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DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount]

03-26-2018 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by HugeStacks
I hadn't been playing at all for a good six weeks or so before the last few nights. During that time, my pro sub expired but I'm going to renew it later. It seems like you're finally starting to add a lot of the things that had so many of us excited in the first place. Population stats/data is solid gold.

Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, we're adding a ton of new functions and features daily. I'll list out some of the new stuff that's coming out in here soon as well.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
03-26-2018 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, we're adding a ton of new functions and features daily. I'll list out some of the new stuff that's coming out in here soon as well.
Looking forward to it.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
03-27-2018 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by HugeStacks
Looking forward to it.
And if there's ever anything you'd like to see, just add it to our forum:
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
03-29-2018 , 11:30 PM
DriveHUD beta update – v1.4.4.2118:

- Heat maps to pop-up stats added
- Speed optimization of report loading and filters (2-6x faster)
- Multi-way all-in EV calc fix
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
03-30-2018 , 09:24 PM
Sorry. Previous post I put up didn't have the optimized reports. I read the developer notes incorrect. It was just optimized for switching between tabs. This build was optimized for faster report load times, and switching tab data. It will work to utilize the best strategy based on the number of CPU's and cores your system has. I'll post some testing results below as well.

DriveHUD beta update – v1.4.4.2122:

- Heat maps to pop-up stats added
- Speed optimization of report loading and filters (2-10x faster)
- Multi-way all-in EV calc fix

Reports optimization results:
Dataset: 850k cash hands, 360k tournament hands
<Report Name> - <Before> -> <After> - +% hands/s
Cash reports:
Overall: 11s -> 4.5s (+244%)
Position: 11s -> 4s (+275%)
Session: 12.5s -> 4s (+312%)
Tournament reports:
Results: 20.3s -> 2s (+1015%)
Tournaments: 88.5s -> 19s (+465%)
Stats: 20.5s -> 2s (+1025%)
PokerSites: 10.5s -> 1.5s (+700%)
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
03-31-2018 , 12:55 PM
Hi, I am changing computers. Is there a way for me to import my old hud into a new computer along with my old hand histories?

DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
03-31-2018 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Two new DriveHUD promo's this month:

Promo #1
50% off on any license if you have an existing and valid HM2/PT4 license. Just e-mail your database license to support to receive a 50% off coupon valid on all Drivehud licenses.

Promo #2
50% off on any DriveHUD license if you record a session using Drivehud and post it on youtube with a link to in your youtube comments. You can also signup as an affiliate and post your affiliate link. Send a link to your youtube video to support to get a 50% off coupon.

* Neither promo is retroactive and is valid until 4/1/18 or notice posted that promo has ended.

Two easy peazy promo's. We're hyper focused on creating the best database and HUD available today. We'd love to see you come on board!

Sneaking in at the last second, this still available?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-01-2018 , 12:26 AM
Importing hands, does 17 h/s seem about right for the speed?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-01-2018 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Sorry. Previous post I put up didn't have the optimized reports. I read the developer notes incorrect. It was just optimized for switching between tabs. This build was optimized for faster report load times, and switching tab data. It will work to utilize the best strategy based on the number of CPU's and cores your system has. I'll post some testing results below as well.

DriveHUD beta update – v1.4.4.2122:

- Heat maps to pop-up stats added
- Speed optimization of report loading and filters (2-10x faster)
- Multi-way all-in EV calc fix

Reports optimization results:
Dataset: 850k cash hands, 360k tournament hands
<Report Name> - <Before> -> <After> - +% hands/s
Cash reports:
Overall: 11s -> 4.5s (+244%)
Position: 11s -> 4s (+275%)
Session: 12.5s -> 4s (+312%)
Tournament reports:
Results: 20.3s -> 2s (+1015%)
Tournaments: 88.5s -> 19s (+465%)
Stats: 20.5s -> 2s (+1025%)
PokerSites: 10.5s -> 1.5s (+700%)
Very impressed, I am just beginning to try and implement the heat maps into pop-ups and the improvement in speed is very noticeable on my machine. You guys are really doing some good work.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-01-2018 , 01:05 PM
I've put in a bit of volume before renewing just because I wanted to play without the HUD for a bit. If I renew my Pro membership, will I be able to import hands from this past week (including yesterday) into DH for analysis/review? Will they import automatically?

DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-01-2018 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by justin
Sneaking in at the last second, this still available?
And does this apply to renewals, or just new subscriptions?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-02-2018 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Sorry. Previous post I put up didn't have the optimized reports. I read the developer notes incorrect. It was just optimized for switching between tabs. This build was optimized for faster report load times, and switching tab data. It will work to utilize the best strategy based on the number of CPU's and cores your system has. I'll post some testing results below as well.

DriveHUD beta update – v1.4.4.2122:

- Heat maps to pop-up stats added
- Speed optimization of report loading and filters (2-10x faster)
- Multi-way all-in EV calc fix

Reports optimization results:
Dataset: 850k cash hands, 360k tournament hands
<Report Name> - <Before> -> <After> - +% hands/s
Cash reports:
Overall: 11s -> 4.5s (+244%)
Position: 11s -> 4s (+275%)
Session: 12.5s -> 4s (+312%)
Tournament reports:
Results: 20.3s -> 2s (+1015%)
Tournaments: 88.5s -> 19s (+465%)
Stats: 20.5s -> 2s (+1025%)
PokerSites: 10.5s -> 1.5s (+700%)

I'm receiving a network error when trying to download this.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-02-2018 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by justin
Sneaking in at the last second, this still available?
Pm me.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-02-2018 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by HugeStacks
I've put in a bit of volume before renewing just because I wanted to play without the HUD for a bit. If I renew my Pro membership, will I be able to import hands from this past week (including yesterday) into DH for analysis/review? Will they import automatically?

It depends which site you're talking about. Most sites will import, but if it's a site that doesn't download hands while playing, then probably not.

And the deal that's expired is for new users only, not renewals.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-03-2018 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by joey716
Very impressed, I am just beginning to try and implement the heat maps into pop-ups and the improvement in speed is very noticeable on my machine. You guys are really doing some good work.
Thank you for the feedback. Appreciate it!

More good things coming soon.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-04-2018 , 05:50 PM
This used to be an issue with Ignition, it seemed to go away for a while, but it's back again (at least for me): There are sit and go's (specifically, husng's) that are recording as losses when I won. Tracking my winrate accurately is only possible if I manually edit each game to a win afterwards. Is there something I can do on my end other than this?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-04-2018 , 09:23 PM
Drive HUD will not uninstall on my windows 8 machine using the standard control panel add remove option. Gets about halfway done and then stops.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by HugeStacks
This used to be an issue with Ignition, it seemed to go away for a while, but it's back again (at least for me): There are sit and go's (specifically, husng's) that are recording as losses when I won. Tracking my winrate accurately is only possible if I manually edit each game to a win afterwards. Is there something I can do on my end other than this?
I'd need to see your log. Just send one from inside of drivehud from the support icon at the top right. We can take a look at which ones aren't setting for you. It's a static result, so it seems odd it would not be working now. We can take a look though.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by G27924
Drive HUD will not uninstall on my windows 8 machine using the standard control panel add remove option. Gets about halfway done and then stops.
Try Drivehud's install. Go to the directory and run the uninstall from there:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\DriveHUD
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
I'd need to see your log. Just send one from inside of drivehud from the support icon at the top right. We can take a look at which ones aren't setting for you. It's a static result, so it seems odd it would not be working now. We can take a look though.
Thanks. Just sent it in.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 04:18 PM
Ok, I don't see a log. Did you click to send advanced log? If so that's going to go to the development department instead of support.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 05:46 PM
DriveHUD release update – v1.4.4.2132:

Fixed fatal error on apply setting if alias was selected and processed hands option was enabled or disabled.
Added new stats (rebuild is required):
Triple Barrel%
Bet River%
Bet Turn%
Bet Flop%
Fold Flop%
Fixed Poker Site report of tournaments when alias is selected
Fixed issues with adding new line bar graphs
Added ability to search stats in the all stat list on HUD tab
Renamed River C-Bet with Fold to Triple Barrel
Fixed Bet River On BX Line and Checked River After BB Line stats

This build is released as an auto update. The auto update contains all of the new features and fixes since the last auto update (~2 months ago).

If you've updated manually recently, this build above has a few new stats (but you do need to run the rebuild db option), and a cool new stat search function in the HUD tab.

Upcoming: Leak Buster Lite (free Leak Buster version), HUD store, more site compatibility (Intertops, Winamax, Full Tilt, etc..), new FlopEQ (more on this soon) function in equity calcs.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 09:15 PM
Is there a way to revert to a previous build without uninstalling/reinstalling (losing all of my hands)?

Update v1.4.1.1875 was running sooo smooth for me on Ignition.

With all these updates and changes, it has definitely introduced more bugs. My HUD is not only slow to update to the latest hands, but also failed to load on 2 tables in this latest build v1.4.4.2132 after about 2 hours of play. I am aware of the issue where you need to open tables one at a time. Just a hunch but I wonder if the opening of any window such as:
-viewing previous hand
-finding tournament info
-opening a SNG

has any effect on the way DriveHUD recognizes tables. I can recall a handful of times where after doing these actions, it has disrupted the HUD in some way.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-05-2018 , 10:23 PM
so idk how many of u guys here play the chrome tier ignition freeroll but ive beeen meaning to ask this for awhile.....the DH doesnt pick up the info for this game?.....not even to look at later...any ideas why this would be different than the rest of the games?...if i remember at one time it did pick up the hands but was a few updates back for DH and ignition was pretty sure it picked up the info for the monthly freeroll last year
just curious why this would be different than the rest of there games
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
04-06-2018 , 10:16 AM
so this is something i keep forgetting to post about plo HH they are tagged as holdem if that make sense....example Hand History driven straight to this forum by DriveHUD -

NL Holdem $0.25(BB)
SB ($55.18)
BB ($30.89)
UTG ($33.55)
HERO ($11.38)
CO ($10.57)
BTN ($12.50)

Dealt to Hero Kh Tc Qh Jh
UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.50 (Rem. Stack: 10.88), CO Raises To $1.85 (Rem. Stack: 8.72), BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Folds, HERO Calls $1.35 (Rem. Stack: 9.53)
Flop ($4.05) Jc Ts 6d
HERO Checks, CO Bets $3.85 (Rem. Stack: 4.87), HERO Calls $3.85 (Rem. Stack: 5.68)

Turn ($11.75) Jc Ts 6d 4d
HERO Bets $5.68 (allin) (Rem. Stack: 0.00), CO Calls $4.87 (allin) (Rem. Stack: 0.00)

River ($22.30) Jc Ts 6d 4d 5c

CO shows Ah Kd Ac 8s
HERO wins $20.42

which i guess its not huge deal but kinda confusing for someone just skimming at it says holdem and then at the end of the HH youre looking at a plo hand ....

Last edited by ohpleez; 04-06-2018 at 10:19 AM. Reason: more info
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
