This is a simple AHK script that will join the wait list of all tables showing in the cash game lobby (tables must be in view, the script does not scroll the table list).
The script does move the mouse to click so be careful and test it with nothing else running (including open poker tables) on your computer.
- You should use the site's table filter and set the min seated players to the maximum for the table type you are playing (for 6-max set the min seated players to 6), so that only full tables are showing and the script doesn't try to join the wait list of a table that's not full.
- It should work without running as an administrator but if it's not working try that.
- The default hotkey is Ctrl+j
Before using the script change the following:
- for the SiteWindowTitle variable change PokerSite to the WPN site's name and change YourUserNameHere to your WPN username (the SiteWindowTitle variable should equal the title of the cash game lobby window)
- for the SiteExe variable change PokerSite.exe to the WPN site's exe file name
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, Mouse, Client
SiteName = PokerSite
SiteWindowTitle = PokerSite Lobby Logged in as YourUserNameHere
SiteExe = PokerSite.exe
DelayTime = 500
TableListIncrementY = 15
ErrorOKButtonX = 200
ErrorOKButtonY = 105
JoinButtonX = 780
JoinButtonY = 500
JoinOKButtonX = 375
JoinOKButtonY = 100
LeaveCancelButtonX = 165
LeaveCancelButtonY = 60
IfWinActive, %SiteWindowTitle%
ControlGetPos, X, Y,,, IGListCtrl1, ahk_exe %SiteExe%
Gosub, JoinList
While (TableListControl = "IGListCtrl1")
IfWinNotActive, %SiteWindowTitle%
Gosub, JoinList
IfWinActive, %SiteWindowTitle%
Click, %X%, %Y%
Y := Y + TableListIncrementY
IfWinActive, %SiteWindowTitle%
Click, %JoinButtonX%, %JoinButtonY%
Sleep, %DelayTime%
IfWinNotActive, Join wait list
IfWinActive, Leave wait list ?
Click, %LeaveCancelButtonX%, %LeaveCancelButtonY%
Sleep, %DelayTime%
MouseMove, %X%, %Y%
MouseGetPos,,,, TableListControl
IfWinActive, %SiteName%
Click, %ErrorOKButtonX%, %ErrorOKButtonY%
TableListControl := ""
IfWinActive, Join wait list
Click, %JoinOKButtonX%, %JoinOKButtonY%
Sleep, %DelayTime%
MouseMove, %X%, %Y%
MouseGetPos,,,, TableListControl
Last edited by _dave_; 04-11-2016 at 07:59 PM.