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DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount]

11-19-2023 , 08:32 PM
Thanks for the fix.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-20-2023 , 05:12 AM
how do i hide the hud of players that have folded?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-21-2023 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Spokul
how do i hide the hud of players that have folded?
You can't, you'd need real time data on the hand, and very few sites provide that. You can make the HUD transparent until mouse over, if that helps.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-21-2023 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
You can't, you'd need real time data on the hand, and very few sites provide that. You can make the HUD transparent until mouse over, if that helps.
Does enabling "auto switch HUD based on number of player at table" in settings hide the folded players or only when a player leaves the table?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-22-2023 , 12:11 PM
Hey, awesome soft, thank You.
Since I usually play till around 4 am it would be nice if it was possible to set to start a new day at like 1 pm instead of midnight.
Also ACR omaha 8 cash Cap games are not reported correctly.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-22-2023 , 12:40 PM
Is it possible to assign different HUD's to games with and without ante's? Or even better, sorting ante amounts like small ante, big ante etc? And having HUD's display only hands with those characteristics? Similar to what you guys achieved with number of players dealt in the hand. We see 6 handed stats when table is full, 5 handed stats when one seat is empty. etc.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-22-2023 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by ArnijsBarnijs
Hey, awesome soft, thank You.
Since I usually play till around 4 am it would be nice if it was possible to set to start a new day at like 1 pm instead of midnight.
Also ACR omaha 8 cash Cap games are not reported correctly.
Ty for the kind words. You can do a timezone offset in settings (top right) in dH2.
Not sure what you mean by not reported correctly for the cap games. If you can explain in more detail I'll have someone check it. We don't have any outstanding reported ACR issues in our log that I see.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-22-2023 , 06:01 PM
DriveHUD 2 Beta Update - v2.0.13.9821

Fix for Pokerbaaaazi update
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-22-2023 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Ty for the kind words. You can do a timezone offset in settings (top right) in dH2.
Not sure what you mean by not reported correctly for the cap games. If you can explain in more detail I'll have someone check it. We don't have any outstanding reported ACR issues in our log that I see.
I did a timezone offset and it is fine until midnight and then it starts a new day anyway, but does not log any hands until offset so I have to reset it back.

If I cap and everyone folds, report shows that I won amount I caped for. And If i lose an all in, it would show I lost only 1 small blind.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-23-2023 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by TheTurk80
Is it possible to assign different HUD's to games with and without ante's? Or even better, sorting ante amounts like small ante, big ante etc? And having HUD's display only hands with those characteristics? Similar to what you guys achieved with number of players dealt in the hand. We see 6 handed stats when table is full, 5 handed stats when one seat is empty. etc.
It isn't currently possible, no. Obviously, you can make a HUD specifically for that game and switch, but you'd have to switch to it in order to use it. It wouldn't auto switch.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-23-2023 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by ArnijsBarnijs
I did a timezone offset and it is fine until midnight and then it starts a new day anyway, but does not log any hands until offset so I have to reset it back.

If I cap and everyone folds, report shows that I won amount I caped for. And If i lose an all in, it would show I lost only 1 small blind.
And the timezone offset you're referencing in relation to reports, correct? If you have it set and it crosses past midnight, it should be registering it the next day, and if it's not, let me know. It may be something specific w/ that site.

As far as the cap hands games. If you can export a hand or two of those in raw hand format, and send to support, I'll have someone on the dev team check it and fix it if there's an issue.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-23-2023 , 11:29 PM
All DriveHUD Black Friday deals are listed on our blog here:
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-24-2023 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
All DriveHUD Black Friday deals are listed on our blog here:
Does this coupon work with other coupons?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-24-2023 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by aprogle
Does this coupon work with other coupons?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-25-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by aprogle
Does this coupon work with other coupons?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-26-2023 , 11:16 AM
How do i make it transparent?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-26-2023 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Spokul
How do i make it transparent?
Set opacity to zero + check the increase transparency on mouse over:
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
11-30-2023 , 09:53 PM
how to make the table load the same HUD profile when I have auto switch HUD enabled?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-01-2023 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by nico90
how to make the table load the same HUD profile when I have auto switch HUD enabled?
I don't know if there is an easier way.
What i dd was just duplicate the HUD for all table size then manually change the HUD on the table. hope it helps
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-02-2023 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by nico90
how to make the table load the same HUD profile when I have auto switch HUD enabled?
Duplicate your HUD to all table formats by clicking the duplicate button on the bottom left in the HUD tab.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-03-2023 , 05:46 PM
I am trying to export 5card PLO hands captured with AHC to import into H2N 4 (importing the database directly does not seem to work). When I export hands from DriveHud2 to pokerstars format, the 5th card is not included in the hand history. Has a solution been found for exporting these hands?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-04-2023 , 11:20 AM
Haven’t played in a few days and Drive hud 2 just won’t open. Sits at loading screen indefinitely… any ideas?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-04-2023 , 12:38 PM
Yes, after 12 years w/ the hosting provider we've been using, they are migrating a lot of their servers so we are waiting for our DNS records to update from them. We've not had to do this before, but it should only be a few hours more before they are fully migrated. We have no control over it at this point, unfortunately. Just try again in a few hours and it should be working. Ty for your patience!
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-04-2023 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
Haven’t played in a few days and Drive hud 2 just won’t open. Sits at loading screen indefinitely… any ideas?
It should be working now if you try again.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
12-04-2023 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Yes, np. If you have any ideas on making it easier, lmk.
Hey, thanks for asking. I wanted to follow up on this.

This was about how to make this bit below easier

Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Create a 6-max HUD for 3-6 players (HUD settings), duplicate it for 3,4,5-max tables, then create HU HUD for 2 players for 2-max table, then enable auto-switch option, then play, and you will need to load your 6-max HUD using DH logo when there are 6 players on table, when 5 players left DH will switch HUD, but probably it won't be your duplicated HUD, so you will need to load it again, repeat this process for 4 and 3 players on table, and when there will be 2 players only then load HU HUD, DH will remember all these choices and next time it will load all these HUDs automatically.
I'll give my take on how to make this easier, but first I'll point out some issues I see with the HUD organization in DriveHUD.

For my use case, all I want is two HUDs: a 6-max HUD and a Heads-Up HUD. But in order to do so, I have one Heads-Up HUD and 4 duplicate 6-max HUD. Then there's also all these other HUDs that come with DriveHUD that I can't seem to get rid of.

The problem with this is it just adds a lot of extra overhead. For example, I made a 6-max HUD, did the whole duplication thing across 3-max, 4-max, and 5-max.

When playing, I had to reset the position of each of these HUDS when the game was 3 handed, 4 handed, etc. Positioning doesn't carry over across number of players, because my same HUD is a duplicate.

And as my 6-max HUD has multiple panels, it's a bit more cumbersome than it needs to be. Particularly when there isn't a ton of 3 handed action and when it's 3 handed, players will be in different seats, so I ended up having to readjust things across multiple sessions.

And there's also the question of how to update duplicate HUDs. Do I update one HUD and then duplicate it and overwrite the others? I'm concerned to do so cause I don't want to have to reset the position of these newly overwritten HUDs? Or do I have to make the same update 4 separate times across the same duplicate HUD? Whatever the path for doing so, it seems like a lot of unnecessary work.

Also, I followed your instructions and the switching at 2-max I haven't gotten to work right. When I set it to my desired HU HUD, it just stays with it when more players join. I'm also not sure if it filters the stat values correctly. And again since I don't get a lot of HU action at 6-max tables, it's really cumbersome to troubleshoot, since I can have mulitple sessions without HU action or I'll have one session with 3 hands of HU and then more players join. So I gave up on switching for HU for the HUD I want. It uses another HUD now for whatever reason.

I think it'd be vastly simpler if you decoupled the settings of what HUDs go to what tables and # of players from the whole 2-max, 3-max, 4-max, etc dropdown, and just have one dropdown with all HUDs and then an area where you could set the settings to what HUD goes where.

I think Holdem Manager 2 did a good job of this with their site settings and HUD filter options:

DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
