Originally Posted by pokermanx
Is there a stat / tag on the hud which would show the tournament starting stack in current / ongoing big blinds? I only found one stat in tournament chips.
Also I've had a long time problem with Partycaption mouse wheel up and down on % postflop and preflop in bb. Most of the time I scroll up or down it goes straight to an all in amount even though I have it set on 5% up or down postflop. Its working properly on stars and 888 though.
I feel like I have tried everything and also tried different mouse just incase haha.
1. If your question is about PartyCaption - [TL_startingChips] tag displays starting stack in chips.
If you need it in big blinds - you can use formulas in HUD for this, see details
{[TL_startingChips]/bb} formula will display starting stack in current blinds.
{[TL_startingChips]/[TL_next_bb]} will display starting stack in next blinds.
2. Try to disable Mouse wheel option in partypoker settings.
Check if both PartyCaption and partypoker client are configured to run as admin.