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888/Party/StarsCaption 888/Party/StarsCaption

03-26-2020 , 09:42 AM
Big_Mick00, if you mean old 888 tables - I think it will soon become irrelevant, because old tables will be fully removed from 888poker client in the near future (some new poker client versions already haven't an option to turn on old tables).

You can use TL tags to display these tables via HUD.
For new 888 tables there are also [table_heroPos], [table_countPlayers], [table_ITM] tags available - the program gets them from these values on the table, so you do not need a lobby to display them (and you can use any font/color/size/table place to display them).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-27-2020 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
If you already have both licenses linked (as described here at a bottom of page), then maybe you use another type of a poker client now.
If fact and have different License IDs and you have to link both of them if you will use both. So maybe you linked .eu account but use .com client now or vice versa. Try to link an exact License ID you use now.

Let me know if nothing helps.
Im am using now and it is very likely that I used before. I still don't know how to link it, as whenever I try to copy and add the license ID, Starscaption says the nickname has already been added.

Last edited by philhell24; 03-27-2020 at 04:40 AM.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-27-2020 , 05:57 AM
Give me your License ID and I'll update it
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-27-2020 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Big_Mick00, if you mean old 888 tables - I think it will soon become irrelevant, because old tables will be fully removed from 888poker client in the near future (some new poker client versions already haven't an option to turn on old tables).

You can use TL tags to display these tables via HUD.
For new 888 tables there are also [table_heroPos], [table_countPlayers], [table_ITM] tags available - the program gets them from these values on the table, so you do not need a lobby to display them (and you can use any font/color/size/table place to display them).
thank you
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-27-2020 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Give me your License ID and I'll update it
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-27-2020 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by philhell24
Ok done
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-28-2020 , 08:36 AM
Hi LikeAA,

PokerStarsPA released major software update and nothing works atm.

888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-28-2020 , 09:16 AM
Hi, Crazy Ivan

Do you have StarsCaption v0.65a now?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-28-2020 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Hi, Crazy Ivan

Do you have StarsCaption v0.65a now?

I do not. Let me try that.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-28-2020 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Ivan
I do not. Let me try that.
Looks good with 65a...Ty
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-28-2020 , 10:17 PM
When I enter [pos] for hud, it shows the positional display in right spot with my laptop full hd screen, but when I hover the table to my main WQHD screen, the positions are not shown in the right spot in the table, is there a way to change this?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-29-2020 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Go_get_it
When I enter [pos] for hud, it shows the positional display in right spot with my laptop full hd screen, but when I hover the table to my main WQHD screen, the positions are not shown in the right spot in the table, is there a way to change this?
If you mean 888Caption - try to configure 'Override high DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by: / System (Enhanced)' here (also you can try other override options there).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-31-2020 , 07:34 PM
Is there a possibility to copy and paste player's nickname for Sharkscope?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
03-31-2020 , 08:43 PM
Question, can 888caption be used with NV?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-01-2020 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by CorrectSide
Is there a possibility to copy and paste player's nickname for Sharkscope?
It is possible in 888Caption and StarsCaption. You can use HUD / Player panles / OnClick / Copy to clipboard to copy nickname, or HUD / Player panles / OnClick / Search the Web to directly open Sharkscope (or other site) for this player in a browser.

There is no this option in PartyCaption (it is prohibited by partypoker, unfortunately).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-01-2020 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by brotherh82
Question, can 888caption be used with NV?
Yes AFAIK it works there. Let me know if you will have problems with it.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-02-2020 , 02:25 AM
i have a question.
Im also using Starshelper.
I have set right-click as hotkey for folding hands like probably many players.
When i click the right button in Starshelper but dont release it i can still move away the mouse from the table or choose a different option.
When ich right click with PartyCaption it immediately folds the hand which leads to some unintended folding.
Is it possible to make the program only fold the hand when the key is released?

best regards
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-02-2020 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by constentus
i have a question.
Im also using Starshelper.
I have set right-click as hotkey for folding hands like probably many players.
When i click the right button in Starshelper but dont release it i can still move away the mouse from the table or choose a different option.
When ich right click with PartyCaption it immediately folds the hand which leads to some unintended folding.
Is it possible to make the program only fold the hand when the key is released?

best regards
Configure RButtonUp for hotkey instead of RButton.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-02-2020 , 07:44 AM

I am using starshelper, I have a positional HUD lableling all the postions on the table. It seems to not be working now and I am not sure why. Could have been at last terrible stars update but I am not sure. It was working fine before and I have not made any changes to it.

Any ideas?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-02-2020 , 07:55 AM
Hi, buffyslayer1
StarsHelper is not my program, so I don't know. Try to contact their support.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-02-2020 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Configure RButtonUp for hotkey instead of RButton.
Thank you very much Sir! This makes a big difference for me!
Unfortunately played 300k hands with the old configuration.
Super support!
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-03-2020 , 05:27 AM
So, midsession 888caption totally flipped out. Whenever my mouse hovers over the table, it will keep scrolling down the sizing in the betting box untill its a minbet or minraise. Typing in a new bet pauses it for 1sec, then it scrolls down again...
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-03-2020 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by netstorm
So, midsession 888caption totally flipped out. Whenever my mouse hovers over the table, it will keep scrolling down the sizing in the betting box untill its a minbet or minraise. Typing in a new bet pauses it for 1sec, then it scrolls down again...
I don't know what it can be, but try this:
1. Click Options / Reset hotkeys. If this doesn't help, then
2. Click Options / Reconnect. If this doesn't help too, then
3. Restart 888Caption. If this doesn't help - I don't know what else it can be, maybe something with your mouse or some external software. Try to turn off Hotkeys / Mouse wheel / Active in this case.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-03-2020 , 07:03 AM

I am interested in using PartyCaption, however, after installing, the application will not open.

An error message pops up saying;

"PCaption.exe - Application Error

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0150002). Click OK to close the application."

From a quick google search, suggests this error could possibly related to those C++ redistributables, although I have attempted to un/re/install a couple of versions of these, the error still persists.

My computer is still running Windows 7.

Any assistance is appreciated, thank you.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
04-03-2020 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
I don't know what it can be, but try this:
1. Click Options / Reset hotkeys. If this doesn't help, then
2. Click Options / Reconnect. If this doesn't help too, then
3. Restart 888Caption. If this doesn't help - I don't know what else it can be, maybe something with your mouse or some external software. Try to turn off Hotkeys / Mouse wheel / Active in this case.
After trying all these things, including rebooting a few times, I disconnected the bluetooth connection from my mouse and reconnected. That seemed to work, so I guess it was a windows issue. Thanks for the suggestions!
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
