Hi I am opening up a stake request I made in the staking section, and turning it into a BAP stake, and selling shares
Here is the thread link:
WA St US player want $85 SNG,MTT, 85(U)/15(I) micro BR stake on Merge.Everleaf OPR:michaelalas
Mikeal_DH :
the above thread link has most of the details
Summarry of other basic details:
$65 to $125 stake to play micro SNG, MTTS
7 to 13 shares at $10 a share or 13 to 27 shares at $5 a share
BAP stake will be on a Merge skin, and or on a everleaf network skin
Split will be 85/15, 85% to stakers and 15% to me
for further details please click on the above link.
if have any questions, suggestions, stake offers,help, please feel free to either post them in this thread, and or send me a PM
when posting here, and or sending me a PM please say your name here, and your poker screen name, and PM sent
Mike DH, Mikeal_DH here at 2 + 2, michaelalas at poker stars, and Mikah at FTP
Mike DH