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09-02-2011 , 09:15 AM
Sorry if this has been already answered before, but is it possible to detect the "final" table for multi-table SNGs with this tool and/or the number of players left?
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09-02-2011 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by cygenius
Sorry if this has been already answered before, but is it possible to detect the "final" table for multi-table SNGs with this tool and/or the number of players left?

Yes , it detect your Final Tables and displays the remaining players in the Custom Title Bar
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-02-2011 , 05:06 PM
I just downloaded the demo for this and set it up with my pokerstars hand histories location, but it's not detecting my final tables at all. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I'm playing 45 turbos.
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-03-2011 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by digit
I just downloaded the demo for this and set it up with my pokerstars hand histories location, but it's not detecting my final tables at all. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I'm playing 45 turbos.
Fist test this:
Observe a Single Table 6-Max SnG,leave the lobby open
because that is a final table it should color code it as final table

IF it is color coding you windows follow these steps:
CustomTitlebar need to read the table max from your Hand history folder

Select in your PokerStars client lobby menu:
Options >> Advanced Multi-Table Options
Check in the Advanced Multi-Table Options window:
[x] Auto-open Sit & Go tournament lobby

[step 2]
Make sure that CustomTitleBar is reading your hand history.
If you are playing a table, double click on the Custom window or move your mouse over the table and press F7
After you have played a hand in the field handed the table max should appear (dont use a 6-max because CustomTitleBar can read that from the title)

If that not the case then make sure the Hand history setting is set to the full path of your Pokerstars Hand history folder + Pokestars id

If your using a Poker Tracker

HEM : Set HEM to wait x minutes before it moves your Hand history to the archive
PT : Turn of auto import
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-03-2011 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by MaxThread
Fist test this:
Observe a Single Table 6-Max SnG,leave the lobby open
because that is a final table it should color code it as final table

IF it is color coding you windows follow these steps:
CustomTitlebar need to read the table max from your Hand history folder

Select in your PokerStars client lobby menu:
Options >> Advanced Multi-Table Options
Check in the Advanced Multi-Table Options window:
[x] Auto-open Sit & Go tournament lobby

[step 2]
Make sure that CustomTitleBar is reading your hand history.
If you are playing a table, double click on the Custom window or move your mouse over the table and press F7
After you have played a hand in the field handed the table max should appear (dont use a 6-max because CustomTitleBar can read that from the title)

If that not the case then make sure the Hand history setting is set to the full path of your Pokerstars Hand history folder + Pokestars id

If your using a Poker Tracker

HEM : Set HEM to wait x minutes before it moves your Hand history to the archive
PT : Turn of auto import
Thanks, I had tableninja set to auto-close tournament lobbies, that was the problem.

Is there any way to get a trial that will work with more than 5 tables? I'd like to get a feel for how much easier this makes it to 20 table.
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-04-2011 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by digit
Thanks, I had tableninja set to auto-close tournament lobbies, that was the problem.

Is there any way to get a trial that will work with more than 5 tables? I'd like to get a feel for how much easier this makes it to 20 table.
Send you a PM

Works great! Loving the additions you've made to label KOs/Sats etc.

Couple suggestions I've made before and few others:

1. Option to rename stuff such as 'Turbos' simply to 'T', Hyper turbos to 'HT' etc.
2. Option to auto colour different speed sats to diff colours. For example I like having 2x Turbos in Yellow but 3x Turbos in Blue.
3. Option to have the 2x or 3x speed games (not just sats) listed in title bar such as '2xT' meaning '2x Turbo'.
4. Ability to check for updates in the software - or just give a pop up saying new version is out.
Will add those in the next update ->Exp 2011-sep-12
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09-04-2011 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by MaxThread
Send you a PM
Thank you kindly
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09-05-2011 , 12:06 AM
Will the same registration key work on two different computers?
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09-05-2011 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by thearthurdog
Will the same registration key work on two different computers?
NO , only one computer
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09-06-2011 , 05:17 AM
Ok. A license that worked on two would be great.

Also, with the latest version, I have been having a problem. Very occasionally, all the tables become totally unresponsive (clicking doesn't work). I wondered if it was tableninja or CTB doing this. I experimented by quickly opening task manager and closing CTB fixed the problem immediately.

Any ideas?
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-06-2011 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by thearthurdog
Ok. A license that worked on two would be great.

Also, with the latest version, I have been having a problem. Very occasionally, all the tables become totally unresponsive (clicking doesn't work). I wondered if it was tableninja or CTB doing this. I experimented by quickly opening task manager and closing CTB fixed the problem immediately.

Any ideas?
Will have to look into that,did not change really much
at the moment i am busy to rewrite CustomTitlebar in Python/c++ ,so it have to wait after the next release . exp->2011-sep-12

A license that worked on two would be great.

If you need a full trial to decide whether CustomTitleBar really useful for your poker game and worth the money just PM me
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-06-2011 , 10:43 AM
Haven't played for a while and see some great new features. Nice work.

*Please add ability to choose custom colour. Now you have so many options for colour coding in tournaments, such as on the bubble and type, there simply aren't enough choices. I'd kinda like to use a different shade of the same colour on the bubble but this currently isn't possible

*Could you please add a label relating to the bubble in STTs. Something like the ***Final Table*** Bubble, but **Bubble** would be cool.
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-06-2011 , 02:26 PM
Instead of moving the SNG lobby, it is resized and often looks cluttered. Neither final table detection nor custom borders seem to work. Does the whole thing somehow rely on Aero? Since I have it disabled.

I'd like to mix 18/45man SNGs and distinguish them by the color of their border. I'm using a dual-monitor setup. The problem persists no matter which option of OFF SCREEN, Monitor 1, Monitor 2 I chose for the Lobby Reader.

I had it working for a few games and but can't figure out what's the problem now. I guess it is messing with the lobby size/position in some way and is unable to properly read it as a result.

Btw, when adding color codes in the Tournament tab, matching SNGs should automatically be colored (i.e. have the 18man yellow and the 45man with an orange border), or do I always have to hit F6 when the table has focus?

Best would be anyway for me to have an option to not have the lobby moved by CustomTitleBar at all and place it somewhere fixed with PlaceMint.
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by cygenius
Instead of moving the SNG lobby, it is resized and often looks cluttered. Neither final table detection nor custom borders seem to work. Does the whole thing somehow rely on Aero? Since I have it disabled.

I'd like to mix 18/45man SNGs and distinguish them by the color of their border. I'm using a dual-monitor setup. The problem persists no matter which option of OFF SCREEN, Monitor 1, Monitor 2 I chose for the Lobby Reader.

I had it working for a few games and but can't figure out what's the problem now. I guess it is messing with the lobby size/position in some way and is unable to properly read it as a result.

Btw, when adding color codes in the Tournament tab, matching SNGs should automatically be colored (i.e. have the 18man yellow and the 45man with an orange border), or do I always have to hit F6 when the table has focus?

Best would be anyway for me to have an option to not have the lobby moved by CustomTitleBar at all and place it somewhere fixed with PlaceMint.
Test this:

In the General tab under 'Default auto color code options' make sure that the tournament checkbox is checked

in the lobbyReader tab set it to offscreen and press SAVE
(To force pokerStars to redraw it tournament lobby CustomTitlebar is resizing the table if it cant read the info from it)
if you are playing SnG i dont think you really need those lobby on your screen

Observe a running 18/45 man SnG,Leave the lobby open
it will auto color code that window and give it the default color

Double click on the window or move your move over the table and press F7
Check if reading the Fields Blind level ,Position

Close the table
[ Tournament tab]

In the tournament tab>>Basic only check the No. Players checkbox and Press the 'Make this the active color code group' button
Create your rules for 18 man and 45 man
Observe a 18/45 man, the table should color code immediately
Close and open the table a few times to test if it stop color coding the windows,
*NOTE maximum windows at the same time for the trial/test version is 5 custom windows

Haven't played for a while and see some great new features. Nice work.

*Please add ability to choose custom colour. Now you have so many options for colour coding in tournaments, such as on the bubble and type, there simply aren't enough choices. I'd kinda like to use a different shade of the same colour on the bubble but this currently isn't possible
The trick is not to use different colors for all the possibilities, but only color code specific situations or games,the rest you give a general color

So if you not really playing STT SnG dont use different colors to color code all the bubble positions,just color code de bubble and Bubble+1 positions

but i wil add the option to choose your one color one day,

*Could you please add a label relating to the bubble in STTs. Something like the ***Final Table*** Bubble, but **Bubble** would be cool.
will try to add that in the next update
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:35 AM
Can u add Rebuys under Tab - Tournament -> Tournament type.

Would like to color code my Rebuys a diff color
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09-09-2011 , 12:31 PM
^dont worry i manage to do it with the buyins!
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09-09-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by mckrogh
^dont worry i manage to do it with the buyins!
Ok, but the rebuy field will be added in the next update
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09-10-2011 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by MaxThread
The trick is not to use different colors for all the possibilities, but only color code specific situations or games,the rest you give a general color

So if you not really playing STT SnG dont use different colors to color code all the bubble positions,just color code de bubble and Bubble+1 positions

but i wil add the option to choose your one color one day,

will try to add that in the next update
That's not how I want to use it though.

I play a lot of varieties of SNG.

I have 6-maxes pink, 9-mans blue, 18-mans are default, 45-mans are turquoise, 180-mans and MTTs are dark yellow. Throw in hyper-turbos which are orange and KO tournaments which are yellow and I've barely got any colours left to take advantage of the bubble feature. And the 6-max and 9-man bubble is very different and I wouldn't really want to use the same colour. A slightly different shade of pink/blue respectively would be perfect for example. And the orange and yellow are too bright for my likely really, so if I could choose a custom colour instead of them I'd prefer it.
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09-11-2011 , 07:04 AM
Itd be cool if there were maybe 20 colours instead of the 12 or so there are atm imo.
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09-16-2011 , 01:03 PM
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-17-2011 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by theMBK
That's not how I want to use it though.

I play a lot of varieties of SNG.

I have 6-maxes pink, 9-mans blue, 18-mans are default, 45-mans are turquoise, 180-mans and MTTs are dark yellow. Throw in hyper-turbos which are orange and KO tournaments which are yellow and I've barely got any colours left to take advantage of the bubble feature. And the 6-max and 9-man bubble is very different and I wouldn't really want to use the same colour. A slightly different shade of pink/blue respectively would be perfect for example. And the orange and yellow are too bright for my likely really, so if I could choose a custom colour instead of them I'd prefer it.
^^^ I agree this would be a great option!
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-17-2011 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by theMBK
That's not how I want to use it though.

I play a lot of varieties of SNG.

I have 6-maxes pink, 9-mans blue, 18-mans are default, 45-mans are turquoise, 180-mans and MTTs are dark yellow. Throw in hyper-turbos which are orange and KO tournaments which are yellow and I've barely got any colours left to take advantage of the bubble feature. And the 6-max and 9-man bubble is very different and I wouldn't really want to use the same colour. A slightly different shade of pink/blue respectively would be perfect for example. And the orange and yellow are too bright for my likely really, so if I could choose a custom colour instead of them I'd prefer it.
I am working on it
was planning to do an update, but decided to rewrite CustomTitleBar in Python\c++ this would make it more stable and i can add extra features
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-18-2011 , 06:41 PM
Just an idea:

This program is great, but the one thing I find temperamental (works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't) is the Final Table recognition. I know the whole point is that you want the colour to change so you see it, but if you could press a button and hold a mouse on a table to change the colour when you notice it is the Final Table, that would be very helpful.

That was not very clear!
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-19-2011 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by thearthurdog
Just an idea:

This program is great, but the one thing I find temperamental (works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't) is the Final Table recognition. I know the whole point is that you want the colour to change so you see it, but if you could press a button and hold a mouse on a table to change the colour when you notice it is the Final Table, that would be very helpful.

That was not very clear!
the final table color coding should always work,make sure if you have TN that TN is nog closing your tournament lobbys and you can set hotkeys to change the window color

wil have a new version out around 2011-09-26
CustomTitleBar Quote
09-19-2011 , 09:32 AM
looking forward to it, keep up the great work!
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