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888/Party/StarsCaption 888/Party/StarsCaption

05-04-2020 , 02:09 AM
PaulyJames200x, I can only answer if you mention what program your question is.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-04-2020 , 03:52 AM
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-04-2020 , 04:16 AM
PaulyJames200x, to get a default 888 font, turn off Change font size checkbox and reopen table.
In fact I don't know what default font size 888 uses, I can only set any size you need.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-04-2020 , 11:27 AM
my 888 notes not displaying today, file is still there and no software update since yesterday...anyone figure out how to fix this glitch yet?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-05-2020 , 10:34 AM
Is the HUD working ok for Party. I've been using Stars Caption for a couple of months on Stars and enjoying it, have everything more or less running the way I want on it, but on PartyCaption almost nothing on the HUD works for me. When I add preflop and postflop betting buttons they don't appear anywhere and the spinX multiplier [sngHeroX] is 0 for every tournament, also [effStack_bb] and [blindsTimer] don't appear. This is happening for both regular spin and gos and flash/ultra games. Hope it's just some silly error I'm making, but if I am, I can't spot it.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-05-2020 , 10:48 AM
baztalkspoker, most likely you haven't configured partypoker client to run as admin (as described here). All Player panels tags and some Table panels tags need these setting.
[sngHeroX] tag is really doens't work now, sorry.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-05-2020 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
baztalkspoker, most likely you haven't configured partypoker client to run as admin (as described here). All Player panels tags and some Table panels tags need these setting.
[sngHeroX] tag is really doens't work now, sorry.
Nope, I don't think that's the problem. I think I have discovered the issue though. I initially imported my Stars Profile, of course I had to make a lot of changes, but looks like I have to delete all these buttons that I imported and start again. When I made a new one it worked. I'll finish it tomorrow and hopefully will have it working.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-05-2020 , 01:26 PM
On starscaption, every table that opens up, it goes straight to the side bets tab. Is there a way to remove this? Also is it possible for everytime a stars table opens, it goes immediately to the info tab as well?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-05-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Set 1 in partypoker, not in PartyCaption - there is 'Number of games' parameters on the Spins tab there, so set it to 1.
Everything else is right.

As for incorrect stakes - registrator doesn't choose stakes, it just clicks Play Now button. You have to choose it manually in a lobby before turning it on - so be careful and choose right stake.

Hi. Okay i want to confirm this. So say you want to play $1 spins on party. You click on the $1 spin and thus it puts a check mark on it. Number of games, you make it 1.

After you do this, you go to the spins registrator tab on partycaption. Say you want to always have say 3 tables playing at once max. Example you reg for 3 tables and once a table is done, you have 2 playing, the it automatically reg for the 3rd one and keep repeating it. You just put 3 for SNGS to keep playing right?

Now before you do that part, you need to make sure you click on update types on torunament type where it would then show

($1) Win up to $10,000

Is that correct? Because i previously clicked on update types and then that showed up. Then you of course click on Active to run it?

So that means having the ($1) Win up to $10,000 showing on partycaption i means it will only reg $1 spins right? So say you want to play $5 Spins and 3 table it. You delete the ($1) Win up to $10,000 then go back to partypoker and click on $5 spin and go... then go back to partycaption and click update types... then it would show ($5) Win up to 1 Million right?
Then you click active when you want it to reg? Thus you have to have something showing in that box right whether 1 to win 10k or whatnot in order for it to reg properly?

Have you heard cases where partycaption regged an incorrect stake etc? Like you mean to reg 5s but it reg 50 or 500 etc?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
On starscaption, every table that opens up, it goes straight to the side bets tab. Is there a way to remove this? Also is it possible for everytime a stars table opens, it goes immediately to the info tab as well?
You can try to turn in off in Stars settings.
StarsCaption can't switch tabs in chat, it can only auto hide it (Options / Auto hide chat)
You can use CH HUD tags to display any value from the Info tab directly on a table.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Hi. Okay i want to confirm this. So say you want to play $1 spins on party. You click on the $1 spin and thus it puts a check mark on it. Number of games, you make it 1.
In the latest version of PartyCaption Spins registrator configures and works by another way.
For now you have to configure stakes directly in registrator - it has Registration sequence where you can choose one or several types of Spins to play (including Ultra).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 04:45 AM
Table highlight in StarsCaption:

1. Is it possible to have two different table highlight rules applied to one table.
For example:

*Tourney Buyin (Filling)
*ITM Zone (Frame)
When i set these two rules and they are both true for the table its either frame or filling, not both.

2. Could you please add ranges to tournament buyin rule in Table highlight tab? Like buyin between 10 and 20$.

Also, i got tables in stack and new tables keep opening on top of the stack. How do i set it to be opening "quietly" underneath? Im using Manager 2 and have "move new tables to bottom" activated.

Last edited by Bilson; 05-06-2020 at 05:03 AM.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 06:38 AM
Hi, Bilson
1. Sorry, no. You can make many rules there, but you will see only the 1st (from top) active rule.
2. You can do it by configuring two different rules.
For your example you can do it by this way:
- if you don't want to see any highlight for buyin less than $10, and a rule Buy-in<10 and add a zero highlight to it (Width=0, Opacity=0)
- add a rule Buy-in≤20 under it and configure any highlight for it.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Hi, Bilson
1. Sorry, no. You can make many rules there, but you will see only the 1st (from top) active rule.
2. You can do it by configuring two different rules.
For your example you can do it by this way:
- if you don't want to see any highlight for buyin less than $10, and a rule Buy-in<10 and add a zero highlight to it (Width=0, Opacity=0)
- add a rule Buy-in≤20 under it and configure any highlight for it.
1. Can you add it please?

2. That would kindof work. But what if i need a highlight for tourney buyins between 5-10$, 20$-30$, 50$-70$ and no highlight for the rest? (Highlighted have different payout structure).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 09:10 AM
1. Ok I'll think about it

2. Just add rules like
<5 (no highlight)
≤10 (to highlight 5-10)
<20 (no highlight)
≤30 (to highlight 20-30)
<50 (no highlight)
≤70 (to highlight 50-70)

Add them in exact this order.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 09:47 AM
Okay, that makes sense.

I wont use it anyway wihout being able to show two higlights on one table
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 11:40 AM
Is it possible to auto click "close" in this box? I don't want to auto close table, just this notification.

Last edited by Mariosgh; 05-06-2020 at 11:45 AM.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-06-2020 , 12:09 PM
Mariosgh, you still can use 'Close finished tournaments...' option for this, just set pause there longer. You can set 60 seconds there, is that enough for you? I can increase if necessary.

Also for marked tables you can set 999 seconds there - that should be enough anyway if you want do not close some tables automatically at all.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-07-2020 , 12:25 PM
Hi, for the developers of partycaption.

Do you put the possibility of HIDE the button 'Play Ultra' in the Spins Tab ?

thanks in advance
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-07-2020 , 12:59 PM
colopoker, why do you need a such option?
Do you sometimes accidentally click on this button?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-07-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
colopoker, why do you need a such option?
Do you sometimes accidentally click on this button?
YES, I make a mistake one time and maybe again in the future (lol), for that reason imo will be a good option for others users too
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-07-2020 , 08:52 PM
I have two related questions.

1. I want to try multitabling spins on Stars or possibly Party, but I'm having some difficulties. Are there any best practice suggestions, videos etc on how to do this (preferably in English)? Note: I know this will vary depending on the desktop configuration, I have a dual monitor setup and am currently tiling tables on the higher resolution monitor.

2. I'm currently trying to see what 'Active Tabe slots' does in StarsCaption, I thought it might be to put the table that currently needed action most urgently, but at the moment it is doing nothing for me, no matter what check boxes I use. What is 'Active Tabe slots' for, and how can I use it?

Last edited by baztalkspoker; 05-07-2020 at 09:04 PM.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-07-2020 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by baztalkspoker
2. I'm currently trying to see what 'Active Tabe slots' does in StarsCaption, I thought it might be to put the table that currently needed action most urgently, but at the moment it is doing nothing for me, no matter what check boxes I use. What is 'Active Tabe slots' for, and how can I use it?
Figured this one out, I think!

Is there a way to move to Active Table slot only if urgent action required?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-08-2020 , 12:44 AM
Also could you increase the close finished tournaments after 60 seconds limit or better again to allow the option to automatically close the 'do you wish to register for another spin and go tournament' dialog?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
05-08-2020 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by colopoker
YES, I make a mistake one time and maybe again in the future (lol), for that reason imo will be a good option for others users too
Ok I'll think about it.
You can use Lobby / Open Spins hotkey - you can configure hotkeys for registration into exact Spins stake there.

And also you can use SnG/MTT / Spins registrator - you can configure spins you want to play (number, types, stakes, etc), so you don't need to register them manually at all (just turn on Active there and play).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
