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Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action

11-07-2015 , 07:47 PM
Hey guys, zackmorris99 on stars zdubbs22 FTP and padredetres on party.. selling ~50% of my Sunday mtt action on stars and party. Have refs if anyone needs, stats are available on sites that track. Will be playing regardless of how much I sell, and I might cancel the pack if it doesn't get enough interest. Thanks


109 kickoff
109 fo
27 turbo ko
Bigger 75
55 deep stack
Hotter 33
27 hyper 6max
215 warm up
55 ko
Bigger 22
109 rebuy (509)
27 psko
55 ko
Bigger 109
27 6max hyper
55 re entry (165)
11 storm
44 turbo
109 psko
22c (62)
215 million
55 hyper
Hotter 75
Bigger 55
11r (51)
530 Sunday 500
Hotter 55
Bigger 162
27 hyper
215 2nd chance
162 Sunday 6max
55 fo 25k
109 turbo
55 turbo 6max
27 hyper 6max
215 supersonic
Hotter 44
55 hyper

$4007 total

Party poker:

All of these events have 1 re entry, (x) is total including re entry
Pokerfest 69- $109 (218) 50k
Pokerfest 73- $215 (430) 300k
Pokerfest 76-$109 (218) 75k
Pokerfest 77-$530 (1060) 150k

$1926 total


5933 x 1.0956= $6500

10%- $650
5%- $325
3%- $195
2%- $130
1%- $65

Please send to zackmorris99 on stars, or if you need my party info I can give you that via pm. Will obviously be returning all cashes/knockouts/unused buy ins w/ markup
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
11-08-2015 , 12:13 AM
5% private, still plenty left
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
11-08-2015 , 04:22 AM
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
11-08-2015 , 05:54 AM
1% send till start
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
11-08-2015 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by Luckyb555
1% send till start
sent on stars from F.........i,GL!
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
11-08-2015 , 09:26 AM
Not enough interest

Canceling and sending back guys
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
11-08-2015 , 10:08 AM
ok, appreciate if you would send it back asap, ty
Zackmorris99 Sunday mtt action Quote
