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weds value package weds value package

02-22-2016 , 09:33 PM
Hi guys ready to grind I am selling for a Weds sesh and will be selling all my usual games(0-26) aswel as some bigger mtts i feel are way 2 high value and unmissable.
I have been studying alot more and dropping table counts and feel it is helping my game come along alot.
I sell here all the time and have never had a problem have plenty of refs shanetrain22 wackyjaxon to name a couple
Package rules
1. I have the right to skip any mtt (usually would be for table number control)
2. Any unused rebuy or skipped mtt will be refunded at full mu
3 All kos are included in refunds
4. I may choose to play mtts outwith my package on my own
5. refunds will be payed within 12 hours of final game
6. I will provide a rail sheet
7. I have the right to late reg some games if i feel no value will be lost
Here is a graph for the stakes im selling at filtered to show 0-26 (specials not included and will be highlighted red)


14.00 big 5.5
14.25 11 phase
14.30 hot 27 20k gtd
15.30 hot 33 25k

15.40 22 super ko
16.00 big 8.8
16.25 11 phase
16.30 13.5ko
17.00 big 22
17.30 hot 11
18.30 hot 16.5
19.00 big 11
19.30 3.3 rebuy $12.3
19.30 13.5ko
20.00 big 55
20.15 7.5 bankroll builder ko
20.30 11 freeze 10k
21.15 5.5 bankroll builder
21.30 27 prog ko
21.45 10.50 ko 15k
22.30 hot 7.5
22.30 11 psko turbo

16.00 25 deep stack
17.00 10 super stack
18.00 25 freeze
20.00 25 ceratops

(late reg add on all rebuys)
18.00 10 rebuy
19.00 10 rebuy
20.00 10 rebuy
20.30 5 rebuy


17.00 22 freeze 6k gtd
19.00 5 rentry 10k gtd
19.00 22 major 20k gtd
21.00 22 freeze 4k gtd


15.00 22 deep stack
16.00 4 rebuy ($12)
16.30 25 deep stack
18.00 swordfish 8k
18.15 24 deep stack
19.00 5 turbo rebuy ($15)
19.30 22 deep stack
21.00 catfish 12 turbo

TOTAL $754 *1.114 = 840

selling 50%

10% = 84
5% = 42
1% = 8.4

send all cash to ronnieb122 stars mrx122 888 or mrx122 tilt pm for other options party skrill bank
weds value package Quote
02-22-2016 , 10:54 PM
5 res
weds value package Quote
02-23-2016 , 12:48 PM
booked m8
weds value package Quote
