindowTopBorder } else if (ScaleType == "Screen") { PosX += WindowX + WindowSideBorder PosY += WindowY + WindowTopBorder } } BuildGui: Gui, color, white Gui, add, tab, h490 w300, General|Global hotkeys|BetPot|Table hotkeys|Time Gui, Tab, General Gui, Add, Radio, x36 y70 w180 h20 Checked%ClassicTheme% vClassicTheme, Classic Gui, Add, Radio, x36 y90 w180 h20 Checked%Racetrack% vRacetrack, Racetrack Gui, add, text,cRed y125 x85, Use these options Gui, add, text,cRed y140 x50, if you experience flicker problem Gui, add, Checkbox, y160 x60 Checked%flicker1% Vflicker1 Gui, add, text, y175 x25,set FullTilt process Gui, add, text, y190 x25,priority to high Gui, add, Checkbox, y160 x180 Checked%flicker2% Vflicker2 Gui, add, text, y175 x125,set affinity to cpu1 only Gui, add, text, y190 x125,for FullTilt process Gui, add, text, y205 x125,(Dual-core/HT cpu) Gui, add, text,cGreen y235 x25,Turning aero theme off (Vista/W7) might help Gui, add, text,cGreen y250 x25,if these settings don't work. Gui, add, text,cGreen y270 x25,It is vital to turn aero off for BetPot function. Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y300 w220 h15 Checked%ActOnActiveTable% vActOnActiveTable, Send actions to active table Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y315 w220 h15 Checked%sendundermouse% vsendundermouse, Send actions to table under mouse Gui, add, text, y335 x25, Activate table under mouse Gui, add, Checkbox, y335 x220 Checked%activatetableundermouse% Vactivatetableundermouse Gui, add, text, y365 x25, Highlight table Gui, add, Checkbox, y365 x100 Checked%Highlight% VHighlight Gui, Add, Radio, x126 y360 w120 h15 Checked%highlightactive% vhighlightactive, Active Gui, Add, Radio, x126 y375 w120 h15 Checked%highlighthero% vhighlighthero, With action on hero Gui, add, text, y405 x25, Move mouse to action buttons Gui, add, Checkbox, y405 x220 Checked%MoveMouse% VMoveMouse Gui, add, text, y425 x65, Move mouse from nonfulltilt app Gui, add, Checkbox, y425 x220 Checked%stealfocus% Vstealfocus Gui, Add, Button, x75 y455 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y455 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Global hotkeys Gui, Add, Text, x25 y75 ,Register Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y72 w50 h20 vregister, %register% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y92 ,(join/unjoin waiting list for cash tables) Gui, Add, Text, x25 y115 ,Unregister Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y112 w50 h20 vunregister, %unregister% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y140 ,Join waiting list on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y137 w50 h20 vjoinwaitlist, %joinwaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y165 ,Unjoin waiting list on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y162 w50 h20 vunjoinwaitlist, %unjoinwaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y215 ,Activate next table Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y212 w50 h20 vActivateBottomWindow, %ActivateBottomWindow% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y245 ,Custom layout 1 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y242 w50 h20 vlayout1, %layout1% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y265 ,Custom layout 2 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y262 w50 h20 vlayout2, %layout2% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y285 ,Custom layout 3 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y282 w50 h20 vlayout3, %layout3% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y315 ,Suspend all hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y312 w50 h20 vsuspend, %suspend% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y335 ,Pause/unpause Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y332 w50 h20 vTogglePause, %TogglePause% Gui, Add, Button, x75 y415 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y415 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Time Gui, add, Checkbox, y75 x200 Checked%Timebank% VTimebank Gui, add, text, y75 x25,Click Timebank automatically Gui, add, Text, w200 y95 x25, Time delay for pressing Time button Gui, add, DropDownList, w40 y90 x220 vInterval1, %ddlist% Gui, add, text, y135 x25, Click "Deal me in" automatically Gui, add, Checkbox, y135 x200 Checked%dealmein% Vdealmein Gui, Add, Text, x25 y155 w120 h20 , Toggle Deal me in Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y152 w50 h20 vToggledealmein, %Toggledealmein% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y180 ,Sitout on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y177 w50 h20 vSitOutNextAll, %SitOutNextAll% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y205 ,Remove sitout on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y202 w50 h20 vRemoveSitout, %RemoveSitout% Gui, Add, Button, x75 y415 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y415 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Table hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y67 w50 h20 vfold, %fold% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y70 ,Fold Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y87 w50 h20 vcall, %call% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y90 ,Check/Call Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y107 w50 h20 vraise, %raise% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y110 ,Bet/Raise Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y127 w50 h20 vfold2any, %fold2any% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y130 ,Fold to any Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y147 w50 h20 vfold2any400, %fold2any400% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y150 ,Fold to any nl400 Gui, Add, Button, x75 y315 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y315 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, BetPot Gui, add, Checkbox, y55 x180 Checked%autopot% Vautopot Gui, add, text, y55 x25,Auto put bet into bet box Gui, Add, Text, x15 y70 ,Pre* Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefPre, %PotDefPre% Gui, Add, Text, x45 y70 ,Flop* Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefFlop, %PotDefFlop% Gui, Add, Text, x75 y70 ,Turn* Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefTurn, %PotDefTurn% Gui, Add, Text, x105 y70 ,River* Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefRiver, %PotDefRiver% Gui, Add, Text, x140 y70 ,Open Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y85 x140 vOpenDef, %ddlist1% Gui, Add, Text, x175 y70 ,Round(sb) Gui, add, Checkbox, y85 x200 Checked%RoundDef% VRoundDef Gui, Add, Text, x230 y70 ,Fix blinds Gui, add, Checkbox, y85 x250 Checked%FixDef% VFixDef Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y107 w80 h20 vpot1, %pot1% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y110 ,Pot1 Gui, Add, Text, x15 y130 ,Pre* Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Pre, %Pot1Pre% Gui, Add, Text, x45 y130 ,Flop* Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Flop, %Pot1Flop% Gui, Add, Text, x75 y130 ,Turn* Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Turn, %Pot1Turn% Gui, Add, Text, x105 y130 ,River* Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y145 w25 h20 vPot1River, %Pot1River% Gui, Add, Text, x140 y130 ,Open Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y145 x140 vOpen1, %ddlist1% Gui, Add, Text, x175 y130 ,Round(sb) Gui, add, Checkbox, y145 x200 Checked%Round1% VRound1 Gui, Add, Text, x230 y130 ,Fix blinds Gui, add, Checkbox, y145 x250 Checked%Fix1% VFix1 Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y167 w80 h20 vpot2, %pot2% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y170 ,Pot2 Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Pre, %Pot2Pre% Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Flop, %Pot2Flop% Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Turn, %Pot2Turn% Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y190 w25 h20 vPot2River, %Pot2River% Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y190 x140 vOpen2, %ddlist1% Gui, add, Checkbox, y190 x200 Checked%Round2% VRound2 Gui, add, Checkbox, y190 x250 Checked%Fix2% VFix2 Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y212 w80 h20 vpot3, %pot3% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y215 ,Pot3 Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Pre, %Pot3Pre% Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Flop, %Pot3Flop% Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Turn, %Pot3Turn% Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y235 w25 h20 vPot3River, %Pot3River% Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y235 x140 vOpen3, %ddlist1% Gui, add, Checkbox, y235 x200 Checked%Round3% VRound3 Gui, add, Checkbox, y235 x250 Checked%Fix3% VFix3 Gui, add, Checkbox, y260 x210 Checked%autobet% Vautobet Gui, add, text, y260 x55,Additionally press bet button Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y282 w40 h20 vincr1, %incr1% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y285 ,Increase by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y280 w40 h15 Checked%bb1% vbb1,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y295 w40 h15 Checked%sb1% vsb1,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y282 w80 h20 valt1, %alt1% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y312 w40 h20 vincr2, %incr2% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y315 ,Decrease by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y310 w40 h15 Checked%bb2% vbb2,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y325 w40 h15 Checked%sb2% vsb2,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y312 w80 h20 valt2, %alt2% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y342 w40 h20 vincr3, %incr3% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y345 ,Increase by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y340 w40 h15 Checked%bb3% vbb3,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y355 w40 h15 Checked%sb3% vsb3,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y342 w80 h20 valt3, %alt3% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y372 w40 h20 vincr4, %incr4% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y375 ,Decrease by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y370 w40 h15 Checked%bb4% vbb4,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y385 w40 h15 Checked%sb4% vsb4,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y372 w80 h20 valt4, %alt4% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y400 ,Attempts to read Pot amount from screen Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y397 w25 h20 vattempts, %attempts% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y420 ,* Pot percent Gui, add, text,cRed y440 x35,BetPot function won't be efficient with aero theme on Gui, Add, Button, x75 y460 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y460 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gosub, GetIni Gui, show, w316, %thisahk% Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetIni: Settitlematchmode,2 IfNotExist, %thisahk%.ini gosub, CreateIni IniRead, ClassicTheme,%thisahk%.ini, Options, ClassicTheme,0 IniRead, Racetrack,%thisahk%.ini, Options, Racetrack,0 IniRead, ActOnActiveTable, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable, 0 IniRead, sendundermouse, %thisahk%.ini, Options, sendundermouse, 0 IniRead, activatetableundermouse, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, activatetableundermouse, 0 IniRead, Highlight, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Highlight, 0 IniRead, highlighthero, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlighthero, 0 IniRead, highlightactive, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlightactive, 0 IniRead, MoveMouse, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, MoveMouse, 0 IniRead, stealfocus, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, stealfocus, 0 IniRead, Interval1, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Interval1 StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %interval1%, %Interval1%| GuiControl, , Interval1, |%ddlist% StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %interval1%|, %Interval1% IniRead, flicker1, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker1, 0 IniRead, flicker2, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker2, 0 IniRead, dealmein, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, dealmein, 0 IniRead, Toggledealmein, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Toggledealmein,%A_Space% If Toggledealmein { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %Toggledealmein%, Toggledealmein } IniRead, Timebank, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Timebank, 0 IniRead, SitOutNextAll, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll,%A_Space% IniRead, RemoveSitout, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, RemoveSitout,%A_Space% if SitOutNextAll Hotkey, %SitOutNextAll%,SitOutNextAll if RemoveSitout Hotkey, %RemoveSitout%,RemoveSitout IniRead, register, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, register,%A_Space% IniRead, unregister, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, unregister,%A_Space% IniRead, joinwaitlist, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, joinwaitlist,%A_Space% IniRead, Unjoinwaitlist, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Unjoinwaitlist,%A_Space% if register Hotkey, %register%,register if unregister Hotkey, %unregister%,unregister if joinwaitlist Hotkey, %joinwaitlist%,joinwaitlist if Unjoinwaitlist Hotkey, %Unjoinwaitlist%,Unjoinwaitlist IniRead, ActivateBottomWindow, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow,%A_Space% if ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%,ActivateBottomWindow IniRead, suspend, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, suspend,%A_Space% if suspend Hotkey, %suspend%,suspend IniRead, TogglePause, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, TogglePause,%A_Space% if TogglePause Hotkey, %TogglePause%,TogglePause IniRead, layout1, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout1,%A_Space% if layout1 Hotkey, %layout1%,layout1 IniRead, layout2, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout2,%A_Space% if layout2 Hotkey, %layout2%,layout2 IniRead, layout3, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout3,%A_Space% if layout3 Hotkey, %layout3%,layout3 IniRead, fold, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold,%A_Space% IniRead, call, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, call,%A_Space% IniRead, raise, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, raise,%A_Space% IniRead, fold2any, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any,%A_Space% IniRead, fold2any400, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any400,%A_Space% if fold { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold%,fold } if call { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %call%,call } if raise { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %raise%,raise } if fold2any { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold2any%,fold2any } if fold2any400 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold2any400%,fold2any400 } IniRead, OpenDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, OpenDef StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %OpenDef%, %OpenDef%| GuiControl, , OpenDef, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %OpenDef%|, %OpenDef% IniRead, RoundDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, RoundDef, 0 IniRead, FixDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, FixDef, 0 IniRead, PotDefPre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefPre, 0 IniRead, PotDefFlop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefFlop, 0 IniRead, PotDefTurn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefTurn, 0 IniRead, PotDefRiver, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefRiver, 0 IniRead, Open1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open1 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open1%, %Open1%| GuiControl, , Open1, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open1%|, %Open1% IniRead, Round1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round1, 0 IniRead, Fix1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix1, 0 IniRead, Pot1Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot1Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot1Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot1River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1River, 0 IniRead, pot1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot1,%A_Space% if pot1 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot1%,pot1 } IniRead, Open2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open2 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open2%, %Open2%| GuiControl, , Open2, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open2%|, %Open2% IniRead, Round2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round2, 0 IniRead, Fix2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix2, 0 IniRead, Pot2Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot2Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot2Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot2River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2River, 0 IniRead, pot2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot2,%A_Space% if pot2 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot2%,pot2 } IniRead, Open3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open3 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open3%, %Open3%| GuiControl, , Open3, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open3%|, %Open3% IniRead, Round3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round3, 0 IniRead, Fix3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix3, 0 IniRead, Pot3Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot3Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot3Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot3River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3River, 0 IniRead, pot3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot3,%A_Space% if pot3 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot3%,pot3 } IniRead, incr1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr1, 0 IniRead, bb1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb1, 0 IniRead, sb1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb1, 0 IniRead, alt1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt1, %A_Space% if alt1 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt1%,alt1 } IniRead, incr2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr2, 0 IniRead, bb2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb2, 0 IniRead, sb2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb2, 0 IniRead, alt2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt2, %A_Space% if alt2 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt2%,alt2 } IniRead, incr3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr3, 0 IniRead, bb3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb3, 0 IniRead, sb3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb3, 0 IniRead, alt3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt3, %A_Space% if alt3 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt3%,alt3 } IniRead, incr4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr4, 0 IniRead, bb4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb4, 0 IniRead, sb4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb4, 0 IniRead, alt4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt4, %A_Space% if alt4 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt4%,alt4 } IniRead, autopot, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autopot, 0 IniRead, autobet, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autobet, 0 IniRead, attempts, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotVariables, attempts, 0 Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MakeIni: If ClassicTheme IniWrite, %ClassicTheme%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ClassicTheme If Racetrack IniWrite, %Racetrack%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, Racetrack if ActOnActiveTable IniWrite, %ActOnActiveTable%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable if sendundermouse IniWrite, %sendundermouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, sendundermouse IniWrite, %activatetableundermouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, activatetableundermouse IniWrite, %Highlight%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Highlight if highlighthero IniWrite, %highlighthero%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlighthero if highlightactive IniWrite, %highlightactive%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlightactive IniWrite, %MoveMouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, MoveMouse IniWrite, %stealfocus%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, stealfocus IniWrite, %Interval1%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Interval1 IniWrite, %flicker1%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker1 IniWrite, %flicker2%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker2 IniWrite, %dealmein%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, dealmein if Toggledealmein IniWrite, %Toggledealmein%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Toggledealmein IniWrite, %Timebank%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Timebank if SitOutNextAll IniWrite, %SitOutNextAll%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll if RemoveSitout IniWrite, %RemoveSitout%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, RemoveSitout if register IniWrite, %register%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, register if unregister IniWrite, %unregister%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, unregister if joinwaitlist IniWrite, %joinwaitlist%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, joinwaitlist if Unjoinwaitlist IniWrite, %Unjoinwaitlist%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Unjoinwaitlist if ActivateBottomWindow IniWrite, %ActivateBottomWindow%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow if suspend IniWrite, %suspend%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, suspend if TogglePause IniWrite, %TogglePause%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, TogglePause if layout1 IniWrite, %layout1%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout1 if layout2 IniWrite, %layout2%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout2 if layout3 IniWrite, %layout3%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout3 if fold IniWrite, %fold%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold if call IniWrite, %call%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, call if raise IniWrite, %raise%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, raise if fold2any IniWrite, %fold2any%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any if fold2any400 IniWrite, %fold2any400%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any400 IniWrite, %OpenDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, OpenDef IniWrite, %RoundDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, RoundDef IniWrite, %FixDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, FixDef IniWrite, %PotDefPre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefPre IniWrite, %PotDefFlop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefFlop IniWrite, %PotDefTurn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefTurn IniWrite, %PotDefRiver%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefRiver IniWrite, %Open1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open1 IniWrite, %Round1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round1 IniWrite, %Fix1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix1 IniWrite, %Pot1Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Pre IniWrite, %Pot1Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Flop IniWrite, %Pot1Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Turn IniWrite, %Pot1River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1River if pot1 IniWrite, %pot1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot1 IniWrite, %Open2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open2 IniWrite, %Round2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round2 IniWrite, %Fix2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix2 IniWrite, %Pot2Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Pre IniWrite, %Pot2Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Flop IniWrite, %Pot2Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Turn IniWrite, %Pot2River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2River if pot2 IniWrite, %pot2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot2 IniWrite, %Open3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open3 IniWrite, %Round3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round3 IniWrite, %Fix3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix3 IniWrite, %Pot3Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Pre IniWrite, %Pot3Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Flop IniWrite, %Pot3Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Turn IniWrite, %Pot3River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3River if pot3 IniWrite, %pot3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot3 IniWrite, %incr1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr1 if bb1 IniWrite, %bb1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb1 if sb1 IniWrite, %sb1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb1 if alt1 IniWrite, %alt1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt1 IniWrite, %incr2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr2 if bb2 IniWrite, %bb2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb2 if sb2 IniWrite, %sb2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb2 if alt2 IniWrite, %alt2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt2 IniWrite, %incr3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr3 if bb3 IniWrite, %bb3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb3 if sb3 IniWrite, %sb3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb3 if alt3 IniWrite, %alt3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt3 IniWrite, %incr4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr4 if bb4 IniWrite, %bb4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb4 if sb4 IniWrite, %sb4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb4 if alt4 IniWrite, %alt4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt4 IniWrite, %autopot%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autopot IniWrite, %autobet%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autobet IniWrite, %attempts%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotVariables, attempts Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateIni: Racetrack:=0 ClassicTheme:=1 ActOnActiveTable:=1 sendundermouse:=0 activatetableundermouse:=0 Highlight:=0 highlighthero:=0 highlightactive:=1 MoveMouse:=0 stealfocus:=1 flicker1:=1 flicker2:=0 Interval1:=1 dealmein:=0 Timebank:=0 register=^r unregister=^u autopot:=0 autobet:=0 OpenDef=ssnl Open1=ssnl Open2=trny Open3=---- RoundDef:=1 Round1:=1 Round2:=1 Round3:=1 fixDef:=1 fix1:=1 fix2:=1 fix3:=1 PotDefPre:=75 PotDefFlop:=75 PotDefTurn:=66 PotDefRiver:=66 Pot1Pre:=75 Pot1Flop:=75 Pot1Turn:=66 Pot1River:=66 Pot2Pre:=100 Pot2Flop:=80 Pot2Turn:=80 Pot2River:=80 Pot3Pre:=999 Pot3Flop:=100 Pot3Turn:=100 Pot3River:=100 Pot1=mbutton Pot2=xbutton1 Pot3=xbutton2 incr1:=1 incr2:=1 incr3:=1 incr4:=1 bb1:=1 sb1:=0 bb2:=1 sb2:=0 bb3:=0 sb3:=1 bb4:=0 sb4:=1 alt1=wheelup alt2=wheeldown alt3=^wheelup alt4=^wheeldown attempts:=1 gosub, MakeIni gosub, buildgui return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiClose: gosub, cancel return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- menuGui: gosub, getini winget,id,id, %thisahk% ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI if !DllCall( "IsWindowVisible", "UInt",id) gosub, buildgui else winactivate,ahk_id%id% Gui, Submit,nohide return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reload: reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save: Gui, Submit FileDelete, %thisahk%.ini gosub, MakeIni Reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancel: Gui, Destroy Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TogglePause: pause,toggle return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suspend: suspend if A_IsSuspended=0 { T=Off } else { T=On } Gui, 13:Add, Text,,Suspend: %T% Gui, 13:+ToolWindow Gui, 13:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1500 Gui, 3:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: edit return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exitSub: if flicker1 { Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, Normal ; SetAffinity(FTP) } } ;FileDelete, %thisahk%.ini ;gosub, makeini exitApp return ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hmm, that version kind of works, but it's doing weird things. I sat at two 2/4 tables and two 1/2 tables and used the Sit Out All hotkey, and it only sat out on 3. Then the Deal Me In All hotkey wouldn't work. It's acting strangely.
What's even more strange is AutoHotKey randomly keeps disappearing from my system tray and the process is gone (crashed?) from Task Manager.
Will this work if I sit higher than 2/4? I'd need it to work across multiple stakes, up to 5/10 at least.
What's even more strange is AutoHotKey randomly keeps disappearing from my system tray and the process is gone (crashed?) from Task Manager.
Will this work if I sit higher than 2/4? I'd need it to work across multiple stakes, up to 5/10 at least.
What's even more strange is AutoHotKey randomly keeps disappearing from my system tray and the process is gone (crashed?) from Task Manager.
Will this work if I sit higher than 2/4? I'd need it to work across multiple stakes, up to 5/10 at least.
Will this work if I sit higher than 2/4? I'd need it to work across multiple stakes, up to 5/10 at least.
Hmm, that version kind of works, but it's doing weird things. I sat at two 2/4 tables and two 1/2 tables and used the Sit Out All hotkey, and it only sat out on 3. Then the Deal Me In All hotkey wouldn't work. It's acting strangely.
; #### FTCash #### ; AHK version: ; date: January 12,2010 version := "1.02" ; author: Max1mums (max1mums@overcards.com) #SingleInstance, Force #NoEnv #Persistent Settitlematchmode, 2 OnExit exitSub StringTrimRight, thisahk, A_ScriptName, 4 SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, menugui Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, reload Menu, Tray, Default, Settings Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Suspend, Suspend Menu, Tray, Add, Pause, TogglePause Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Edit, Edit Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitSub OnMessage(0x112,"WM_SYSCOMMAND") WM_SYSCOMMAND(wParam) { if (A_Gui && wParam = 0xF020) ; SC_MINIMIZE { Gui, destroy return 0 } } boost:=false ; Border of the "Highlighter" border_color := "ff0000" border_size := 5 trans := 255 debug:=0 SetBatchLines,-1 SetWinDelay,-1 SendMode Input SysGet, xbord, 32 SysGet, ybord, 33 SysGet, cap, 4 SysGet, border, 32 SysGet, caption, 4 time_x:=0.9093 time_y:=0.7200 time_x1:=0.8808 t1:=0xdedbde v:=25 back_x:=0.6534 back_y:=0.9862 back_x1:=0.5859 back1:=0x181818 v1:=5 join_x:=0.6158 join_y:=0.9292 join_x1:=0.8261 join:=0xffffff v2:=5 once:=true tablequeue= ddlist= Loop 14 ddlist:=ddlist . A_index . "|" ddlist1= ddlist1.="ssnl" . "|" ddlist1.="trny" . "|" ddlist1.="mix" . "|" ddlist1.="----" . "|" gosub,getini ifwinnotexist,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget { if flicker1 { winwait,Logged In ahk_class QWidget Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, High } } else { Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, Normal } } if flicker2 { winwait,Logged In ahk_class QWidget Process, Exist, AutoHotkey.exe if (ErrorLevel) { Ahk := ErrorLevel ; SetAffinity(Ahk,0) SetAffinity(Ahk) } Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel ; SetAffinity(FTP,0) SetAffinity(FTP) } } } else ifwinnotexist,Full Tilt Poker - ahk_class QWidget winwaitclose,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget ;;;;;;;;;;;;End of init;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if Timebank settimer,clickwithdelay,100 if autopot OR Highlight settimer,act,55 if Highlight settimer,Highlighter,43 if dealmein OR Timebank settimer,check,639 settimer,Colorinit,187 if MoveMouse settimer,MouseMove,119 settimer,BetPot,87 settimer,onFTclose,1078 if activatetableundermouse settimer,activateundermouse,133 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- onFTclose: Settitlematchmode, 3 ifwinexist,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget ifwinnotexist,Full Tilt Poker - ahk_class QWidget { exitapp } Settitlematchmode, 2 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FoldFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.6834,0.9358,id) } CallFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.8032,0.9358,id) } RaiseFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.9356,0.9358,id) } Fold2anyFT(id) { global Racetrack if Racetrack PostclickFT(0.4325,0.8937,id) else PostclickFT(0.0088,0.7472,id) } Fold2anyFT400(id) { global Racetrack if Racetrack PostclickFT(0.4193,0.9169,id) } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fold: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { FoldFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold%} } sendmode input return call: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { callFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%call%,ahk_id%id% send {%call%} } sendmode input return raise: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { raiseFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%raise%,ahk_id%id% send {%raise%} } sendmode input return fold2any: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { fold2anyFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold2any%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold2any%} } sendmode input return fold2any400: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { fold2anyFT400(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold2any%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold2any400%} } sendmode input return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pot1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round1 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot1Pre A_space Pot1Flop A_space Pot1Turn A_space Pot1River, Roundsb, Open1, fix1) if autobet raiseFT(id) return pot2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round2 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot2Pre A_space Pot2Flop A_space Pot2Turn A_space Pot2River, Roundsb, Open2, fix2) if autobet raiseFT(id) return pot3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round3 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot3Pre A_space Pot3Flop A_space Pot3Turn A_space Pot3River, Roundsb, Open3, fix3) if autobet raiseFT(id) return alt1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb1 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"up", incr1, sb) return alt2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb2 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"down", incr2, sb) return alt3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb3 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"up", incr3, sb) return alt4: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb4 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"down", incr4, sb) return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetPot: GroupAdd, FullTiltTables,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,,Full Tilt if autopot { isbetboxnew() } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsBetBoxNew() { global oldid,PotDefPre,PotDefFlop,PotDefTurn,PotDefRiver,RoundDef,OpenDef,FixDef winget winid,id,A betboxX:=0.9687 betboxY:=0.8000 relFTclientpoint(winid,betboxX,betboxY,0) pixelgetcolor,bet,betboxX,betboxY,ahk_id%winid% if (winid<>oldid) { if bet=0xffffff { oldid:=winid if RoundDef Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(winid,PotDefPre A_space PotDefFlop A_space PotDefTurn A_space PotDefRiver, Roundsb, OpenDef, FixDef) } else oldid= } else { if bet!=0xffffff oldid= } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- act: id:=act() wingetclass,class,A wingettitle,title,A ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget if (instr(title, "Logged In") & instr(title, "/")) winactivate,ahk_id%id% return act() { winget,list,list, Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt return list1 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- activateundermouse: activatetableundermouse() return activatetableundermouse() { MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% if (class="QWidget") winactivate, ahk_id %WinID% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ActivateBottomWindow: GroupActivate, FullTiltTables return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SitOutNextAll: ;ClickImBack:=false settimer,Check,off WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%Z% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 if Racetrack { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.4263 sity:=0.9264 } else { sitx:=0.4125 sity:=0.9345 } } else { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7770 } else { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7857 } } click_x:=sitx+0.0070 click_y:=sity+0.0070 WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z% if w>1000 Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,15,15) else Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,10,10) if !(instr(Sittingout,"-0-")) & !(instr(Sittingout,"1710618")) ; & !(instr(Sittingout,"16777215")) { PostClickFT(click_x, click_y, Z, 0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveSitout: ;ClickImBack:=true if dealmein OR Timebank settimer,Check,639 WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%Z% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 if Racetrack { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.4263 sity:=0.9264 } else { sitx:=0.4125 sity:=0.9345 } } else { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7770 } else { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7857 } } click_x:=sitx+0.0070 click_y:=sity+0.0070 WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z% if w>1000 Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,15,15) else Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,10,10) ; FileAppend, %Sittingout%`n`n, test.txt if (instr(Sittingout,"-0-")) || (instr(Sittingout,"1710618")) ; & !(instr(Sittingout,"16777215")) { PostClickFT(click_x, click_y, Z, 0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout1: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 7} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout2: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 8} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout3: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 9} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HighLighter: HighLighter(1) return HighLighter(Highlight=1) ;x_mouse=0.75, y_mouse=0.75 { global OldX,OldY,OldW,OldH global highlighthero,last_table_id global border_color global border_size global trans global xbord,ybord global cap ;act() foldx:=0.6534 foldy:=0.9662 foldx1:=0.5859 foldy1:=0.9662 back_x:=0.6534 back_y:=0.9862 back_x1:=0.5859 back_y1:=0.9862 join_y:=0.9292 join_x:=0.8261 fold1:=0x181818 v:=15 ; id:=act() ; wingetclass,class,A ; wingettitle,title,A ; ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%id% ; if class=QWidget ; if (instr(title, "Logged In") & instr(title, "/")) ; winactivate,ahk_id%id% ; winget,id,id,A ifwinactive, Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt { winget,id,id,A WinGetActiveStats,ActiveTitle, ActiveW, ActiveH, ActiveX, ActiveY relFTclientpoint(id,foldx,foldy,0) pixelgetcolor,fold,foldx,foldy,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,foldx1,foldy1,0) pixelgetcolor,bacgr,foldx1,foldy1,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,back_x,back_y,0) pixelgetcolor,deal,back_x,back_y,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,back_x1,back_y1,0) pixelgetcolor,deal1,back_x1,back_y1,ahk_id%id% ; relFTclientpoint(id,join_x,join_y,0) ; pixelgetcolor,join,join_x,join_y,ahk_id%id% if (id != last_table_id) || ((OldX <> ActiveX || OldY <> ActiveY || OldW <> ActiveW || OldH <> ActiveH)) { OldX := ActiveX OldY := ActiveY OldW := ActiveW OldH := ActiveH mouse_last:=last_table_id last_table_id := id if(!id) { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel return } WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id%id% x := x + xbord y := y + xbord + cap w := w - (2*xbord) h := h - (2*xbord) - cap ;Makes Border around urgent table ; if ( Highlight = 1 ) if (highlighthero=0) || ((highlighthero=1) & (comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=0) & (comparecolors(fold,fold1,v)=0) & (comparecolors(deal,deal1,v)=1)) ; & (comparecolors(join,deal1,v)=1)) { ;top guinum := 2 Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%w% h%border_size% x%x% y%y% NoActivate ;left guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%border_size% h%h% x%x% y%y% NoActivate ;bottom guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption y2 := y + h - border_size Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%w% h%border_size% x%x% y%y2% NoActivate ;right guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption x2 := x + w - border_size Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%border_size% h%h% x%x2% y%y% NoActivate } else if highlighthero=1 ; if comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=1 ; { ; Gui, 2: Cancel ; Gui, 3: Cancel ; Gui, 4: Cancel ; Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= ; } } else if highlighthero=1 if comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=1 { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= } } else { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MouseMove: MoveMouse() return MoveMouse(x_mouse=0.7468, y_mouse=0.8735) { if IsWindowNew() { wingetclass,class,A wingetactivetitle,title if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { winget,id,id,A relFTClientPoint(id, x_mouse, y_mouse,0,1) DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x_mouse, int, y_mouse) } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsWindowNew() { global oldwinid,stealfocus winget,id,id,A wingetclass,class,ahk_id%oldwinid% if id!=%oldwinid% { oldwinid:=id if stealfocus return 1 else { if class=QWidget return 1 else return 0 } } else return 0 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colorinit: if once Colorinit() return Colorinit() { local id,t,col,v1 v1:=15 id:=WinExist("Logged In ahk_class QWidget","","Full Tilt") if id { once:=false settimer,Colorinit,off t:=PixelColorA(time_x,time_y,time_x1,time_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,col2,v1)=false) { t2:=col2 once:=true settimer,Colorinit,87 } else t2:=col1 t:=PixelColorA(back_x,back_y,back_x1,back_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,col2,v1)=false) { back2:=col2 once:=true settimer,Colorinit,87 } else back2:=col1 } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check: check() return check() { local listft,id,t,col winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(time_x,time_y,back_x,back_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,t1,v)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,t2,v)=false) { if !InStr(tablequeue,id) movetolist(id,A_TickCount) } else if InStr(tablequeue,id) removefromlist(id) if dealmein if (CompareColors(col2,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col2,back2,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col3,back2,v)=true) PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- relFTClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y, client=1, screen=0) { global xbord,ybord,cap WinGetPos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%id% w-=2*xbord h-=(2*ybord)+cap x:=floor(W*x) y:=floor(H*y) if !client { x+=xbord y+=ybord+cap } if screen { x+=x1 y+=y1 } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostLeftDoubleClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) { ; ### Max1mums: Send the double left click, then the mouse-up messages, ; some windows can get activated on the down left click so we will use ; left doubleclick instead, don't use on objects which have any functions ; binded to doubleclick unless you want to make doubleclick on them ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!). If activate WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id% critical,6 PostMessage, 0x203 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% ; without 0x001 as lparam which is Lbutton down PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% critical,off sleep,-1 } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostclickFT(x,y,winid,activate=1,client=1) { relFTClientPoint(winid, x, y,client) DllCall("SetCapture","Uint",winid) PostLeftDoubleClick(x, y, winid, activate) DllCall("ReleaseCapture") } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clickwithdelay: Loop, Parse, tablequeue, `, { interval:=interval1*1000 stringsplit,tab,A_loopfield,- if abs(tab2-A_TickCount)>interval { PostclickFT(time_x,time_y,tab1,0) listDelItem(tablequeue, A_Loopfield) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PixelColorA(colx,coly,backx,backy,joinx,id,region=0,regionw=70,regionh=15) { global boost,xbord,ybord,cap if boost critical,6 setwindelay, -1 hdc_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", "UInt", id ) hdc_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", "UInt", hdc_frame) WinGetPos,,,W,H,ahk_id %id% hbm_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", "UInt",hdc_frame, "Int",w, "Int",h) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "UInt",hdc_buffer, "UInt",hbm_buffer) DllCall( "PrintWindow", "UInt" , id , "UInt" , hdc_buffer , "UInt" , 0 ) DllCall("RedrawWindow","UInt",id,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt", 1|16|32|64|1024) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*colx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*coly) + ybord + cap) pix1= pix1 := DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*backx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*backy) + ybord + cap) pix2:=DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*joinx) + xbord) pix3:=DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex pix1 += 0 pix1 .= "" pix2 += 0 pix2 .= "" pix3 += 0 pix3 .= "" SetFormat, IntegerFast, d pix1.="-" . pix2 . "-" . pix3 if region { x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*joinx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*backy) + ybord + cap) pix1.="*" loop %regionw% { delta:=A_index loop %regionh% { delta1:=A_index p := DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x+delta , "Int", y+delta1) ;p1:=p ;SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ;p += 0 ;p .= "" ;SetFormat, IntegerFast, d ;pix1.=p . "*" . p1 . "-" pix1.=p . "-" } } } sleep,1 DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Uint", hbm_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Uint", hdc_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Uint", hdc_buffer ) if boost { critical,off sleep,-1 } return pix1 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CompareColors(ByRef bgr1, ByRef bgr2, ByRef variation) { c1 := bgr1 & 0xff c2 := bgr2 & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false c1 := (bgr1 >> 8) & 0xff c2 := (bgr2 >> 8) & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false c1 := (bgr1 >> 16) & 0xff c2 := (bgr2 >> 16) & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false return true } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listAdd( byRef list, item, del="," ) { list:=( list!="" ? ( list . del . item ) : item ) return list } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listDelItem( byRef list, item, del=",") { ifEqual, item,, return list list:=del . list . del StringReplace, list, list, %item%%del% StringTrimLeft, list, list, 1 StringTrimRight, list, list, 1 return list } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- movetolist(winid,time) { global tablequeue listAdd(tablequeue, winid . "-" . time) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- removefromlist(winid) { global tablequeue Loop, Parse, tablequeue, `, { if InStr(A_loopfield,winid) listDelItem(tablequeue, A_Loopfield) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetAffinity(pid, cpu=1) { h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x1F0FFF, "Int", false, "UInt", pid) DllCall("SetProcessAffinityMask", "UInt", h, "UInt", cpu) DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt" h) return } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- register: ifwinactive, ahk_class QWidget { winget,id,id, A wingettitle,title,ahk_id%id% if instr(title,"Full Tilt Poker -") { reg_x :=0.9080 reg_y :=0.7357 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget,,4 if !errorlevel { sleep,50 winget,id,id,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget wingetpos,,,,h,ahk_id%id% reg_x :=0.3608 if h<240 reg_y :=0.4876 else reg_y :=0.4193 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) ifwinExist,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unregister: ifwinactive, ahk_class QWidget { winget,id,id, A wingettitle,title,ahk_id%id% if instr(title,"Full Tilt Poker -") { reg_x:=0.9080 reg_y:=0.6709 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget,,4 if not errorlevel { winget,id,id, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget reg_x :=0.8876 reg_y :=0.0776 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget,,0.5 if not errorlevel { winclose,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget ifwinexist, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } else { settitlematchmode,3 winwait, Full Tilt Poker ahk_class QWidget,,4 if not errorlevel winclose,Full Tilt Poker ahk_class QWidget settitlematchmode,2 ifwinexist, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toggledealmein: If (dealmein=true) { dealmein:=false T=Off } else { dealmein:=true T=On } Gui, 12:Add, Text,, Auto Deal me in: %T% Gui, 12:+ToolWindow Gui, 12:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1000 Gui, 12:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joinwaitlist: winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(join_x,back_y,back_x,join_y,join_x1,id,1) stringsplit,st,t,* stringsplit,col,st1,- if (CompareColors(col1,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,back2,v1)=false) if !instr(st2,"16777215") & !instr(st2,"67284200") & !instr(st2,"111670350") & !instr(st2,"148766710") PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unjoinwaitlist: winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(join_x,back_y,join_x1,join_y,join_x1,id,1) stringsplit,st,t,* stringsplit,col,st1,- if (CompareColors(col1,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,back2,v1)=false) if instr(st2,"16777215") or instr(st2,"67284200") or instr(st2,"111670350") or instr(st2,"148766710") PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlterAmount(id, dir="", frac=1, unit="") { WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% amount := 0 StringTrimRight, tablename, title, ( StrLen(title) - (InStr(title, " - ")-1) ) IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 } StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,Ј,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,Ђ,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,€,,1 ; bb++ ; bb-- sb := sb(bb) ;listvars If (unit = "" or unit = "bb") { unit := bb } Else If (unit = "sb") { unit := sb } Else If (unit = "pot") { pot := 0 call := 0 hero_bet := 0 street := "pre" hero_position := "" open := 0 max := 10000000 IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { PotSizeFullTilt2(id, pot, call, sb, bb, hero_bet, street, hero_position, open, max) } pot := ((pot + call + hero_bet) )+ call unit := pot } amount := unit * frac if (dir="down") { amount := amount - (2*amount) } a:=floor(amount) if amount-a=0 amount:=a IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { oldClipboard = %clipboard% clipboard = PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send ^c ClipWait, 0.3 If !ErrorLevel t := clipboard clipboard = %oldClipBoard% t := t + amount if (t < 0) { t := 0 } t2 := Round(t, 0) t1 := Round(t, 2) t := Round(t, 3) if t-t1=0 t:=t1 if t-t2=0 t:=t2 PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send %t% } } Pot(id, frac=1, round_bet=0.2, open_adjust="", fixblinds=0) { global debug global attempts if attempts<=0 attempts:=1 pot := 0 call := 0 sb := 0 bb := 0 hero_bet := 0 street := "" hero_position := "" open := 1 max := 10000000 IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { loop %attempts% { PotSizeFullTilt2(id, pot, call, sb, bb, hero_bet, street, hero_position, open, max) if pot>0 break sleep,20 } } Else { return } StringSplit, fr, frac, %A_SPACE% if (fr0 < 4) { times := 4 - fr0 Loop, %times% { n := 5 - A_Index fr%n% := fr%fr0% } } if (street = "pre") { frac:= Round(fr1/100,2) } else if (street = "flop") { frac:= Round(fr2/100,2) } else if (street = "turn") { frac:= Round(fr3/100,2) } else if (street = "river") { frac:= Round(fr4/100,2) } if (debug) { TrayTip, BetPot, Pot:`t`t%pot%`nCall:`t`t%call%`nHero_bet:`t%hero_bet%`n`nPosition:`t%hero_position%`n`nBlinds:`t$%sb%/$%bb%`n`nStreet:`t%street%`n`n%fr0%`n%fr1% %fr2% %fr3% %fr4%`n`n%frac%,10,17 } ; listvars if (fixblinds AND open AND street="pre") { if (hero_position = "sb" ) { pot := pot - sb call := call + sb } else if (hero_position = "bb") { pot := pot - bb call := call + bb } } pot := ((pot + call + hero_bet)* (frac)) + call if (open=1 AND open_adjust="ssnl" ) { pot := pot + bb - sb } else if (open=1 AND open_adjust="trny" ) { pot := pot - bb } else if (open=1 AND open_adjust="mix" ) { if (bb=2) { pot := pot + bb - sb } ; pot := pot + bb + sb } if(round_bet = "smallblind") { ; if sb<1 pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),2) ; else ; pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),0) } else if(round_bet = "bigblind") { pot := Round((Floor((pot / bb)) * bb),2) } else if (round_bet < 1) { places := round_bet*10 pot := Round(pot, (places)) } else if (round_bet >= 1) { pot := Floor(pot / round_bet) * round_bet } p:=floor(pot) if pot-p=0 pot:=p IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send %pot% } } PotSizeFullTilt2(id, ByRef pot, ByRef call, ByRef sb, ByRef bb, ByRef hero_bet, ByRef street, ByRef hero_position, ByRef open, ByRef max) { global deduct_rake,Racetrack rake := 0 notraked := 0 maxrake := 3 max := 7654321 WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 sb := sb(bb) TotalPotDigitsPosX=393 TotalPotDigitsPosY=277 if Racetrack { MainPotDigitsPosX=334 MainPotDigitsPosY=183 } else { MainPotDigitsPosX=285 MainPotDigitsPosY=335 } ;PotDigitsPos6X=338 ;PotDigitsPos6Y=340 PotDigitsPosW=80 PotDigitsPosH=14 pot:=DigitSearchByPixelCount(TotalPotDigitsPosX,TotalPotDigitsPosY,PotDigitsPosW,PotDigitsPosH,Id) if pot is not number pot:=DigitSearchByPixelCount(MainPotDigitsPosX,MainPotDigitsPosY,PotDigitsPosW,PotDigitsPosH,Id) ;oldClipboard=%clipboard% oldClipboard:=clipboard clipboard = PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) min := sb Send ^a Send ^c ClipWait, 0.3 If !ErrorLevel { min := clipboard clipboard = %oldClipBoard% } else { min := 2*bb } street := "pre" street := GetStreetFT(id) if (min = bb) { call := 0 } else if (min > bb) { call := min / 2 } else if (street != "pre") { call := bb } call2 := Round(call, 0) call1 := Round(call, 2) call := Round(call, 3) if call-call1=0 call:=call1 if call-call2=0 call:=call2 if (call != bb || street != "pre") { open := 0 } pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),2) ;pot := pot - (2 * call) if call is not number call:=0 if hero_bet is not number hero_bet:=0 return } GetStreetFT(id) { CoordMode, Pixel, Screen street := "pre" x1 := 485 y1 := 214 x2 := 520 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "river" return street } x1 := 431 y1 := 214 x2 := 461 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "turn" return street } x1 := 378 y1 := 214 x2 := 414 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "flop" return street } return street } ; finds number of specified pixels in a region GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, options="") { CoordMode, Pixel, Screen pixels := (x2 - x1 + 1)*(y2 - y1 + 1) If ( pixels <= 0 ) { ErrorLevel = 1 return } count = 0 x = %x1% Loop { If ( x > x2 ) { break } y = %y1% Loop { If ( y > y2 ) { break } PixelGetColor, c, x, y, %options% If ( c = color ) { count++ } y++ } x++ } return count } sb(bb) { If bb = .25 sb := .10 else if bb = 15 sb = 10 else if bb = 0.05 sb = 0.02 else sb := bb/2 if (sb > 1) { sb := Round(sb, 0) } else { sb := Round(sb, 2) } return sb } StrRep(str,char,rep_char="",all=1) { StringReplace,str,str,%char%,%rep_char%,%all% return str } StrMid(str,str1,str2,startPos1=1,startPos2=1,caseSense=0){ If startPos1 = startPos1 = 1 If startPos2 = startPos2 = 1 StringTrimLeft,o,str,InStr(str,str1,cS,startPos1) + StrLen(str1) - 1 StringLeft,o,o,InStr(o,str2,caseSense,startPos2)-1 return o } IIf(_boolExpr, _exprTrue, _exprFalse) { If _boolExpr Return _exprTrue else return _exprFalse } relStarsClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { global border global caption rw := 792 rh := 546 WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id% w := w - (2*border) h := h - (2*border) - caption x := Floor( (x / rw ) * w ) y := Floor( (y / rh) * h ) } relStarsWindowPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { global border global caption relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) x := x + border y := y + border + caption } relStarsScreenPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { relStarsWindowPoint(id, x, y) WinGetPos, x1, y1, , , ahk_id%id% x += x1 y += y1 } reverse_calc_stars_client_area(cw, ByRef w, ByRef h) { global border global caption w := cw + (2*border) h := Floor(cw / 1.45) + (2*border) + caption } client_area(id, ByRef x, Byref y, ByRef w, Byref h) { WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id%id% global border global caption x := x + border y := y + border + caption w := w - (2*border) h := h - (2*border) - caption return } PostStarsClick(x, y, id) { relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) ;listvars PostLeftClick(x, y, id) } PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) { ; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages. ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!). If activate WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PixelCount function source taken from PokerShortCuts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /* DigitsByPixelCountGetValue() Purpose: This function looks for digits by counting pixels in each column of a digit and tries to find a match for those counts when a column of 0 pixels is found. we search the client area xywh Returns: DigitString - the numbers found A for All In S for Sitting Out "" if no digits found Parameters: X - x poistion in standard client area to search for digits Y - y " W - standardized width of search area H - standardized height of search area DigitsType - e.g. Bet, Stack or Pot. This var is used to get the colors and tolerances from the global variables ByRef PixelCountForAllDigitsStringReturned: for test purposes... this is the long pixel count string WinId: window id Notes: 1. I was having problems with the alternate color not reading the digits correctly on FT. This is black digits on white background. There sometimes seems to be a black pixel in the area below the stack numbers, and this would cause one of the columns to read incorrectly. To fix it, I had to reduce the Height parameter that it was checking from 15 down to 12. This seems to be reliable for all table sizes. 2. Full Tilt on small tables does not have a blank row of pixels above the stack digits if the user's name has a decender character in it. I had to change the software to allow for a few pixels in this row for it to be considered a blank row. I suppose this could be a problem if the user only has a stack size of 1, in which case the blank row at the top would be intrepreted as the stack digit with on (since it might only have 1 pixel in the row.) The "y" has one pixel that is right above the stack numbers, and the "g" character has 2 pixels... so we will allow for 2 pixels in the row. If the user's name has more than 2 pixels in the decenders, then this code won't work at the smallest of table sizes (need a table size that puts in a blank row of pixels.) 3. On small full tilt tables, you can't position the initial starting position too far to the left, else the software doesn't read the stack size correctly. I have found that just to the left of the "Sitting Out" words is about right. for some reason it picks up a number of decimal point characters if X is too far to the left. 4. At the larger table sizes, Stars tables go to a stack font that is not one solid color. It has the shading of the digits. But it does have one dominant color, and that is what I use to do the pixel count with. The color variation seems to be at least 10 for the other colors. So I captured the pixel counts setting the color variation to 1. This should work, unless there are some computers that show the color with more variation. I know that my alternate sony laptop has doesn't show the colors the same as my main sony laptop. So we need some color variation in there. So I'll try setting the variation to about 5. It may be that if this doesn't work, then we'll just have to tell users that have too much color variation in their font digits, that they can't use the larger table sizes on stars. 5. One good testing method is to outputdebug the Y paramater to let you know if the software is finding the blank line above the digits. Also, output the digitstring and alternate and pixel count strings at the end of this function. In the debug, you can use a mouse position to look for the digit characters. */ DigitSearchByPixelCount(X,Y,W,H,WinId) { DigitsColor=0xFFFFFF DigitsColorTolerance=0 FTMinimumPixelCountPerColumn := 2 ; when counting pixels in a column, this is the minimum number to be a valid column (else it is a spacer column) FTMaximumAllowedNumPixelsInRowToBeBlank:=2 ; FT has some columns with one pixel in them next to a decimal point that we need to say these are spacer columns. ; Like the 4 digit has one column on the right with one pixel, and this will be right next to the decimal point. ; Fortunately the decimal point has 2 pixels in it, so that it can be detected as a dp. ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 472-563 PixelCountDigits52254 := 0 PixelCountDigits276 := 1 PixelCountDigits35335 := 2 PixelCountDigits33335 := 2 PixelCountDigits23344 := 3 PixelCountDigits22276 := 4 PixelCountDigits53335 := 5 PixelCountDigits53321 := 6 PixelCountDigits23321 := 7 PixelCountDigits43344 := 8 PixelCountDigits23354 := 9 PixelCountDigits21 := "." PixelCountDigits3333332 := "A" PixelCountDigits333335 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 564-682 PixelCountDigits622265 := 0 PixelCountDigits287 := 1 PixelCountDigits333336 := 2 PixelCountDigits223355 := 3 PixelCountDigits22287 := 4 PixelCountDigits533346 := 5 PixelCountDigits533332 := 6 PixelCountDigits33321 := 7 PixelCountDigits533355 := 8 PixelCountDigits333354 := 9 PixelCountDigits21 := "." PixelCountDigits3433432 := "A" PixelCountDigits333346 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 683-841 PixelCountDigits6822865 := 0 PixelCountDigits2887 := 1 PixelCountDigits3544536 := 2 PixelCountDigits2433855 := 3 PixelCountDigits222787 := 4 PixelCountDigits653646 := 5 PixelCountDigits6833632 := 6 PixelCountDigits47521 := 7 PixelCountDigits5833855 := 8 PixelCountDigits3633865 := 9 PixelCountDigits221 := "." PixelCountDigits36636632 := "A" PixelCountDigits4644646 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Special situation below 842-881 - looks like only the 2 digit is different here PixelCountDigits23444647 := 2 ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 842-960 PixelCountDigits79222976 := 0 PixelCountDigits22998 := 1 PixelCountDigits33444647 := 2 PixelCountDigits22333966 := 3 PixelCountDigits2222998 := 4 PixelCountDigits5533757 := 5 PixelCountDigits68433743 := 6 PixelCountDigits465421 := 7 PixelCountDigits69333966 := 8 PixelCountDigits47334865 := 9 PixelCountDigits221 := "." PixelCountDigits2555355521 := "A" PixelCountDigits56333656 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 961-1040 PixelCountDigits684224865 := 0 PixelCountDigits22AA9 := 1 PixelCountDigits354435647 := 2 PixelCountDigits463337735 := 3 PixelCountDigits22222AA9 := 4 PixelCountDigits275335647 := 5 PixelCountDigits685335632 := 6 PixelCountDigits3555421 := 7 PixelCountDigits7A3333A77 := 8 PixelCountDigits365335865 := 9 PixelCountDigits332 := "." PixelCountDigits3556365532 := "A" PixelCountDigits475445746 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 1041-1119 PixelCountDigits8A42224A87 := 0 PixelCountDigits22CCB := 1 PixelCountDigits3544445649 := 2 PixelCountDigits4623337957 := 3 PixelCountDigits222222CCB := 4 PixelCountDigits2863335759 := 5 PixelCountDigits7954335743 := 6 PixelCountDigits35555421 := 7 PixelCountDigits5973337957 := 8 PixelCountDigits4753345976 := 9 PixelCountDigits332 := "." PixelCountDigits355653565532 := "A" PixelCountDigits5864446858 := "S" coordmode, pixel, Screen WindowScaledPos(X, Y, ClientScaleFactor, "Screen", WinId) W := Round(W * ClientScaleFactor) H := Round(H * ClientScaleFactor) PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,X,Y,RGB CheckPrimaryColorFlag := 1 CheckAlternateColorFlag := 0 Y += Round(H/2) TopRowFound := 0 loop, % Round(H) { Xpos := X PixelCountInRow := 0 ScanWidth := Round(W*3/4) loop,% ScanWidth { Xpos += 1 PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,Xpos,Y,RGB if (CheckPrimaryColorFlag AND (ColorWithinTolerance(ColorRGB, DigitsColor, DigitsColorTolerance))) { PixelCountInRow++ if (PixelCountInRow > FTMaximumAllowedNumPixelsInRowToBeBlank) break } } if (Xpos == (X + ScanWidth)) { TopRowFound := 1 Y += 1 ; move back down to the top row of the font break } Y -= 1 } if NOT TopRowFound { return "" } DigitString:="" PixelCountForAllDigitsString := "" PixelCountForThisDigitString := "" loop, %W% { ColumnNum:= A_Index PixelCountInColumn:=0 FirstPixelPosition := 0 LastPixelPosition := 0 loop, %H% { RowNum:=A_Index PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,X+ColumnNum-1,Y+RowNum-1,RGB if (ColorWithinTolerance(ColorRGB, DigitsColor, DigitsColorTolerance)) { if (!FirstPixelPosition) FirstPixelPosition := RowNum LastPixelPosition := RowNum PixelCountInColumn++ } } if (PixelCountInColumn >= FTMinimumPixelCountPerColumn) { LastMinusFirstPixelPosition := LastPixelPosition - FirstPixelPosition if (PixelCountInColumn > 9) { PixelCountInColumn := chr(64 + PixelCountInColumn - 9) } if PixelCountInColumn is alnum PixelCountForThisDigitString .= PixelCountInColumn } else { if (PixelCountForThisDigitString != "") { if (LastMinusFirstPixelPosition > 9) LastMinusFirstPixelPosition := chr(64 + LastMinusFirstPixelPosition - 9) if LastMinusFirstPixelPosition is alnum PixelCountForThisDigitString .= LastMinusFirstPixelPosition Temp := "PixelCountDigits" DigitString .= %Temp%%PixelCountForThisDigitString% PixelCountForAllDigitsString .= PixelCountForThisDigitString . A_Space PixelCountForThisDigitString := "" } } } Loop, { StringPosition := instr(DigitString,".") ; find the first decimal point if StringPosition { if ((strlen(DigitString) - StringPosition) > 2) StringReplace, DigitString, DigitString,.,, else break } else break } if (DigitString) { PixelCountForAllDigitsStringReturned := PixelCountForAllDigitsString return DigitString } } ColorWithinTolerance(SampleColor, TestColor, Tolerance) { if (SampleColor == TestColor) return 1 If (Tolerance == 0) return (SampleColor == TestColor) SampleColorRed := SampleColor >> 16 TestColorRed := TestColor >> 16 SampleColorGreen:= SampleColor >> 8 & 0xff TestColorGreen := TestColor >> 8 & 0xff SampleColorBlue := SampleColor & 0xff TestColorBlue := TestColor & 0xff return ( ( (SampleColorRed + Tolerance >= TestColorRed) && (SampleColorRed - Tolerance <= TestColorRed) ) && ( (SampleColorGreen + Tolerance >= TestColorGreen) && (SampleColorGreen - Toleranc <= TestColorGreene) ) && ( (SampleColorBlue + Tolerance >= TestColorBlue) && (SampleColorBlue - Tolerance <= TestColorBlue) ) ) } WindowScaledPos(ByRef PosX, ByRef PosY, ByRef ClientScaleFactor, ScaleType="Screen", WinId="") { local TitleBarHeight, WindowBottomBorder, WindowSideBorder, WindowTopBorder ,WindowX,WindowY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight local ClientWidth, ClientHeight , ClientWidthScaleFactor, ClientHeightScaleFactor StandardClientWidth=794 StandardClientHeight=547 SysGet, TitleBarHeight, 4 SysGet, WindowBottomBorder, 32 SysGet, WindowSideBorder, 33 WindowTopBorder := TitleBarHeight + WindowBottomBorder WinGetPos,WindowX,WindowY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight,ahk_id%WinId% ; if this is a poker table, then scale the XY position based on the size of the current table to a standard table size ; ifWinExist, ahk_id%WinId% ahk_group Tables ; { ClientWidth := WindowWidth - 2 * WindowSideBorder ClientHeight := WindowHeight - TitleBarHeight - 2 * WindowBottomBorder ClientWidthScaleFactor := ClientWidth / StandardClientWidth ClientHeightScaleFactor := ClientHeight / StandardClientHeight ClientScaleFactor := ClientWidthScaleFactor ; pass back the scaling factor in case the calling function needs it PosX := Round(PosX * ClientWidthScaleFactor) PosY := Round(PosY * ClientHeightScaleFactor) ; } if (ScaleType == "Client") { return } else if (ScaleType == "Window") { PosX += WindowSideBorder PosY += WindowTopBorder } else if (ScaleType == "Screen") { PosX += WindowX + WindowSideBorder PosY += WindowY + WindowTopBorder } } BuildGui: Gui, color, white Gui, add, tab, h490 w300, General|Global hotkeys|BetPot|Table hotkeys|Time Gui, Tab, General Gui, Add, Radio, x36 y70 w180 h20 Checked%ClassicTheme% vClassicTheme, Classic Gui, Add, Radio, x36 y90 w180 h20 Checked%Racetrack% vRacetrack, Racetrack Gui, add, text,cRed y125 x85, Use these options Gui, add, text,cRed y140 x50, if you experience flicker problem Gui, add, Checkbox, y160 x60 Checked%flicker1% Vflicker1 Gui, add, text, y175 x25,set FullTilt process Gui, add, text, y190 x25,priority to high Gui, add, Checkbox, y160 x180 Checked%flicker2% Vflicker2 Gui, add, text, y175 x125,set affinity to cpu1 only Gui, add, text, y190 x125,for FullTilt process Gui, add, text, y205 x125,(Dual-core/HT cpu) Gui, add, text,cGreen y235 x25,Turning aero theme off (Vista/W7) might help Gui, add, text,cGreen y250 x25,if these settings don't work. Gui, add, text,cGreen y270 x25,It is vital to turn aero off for BetPot function. Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y300 w220 h15 Checked%ActOnActiveTable% vActOnActiveTable, Send actions to active table Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y315 w220 h15 Checked%sendundermouse% vsendundermouse, Send actions to table under mouse Gui, add, text, y335 x25, Activate table under mouse Gui, add, Checkbox, y335 x220 Checked%activatetableundermouse% Vactivatetableundermouse Gui, add, text, y365 x25, Highlight table Gui, add, Checkbox, y365 x100 Checked%Highlight% VHighlight Gui, Add, Radio, x126 y360 w120 h15 Checked%highlightactive% vhighlightactive, Active Gui, Add, Radio, x126 y375 w120 h15 Checked%highlighthero% vhighlighthero, With action on hero Gui, add, text, y405 x25, Move mouse to action buttons Gui, add, Checkbox, y405 x220 Checked%MoveMouse% VMoveMouse Gui, add, text, y425 x65, Move mouse from nonfulltilt app Gui, add, Checkbox, y425 x220 Checked%stealfocus% Vstealfocus Gui, Add, Button, x75 y455 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y455 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Global hotkeys Gui, Add, Text, x25 y75 ,Register Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y72 w50 h20 vregister, %register% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y92 ,(join/unjoin waiting list for cash tables) Gui, Add, Text, x25 y115 ,Unregister Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y112 w50 h20 vunregister, %unregister% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y140 ,Join waiting list on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y137 w50 h20 vjoinwaitlist, %joinwaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y165 ,Unjoin waiting list on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y162 w50 h20 vunjoinwaitlist, %unjoinwaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y215 ,Activate next table Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y212 w50 h20 vActivateBottomWindow, %ActivateBottomWindow% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y245 ,Custom layout 1 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y242 w50 h20 vlayout1, %layout1% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y265 ,Custom layout 2 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y262 w50 h20 vlayout2, %layout2% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y285 ,Custom layout 3 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y282 w50 h20 vlayout3, %layout3% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y315 ,Suspend all hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y312 w50 h20 vsuspend, %suspend% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y335 ,Pause/unpause Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y332 w50 h20 vTogglePause, %TogglePause% Gui, Add, Button, x75 y415 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y415 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Time Gui, add, Checkbox, y75 x200 Checked%Timebank% VTimebank Gui, add, text, y75 x25,Click Timebank automatically Gui, add, Text, w200 y95 x25, Time delay for pressing Time button Gui, add, DropDownList, w40 y90 x220 vInterval1, %ddlist% Gui, add, text, y135 x25, Click "Deal me in" automatically Gui, add, Checkbox, y135 x200 Checked%dealmein% Vdealmein Gui, Add, Text, x25 y155 w120 h20 , Toggle Deal me in Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y152 w50 h20 vToggledealmein, %Toggledealmein% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y180 ,Sitout on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y177 w50 h20 vSitOutNextAll, %SitOutNextAll% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y205 ,Remove sitout on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y202 w50 h20 vRemoveSitout, %RemoveSitout% Gui, Add, Button, x75 y415 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y415 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Table hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y67 w50 h20 vfold, %fold% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y70 ,Fold Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y87 w50 h20 vcall, %call% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y90 ,Check/Call Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y107 w50 h20 vraise, %raise% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y110 ,Bet/Raise Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y127 w50 h20 vfold2any, %fold2any% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y130 ,Fold to any Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y147 w50 h20 vfold2any400, %fold2any400% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y150 ,Fold to any nl400 Gui, Add, Button, x75 y315 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y315 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, BetPot Gui, add, Checkbox, y55 x180 Checked%autopot% Vautopot Gui, add, text, y55 x25,Auto put bet into bet box Gui, Add, Text, x15 y70 ,Pre* Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefPre, %PotDefPre% Gui, Add, Text, x45 y70 ,Flop* Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefFlop, %PotDefFlop% Gui, Add, Text, x75 y70 ,Turn* Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefTurn, %PotDefTurn% Gui, Add, Text, x105 y70 ,River* Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefRiver, %PotDefRiver% Gui, Add, Text, x140 y70 ,Open Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y85 x140 vOpenDef, %ddlist1% Gui, Add, Text, x175 y70 ,Round(sb) Gui, add, Checkbox, y85 x200 Checked%RoundDef% VRoundDef Gui, Add, Text, x230 y70 ,Fix blinds Gui, add, Checkbox, y85 x250 Checked%FixDef% VFixDef Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y107 w80 h20 vpot1, %pot1% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y110 ,Pot1 Gui, Add, Text, x15 y130 ,Pre* Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Pre, %Pot1Pre% Gui, Add, Text, x45 y130 ,Flop* Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Flop, %Pot1Flop% Gui, Add, Text, x75 y130 ,Turn* Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Turn, %Pot1Turn% Gui, Add, Text, x105 y130 ,River* Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y145 w25 h20 vPot1River, %Pot1River% Gui, Add, Text, x140 y130 ,Open Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y145 x140 vOpen1, %ddlist1% Gui, Add, Text, x175 y130 ,Round(sb) Gui, add, Checkbox, y145 x200 Checked%Round1% VRound1 Gui, Add, Text, x230 y130 ,Fix blinds Gui, add, Checkbox, y145 x250 Checked%Fix1% VFix1 Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y167 w80 h20 vpot2, %pot2% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y170 ,Pot2 Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Pre, %Pot2Pre% Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Flop, %Pot2Flop% Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Turn, %Pot2Turn% Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y190 w25 h20 vPot2River, %Pot2River% Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y190 x140 vOpen2, %ddlist1% Gui, add, Checkbox, y190 x200 Checked%Round2% VRound2 Gui, add, Checkbox, y190 x250 Checked%Fix2% VFix2 Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y212 w80 h20 vpot3, %pot3% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y215 ,Pot3 Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Pre, %Pot3Pre% Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Flop, %Pot3Flop% Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Turn, %Pot3Turn% Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y235 w25 h20 vPot3River, %Pot3River% Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y235 x140 vOpen3, %ddlist1% Gui, add, Checkbox, y235 x200 Checked%Round3% VRound3 Gui, add, Checkbox, y235 x250 Checked%Fix3% VFix3 Gui, add, Checkbox, y260 x210 Checked%autobet% Vautobet Gui, add, text, y260 x55,Additionally press bet button Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y282 w40 h20 vincr1, %incr1% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y285 ,Increase by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y280 w40 h15 Checked%bb1% vbb1,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y295 w40 h15 Checked%sb1% vsb1,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y282 w80 h20 valt1, %alt1% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y312 w40 h20 vincr2, %incr2% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y315 ,Decrease by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y310 w40 h15 Checked%bb2% vbb2,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y325 w40 h15 Checked%sb2% vsb2,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y312 w80 h20 valt2, %alt2% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y342 w40 h20 vincr3, %incr3% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y345 ,Increase by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y340 w40 h15 Checked%bb3% vbb3,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y355 w40 h15 Checked%sb3% vsb3,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y342 w80 h20 valt3, %alt3% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y372 w40 h20 vincr4, %incr4% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y375 ,Decrease by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y370 w40 h15 Checked%bb4% vbb4,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y385 w40 h15 Checked%sb4% vsb4,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y372 w80 h20 valt4, %alt4% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y400 ,Attempts to read Pot amount from screen Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y397 w25 h20 vattempts, %attempts% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y420 ,* Pot percent Gui, add, text,cRed y440 x35,BetPot function won't be efficient with aero theme on Gui, Add, Button, x75 y460 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y460 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gosub, GetIni Gui, show, w316, %thisahk% Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetIni: Settitlematchmode,2 IfNotExist, %thisahk%.ini gosub, CreateIni IniRead, ClassicTheme,%thisahk%.ini, Options, ClassicTheme,0 IniRead, Racetrack,%thisahk%.ini, Options, Racetrack,0 IniRead, ActOnActiveTable, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable, 0 IniRead, sendundermouse, %thisahk%.ini, Options, sendundermouse, 0 IniRead, activatetableundermouse, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, activatetableundermouse, 0 IniRead, Highlight, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Highlight, 0 IniRead, highlighthero, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlighthero, 0 IniRead, highlightactive, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlightactive, 0 IniRead, MoveMouse, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, MoveMouse, 0 IniRead, stealfocus, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, stealfocus, 0 IniRead, Interval1, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Interval1 StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %interval1%, %Interval1%| GuiControl, , Interval1, |%ddlist% StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %interval1%|, %Interval1% IniRead, flicker1, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker1, 0 IniRead, flicker2, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker2, 0 IniRead, dealmein, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, dealmein, 0 IniRead, Toggledealmein, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Toggledealmein,%A_Space% If Toggledealmein { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %Toggledealmein%, Toggledealmein } IniRead, Timebank, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Timebank, 0 IniRead, SitOutNextAll, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll,%A_Space% IniRead, RemoveSitout, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, RemoveSitout,%A_Space% if SitOutNextAll Hotkey, %SitOutNextAll%,SitOutNextAll if RemoveSitout Hotkey, %RemoveSitout%,RemoveSitout IniRead, register, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, register,%A_Space% IniRead, unregister, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, unregister,%A_Space% IniRead, joinwaitlist, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, joinwaitlist,%A_Space% IniRead, Unjoinwaitlist, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Unjoinwaitlist,%A_Space% if register Hotkey, %register%,register if unregister Hotkey, %unregister%,unregister if joinwaitlist Hotkey, %joinwaitlist%,joinwaitlist if Unjoinwaitlist Hotkey, %Unjoinwaitlist%,Unjoinwaitlist IniRead, ActivateBottomWindow, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow,%A_Space% if ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%,ActivateBottomWindow IniRead, suspend, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, suspend,%A_Space% if suspend Hotkey, %suspend%,suspend IniRead, TogglePause, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, TogglePause,%A_Space% if TogglePause Hotkey, %TogglePause%,TogglePause IniRead, layout1, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout1,%A_Space% if layout1 Hotkey, %layout1%,layout1 IniRead, layout2, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout2,%A_Space% if layout2 Hotkey, %layout2%,layout2 IniRead, layout3, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout3,%A_Space% if layout3 Hotkey, %layout3%,layout3 IniRead, fold, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold,%A_Space% IniRead, call, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, call,%A_Space% IniRead, raise, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, raise,%A_Space% IniRead, fold2any, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any,%A_Space% IniRead, fold2any400, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any400,%A_Space% if fold { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold%,fold } if call { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %call%,call } if raise { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %raise%,raise } if fold2any { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold2any%,fold2any } if fold2any400 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold2any400%,fold2any400 } IniRead, OpenDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, OpenDef StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %OpenDef%, %OpenDef%| GuiControl, , OpenDef, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %OpenDef%|, %OpenDef% IniRead, RoundDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, RoundDef, 0 IniRead, FixDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, FixDef, 0 IniRead, PotDefPre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefPre, 0 IniRead, PotDefFlop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefFlop, 0 IniRead, PotDefTurn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefTurn, 0 IniRead, PotDefRiver, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefRiver, 0 IniRead, Open1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open1 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open1%, %Open1%| GuiControl, , Open1, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open1%|, %Open1% IniRead, Round1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round1, 0 IniRead, Fix1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix1, 0 IniRead, Pot1Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot1Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot1Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot1River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1River, 0 IniRead, pot1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot1,%A_Space% if pot1 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot1%,pot1 } IniRead, Open2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open2 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open2%, %Open2%| GuiControl, , Open2, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open2%|, %Open2% IniRead, Round2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round2, 0 IniRead, Fix2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix2, 0 IniRead, Pot2Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot2Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot2Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot2River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2River, 0 IniRead, pot2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot2,%A_Space% if pot2 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot2%,pot2 } IniRead, Open3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open3 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open3%, %Open3%| GuiControl, , Open3, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open3%|, %Open3% IniRead, Round3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round3, 0 IniRead, Fix3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix3, 0 IniRead, Pot3Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot3Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot3Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot3River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3River, 0 IniRead, pot3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot3,%A_Space% if pot3 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot3%,pot3 } IniRead, incr1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr1, 0 IniRead, bb1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb1, 0 IniRead, sb1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb1, 0 IniRead, alt1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt1, %A_Space% if alt1 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt1%,alt1 } IniRead, incr2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr2, 0 IniRead, bb2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb2, 0 IniRead, sb2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb2, 0 IniRead, alt2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt2, %A_Space% if alt2 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt2%,alt2 } IniRead, incr3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr3, 0 IniRead, bb3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb3, 0 IniRead, sb3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb3, 0 IniRead, alt3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt3, %A_Space% if alt3 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt3%,alt3 } IniRead, incr4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr4, 0 IniRead, bb4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb4, 0 IniRead, sb4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb4, 0 IniRead, alt4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt4, %A_Space% if alt4 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt4%,alt4 } IniRead, autopot, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autopot, 0 IniRead, autobet, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autobet, 0 IniRead, attempts, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotVariables, attempts, 0 Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MakeIni: If ClassicTheme IniWrite, %ClassicTheme%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ClassicTheme If Racetrack IniWrite, %Racetrack%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, Racetrack if ActOnActiveTable IniWrite, %ActOnActiveTable%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable if sendundermouse IniWrite, %sendundermouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, sendundermouse IniWrite, %activatetableundermouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, activatetableundermouse IniWrite, %Highlight%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Highlight if highlighthero IniWrite, %highlighthero%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlighthero if highlightactive IniWrite, %highlightactive%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlightactive IniWrite, %MoveMouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, MoveMouse IniWrite, %stealfocus%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, stealfocus IniWrite, %Interval1%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Interval1 IniWrite, %flicker1%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker1 IniWrite, %flicker2%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker2 IniWrite, %dealmein%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, dealmein if Toggledealmein IniWrite, %Toggledealmein%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Toggledealmein IniWrite, %Timebank%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Timebank if SitOutNextAll IniWrite, %SitOutNextAll%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll if RemoveSitout IniWrite, %RemoveSitout%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, RemoveSitout if register IniWrite, %register%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, register if unregister IniWrite, %unregister%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, unregister if joinwaitlist IniWrite, %joinwaitlist%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, joinwaitlist if Unjoinwaitlist IniWrite, %Unjoinwaitlist%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Unjoinwaitlist if ActivateBottomWindow IniWrite, %ActivateBottomWindow%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow if suspend IniWrite, %suspend%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, suspend if TogglePause IniWrite, %TogglePause%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, TogglePause if layout1 IniWrite, %layout1%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout1 if layout2 IniWrite, %layout2%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout2 if layout3 IniWrite, %layout3%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout3 if fold IniWrite, %fold%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold if call IniWrite, %call%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, call if raise IniWrite, %raise%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, raise if fold2any IniWrite, %fold2any%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any if fold2any400 IniWrite, %fold2any400%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any400 IniWrite, %OpenDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, OpenDef IniWrite, %RoundDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, RoundDef IniWrite, %FixDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, FixDef IniWrite, %PotDefPre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefPre IniWrite, %PotDefFlop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefFlop IniWrite, %PotDefTurn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefTurn IniWrite, %PotDefRiver%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefRiver IniWrite, %Open1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open1 IniWrite, %Round1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round1 IniWrite, %Fix1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix1 IniWrite, %Pot1Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Pre IniWrite, %Pot1Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Flop IniWrite, %Pot1Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Turn IniWrite, %Pot1River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1River if pot1 IniWrite, %pot1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot1 IniWrite, %Open2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open2 IniWrite, %Round2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round2 IniWrite, %Fix2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix2 IniWrite, %Pot2Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Pre IniWrite, %Pot2Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Flop IniWrite, %Pot2Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Turn IniWrite, %Pot2River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2River if pot2 IniWrite, %pot2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot2 IniWrite, %Open3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open3 IniWrite, %Round3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round3 IniWrite, %Fix3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix3 IniWrite, %Pot3Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Pre IniWrite, %Pot3Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Flop IniWrite, %Pot3Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Turn IniWrite, %Pot3River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3River if pot3 IniWrite, %pot3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot3 IniWrite, %incr1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr1 if bb1 IniWrite, %bb1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb1 if sb1 IniWrite, %sb1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb1 if alt1 IniWrite, %alt1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt1 IniWrite, %incr2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr2 if bb2 IniWrite, %bb2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb2 if sb2 IniWrite, %sb2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb2 if alt2 IniWrite, %alt2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt2 IniWrite, %incr3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr3 if bb3 IniWrite, %bb3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb3 if sb3 IniWrite, %sb3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb3 if alt3 IniWrite, %alt3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt3 IniWrite, %incr4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr4 if bb4 IniWrite, %bb4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb4 if sb4 IniWrite, %sb4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb4 if alt4 IniWrite, %alt4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt4 IniWrite, %autopot%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autopot IniWrite, %autobet%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autobet IniWrite, %attempts%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotVariables, attempts Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateIni: Racetrack:=0 ClassicTheme:=1 ActOnActiveTable:=1 sendundermouse:=0 activatetableundermouse:=0 Highlight:=0 highlighthero:=0 highlightactive:=1 MoveMouse:=0 stealfocus:=1 flicker1:=1 flicker2:=0 Interval1:=1 dealmein:=0 Timebank:=0 register=^r unregister=^u autopot:=0 autobet:=0 OpenDef=ssnl Open1=ssnl Open2=trny Open3=---- RoundDef:=1 Round1:=1 Round2:=1 Round3:=1 fixDef:=1 fix1:=1 fix2:=1 fix3:=1 PotDefPre:=75 PotDefFlop:=75 PotDefTurn:=66 PotDefRiver:=66 Pot1Pre:=75 Pot1Flop:=75 Pot1Turn:=66 Pot1River:=66 Pot2Pre:=100 Pot2Flop:=80 Pot2Turn:=80 Pot2River:=80 Pot3Pre:=999 Pot3Flop:=100 Pot3Turn:=100 Pot3River:=100 Pot1=mbutton Pot2=xbutton1 Pot3=xbutton2 incr1:=1 incr2:=1 incr3:=1 incr4:=1 bb1:=1 sb1:=0 bb2:=1 sb2:=0 bb3:=0 sb3:=1 bb4:=0 sb4:=1 alt1=wheelup alt2=wheeldown alt3=^wheelup alt4=^wheeldown attempts:=1 gosub, MakeIni gosub, buildgui return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiClose: gosub, cancel return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- menuGui: gosub, getini winget,id,id, %thisahk% ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI if !DllCall( "IsWindowVisible", "UInt",id) gosub, buildgui else winactivate,ahk_id%id% Gui, Submit,nohide return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reload: reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save: Gui, Submit FileDelete, %thisahk%.ini gosub, MakeIni Reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancel: Gui, Destroy Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TogglePause: pause,toggle return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suspend: suspend if A_IsSuspended=0 { T=Off } else { T=On } Gui, 13:Add, Text,,Suspend: %T% Gui, 13:+ToolWindow Gui, 13:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1500 Gui, 3:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: edit return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exitSub: if flicker1 { Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, Normal ; SetAffinity(FTP) } } ;FileDelete, %thisahk%.ini ;gosub, makeini exitApp return ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
That version... works! I tested it on multiple tables from 1/2 - 3/6.
Can you make a modification for the script to stay open until I manually exit or kill the process? I have my own start/stop scripts for poker related applications, and FTCash seems to be closing even when I keep the client open but don't have tables open...
PM me your FTP name for donation, thanks again
Can you make a modification for the script to stay open until I manually exit or kill the process? I have my own start/stop scripts for poker related applications, and FTCash seems to be closing even when I keep the client open but don't have tables open...
PM me your FTP name for donation, thanks again
Here i've made a fix for table hotkeys not always working issue
; #### FTCash #### ; AHK version: ; date: March 14,2010 version := "1.02b" ; author: Max1mums (max1mums@overcards.com) #SingleInstance, Force #NoEnv #Persistent Settitlematchmode, 2 OnExit exitSub StringTrimRight, thisahk, A_ScriptName, 4 SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, menugui Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, reload Menu, Tray, Default, Settings Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Suspend, Suspend Menu, Tray, Add, Pause, TogglePause Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Edit, Edit Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitSub OnMessage(0x112,"WM_SYSCOMMAND") WM_SYSCOMMAND(wParam) { if (A_Gui && wParam = 0xF020) ; SC_MINIMIZE { Gui, destroy return 0 } } boost:=false ; Border of the "Highlighter" border_color := "ff0000" border_size := 5 trans := 255 debug:=0 SetBatchLines,-1 SetWinDelay,-1 SendMode Input SysGet, xbord, 32 SysGet, ybord, 33 SysGet, cap, 4 SysGet, border, 32 SysGet, caption, 4 time_x:=0.9093 time_y:=0.7200 time_x1:=0.8808 t1:=0xdedbde v:=25 back_x:=0.6534 back_y:=0.9862 back_x1:=0.5859 back1:=0x181818 v1:=5 join_x:=0.6158 join_y:=0.9292 join_x1:=0.8261 join:=0xffffff v2:=5 once:=true tablequeue= ddlist= Loop 14 ddlist:=ddlist . A_index . "|" ddlist1= ddlist1.="ssnl" . "|" ddlist1.="trny" . "|" ddlist1.="mix" . "|" ddlist1.="----" . "|" gosub,getini ifwinnotexist,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget { if flicker1 { winwait,Logged In ahk_class QWidget Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, High } } else { Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, Normal } } if flicker2 { winwait,Logged In ahk_class QWidget Process, Exist, AutoHotkey.exe if (ErrorLevel) { Ahk := ErrorLevel ; SetAffinity(Ahk,0) SetAffinity(Ahk) } Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel ; SetAffinity(FTP,0) SetAffinity(FTP) } } } else ifwinnotexist,Full Tilt Poker - ahk_class QWidget winwaitclose,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget ;;;;;;;;;;;;End of init;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if Timebank settimer,clickwithdelay,100 if autopot OR Highlight settimer,act,55 if Highlight settimer,Highlighter,43 if dealmein OR Timebank settimer,check,639 settimer,Colorinit,187 if MoveMouse settimer,MouseMove,119 settimer,BetPot,87 settimer,onFTclose,1078 if activatetableundermouse settimer,activateundermouse,133 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- onFTclose: Settitlematchmode, 3 ifwinexist,FullTiltPoker ahk_class QWidget ifwinnotexist,Full Tilt Poker - ahk_class QWidget { exitapp } Settitlematchmode, 2 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FoldFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.6834,0.9358,id) PostclickFT(0.6834,0.9358,id) } CallFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.8032,0.9358,id) PostclickFT(0.8032,0.9358,id) } RaiseFT(id) { PostclickFT(0.9356,0.9358,id) PostclickFT(0.9356,0.9358,id) } Fold2anyFT(id) { global Racetrack WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 if Racetrack { if bb<4 { click_x:=0.4325 click_y:=0.8937 } else { click_x:=0.4193 click_y:=0.9169 } } else { if bb<4 { click_x:=0.0088 click_y:=0.7472 } else { click_x:=0.0088 click_y:=0.7566 } } PostclickFT(click_x,click_y,id) } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fold: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { FoldFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold%} } sendmode input return call: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { callFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%call%,ahk_id%id% send {%call%} } sendmode input return raise: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { raiseFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%raise%,ahk_id%id% send {%raise%} } sendmode input return fold2any: sendmode event If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, Id, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,ID wingetclass,class,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget { fold2anyFT(id) } else { ;ControlGetFocus,ctrl,ahk_id%id% ;ControlSend,%ctrl%,%fold2any%,ahk_id%id% send {%fold2any%} } sendmode input return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pot1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round1 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot1Pre A_space Pot1Flop A_space Pot1Turn A_space Pot1River, Roundsb, Open1, fix1) if autobet raiseFT(id) return pot2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round2 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot2Pre A_space Pot2Flop A_space Pot2Turn A_space Pot2River, Roundsb, Open2, fix2) if autobet raiseFT(id) return pot3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if Round3 Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(id,Pot3Pre A_space Pot3Flop A_space Pot3Turn A_space Pot3River, Roundsb, Open3, fix3) if autobet raiseFT(id) return alt1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb1 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"up", incr1, sb) return alt2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb2 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"down", incr2, sb) return alt3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb3 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"up", incr3, sb) return alt4: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, id, id, A else MousegetPos,,,id if sb4 sb:="sb" else sb:="" AlterAmount(id,"down", incr4, sb) return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetPot: GroupAdd, FullTiltTables,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,,Full Tilt if autopot { isbetboxnew() } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsBetBoxNew() { global oldid,PotDefPre,PotDefFlop,PotDefTurn,PotDefRiver,RoundDef,OpenDef,FixDef winget winid,id,A betboxX:=0.9687 betboxY:=0.8000 relFTclientpoint(winid,betboxX,betboxY,0) pixelgetcolor,bet,betboxX,betboxY,ahk_id%winid% if (winid<>oldid) { if bet=0xffffff { oldid:=winid if RoundDef Roundsb:="smallblind" else Roundsb:=0.2 Pot(winid,PotDefPre A_space PotDefFlop A_space PotDefTurn A_space PotDefRiver, Roundsb, OpenDef, FixDef) } else oldid= } else { if bet!=0xffffff oldid= } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- act: id:=act() wingetclass,class,A wingettitle,title,A ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%id% if class=QWidget if (instr(title, "Logged In") & instr(title, "/")) winactivate,ahk_id%id% return act() { winget,list,list, Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt return list1 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- activateundermouse: activatetableundermouse() return activatetableundermouse() { MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% if (class="QWidget") winactivate, ahk_id %WinID% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ActivateBottomWindow: GroupActivate, FullTiltTables return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SitOutNextAll: ;ClickImBack:=false settimer,Check,off WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%Z% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 if Racetrack { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.4263 sity:=0.9264 } else { sitx:=0.4125 sity:=0.9345 } } else { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7770 } else { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7857 } } click_x:=sitx+0.0070 click_y:=sity+0.0070 WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z% if w>1000 Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,15,15) else Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,10,10) if !(instr(Sittingout,"-0-")) & !(instr(Sittingout,"1710618")) ; & !(instr(Sittingout,"16777215")) { PostClickFT(click_x, click_y, Z, 0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveSitout: ;ClickImBack:=true if dealmein OR Timebank settimer,Check,639 WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%Z% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 if Racetrack { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.4263 sity:=0.9264 } else { sitx:=0.4125 sity:=0.9345 } } else { if bb<4 { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7770 } else { sitx:=0.0031 sity:=0.7857 } } click_x:=sitx+0.0070 click_y:=sity+0.0070 WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z% if w>1000 Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,15,15) else Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0,0,0,sity,sitx,Z,1,10,10) ; FileAppend, %Sittingout%`n`n, test.txt if (instr(Sittingout,"-0-")) || (instr(Sittingout,"1710618")) ; & !(instr(Sittingout,"16777215")) { PostClickFT(click_x, click_y, Z, 0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout1: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 7} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout2: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 8} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout3: ifwinactive,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID wingetclass,class,ahk_id %WinID% wingettitle,title,ahk_id %WinID% if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { CX:=0.8261 CY:=0.0155 wingetpos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%winid% coordmode,mouse,screen mousegetpos,x,y coordmode,mouse,relative DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x1+w+10, int, y1+h+10) PostclickFT(cx,cy,winid,1) sleep 100 critical,6 send {Tab 9} sleep,25 Send {Enter} critical,off sleep,-1 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x, int, y) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HighLighter: HighLighter(1) return HighLighter(Highlight=1) ;x_mouse=0.75, y_mouse=0.75 { global OldX,OldY,OldW,OldH global highlighthero,last_table_id global border_color global border_size global trans global xbord,ybord global cap ;act() foldx:=0.6534 foldy:=0.9662 foldx1:=0.5859 foldy1:=0.9662 back_x:=0.6534 back_y:=0.9862 back_x1:=0.5859 back_y1:=0.9862 join_y:=0.9292 join_x:=0.8261 fold1:=0x181818 v:=15 ; id:=act() ; wingetclass,class,A ; wingettitle,title,A ; ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%id% ; if class=QWidget ; if (instr(title, "Logged In") & instr(title, "/")) ; winactivate,ahk_id%id% ; winget,id,id,A ifwinactive, Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt { winget,id,id,A WinGetActiveStats,ActiveTitle, ActiveW, ActiveH, ActiveX, ActiveY relFTclientpoint(id,foldx,foldy,0) pixelgetcolor,fold,foldx,foldy,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,foldx1,foldy1,0) pixelgetcolor,bacgr,foldx1,foldy1,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,back_x,back_y,0) pixelgetcolor,deal,back_x,back_y,ahk_id%id% relFTclientpoint(id,back_x1,back_y1,0) pixelgetcolor,deal1,back_x1,back_y1,ahk_id%id% ; relFTclientpoint(id,join_x,join_y,0) ; pixelgetcolor,join,join_x,join_y,ahk_id%id% if (id != last_table_id) || ((OldX <> ActiveX || OldY <> ActiveY || OldW <> ActiveW || OldH <> ActiveH)) { OldX := ActiveX OldY := ActiveY OldW := ActiveW OldH := ActiveH mouse_last:=last_table_id last_table_id := id if(!id) { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel return } WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id%id% x := x + xbord y := y + xbord + cap w := w - (2*xbord) h := h - (2*xbord) - cap ;Makes Border around urgent table ; if ( Highlight = 1 ) if (highlighthero=0) || ((highlighthero=1) & (comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=0) & (comparecolors(fold,fold1,v)=0) & (comparecolors(deal,deal1,v)=1)) ; & (comparecolors(join,deal1,v)=1)) { ;top guinum := 2 Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%w% h%border_size% x%x% y%y% NoActivate ;left guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%border_size% h%h% x%x% y%y% NoActivate ;bottom guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption y2 := y + h - border_size Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%w% h%border_size% x%x% y%y2% NoActivate ;right guinum++ Gui, %guinum%: +Alwaysontop +Lastfound +Owner Gui, %guinum%: Color, %border_color% WinSet, Transparent, %trans% Gui, %guinum%: -Caption x2 := x + w - border_size Gui, %guinum%: Show, w%border_size% h%h% x%x2% y%y% NoActivate } else if highlighthero=1 ; if comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=1 ; { ; Gui, 2: Cancel ; Gui, 3: Cancel ; Gui, 4: Cancel ; Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= ; } } else if highlighthero=1 if comparecolors(fold,bacgr,v)=1 { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= } } else { Gui, 2: Cancel Gui, 3: Cancel Gui, 4: Cancel Gui, 5: Cancel last_table_id= } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MouseMove: MoveMouse() return MoveMouse(x_mouse=0.7468, y_mouse=0.8735) { if IsWindowNew() { wingetclass,class,A wingetactivetitle,title if class=QWidget if !instr(title,"Full Tilt") { winget,id,id,A relFTClientPoint(id, x_mouse, y_mouse,0,1) DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, x_mouse, int, y_mouse) } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsWindowNew() { global oldwinid,stealfocus winget,id,id,A wingetclass,class,ahk_id%oldwinid% if id!=%oldwinid% { oldwinid:=id if stealfocus return 1 else { if class=QWidget return 1 else return 0 } } else return 0 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colorinit: if once Colorinit() return Colorinit() { local id,t,col,v1 v1:=15 id:=WinExist("Logged In ahk_class QWidget","","Full Tilt") if id { once:=false settimer,Colorinit,off t:=PixelColorA(time_x,time_y,time_x1,time_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,col2,v1)=false) { t2:=col2 once:=true settimer,Colorinit,87 } else t2:=col1 t:=PixelColorA(back_x,back_y,back_x1,back_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,col2,v1)=false) { back2:=col2 once:=true settimer,Colorinit,87 } else back2:=col1 } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check: check() return check() { local listft,id,t,col winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(time_x,time_y,back_x,back_y,join_x,id) stringsplit,col,t,- if (CompareColors(col1,t1,v)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,t2,v)=false) { if !InStr(tablequeue,id) movetolist(id,A_TickCount) } else if InStr(tablequeue,id) removefromlist(id) if dealmein if (CompareColors(col2,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col2,back2,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col3,back2,v)=true) PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- relFTClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y, client=1, screen=0) { global xbord,ybord,cap WinGetPos,x1,y1,w,h,ahk_id%id% w-=2*xbord h-=(2*ybord)+cap x:=floor(W*x) y:=floor(H*y) if !client { x+=xbord y+=ybord+cap } if screen { x+=x1 y+=y1 } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostLeftDoubleClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) { ; ### Max1mums: Send the double left click, then the mouse-up messages, ; some windows can get activated on the down left click so we will use ; left doubleclick instead, don't use on objects which have any functions ; binded to doubleclick unless you want to make doubleclick on them ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!). If activate WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id% critical,6 PostMessage, 0x203 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% ; without 0x001 as lparam which is Lbutton down PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% critical,off sleep,-1 } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostclickFT(x,y,winid,activate=1,client=1) { relFTClientPoint(winid, x, y,client) DllCall("SetCapture","Uint",winid) PostLeftDoubleClick(x, y, winid, activate) DllCall("ReleaseCapture") } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clickwithdelay: Loop, Parse, tablequeue, `, { interval:=interval1*1000 stringsplit,tab,A_loopfield,- if abs(tab2-A_TickCount)>interval { PostclickFT(time_x,time_y,tab1,0) listDelItem(tablequeue, A_Loopfield) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PixelColorA(colx,coly,backx,backy,joinx,id,region=0,regionw=70,regionh=15) { global boost,xbord,ybord,cap if boost critical,6 setwindelay, -1 hdc_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", "UInt", id ) hdc_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", "UInt", hdc_frame) WinGetPos,,,W,H,ahk_id %id% hbm_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", "UInt",hdc_frame, "Int",w, "Int",h) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "UInt",hdc_buffer, "UInt",hbm_buffer) DllCall( "PrintWindow", "UInt" , id , "UInt" , hdc_buffer , "UInt" , 0 ) DllCall("RedrawWindow","UInt",id,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt", 1|16|32|64|1024) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*colx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*coly) + ybord + cap) pix1= pix1 := DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*backx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*backy) + ybord + cap) pix2:=DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*joinx) + xbord) pix3:=DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x, "Int", y) SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex pix1 += 0 pix1 .= "" pix2 += 0 pix2 .= "" pix3 += 0 pix3 .= "" SetFormat, IntegerFast, d pix1.="-" . pix2 . "-" . pix3 if region { x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*joinx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*backy) + ybord + cap) pix1.="*" loop %regionw% { delta:=A_index loop %regionh% { delta1:=A_index p := DllCall("GetPixel", "UInt", hdc_buffer, "Int", x+delta , "Int", y+delta1) ;p1:=p ;SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ;p += 0 ;p .= "" ;SetFormat, IntegerFast, d ;pix1.=p . "*" . p1 . "-" pix1.=p . "-" } } } sleep,1 DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Uint", hbm_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Uint", hdc_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Uint", hdc_buffer ) if boost { critical,off sleep,-1 } return pix1 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CompareColors(ByRef bgr1, ByRef bgr2, ByRef variation) { c1 := bgr1 & 0xff c2 := bgr2 & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false c1 := (bgr1 >> 8) & 0xff c2 := (bgr2 >> 8) & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false c1 := (bgr1 >> 16) & 0xff c2 := (bgr2 >> 16) & 0xff if (abs(c1 - c2) > variation) return false return true } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listAdd( byRef list, item, del="," ) { list:=( list!="" ? ( list . del . item ) : item ) return list } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listDelItem( byRef list, item, del=",") { ifEqual, item,, return list list:=del . list . del StringReplace, list, list, %item%%del% StringTrimLeft, list, list, 1 StringTrimRight, list, list, 1 return list } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- movetolist(winid,time) { global tablequeue listAdd(tablequeue, winid . "-" . time) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- removefromlist(winid) { global tablequeue Loop, Parse, tablequeue, `, { if InStr(A_loopfield,winid) listDelItem(tablequeue, A_Loopfield) } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetAffinity(pid, cpu=1) { h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x1F0FFF, "Int", false, "UInt", pid) DllCall("SetProcessAffinityMask", "UInt", h, "UInt", cpu) DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt" h) return } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- register: ifwinactive, ahk_class QWidget { winget,id,id, A wingettitle,title,ahk_id%id% if instr(title,"Full Tilt Poker -") { reg_x :=0.9080 reg_y :=0.7357 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget,,4 if !errorlevel { sleep,50 winget,id,id,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget wingetpos,,,,h,ahk_id%id% reg_x :=0.3608 if h<240 reg_y :=0.4876 else reg_y :=0.4193 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) ifwinExist,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unregister: ifwinactive, ahk_class QWidget { winget,id,id, A wingettitle,title,ahk_id%id% if instr(title,"Full Tilt Poker -") { reg_x:=0.9080 reg_y:=0.6709 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget,,4 if not errorlevel { winget,id,id, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget reg_x :=0.8876 reg_y :=0.0776 PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) PostclickFT(reg_x,reg_y,id,0) winwait,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget,,0.5 if not errorlevel { winclose,Tournament Buy-in ahk_class QWidget ifwinexist, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } else { settitlematchmode,3 winwait, Full Tilt Poker ahk_class QWidget,,4 if not errorlevel winclose,Full Tilt Poker ahk_class QWidget settitlematchmode,2 ifwinexist, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget winclose, Full Tilt Poker - Tournament ahk_class QWidget } } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toggledealmein: If (dealmein=true) { dealmein:=false T=Off } else { dealmein:=true T=On } Gui, 12:Add, Text,, Auto Deal me in: %T% Gui, 12:+ToolWindow Gui, 12:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1000 Gui, 12:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joinwaitlist: winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(join_x,back_y,back_x,join_y,join_x1,id,1) stringsplit,st,t,* stringsplit,col,st1,- if (CompareColors(col1,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,back2,v1)=false) if !instr(st2,"16777215") & !instr(st2,"67284200") & !instr(st2,"111670350") & !instr(st2,"148766710") PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unjoinwaitlist: winget,listft,list,Logged In ahk_class QWidget,,Full Tilt loop %listft% { id:=listft%A_index% t:=PixelColorA(join_x,back_y,join_x1,join_y,join_x1,id,1) stringsplit,st,t,* stringsplit,col,st1,- if (CompareColors(col1,back1,v1)=false) & (CompareColors(col1,back2,v1)=false) if instr(st2,"16777215") or instr(st2,"67284200") or instr(st2,"111670350") or instr(st2,"148766710") PostclickFT(back_x,back_y,id,0) } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlterAmount(id, dir="", frac=1, unit="") { WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% amount := 0 StringTrimRight, tablename, title, ( StrLen(title) - (InStr(title, " - ")-1) ) IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 } StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,Ј,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,Ђ,,1 StringReplace,bb,bb,€,,1 ; bb++ ; bb-- sb := sb(bb) ;listvars If (unit = "" or unit = "bb") { unit := bb } Else If (unit = "sb") { unit := sb } Else If (unit = "pot") { pot := 0 call := 0 hero_bet := 0 street := "pre" hero_position := "" open := 0 max := 10000000 IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { PotSizeFullTilt2(id, pot, call, sb, bb, hero_bet, street, hero_position, open, max) } pot := ((pot + call + hero_bet) )+ call unit := pot } amount := unit * frac if (dir="down") { amount := amount - (2*amount) } a:=floor(amount) if amount-a=0 amount:=a IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { oldClipboard = %clipboard% clipboard = PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send ^c ClipWait, 0.3 If !ErrorLevel t := clipboard clipboard = %oldClipBoard% t := t + amount if (t < 0) { t := 0 } t2 := Round(t, 0) t1 := Round(t, 2) t := Round(t, 3) if t-t1=0 t:=t1 if t-t2=0 t:=t2 PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send %t% } } Pot(id, frac=1, round_bet=0.2, open_adjust="", fixblinds=0) { global debug global attempts if attempts<=0 attempts:=1 pot := 0 call := 0 sb := 0 bb := 0 hero_bet := 0 street := "" hero_position := "" open := 1 max := 10000000 IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { loop %attempts% { PotSizeFullTilt2(id, pot, call, sb, bb, hero_bet, street, hero_position, open, max) if pot>0 break sleep,20 } } Else { return } StringSplit, fr, frac, %A_SPACE% if (fr0 < 4) { times := 4 - fr0 Loop, %times% { n := 5 - A_Index fr%n% := fr%fr0% } } if (street = "pre") { frac:= Round(fr1/100,2) } else if (street = "flop") { frac:= Round(fr2/100,2) } else if (street = "turn") { frac:= Round(fr3/100,2) } else if (street = "river") { frac:= Round(fr4/100,2) } if (debug) { TrayTip, BetPot, Pot:`t`t%pot%`nCall:`t`t%call%`nHero_bet:`t%hero_bet%`n`nPosition:`t%hero_position%`n`nBlinds:`t$%sb%/$%bb%`n`nStreet:`t%street%`n`n%fr0%`n%fr1% %fr2% %fr3% %fr4%`n`n%frac%,10,17 } ; listvars if (fixblinds AND open AND street="pre") { if (hero_position = "sb" ) { pot := pot - sb call := call + sb } else if (hero_position = "bb") { pot := pot - bb call := call + bb } } pot := ((pot + call + hero_bet)* (frac)) + call if (open=1 AND open_adjust="ssnl" ) { pot := pot + bb - sb } else if (open=1 AND open_adjust="trny" ) { pot := pot - bb } else if (open=1 AND open_adjust="mix" ) { if (bb=2) { pot := pot + bb - sb } ; pot := pot + bb + sb } if(round_bet = "smallblind") { ; if sb<1 pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),2) ; else ; pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),0) } else if(round_bet = "bigblind") { pot := Round((Floor((pot / bb)) * bb),2) } else if (round_bet < 1) { places := round_bet*10 pot := Round(pot, (places)) } else if (round_bet >= 1) { pot := Floor(pot / round_bet) * round_bet } p:=floor(pot) if pot-p=0 pot:=p IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group FullTiltTables { PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) Send ^a Send %pot% } } PotSizeFullTilt2(id, ByRef pot, ByRef call, ByRef sb, ByRef bb, ByRef hero_bet, ByRef street, ByRef hero_position, ByRef open, ByRef max) { global deduct_rake,Racetrack rake := 0 notraked := 0 maxrake := 3 max := 7654321 WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id% StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 StringReplace,bb,bb,$,,1 sb := sb(bb) TotalPotDigitsPosX=393 TotalPotDigitsPosY=277 if Racetrack { MainPotDigitsPosX=334 MainPotDigitsPosY=183 } else { MainPotDigitsPosX=285 MainPotDigitsPosY=335 } ;PotDigitsPos6X=338 ;PotDigitsPos6Y=340 PotDigitsPosW=80 PotDigitsPosH=14 pot:=DigitSearchByPixelCount(TotalPotDigitsPosX,TotalPotDigitsPosY,PotDigitsPosW,PotDigitsPosH,Id) if pot is not number pot:=DigitSearchByPixelCount(MainPotDigitsPosX,MainPotDigitsPosY,PotDigitsPosW,PotDigitsPosH,Id) ;oldClipboard=%clipboard% oldClipboard:=clipboard clipboard = PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min ;PostStarsClick(707, 418, id) ;hit min PostStarsClick(767, 440, id) min := sb Send ^a Send ^c ClipWait, 0.3 If !ErrorLevel { min := clipboard clipboard = %oldClipBoard% } else { min := 2*bb } street := "pre" street := GetStreetFT(id) if (min = bb) { call := 0 } else if (min > bb) { call := min / 2 } else if (street != "pre") { call := bb } call2 := Round(call, 0) call1 := Round(call, 2) call := Round(call, 3) if call-call1=0 call:=call1 if call-call2=0 call:=call2 if (call != bb || street != "pre") { open := 0 } pot := Round((Floor((pot / sb)) * sb),2) ;pot := pot - (2 * call) if call is not number call:=0 if hero_bet is not number hero_bet:=0 return } GetStreetFT(id) { CoordMode, Pixel, Screen street := "pre" x1 := 485 y1 := 214 x2 := 520 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "river" return street } x1 := 431 y1 := 214 x2 := 461 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "turn" return street } x1 := 378 y1 := 214 x2 := 414 y2 := 260 relStarsScreenPoint(id, x1, y1) relStarsScreenPoint(id, x2, y2) If ( GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xffffff) > 5 ) { street := "flop" return street } return street } ; finds number of specified pixels in a region GetPixelCount(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, options="") { CoordMode, Pixel, Screen pixels := (x2 - x1 + 1)*(y2 - y1 + 1) If ( pixels <= 0 ) { ErrorLevel = 1 return } count = 0 x = %x1% Loop { If ( x > x2 ) { break } y = %y1% Loop { If ( y > y2 ) { break } PixelGetColor, c, x, y, %options% If ( c = color ) { count++ } y++ } x++ } return count } sb(bb) { If bb = .25 sb := .10 else if bb = 15 sb = 10 else if bb = 0.05 sb = 0.02 else sb := bb/2 if (sb > 1) { sb := Round(sb, 0) } else { sb := Round(sb, 2) } return sb } StrRep(str,char,rep_char="",all=1) { StringReplace,str,str,%char%,%rep_char%,%all% return str } StrMid(str,str1,str2,startPos1=1,startPos2=1,caseSense=0){ If startPos1 = startPos1 = 1 If startPos2 = startPos2 = 1 StringTrimLeft,o,str,InStr(str,str1,cS,startPos1) + StrLen(str1) - 1 StringLeft,o,o,InStr(o,str2,caseSense,startPos2)-1 return o } IIf(_boolExpr, _exprTrue, _exprFalse) { If _boolExpr Return _exprTrue else return _exprFalse } relStarsClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { global border global caption rw := 792 rh := 546 WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id% w := w - (2*border) h := h - (2*border) - caption x := Floor( (x / rw ) * w ) y := Floor( (y / rh) * h ) } relStarsWindowPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { global border global caption relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) x := x + border y := y + border + caption } relStarsScreenPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y) { relStarsWindowPoint(id, x, y) WinGetPos, x1, y1, , , ahk_id%id% x += x1 y += y1 } reverse_calc_stars_client_area(cw, ByRef w, ByRef h) { global border global caption w := cw + (2*border) h := Floor(cw / 1.45) + (2*border) + caption } client_area(id, ByRef x, Byref y, ByRef w, Byref h) { WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id%id% global border global caption x := x + border y := y + border + caption w := w - (2*border) h := h - (2*border) - caption return } PostStarsClick(x, y, id) { relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) ;listvars PostLeftClick(x, y, id) } PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) { ; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages. ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!). If activate WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PixelCount function source taken from PokerShortCuts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /* DigitsByPixelCountGetValue() Purpose: This function looks for digits by counting pixels in each column of a digit and tries to find a match for those counts when a column of 0 pixels is found. we search the client area xywh Returns: DigitString - the numbers found A for All In S for Sitting Out "" if no digits found Parameters: X - x poistion in standard client area to search for digits Y - y " W - standardized width of search area H - standardized height of search area DigitsType - e.g. Bet, Stack or Pot. This var is used to get the colors and tolerances from the global variables ByRef PixelCountForAllDigitsStringReturned: for test purposes... this is the long pixel count string WinId: window id Notes: 1. I was having problems with the alternate color not reading the digits correctly on FT. This is black digits on white background. There sometimes seems to be a black pixel in the area below the stack numbers, and this would cause one of the columns to read incorrectly. To fix it, I had to reduce the Height parameter that it was checking from 15 down to 12. This seems to be reliable for all table sizes. 2. Full Tilt on small tables does not have a blank row of pixels above the stack digits if the user's name has a decender character in it. I had to change the software to allow for a few pixels in this row for it to be considered a blank row. I suppose this could be a problem if the user only has a stack size of 1, in which case the blank row at the top would be intrepreted as the stack digit with on (since it might only have 1 pixel in the row.) The "y" has one pixel that is right above the stack numbers, and the "g" character has 2 pixels... so we will allow for 2 pixels in the row. If the user's name has more than 2 pixels in the decenders, then this code won't work at the smallest of table sizes (need a table size that puts in a blank row of pixels.) 3. On small full tilt tables, you can't position the initial starting position too far to the left, else the software doesn't read the stack size correctly. I have found that just to the left of the "Sitting Out" words is about right. for some reason it picks up a number of decimal point characters if X is too far to the left. 4. At the larger table sizes, Stars tables go to a stack font that is not one solid color. It has the shading of the digits. But it does have one dominant color, and that is what I use to do the pixel count with. The color variation seems to be at least 10 for the other colors. So I captured the pixel counts setting the color variation to 1. This should work, unless there are some computers that show the color with more variation. I know that my alternate sony laptop has doesn't show the colors the same as my main sony laptop. So we need some color variation in there. So I'll try setting the variation to about 5. It may be that if this doesn't work, then we'll just have to tell users that have too much color variation in their font digits, that they can't use the larger table sizes on stars. 5. One good testing method is to outputdebug the Y paramater to let you know if the software is finding the blank line above the digits. Also, output the digitstring and alternate and pixel count strings at the end of this function. In the debug, you can use a mouse position to look for the digit characters. */ DigitSearchByPixelCount(X,Y,W,H,WinId) { DigitsColor=0xFFFFFF DigitsColorTolerance=0 FTMinimumPixelCountPerColumn := 2 ; when counting pixels in a column, this is the minimum number to be a valid column (else it is a spacer column) FTMaximumAllowedNumPixelsInRowToBeBlank:=2 ; FT has some columns with one pixel in them next to a decimal point that we need to say these are spacer columns. ; Like the 4 digit has one column on the right with one pixel, and this will be right next to the decimal point. ; Fortunately the decimal point has 2 pixels in it, so that it can be detected as a dp. ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 472-563 PixelCountDigits52254 := 0 PixelCountDigits276 := 1 PixelCountDigits35335 := 2 PixelCountDigits33335 := 2 PixelCountDigits23344 := 3 PixelCountDigits22276 := 4 PixelCountDigits53335 := 5 PixelCountDigits53321 := 6 PixelCountDigits23321 := 7 PixelCountDigits43344 := 8 PixelCountDigits23354 := 9 PixelCountDigits21 := "." PixelCountDigits3333332 := "A" PixelCountDigits333335 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 564-682 PixelCountDigits622265 := 0 PixelCountDigits287 := 1 PixelCountDigits333336 := 2 PixelCountDigits223355 := 3 PixelCountDigits22287 := 4 PixelCountDigits533346 := 5 PixelCountDigits533332 := 6 PixelCountDigits33321 := 7 PixelCountDigits533355 := 8 PixelCountDigits333354 := 9 PixelCountDigits21 := "." PixelCountDigits3433432 := "A" PixelCountDigits333346 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 683-841 PixelCountDigits6822865 := 0 PixelCountDigits2887 := 1 PixelCountDigits3544536 := 2 PixelCountDigits2433855 := 3 PixelCountDigits222787 := 4 PixelCountDigits653646 := 5 PixelCountDigits6833632 := 6 PixelCountDigits47521 := 7 PixelCountDigits5833855 := 8 PixelCountDigits3633865 := 9 PixelCountDigits221 := "." PixelCountDigits36636632 := "A" PixelCountDigits4644646 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Special situation below 842-881 - looks like only the 2 digit is different here PixelCountDigits23444647 := 2 ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 842-960 PixelCountDigits79222976 := 0 PixelCountDigits22998 := 1 PixelCountDigits33444647 := 2 PixelCountDigits22333966 := 3 PixelCountDigits2222998 := 4 PixelCountDigits5533757 := 5 PixelCountDigits68433743 := 6 PixelCountDigits465421 := 7 PixelCountDigits69333966 := 8 PixelCountDigits47334865 := 9 PixelCountDigits221 := "." PixelCountDigits2555355521 := "A" PixelCountDigits56333656 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 961-1040 PixelCountDigits684224865 := 0 PixelCountDigits22AA9 := 1 PixelCountDigits354435647 := 2 PixelCountDigits463337735 := 3 PixelCountDigits22222AA9 := 4 PixelCountDigits275335647 := 5 PixelCountDigits685335632 := 6 PixelCountDigits3555421 := 7 PixelCountDigits7A3333A77 := 8 PixelCountDigits365335865 := 9 PixelCountDigits332 := "." PixelCountDigits3556365532 := "A" PixelCountDigits475445746 := "S" ; FT Pixel Count Digits for table (client width) 1041-1119 PixelCountDigits8A42224A87 := 0 PixelCountDigits22CCB := 1 PixelCountDigits3544445649 := 2 PixelCountDigits4623337957 := 3 PixelCountDigits222222CCB := 4 PixelCountDigits2863335759 := 5 PixelCountDigits7954335743 := 6 PixelCountDigits35555421 := 7 PixelCountDigits5973337957 := 8 PixelCountDigits4753345976 := 9 PixelCountDigits332 := "." PixelCountDigits355653565532 := "A" PixelCountDigits5864446858 := "S" coordmode, pixel, Screen WindowScaledPos(X, Y, ClientScaleFactor, "Screen", WinId) W := Round(W * ClientScaleFactor) H := Round(H * ClientScaleFactor) PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,X,Y,RGB CheckPrimaryColorFlag := 1 CheckAlternateColorFlag := 0 Y += Round(H/2) TopRowFound := 0 loop, % Round(H) { Xpos := X PixelCountInRow := 0 ScanWidth := Round(W*3/4) loop,% ScanWidth { Xpos += 1 PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,Xpos,Y,RGB if (CheckPrimaryColorFlag AND (ColorWithinTolerance(ColorRGB, DigitsColor, DigitsColorTolerance))) { PixelCountInRow++ if (PixelCountInRow > FTMaximumAllowedNumPixelsInRowToBeBlank) break } } if (Xpos == (X + ScanWidth)) { TopRowFound := 1 Y += 1 ; move back down to the top row of the font break } Y -= 1 } if NOT TopRowFound { return "" } DigitString:="" PixelCountForAllDigitsString := "" PixelCountForThisDigitString := "" loop, %W% { ColumnNum:= A_Index PixelCountInColumn:=0 FirstPixelPosition := 0 LastPixelPosition := 0 loop, %H% { RowNum:=A_Index PixelGetColor, ColorRGB,X+ColumnNum-1,Y+RowNum-1,RGB if (ColorWithinTolerance(ColorRGB, DigitsColor, DigitsColorTolerance)) { if (!FirstPixelPosition) FirstPixelPosition := RowNum LastPixelPosition := RowNum PixelCountInColumn++ } } if (PixelCountInColumn >= FTMinimumPixelCountPerColumn) { LastMinusFirstPixelPosition := LastPixelPosition - FirstPixelPosition if (PixelCountInColumn > 9) { PixelCountInColumn := chr(64 + PixelCountInColumn - 9) } if PixelCountInColumn is alnum PixelCountForThisDigitString .= PixelCountInColumn } else { if (PixelCountForThisDigitString != "") { if (LastMinusFirstPixelPosition > 9) LastMinusFirstPixelPosition := chr(64 + LastMinusFirstPixelPosition - 9) if LastMinusFirstPixelPosition is alnum PixelCountForThisDigitString .= LastMinusFirstPixelPosition Temp := "PixelCountDigits" DigitString .= %Temp%%PixelCountForThisDigitString% PixelCountForAllDigitsString .= PixelCountForThisDigitString . A_Space PixelCountForThisDigitString := "" } } } Loop, { StringPosition := instr(DigitString,".") ; find the first decimal point if StringPosition { if ((strlen(DigitString) - StringPosition) > 2) StringReplace, DigitString, DigitString,.,, else break } else break } if (DigitString) { PixelCountForAllDigitsStringReturned := PixelCountForAllDigitsString return DigitString } } ColorWithinTolerance(SampleColor, TestColor, Tolerance) { if (SampleColor == TestColor) return 1 If (Tolerance == 0) return (SampleColor == TestColor) SampleColorRed := SampleColor >> 16 TestColorRed := TestColor >> 16 SampleColorGreen:= SampleColor >> 8 & 0xff TestColorGreen := TestColor >> 8 & 0xff SampleColorBlue := SampleColor & 0xff TestColorBlue := TestColor & 0xff return ( ( (SampleColorRed + Tolerance >= TestColorRed) && (SampleColorRed - Tolerance <= TestColorRed) ) && ( (SampleColorGreen + Tolerance >= TestColorGreen) && (SampleColorGreen - Toleranc <= TestColorGreene) ) && ( (SampleColorBlue + Tolerance >= TestColorBlue) && (SampleColorBlue - Tolerance <= TestColorBlue) ) ) } WindowScaledPos(ByRef PosX, ByRef PosY, ByRef ClientScaleFactor, ScaleType="Screen", WinId="") { local TitleBarHeight, WindowBottomBorder, WindowSideBorder, WindowTopBorder ,WindowX,WindowY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight local ClientWidth, ClientHeight , ClientWidthScaleFactor, ClientHeightScaleFactor StandardClientWidth=794 StandardClientHeight=547 SysGet, TitleBarHeight, 4 SysGet, WindowBottomBorder, 32 SysGet, WindowSideBorder, 33 WindowTopBorder := TitleBarHeight + WindowBottomBorder WinGetPos,WindowX,WindowY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight,ahk_id%WinId% ; if this is a poker table, then scale the XY position based on the size of the current table to a standard table size ; ifWinExist, ahk_id%WinId% ahk_group Tables ; { ClientWidth := WindowWidth - 2 * WindowSideBorder ClientHeight := WindowHeight - TitleBarHeight - 2 * WindowBottomBorder ClientWidthScaleFactor := ClientWidth / StandardClientWidth ClientHeightScaleFactor := ClientHeight / StandardClientHeight ClientScaleFactor := ClientWidthScaleFactor ; pass back the scaling factor in case the calling function needs it PosX := Round(PosX * ClientWidthScaleFactor) PosY := Round(PosY * ClientHeightScaleFactor) ; } if (ScaleType == "Client") { return } else if (ScaleType == "Window") { PosX += WindowSideBorder PosY += WindowTopBorder } else if (ScaleType == "Screen") { PosX += WindowX + WindowSideBorder PosY += WindowY + WindowTopBorder } } BuildGui: Gui, color, white Gui, add, tab, h490 w300, General|Global hotkeys|BetPot|Table hotkeys|Time Gui, Tab, General Gui, Add, Radio, x36 y70 w180 h20 Checked%ClassicTheme% vClassicTheme, Classic Gui, Add, Radio, x36 y90 w180 h20 Checked%Racetrack% vRacetrack, Racetrack Gui, add, text,cRed y125 x85, Use these options Gui, add, text,cRed y140 x50, if you experience flicker problem Gui, add, Checkbox, y160 x60 Checked%flicker1% Vflicker1 Gui, add, text, y175 x25,set FullTilt process Gui, add, text, y190 x25,priority to high Gui, add, Checkbox, y160 x180 Checked%flicker2% Vflicker2 Gui, add, text, y175 x125,set affinity to cpu1 only Gui, add, text, y190 x125,for FullTilt process Gui, add, text, y205 x125,(Dual-core/HT cpu) Gui, add, text,cGreen y235 x25,Turning aero theme off (Vista/W7) might help Gui, add, text,cGreen y250 x25,if these settings don't work. Gui, add, text,cGreen y270 x25,It is vital to turn aero off for BetPot function. Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y300 w220 h15 Checked%ActOnActiveTable% vActOnActiveTable, Send actions to active table Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y315 w220 h15 Checked%sendundermouse% vsendundermouse, Send actions to table under mouse Gui, add, text, y335 x25, Activate table under mouse Gui, add, Checkbox, y335 x220 Checked%activatetableundermouse% Vactivatetableundermouse Gui, add, text, y365 x25, Highlight table Gui, add, Checkbox, y365 x100 Checked%Highlight% VHighlight Gui, Add, Radio, x126 y360 w120 h15 Checked%highlightactive% vhighlightactive, Active Gui, Add, Radio, x126 y375 w120 h15 Checked%highlighthero% vhighlighthero, With action on hero Gui, add, text, y405 x25, Move mouse to action buttons Gui, add, Checkbox, y405 x220 Checked%MoveMouse% VMoveMouse Gui, add, text, y425 x65, Move mouse from nonfulltilt app Gui, add, Checkbox, y425 x220 Checked%stealfocus% Vstealfocus Gui, Add, Button, x75 y455 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y455 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Global hotkeys Gui, Add, Text, x25 y75 ,Register Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y72 w50 h20 vregister, %register% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y92 ,(join/unjoin waiting list for cash tables) Gui, Add, Text, x25 y115 ,Unregister Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y112 w50 h20 vunregister, %unregister% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y140 ,Join waiting list on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y137 w50 h20 vjoinwaitlist, %joinwaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y165 ,Unjoin waiting list on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y162 w50 h20 vunjoinwaitlist, %unjoinwaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y215 ,Activate next table Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y212 w50 h20 vActivateBottomWindow, %ActivateBottomWindow% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y245 ,Custom layout 1 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y242 w50 h20 vlayout1, %layout1% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y265 ,Custom layout 2 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y262 w50 h20 vlayout2, %layout2% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y285 ,Custom layout 3 Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y282 w50 h20 vlayout3, %layout3% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y315 ,Suspend all hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y312 w50 h20 vsuspend, %suspend% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y335 ,Pause/unpause Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y332 w50 h20 vTogglePause, %TogglePause% Gui, Add, Button, x75 y415 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y415 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Time Gui, add, Checkbox, y75 x200 Checked%Timebank% VTimebank Gui, add, text, y75 x25,Click Timebank automatically Gui, add, Text, w200 y95 x25, Time delay for pressing Time button Gui, add, DropDownList, w40 y90 x220 vInterval1, %ddlist% Gui, add, text, y135 x25, Click "Deal me in" automatically Gui, add, Checkbox, y135 x200 Checked%dealmein% Vdealmein Gui, Add, Text, x25 y155 w120 h20 , Toggle Deal me in Gui, Add, Edit, x220 y152 w50 h20 vToggledealmein, %Toggledealmein% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y180 ,Sitout on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y177 w50 h20 vSitOutNextAll, %SitOutNextAll% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y205 ,Remove sitout on all tables Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y202 w50 h20 vRemoveSitout, %RemoveSitout% Gui, Add, Button, x75 y415 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y415 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, Table hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y67 w50 h20 vfold, %fold% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y70 ,Fold Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y87 w50 h20 vcall, %call% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y90 ,Check/Call Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y107 w50 h20 vraise, %raise% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y110 ,Bet/Raise Gui, Add, Edit, x180 y127 w50 h20 vfold2any, %fold2any% Gui, Add, Text, x25 y130 ,Fold to any Gui, Add, Button, x75 y315 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y315 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gui, Tab, BetPot Gui, add, Checkbox, y55 x180 Checked%autopot% Vautopot Gui, add, text, y55 x25,Auto put bet into bet box Gui, Add, Text, x15 y70 ,Pre* Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefPre, %PotDefPre% Gui, Add, Text, x45 y70 ,Flop* Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefFlop, %PotDefFlop% Gui, Add, Text, x75 y70 ,Turn* Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefTurn, %PotDefTurn% Gui, Add, Text, x105 y70 ,River* Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y85 w25 h20 vPotDefRiver, %PotDefRiver% Gui, Add, Text, x140 y70 ,Open Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y85 x140 vOpenDef, %ddlist1% Gui, Add, Text, x175 y70 ,Round(sb) Gui, add, Checkbox, y85 x200 Checked%RoundDef% VRoundDef Gui, Add, Text, x230 y70 ,Fix blinds Gui, add, Checkbox, y85 x250 Checked%FixDef% VFixDef Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y107 w80 h20 vpot1, %pot1% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y110 ,Pot1 Gui, Add, Text, x15 y130 ,Pre* Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Pre, %Pot1Pre% Gui, Add, Text, x45 y130 ,Flop* Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Flop, %Pot1Flop% Gui, Add, Text, x75 y130 ,Turn* Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y145 w25 h20 vPot1Turn, %Pot1Turn% Gui, Add, Text, x105 y130 ,River* Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y145 w25 h20 vPot1River, %Pot1River% Gui, Add, Text, x140 y130 ,Open Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y145 x140 vOpen1, %ddlist1% Gui, Add, Text, x175 y130 ,Round(sb) Gui, add, Checkbox, y145 x200 Checked%Round1% VRound1 Gui, Add, Text, x230 y130 ,Fix blinds Gui, add, Checkbox, y145 x250 Checked%Fix1% VFix1 Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y167 w80 h20 vpot2, %pot2% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y170 ,Pot2 Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Pre, %Pot2Pre% Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Flop, %Pot2Flop% Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y190 w25 h20 vPot2Turn, %Pot2Turn% Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y190 w25 h20 vPot2River, %Pot2River% Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y190 x140 vOpen2, %ddlist1% Gui, add, Checkbox, y190 x200 Checked%Round2% VRound2 Gui, add, Checkbox, y190 x250 Checked%Fix2% VFix2 Gui, Add, Edit, x60 y212 w80 h20 vpot3, %pot3% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y215 ,Pot3 Gui, Add, Edit, x15 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Pre, %Pot3Pre% Gui, Add, Edit, x45 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Flop, %Pot3Flop% Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y235 w25 h20 vPot3Turn, %Pot3Turn% Gui, Add, Edit, x105 y235 w25 h20 vPot3River, %Pot3River% Gui, add, DropDownList, w45 y235 x140 vOpen3, %ddlist1% Gui, add, Checkbox, y235 x200 Checked%Round3% VRound3 Gui, add, Checkbox, y235 x250 Checked%Fix3% VFix3 Gui, add, Checkbox, y260 x210 Checked%autobet% Vautobet Gui, add, text, y260 x55,Additionally press bet button Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y282 w40 h20 vincr1, %incr1% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y285 ,Increase by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y280 w40 h15 Checked%bb1% vbb1,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y295 w40 h15 Checked%sb1% vsb1,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y282 w80 h20 valt1, %alt1% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y312 w40 h20 vincr2, %incr2% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y315 ,Decrease by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y310 w40 h15 Checked%bb2% vbb2,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y325 w40 h15 Checked%sb2% vsb2,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y312 w80 h20 valt2, %alt2% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y342 w40 h20 vincr3, %incr3% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y345 ,Increase by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y340 w40 h15 Checked%bb3% vbb3,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y355 w40 h15 Checked%sb3% vsb3,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y342 w80 h20 valt3, %alt3% Gui, Add, Edit, x80 y372 w40 h20 vincr4, %incr4% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y375 ,Decrease by Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y370 w40 h15 Checked%bb4% vbb4,bb Gui, Add, Radio, x125 y385 w40 h15 Checked%sb4% vsb4,sb Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y372 w80 h20 valt4, %alt4% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y400 ,Attempts to read Pot amount from screen Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y397 w25 h20 vattempts, %attempts% Gui, Add, Text, x15 y420 ,* Pot percent Gui, add, text,cRed y440 x35,BetPot function won't be efficient with aero theme on Gui, Add, Button, x75 y460 w55 h20 gSave,Submit Gui, Add, Button, x135 y460 w55 h20 gCancel,Cancel Gosub, GetIni Gui, show, w316, %thisahk% Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetIni: Settitlematchmode,2 IfNotExist, %thisahk%.ini gosub, CreateIni IniRead, ClassicTheme,%thisahk%.ini, Options, ClassicTheme,0 IniRead, Racetrack,%thisahk%.ini, Options, Racetrack,0 IniRead, ActOnActiveTable, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable, 0 IniRead, sendundermouse, %thisahk%.ini, Options, sendundermouse, 0 IniRead, activatetableundermouse, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, activatetableundermouse, 0 IniRead, Highlight, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Highlight, 0 IniRead, highlighthero, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlighthero, 0 IniRead, highlightactive, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlightactive, 0 IniRead, MoveMouse, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, MoveMouse, 0 IniRead, stealfocus, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, stealfocus, 0 IniRead, Interval1, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Interval1 StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %interval1%, %Interval1%| GuiControl, , Interval1, |%ddlist% StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %interval1%|, %Interval1% IniRead, flicker1, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker1, 0 IniRead, flicker2, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker2, 0 IniRead, dealmein, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, dealmein, 0 IniRead, Toggledealmein, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Toggledealmein,%A_Space% If Toggledealmein { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %Toggledealmein%, Toggledealmein } IniRead, Timebank, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Timebank, 0 IniRead, SitOutNextAll, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll,%A_Space% IniRead, RemoveSitout, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, RemoveSitout,%A_Space% if SitOutNextAll Hotkey, %SitOutNextAll%,SitOutNextAll if RemoveSitout Hotkey, %RemoveSitout%,RemoveSitout IniRead, register, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, register,%A_Space% IniRead, unregister, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, unregister,%A_Space% IniRead, joinwaitlist, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, joinwaitlist,%A_Space% IniRead, Unjoinwaitlist, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Unjoinwaitlist,%A_Space% if register Hotkey, %register%,register if unregister Hotkey, %unregister%,unregister if joinwaitlist Hotkey, %joinwaitlist%,joinwaitlist if Unjoinwaitlist Hotkey, %Unjoinwaitlist%,Unjoinwaitlist IniRead, ActivateBottomWindow, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow,%A_Space% if ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%,ActivateBottomWindow IniRead, suspend, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, suspend,%A_Space% if suspend Hotkey, %suspend%,suspend IniRead, TogglePause, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, TogglePause,%A_Space% if TogglePause Hotkey, %TogglePause%,TogglePause IniRead, layout1, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout1,%A_Space% if layout1 Hotkey, %layout1%,layout1 IniRead, layout2, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout2,%A_Space% if layout2 Hotkey, %layout2%,layout2 IniRead, layout3, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout3,%A_Space% if layout3 Hotkey, %layout3%,layout3 IniRead, fold, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold,%A_Space% IniRead, call, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, call,%A_Space% IniRead, raise, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, raise,%A_Space% IniRead, fold2any, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any,%A_Space% if fold { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold%,fold } if call { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %call%,call } if raise { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %raise%,raise } if fold2any { ;HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %fold2any%,fold2any } IniRead, OpenDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, OpenDef StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %OpenDef%, %OpenDef%| GuiControl, , OpenDef, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %OpenDef%|, %OpenDef% IniRead, RoundDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, RoundDef, 0 IniRead, FixDef, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, FixDef, 0 IniRead, PotDefPre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefPre, 0 IniRead, PotDefFlop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefFlop, 0 IniRead, PotDefTurn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefTurn, 0 IniRead, PotDefRiver, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefRiver, 0 IniRead, Open1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open1 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open1%, %Open1%| GuiControl, , Open1, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open1%|, %Open1% IniRead, Round1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round1, 0 IniRead, Fix1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix1, 0 IniRead, Pot1Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot1Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot1Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot1River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1River, 0 IniRead, pot1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot1,%A_Space% if pot1 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot1%,pot1 } IniRead, Open2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open2 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open2%, %Open2%| GuiControl, , Open2, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open2%|, %Open2% IniRead, Round2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round2, 0 IniRead, Fix2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix2, 0 IniRead, Pot2Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot2Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot2Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot2River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2River, 0 IniRead, pot2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot2,%A_Space% if pot2 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot2%,pot2 } IniRead, Open3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open3 StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open3%, %Open3%| GuiControl, , Open3, |%ddlist1% StringReplace, ddlist1, ddlist1, %Open3%|, %Open3% IniRead, Round3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round3, 0 IniRead, Fix3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix3, 0 IniRead, Pot3Pre, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Pre, 0 IniRead, Pot3Flop, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Flop, 0 IniRead, Pot3Turn, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Turn, 0 IniRead, Pot3River, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3River, 0 IniRead, pot3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot3,%A_Space% if pot3 { ;HotKey, IfWinActive,ahk_class QWidget HotKey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %pot3%,pot3 } IniRead, incr1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr1, 0 IniRead, bb1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb1, 0 IniRead, sb1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb1, 0 IniRead, alt1, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt1, %A_Space% if alt1 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt1%,alt1 } IniRead, incr2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr2, 0 IniRead, bb2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb2, 0 IniRead, sb2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb2, 0 IniRead, alt2, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt2, %A_Space% if alt2 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt2%,alt2 } IniRead, incr3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr3, 0 IniRead, bb3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb3, 0 IniRead, sb3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb3, 0 IniRead, alt3, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt3, %A_Space% if alt3 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt3%,alt3 } IniRead, incr4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr4, 0 IniRead, bb4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb4, 0 IniRead, sb4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb4, 0 IniRead, alt4, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt4, %A_Space% if alt4 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget Hotkey, %alt4%,alt4 } IniRead, autopot, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autopot, 0 IniRead, autobet, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autobet, 0 IniRead, attempts, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotVariables, attempts, 0 Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MakeIni: If ClassicTheme IniWrite, %ClassicTheme%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ClassicTheme If Racetrack IniWrite, %Racetrack%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, Racetrack if ActOnActiveTable IniWrite, %ActOnActiveTable%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable if sendundermouse IniWrite, %sendundermouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, sendundermouse IniWrite, %activatetableundermouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, activatetableundermouse IniWrite, %Highlight%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Highlight if highlighthero IniWrite, %highlighthero%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlighthero if highlightactive IniWrite, %highlightactive%, %thisahk%.ini, Options, highlightactive IniWrite, %MoveMouse%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, MoveMouse IniWrite, %stealfocus%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, stealfocus IniWrite, %Interval1%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Interval1 IniWrite, %flicker1%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker1 IniWrite, %flicker2%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, flicker2 IniWrite, %dealmein%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, dealmein if Toggledealmein IniWrite, %Toggledealmein%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Toggledealmein IniWrite, %Timebank%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Timebank if SitOutNextAll IniWrite, %SitOutNextAll%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll if RemoveSitout IniWrite, %RemoveSitout%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, RemoveSitout if register IniWrite, %register%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, register if unregister IniWrite, %unregister%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, unregister if joinwaitlist IniWrite, %joinwaitlist%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, joinwaitlist if Unjoinwaitlist IniWrite, %Unjoinwaitlist%, %thisahk%.ini, Settings, Unjoinwaitlist if ActivateBottomWindow IniWrite, %ActivateBottomWindow%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow if suspend IniWrite, %suspend%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, suspend if TogglePause IniWrite, %TogglePause%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, TogglePause if layout1 IniWrite, %layout1%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout1 if layout2 IniWrite, %layout2%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout2 if layout3 IniWrite, %layout3%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, layout3 if fold IniWrite, %fold%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold if call IniWrite, %call%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, call if raise IniWrite, %raise%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, raise if fold2any IniWrite, %fold2any%, %thisahk%.ini, Hotkeys, fold2any IniWrite, %OpenDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, OpenDef IniWrite, %RoundDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, RoundDef IniWrite, %FixDef%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, FixDef IniWrite, %PotDefPre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefPre IniWrite, %PotDefFlop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefFlop IniWrite, %PotDefTurn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefTurn IniWrite, %PotDefRiver%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, PotDefRiver IniWrite, %Open1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open1 IniWrite, %Round1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round1 IniWrite, %Fix1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix1 IniWrite, %Pot1Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Pre IniWrite, %Pot1Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Flop IniWrite, %Pot1Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1Turn IniWrite, %Pot1River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot1River if pot1 IniWrite, %pot1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot1 IniWrite, %Open2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open2 IniWrite, %Round2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round2 IniWrite, %Fix2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix2 IniWrite, %Pot2Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Pre IniWrite, %Pot2Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Flop IniWrite, %Pot2Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2Turn IniWrite, %Pot2River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot2River if pot2 IniWrite, %pot2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot2 IniWrite, %Open3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Open3 IniWrite, %Round3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Round3 IniWrite, %Fix3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Fix3 IniWrite, %Pot3Pre%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Pre IniWrite, %Pot3Flop%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Flop IniWrite, %Pot3Turn%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3Turn IniWrite, %Pot3River%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, Pot3River if pot3 IniWrite, %pot3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, pot3 IniWrite, %incr1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr1 if bb1 IniWrite, %bb1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb1 if sb1 IniWrite, %sb1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb1 if alt1 IniWrite, %alt1%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt1 IniWrite, %incr2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr2 if bb2 IniWrite, %bb2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb2 if sb2 IniWrite, %sb2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb2 if alt2 IniWrite, %alt2%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt2 IniWrite, %incr3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr3 if bb3 IniWrite, %bb3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb3 if sb3 IniWrite, %sb3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb3 if alt3 IniWrite, %alt3%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt3 IniWrite, %incr4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, incr4 if bb4 IniWrite, %bb4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, bb4 if sb4 IniWrite, %sb4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, sb4 if alt4 IniWrite, %alt4%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotHotkeys, alt4 IniWrite, %autopot%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autopot IniWrite, %autobet%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotSettings, autobet IniWrite, %attempts%, %thisahk%.ini, BetPotVariables, attempts Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateIni: Racetrack:=0 ClassicTheme:=1 ActOnActiveTable:=1 sendundermouse:=0 activatetableundermouse:=0 Highlight:=0 highlighthero:=0 highlightactive:=1 MoveMouse:=0 stealfocus:=1 flicker1:=1 flicker2:=0 Interval1:=1 dealmein:=0 Timebank:=0 register=^r unregister=^u autopot:=0 autobet:=0 OpenDef=ssnl Open1=ssnl Open2=trny Open3=---- RoundDef:=1 Round1:=1 Round2:=1 Round3:=1 fixDef:=1 fix1:=1 fix2:=1 fix3:=1 PotDefPre:=75 PotDefFlop:=75 PotDefTurn:=66 PotDefRiver:=66 Pot1Pre:=75 Pot1Flop:=75 Pot1Turn:=66 Pot1River:=66 Pot2Pre:=100 Pot2Flop:=80 Pot2Turn:=80 Pot2River:=80 Pot3Pre:=999 Pot3Flop:=100 Pot3Turn:=100 Pot3River:=100 Pot1=mbutton Pot2=xbutton1 Pot3=xbutton2 incr1:=1 incr2:=1 incr3:=1 incr4:=1 bb1:=1 sb1:=0 bb2:=1 sb2:=0 bb3:=0 sb3:=1 bb4:=0 sb4:=1 alt1=wheelup alt2=wheeldown alt3=^wheelup alt4=^wheeldown attempts:=1 gosub, MakeIni gosub, buildgui return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiClose: gosub, cancel return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- menuGui: gosub, getini winget,id,id, %thisahk% ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI if !DllCall( "IsWindowVisible", "UInt",id) gosub, buildgui else winactivate,ahk_id%id% Gui, Submit,nohide return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reload: reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save: Gui, Submit FileDelete, %thisahk%.ini gosub, MakeIni Reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancel: Gui, Destroy Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TogglePause: pause,toggle return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suspend: suspend if A_IsSuspended=0 { T=Off } else { T=On } Gui, 13:Add, Text,,Suspend: %T% Gui, 13:+ToolWindow Gui, 13:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1500 Gui, 3:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: edit return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exitSub: if flicker1 { Process, Exist, FullTiltPoker.exe if (ErrorLevel) { FTP := ErrorLevel Process, Priority, %FTP%, Normal ; SetAffinity(FTP) } } ;FileDelete, %thisahk%.ini ;gosub, makeini exitApp return ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm at work so I can't check anything right now. I notice the bet amounts and bet button mappings appear to be towards the end of the file (ala "Pot1River:=66"), and that they are under a section entitled "CreateIni:". I also see many references to "%thisahk%.ini" in the script. This implies to me that there is an .INI file I should be editing (if I want different bet amounts, etc.), rather than editing the script directly? I presume a default .INI file is generated upon the first run if one does not exist?
This implies to me that there is an .INI file I should be editing (if I want different bet amounts, etc.), rather than editing the script directly? I presume a default .INI file is generated upon the first run if one does not exist?
Great work. Would love to have a way to use the arrow keys to move between tables in a tiled setup, eg, right arrow activates the table to the right of the current table, up moves up, etc. Working on it now myself, but having to learn ahk is time-consuming. Would be willing to ship some $$ your way if this is something you'd do. If not, no worries. Overall, great stuff.
It can be done i guess, there is such thing implemented in scripts for PokerStars.
Can anyone make this compatible (or a script for 'Im back') for SNGs and Tournaments, willing to pay
tried it, doesn't work (atleast not for me)
And i've just checked it out, there isn't any difference compared to cash tables, both functions work fine. Are you using some custom table theme?
Is there a way to use both?
Yea I can't (and don't want to) undo my custom background so is there any situation to this?
Script is supposed to be working fine with some custom themes but if it doesn't work with your theme well... enjoy your theme and forget about this script i guess.
I'm not even sure that custom theme is the case, maybe you should follow instructions for Vista/W7 from first page first?
I'm not even sure that custom theme is the case, maybe you should follow instructions for Vista/W7 from first page first?
you are the best
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