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BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima)

08-21-2007 , 08:46 AM
thanks dave, that fixed it
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 03:00 PM
How do we implement the ctrl function in these things?


i want it to be ctrl+space
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 03:13 PM
How do we implement the ctrl function in these things?


i want it to be ctrl+space
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 03:14 PM
EDIT: ^^^ Beat me to it

How do we implement the ctrl function in these things? i want it to be ctrl+space.

Add a "hat" symbol in fromt of the hotkey name (shift 6 on my UK keyboard)

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
</pre><hr />

similarly, you can add a ! for ALT, + for Shift, and a # for Win key.

For a full list see here:

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 04:09 PM
The only thing working on my Script is the scroll now. I have my mouse configured to bet pot with the web foward button, but nothing ever happens when i do that.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 04:20 PM
The only thing working on my Script is the scroll now. I have my mouse configured to bet pot with the web foward button, but nothing ever happens when i do that.
Which site?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 09:29 PM
Dave, I have eveything going on Stars, other than I can't type bet amounts into the box for some reason which doesn't bother me- but can I change my wheel to scroll in SB's instead of BB's for when I want to slightly change from my hotkeys?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 09:33 PM

I can't type bet amounts into the box for some reason which doesn't bother me

Are you running other scripts? I can't imagine how BetPot causes this


can I change my wheel to scroll in SB's instead of BB's for when I want to slightly change from my hotkeys?

Hold down CTRL while scrolling to make it scroll in SBs

Or edit betpot_default_hotkeys.AHK if you always want to scroll in SBs.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 09:43 PM
Just went and tested on play- it is Stars auto reloader that is doing it.

AlterAmount(getid(),"up", 1, "sb")

AlterAmount(getid(),"down", 1, "sb")

I assume it is these I need to change? What do I need to write instead?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 10:17 PM
you need to copy paste those into the WheelUp and WheelDown hokes (the ones without the leading ^ symbol) if you want scrolling to be always in SBs.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 11:13 PM
Dave, is there a way to round the betting amounts to the neareset .25? I play 25nl and it's a bit odd to me to have betting amounts such as $1.70 or $3.40. Those are just examples. Also is there a way to get rid of the rake part of the script (I wouldn't know what to delete exactly)? How about a way to make it so I can preflop open raise to 3xBB? I may have missed something mentioned earlier about this, and if I did I apologize. I just got back to playing.

Thanks a lot.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-21-2007 , 11:47 PM
is there any way to post this as an .exe file?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-22-2007 , 12:09 AM
is there any way to post this as an .exe file?

Poker players should *never* run exe files from unknown sources on their machines.

If you want, you can install AutoHotkey and compile the script yourself to an exe file.

Why would you want this?

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-22-2007 , 01:56 PM
Hello there,

I have download BetPot-v0.21s and installed AHK etc. Everything is kinda working now, there's only one problem.

If have this set for my RButton:

Pot(getid(),"0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

But if for example the pot is 100, the script will very rarely make it 75. Sometimes it even makes a bet far higher than the pot.

Anyone who has a solution?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-22-2007 , 09:03 PM
Any info. on my question?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-23-2007 , 04:17 PM
The only thing working on my Script is the scroll now. I have my mouse configured to bet pot with the web foward button, but nothing ever happens when i do that.
Which site?
Full Tilt. If I try to bet pot, it minraises it.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-25-2007 , 07:26 PM
wow this thread has really taken on a life of it's own.... IT'S HUGE

So I thought I had my script all figured out, and had totally forgotten about this thread (and subsaquent updates, unfortunetly) I think I was still back on version "d".

I just updated it (alot of really awesome changes dave, it has really become a standard necessity if you wanna play online) and unfortunetly I am now having errors, so I need some help...... plz

this is the bubble, and this is the table I use.

basically every time I try to make a raise it 0's. The fold, call and raise keys work fine though..... they usually do actually. it is only the raise options that get fussy.

this is also my hotkey setup. other than that I have touched nothing in the script besides the debug option.




Pot(getid(),"1.2", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

Pot(getid(),"100", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

Pot(getid(),"1", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

Pot(getid(),"0.75", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

Pot(getid(),"0.5", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-26-2007 , 12:12 PM
ok, so after slot of tweeking and reloading of stars and messing about.... I have come to the conclusion that it is the slider bar that is f'in my stuff up. The slider bar needs to be in the original brown color for it to work for me....... is there a way to change this?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-26-2007 , 05:20 PM
is there a known problem with the s version on FTP?

my problem sounds a bit similar to this:

Don't pop the champagne just yet, there seems to be some issues in the new version. Sometimes the script just refuses to try and read the chat box, no matter how many times you rightclick. Using the scroll wheel makes this go away so that one can rightclick again and get the correct amount. This seems to happen randomly, but it never occured while single-tabling on the computer I tested it on. It's very annoying, so you might wanna stick to 0.2r until I get it tracked down.
Basically, sometimes bet pot just doesn't work, but it makes it hard to type the number in yourself. focusing on the table you want to act on before pressing a button helps but i don't think it completely solves it (sorry for vagueness).

i don't run any other scripts, but i do have a fairly standard black background table mod.

could it have something to do with this?

More reliable bet amount writing.
Instead of using MouseClickDrag to highlight the old text in the bet box, send {home}+{end}. Hopefully it'll write the correct amount every time now. When auto-bet is used the script reads the bet from the box to confirm that it's correct before making the bet.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-28-2007 , 03:37 PM
Does anybody have the script working for tournaments on IPoker? I tried CDpoker, but could not make it work... No popups or anything...

When I use my mousewheel, the betsize is selected in the inputbox, but nothing happens.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-29-2007 , 04:19 PM
I can't use this at party. When I right click I get the following message:

And the mousewheel shows some weird amounts. Anyone know what could be wrong?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-29-2007 , 08:34 PM
Never mind... it was the commas thing.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-30-2007 , 12:50 PM

How do I edit the script so it raises 3.5bbs instead of 4?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
08-30-2007 , 04:35 PM

how do i change the raise amount? this just minraises and i want it to be 3.5 or something.

thank you. great script.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
09-02-2007 , 12:44 PM
not working for vista (64 bit), I didn't even change anything just downloaded the default and am trying to run it with pokerstars, but nothing.

Is there a How To guide anywhere?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
