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888/Party/StarsCaption 888/Party/StarsCaption

10-10-2017 , 04:42 PM
New to Party and PartyCaption. Great work!

Small issues, I did not find a way to automatically...
1) Close the Dialogue "Do you really want to stand up and leave the table?"
2) Uncheck the "Auto-Rebuy to Max" down in the chat/gear region.

3) How do I remove the small blinking frame for active player - probably in the Party settings somewhere, but cant find it?!
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-10-2017 , 05:15 PM
Nevermind, all solved

Last edited by Herrigel; 10-10-2017 at 05:37 PM.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-10-2017 , 08:37 PM
If you have a tournament ticket for a tourney and you register for it, does it automatically use the ticket or would it ask you if you would like to use the ticket or cash? I had to close partycaption before trying to register a tournament because i had a tourney ticket and didn't want it to deduct the cash amount.

I'm still having issues where certain tables sometimes it sits me out and i have no idea and then i get eliminated from it. This happens usually to 1 or 2 tables but sometimes none. Is this a bug? Because when i sit out at all my tables, it would auto sit me back in but sometimes 1 or 2 tables i dont even notice im sitting out. And when i click on that table, you cannot even click on it. Is there a way to fix this?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-11-2017 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
If you have a tournament ticket for a tourney and you register for it, does it automatically use the ticket or would it ask you if you would like to use the ticket or cash? I had to close partycaption before trying to register a tournament because i had a tourney ticket and didn't want it to deduct the cash amount.

I'm still having issues where certain tables sometimes it sits me out and i have no idea and then i get eliminated from it. This happens usually to 1 or 2 tables but sometimes none. Is this a bug? Because when i sit out at all my tables, it would auto sit me back in but sometimes 1 or 2 tables i dont even notice im sitting out. And when i click on that table, you cannot even click on it. Is there a way to fix this?

1. There are two buttons in a tournament buy-in dialog, '1 ticket' and 'XX$ Buy-in'. The first button is disabled if you haven't a ticket, but PartyCaption always checks its availability and presses it, if possible. Otherwise, the second button will be pressed.
Thus, you will always be registered for a ticket if you have one.

2. Strange, I don't know what it can be. So table is disabled and nothing can be clicked on it and no buttons there do not work?
I've never come across this, but I'll be tempted to try to make an option for "re-enabling" tables, as it is already done for the lobby (Lobby / Always enabled lobby). Let me know if it looks like this, and I'll try to make such an option.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-11-2017 , 05:25 AM
Okay thanks for that information. I thought that it might register with cash instead.

Well many times when i play sng, once i play a good amount of tables... many times there is always 1 table that you cannot click on anything on it. Thus you cant click fold, call or raise. However... hotkeys work for that table. So thats the only way i can do something on that particular table. The only way to fix this issue is control alt delete to show up task manager. Then once i do that, i can click on the buttons on the table. My other tables would have no issues. I had this happen almost everytime i play on partypoker. It would do this almost always on 1 table sometime during the session. It might happen later a few more times as well. But the control alt delete always fixes this issue though.

But i notice few times when it would auto sit out in a table and the only way i know this is when sometimes i click on each table to check and then it either sits me out and i have to sit back in... or i get a message i bust out of a table and thats due to me sitting out. Earlier i had sat out at a table and i know this for sure because it was shorthanded and then i notice... how come that table of mine did not show up at all. I then clicked on every single table on the tab and it didn't show up so i thought... okay i must have busted that table but i was pretty sure i did not. Then i got the message i busted from that table as i recall where that table was and that meant that i could not click on that table at all and didnt notice it. Thus if i click control alt delete, that table would have showed ONLY if i manually click on each table in the bottom tabs if you know what i mean. But many times i have sat out in sng tables and do not know until i bust.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-11-2017 , 10:57 AM
Hello i have the Stars Captioin why it not like like the 888 Betscript how can i add the raise the limper bet and adjust the 3bet sizes?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-11-2017 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by imaDoer
Hello i have the Stars Captioin why it not like like the 888 Betscript how can i add the raise the limper bet and adjust the 3bet sizes?
PokerStars has a rules for 3rd party tools, and some features are prohibited in betscripts there (number of limpers/callers, relative position, number of preflop raises, etc).
Because of this StarsCaption has another betsript. There are fewer possibilities and it is more difficult to configure (because some things can only be considered indirectly).
You can try to read a description on the site. Betscript has a set of templates, they make it easy to set up.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-12-2017 , 12:39 PM
Im not sure if this is a bug or not. But when i autoregister sng with partycaption, i notice that it would not register for sng when looking at the lobby. For example since you cannot filter sng on partypoker as they do not allow that, well say the top format are certain sngs you dont play and the highlight is on that, then it doesn't even register sngs. You need to actually click on that certain sng where you want to register and then it would go down and autoregister the sng format you want.

Because when it autoregister, the highlighted blue thing sometimes goes all the way to the top. But those sngs you do not play and because of that no autoregistering takes place. Im not sure if im phrasing this correctly but is there a way to fix this issue? Had this happen a lot.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-12-2017 , 02:41 PM
This is not a bug. SnG registrator controls the lobby completely, and you can not register manually while it is working.
This is done to protect against errors and for the stability of its work.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-12-2017 , 07:27 PM
Hi there. IM not trying to register manually on the sng lobby. The thing is in the lobby, many times it does not register any more sngs on the lobby. For example say there are 10 man sngs that you dont want to play but want to play the 9 man sng ones. But the thing is 10 man sngs appear in the lobby because you cannot filter it on partypoker. Well many times i notice no 9 man sngs are registered at all because the highlighted blue thing is all the way at the 10 man sngs. The only way to get it to continue to autoreg those 9 man sngs is either control alt delete and then click on the 9 man sng for it to autoregister... or unclick ACTIVE AND THEN RECLICK ACTIVE. The 10 man sngs are on the top, the 9 man are on the bottom. So unless the highlighted thing is on the 9 man sngs, it does not register any sngs.

Many times it would not autoregister the sngs? Do you know why this is the case?

Also not only that, partypoker froze on me when i was 15+ tabling at least 10 times minimum. I got sat out in many tables and only once did i busted out, i got notice from the message. Many other tables i could not CLICK ON ANYTHING AT ALL. Even the hotkeys didn't work a few times. The only way to fix this issue is control alt delete but this time... this didn't work. So i had to close partycaption, close partypoker and log back in etc. Thats the only way because a few of my tables i am sitting out and i cannot sit back in. But not only that, i cant even click on those tables on the table tabs at the bottom. Is anyone else having these issues?

This is basically impossible to play on partypoker since i have to close partypoker, log back in etc while im playing a lot of tables.

Is this the partypoker software or partycaption? Because this is basically imposible to play as the table freezes where you cannot click on anything. So many hands get folded out etc. When i play on 888poker and use 888caption, i never had any of these problems. So why does partycaption not sit me back in at my tables? And why i cannot click on the tables that im sitting out at? Even the control alt delete didn't solve this problem and i had to close partypoker and log back in which takes up a ton of time when playing sngs.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-13-2017 , 12:38 AM
Hello, I have gotten my 888Caption2 all set up and it works great... until I start up my PT4 HUD (Get Hands While Playing). When I turn on my PT4 HUD, the 888Caption2 settings I have (which are custom table panels, a basic hotkey for check/folding, and the mouse wheel) stop running entirely.

Thank you for your help
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-13-2017 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by DammitScotti
Hello, I have gotten my 888Caption2 all set up and it works great... until I start up my PT4 HUD (Get Hands While Playing). When I turn on my PT4 HUD, the 888Caption2 settings I have (which are custom table panels, a basic hotkey for check/folding, and the mouse wheel) stop running entirely.

Thank you for your help
Try to check this:
1. Both 888Caption and 888poker executables must be run as admin by this way:

2. Try to add 888Caption process to a trusted programs list in your antivirus settings.

Let me know if nothing helps
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-13-2017 , 02:17 AM
Hi, PaulyJames200x

1. SnG registrator:
Please check that both PartyCaption and partypoker executables are run as admin as shown in my previous post (SnG registrator will work wrong if patrypoker doesn't have an admin rights)

2. About adding them to antivirus trusted programs - try to do it too. Some antivirus programs can significantly slow down the program if it is not done.

About table frozing - sorry, I don't know what it can be.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-13-2017 , 12:10 PM
Hi there yes both are show run as administrator.

I have windows defender.

I posted the table freezing and those issues in the partypoker thread. The party rep mentioned that all these problems are related to partycaption and not partypoker. So im not sure 100 percent if this is the case or not.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-13-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Hi there yes both are show run as administrator.
About issues with SnG registrator:
Can you show me screenshot of SnG registrator settings and screenshot of the lobby when it stops working?

If you think that the problem is caused by PartyCaption - try to play without it.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-14-2017 , 05:16 PM
Hi, recently I started using starscaption. This is amazing software.
I'm using free version now, but when I register to the $2.2 FLO8 MTT, starscaption was automatically closed. Is FLO8 excluded in the free version?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-15-2017 , 07:41 AM
Hi, Sakaeota
Seems StarsCaption works wrong with FLO8 tournament tables. I'll try to fix it in the next version.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-15-2017 , 09:58 AM
Thank you so much!
I think your software is waaaay better than other similar third party tools.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-15-2017 , 05:18 PM

I am having some trouble with StarsCaption.
I stack the tables to a predefined position through table slots.
But background tables keep poping up without letting me first finish on the active table.
This leads to misclicks. :/

I guess it has something to do with pokerstars client settings?
In the Gameplay - Multi-Tabling there are two options.
One is "Popup table whenever user action is required" and the other one "Dont steal focus".
Do you recommend having those two settings not ticked?
Well i tried that and i was timing out.
StarsCaption wasn't cycling the tables properly.
But i didn't test much, maybe i should have restarted the program first.

In the program itself i didn't find any option regarding this matter.
Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you in advance.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-16-2017 , 03:19 AM
Hi, Anarchy_
There is no options in StarsCaption for auto activating tables if you play by stack (there are only some options to play in stack and tile mode). So you can use for this an auto activation options in PokerStars client only (Gameplay / Multi-Tabling / Popup table whenever user action is required)
If you have some issues with it, then check this:
1. You have a latest version of StarsCaption
2. Options / Highlight bet amount can cause some problems, so try to deactivate it or use with only if chat minimized sub-options (and the chat must be minimized always, except for note writing on an active table only)
3. If #1 and #2 don't help, then try to enable HUD / Hovering HUD option and restart the program.
4. If nothing helps, then send me the main settings (use 'Options / Save settings backup') and your Table manager config (you can find the file with it in StarsCaption\TableManagerConfigs folder). Also please tell me what kind of games do you play (regular cash, zoom, SNG, etc) and try to figure out at what point the tables pop up incorrectly.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-16-2017 , 03:31 PM

Thank you for the fast reply.

I think "Highlight bet amount" was the issue.
As you recommended i deactivated it, and after a couple of sessions i played today, it seems to be working fine now!
Also on ps client i activated only "Popup table whenever user action is required" and deactivated "Dont steal focus".

Thanks again.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-18-2017 , 12:27 PM

can we setup 2 different HUD's depending of table size? I wish to have one for 3way and one for HU (for sng hero).
As well, when 3way and I setup effective stack after bet/raise or effective SPR, assuming that one viallin folds and we left in HU, it will be effective number of stacks of remaining players or all 3 players involved at beginning of the hand?

888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-18-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mirikrom

can we setup 2 different HUD's depending of table size? I wish to have one for 3way and one for HU (for sng hero).
As well, when 3way and I setup effective stack after bet/raise or effective SPR, assuming that one viallin folds and we left in HU, it will be effective number of stacks of remaining players or all 3 players involved at beginning of the hand?


1. Sorry, no.

2. Effective stack / SPR on the next street is calculated vs single opponent - most likely caller.
Most likely caller is:
a) last raiser
b) if there is no raiser at the moment, then it will be an opponent with a largest stack
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-18-2017 , 02:05 PM
Thank you for your quick answer.
I am really impressed by your software!
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
10-23-2017 , 12:44 PM
StarsCaption stopped working on Full Tilt UK today. I tried updating to 0.26e but it isn't working either.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
