Wanted to address some concerns raised in pms.
If I have plenty of money to buy in, why look for investors? I could, but it would be bad BRM. I usually do about $1k maybe 1.5k in buyins on a typical Sunday, and that what I am trying to do with this package, while also taking shots at the ridiculous prize pools. I was mainly saying that to show I'm not some brokeass who may be a risk to roll. Again folks zero credit risk here.
A little more about myself. I am 26 from suburban Chicago, graduate from uiuc. I work full time but play when I can. Been playing poker 3 years. Deposited 50 on bodog and donked around for a while. Got HOH2 for xmas that year, read it in one day and never looked back. Couple months later had about a 5k roll on bodog, put 1k on ftp and later stars and graduated to the big leagues. Had a lot of early success, tried playing hsmtts, got blasted, realized how high the variance was in hsmtts, and been grinding msmtts while habitually shot taking since.
Why invest in me? I think I play well in large field mtts. I have FTd the double deuce TWICE, have won numerous 24+2s on ftp, won the 30k on ps, FT'd the bodog 100k 3 or 4 times cant remember atm, FTd the ftp 75k twice, ftp 75s, 10rs, real deep in an ftops main etc etc. I have been studying up a lot lately by reviewing my HHs, working with holdem resources, reading tommy angelo, and lurking 2+2 all day at work
. I think my roi is pretty poor for two main reasons. 1. As i said above I dont really have any poker friends to bounce ideas off of, so I have done a lot of experimenting over the past couple years. Most of it for the worse obv. 2. Playing after work. Not good for me after aday of work as I get sleepy like 11:30 which is right when the tournaments I'd play get important. Bad idea, not recommended (I'm playing right now, doh. dbl gtd week tho). Also I have truely run pretty ****ty at all the biggest FTs I've ever been, but i wont harp on that
. Also, I have a nice low mu for my 1st package. Get some! Alright sorry for the long post most of this shoulda prolly been in op. Peace.