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DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount]

09-07-2021 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
DriveHUD 2 Public beta - v2.0.0.5670:

- Fix for Ignition/Bodog update
- Added partial support for double board modes (PokerBros only)
I play on Bovada and ACR. DH and DH2 works on ACR but on bovada it does not catch Zone hands(I can download hands but no catching in real time)? How to set it up, any guides?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-07-2021 , 06:53 PM
Thanks for the quick turnaround on the ignition update
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-07-2021 , 08:17 PM
Okay I got the database fixed on DH2. Just had to uninstall and reinstall the latest update.

But the HUD/Import still isn't working for me on Bovada.

I made sure to

Go into site settings.
Select Bodog/Ignition
Select Activate
Select my preferred seating

Am I missing a step?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by stumbras
I play on Bovada and ACR. DH and DH2 works on ACR but on bovada it does not catch Zone hands(I can download hands but no catching in real time)? How to set it up, any guides?
It works just fine w/ zone. You're not going to get a HUD of course because it would be pointless, but it will track your hands.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Okay I got the database fixed on DH2. Just had to uninstall and reinstall the latest update.

But the HUD/Import still isn't working for me on Bovada.

I made sure to

Go into site settings.
Select Bodog/Ignition
Select Activate
Select my preferred seating

Am I missing a step?
Look fine. Make sure you have the latest build we posted w/ the fix for the site update yesterday and I'd probably recommend rebooting.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Look fine. Make sure you have the latest build we posted w/ the fix for the site update yesterday and I'd probably recommend rebooting.

I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling again. Now it looks like the hands are being grabbed, but the HUD still isn't coming up. It doesn't even show the DH logo at the top of the table.

I did reboot, but that didn't work.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling again. Now it looks like the hands are being grabbed, but the HUD still isn't coming up. It doesn't even show the DH logo at the top of the table.

I did reboot, but that didn't work.
What game are you playing please? By all reports it's been working for everyone, so specifics would be important.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
What game are you playing please? By all reports it's been working for everyone, so specifics would be important.
Reg tables


I've even just tried opening one table first to see if the HUD would load before opening more tables.

Played one orbit and the HUD never loaded.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Reg tables


I've even just tried opening one table first to see if the HUD would load before opening more tables.

Played one orbit and the HUD never loaded.
That should be working, so something else is going on. Any other poker software running at the same time?

Can you check your version by clicking on the gear icon at the top right and click the upgrade tab. Make sure it's .5670.

Might be easiest to send a log in from the support icon so we can check your settings. We have at least 100+ reports from people that it's working, and I played a session myself this morning on cash and zone and it was working just fine. If we see the log we'll know quicker what's happening rather than guessing.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 02:01 PM
Just Jurojin. I closed out of that to see if it'd make a difference, but doesn't seem too.

I have the correct version.

Just sent a log.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Just Jurojin. I closed out of that to see if it'd make a difference, but doesn't seem too.

I have the correct version.

Just sent a log.
Ok, I just looked but didn't see it. Did you click send advanced log or no? If so it will go to the development team only.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Ok, I just looked but didn't see it. Did you click send advanced log or no? If so it will go to the development team only.
I did.

Do you want me to resend without clicking send advanced?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
I did.

Do you want me to resend without clicking send advanced?
Yes please. ty.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 03:51 PM
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Thanks. Apparently they just got the other one I was told. So now we have two.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 05:03 PM
Having an issue with DH2 stats in HUD. Whenever I hover over a stat it just shows the number or percentage it does not tell me what the stat is. Have had this issue for a few days now. On the latest version
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Development got back to me. The issue is you backed up DH1 and then tried to restore and copy your DH1 data and HUDs. That's why it's not working. You need to import your data and settings from DH1 to DH2 via the import process.

The best thing to do is to uninstall DH2 completely. I'd recommend using revo uninstaller or something similar because if you use the DH2 uninstaller it will keep some files intentionally.

Once it's uninstalled, just install DH2 and on first launch you'll be asked if you want to import DH1 data and settings. Say yes, and it will transfer everything and convert your DH1 HUDs so you can use them in DH2. If you have any questions, just let me know.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Development got back to me. The issue is you backed up DH1 and then tried to restore and copy your DH1 data and HUDs. That's why it's not working. You need to import your data and settings from DH1 to DH2 via the import process.

The best thing to do is to uninstall DH2 completely. I'd recommend using revo uninstaller or something similar because if you use the DH2 uninstaller it will keep some files intentionally.

Once it's uninstalled, just install DH2 and on first launch you'll be asked if you want to import DH1 data and settings. Say yes, and it will transfer everything and convert your DH1 HUDs so you can use them in DH2. If you have any questions, just let me know.
That's what I did the second time, but not with Revo Uninstaller.

I'll try it again with that.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 08:22 PM
I don't know.

I uninstalled with Revo

Reinstalled and did the Import. Set up site settings. HUD still isn't coming up.

I did notice that when I actually go into the HUD settings, that there is nothing there. Which is why the last time I tried this, I exported my HUD from DH1 and imported to DH2. But that didn't work either.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
I don't know.

I uninstalled with Revo

Reinstalled and did the Import. Set up site settings. HUD still isn't coming up.

I did notice that when I actually go into the HUD settings, that there is nothing there. Which is why the last time I tried this, I exported my HUD from DH1 and imported to DH2. But that didn't work either.
Try using a different HUD / switch to a stock one. If you send your log again and I can have them look into why your HUD didn't convert. It must be something related to that.

They showed me your log and it wasn't coming up because it was a DH1 HUD, which will not work in DH2. That's why it's tracking for you, but you don't see a HUD in DH2.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-08-2021 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Try using a different HUD / switch to a stock one. If you send your log again and I can have them look into why your HUD didn't convert. It must be something related to that.

They showed me your log and it wasn't coming up because it was a DH1 HUD, which will not work in DH2. That's why it's tracking for you, but you don't see a HUD in DH2.
Downloaded the 6-max HUD from Apps.

Still wouldn't load. Just sent another log.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-09-2021 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Downloaded the 6-max HUD from Apps.

Still wouldn't load. Just sent another log.
The ones in the store won't work for DH2. I was saying try and use one of the other default HUDs that are included w/ DH2. If it works, then we know for sure it's how your DH1 HUD converted. The developers are going to look at the log tomorrow, but it's always good to confirm this is what's happening.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD & Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-09-2021 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
The ones in the store won't work for DH2. I was saying try and use one of the other default HUDs that are included w/ DH2. If it works, then we know for sure it's how your DH1 HUD converted. The developers are going to look at the log tomorrow, but it's always good to confirm this is what's happening.
Well that might be part of the problem.

I have no default HUDs in my DH2 for some reason.

If I click on the dropdown for HUD Name, there is nothing there.

If I try to drag and drop anything into the Preview/Design screen. Nothing happens.

Finally, if I try to click on the settings icon in the Selected Stats section, I get this pop up and then DH2 closes.

ReactiveUI.UnhandledErrorException: An object implementing IHandleObservableErrors (often a ReactiveCommand or ObservableAsPropertyHelper) has errored, thereby breaking its observable pipeline. To prevent this, ensure the pipeline does not error, or Subscribe to the ThrownExceptions property of the object in question to handle the erroneous case. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at DriveHUD.Application.ViewModels.Hud.DH2.HudDesigne rViewModel.FO0PjCYvXRc()
at DriveHUD.Application.ViewModels.Hud.DH2.HudDesigne rViewModel.sxhPVLLFWfj(StatInfo )
at ReactiveUI.ReactiveCommand.<>c__DisplayClass2_1`1. <Create>b__1(IObserver`1 observer)
at System.Reactive.AnonymousObservable`1.SubscribeCor e(IObserver`1 observer)
at System.Reactive.ObservableBase`1.Subscribe(IObserv er`1 observer)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ReactiveUI.RxApp.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<.cctor>b__2 ()
at System.Reactive.Concurrency.Scheduler.Invoke(ISche duler scheduler, Action action)
at System.Reactive.Concurrency.DispatcherScheduler.<> c__DisplayClass1`1.<Schedule>b__0()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.Internal RealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatch When(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-09-2021 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Well that might be part of the problem.

I have no default HUDs in my DH2 for some reason.

If I click on the dropdown for HUD Name, there is nothing there.
It looks like it wasn't installed completely then. Did you send another log?
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
09-09-2021 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
It looks like it wasn't installed completely then. Did you send another log?
No, but I just did.
DriveHUD - Poker HUD &amp; Database Software [-10% Discount] Quote
