I have bought many pieces here and sold few packages with no issues.
I play on Stars as Odggin. Im playing on my own.
Have supernova on stars, have no problems with multitabling, but still i will keep normal amount of tables... around 12 max.
Same pack again, with SIDE BR. I will be adding Micro Millions events from SIDE BR too.
In this pack will be ALL tournaments what i will play! I think this is very fair to backers, everything you see me cashing will be in this pack.
I hope you will be interested.
Here are my MTTs results:
-SIDE BR will be used to register any micro/low tournament at start or durring the session when we have low amount of tables.
-SIDE BR can be increased from refunds when we need it.
-I can play some SnGs at the end of session on my own. - (After Hot 44 i dont like register next tournaments).
-Im not adding next tourneys to the list from cashes.
-I reserve right to skip any tournament due to table space or keeping focus on finals.
-All skipped/canceled tournaments and unused rebuys will be refunded with MU
-All bounties/KOs/progressive KOs go towards package.
-I can little latereg any tournament. Slow rebuys and 1R1A im registering few minutes before end of latereg. Im pretty comfortable with this.
-I will make a rail thread (will add the link on the bottom of the thread before session).
-Search will be ON during whole session.
-If we win a seat in one of the satellites, we will be playing the target-tournament, in most cases we will be directly transferred there anyway. A possible second win is treated as a cash-prize. If we win a seat in a tournament we already play, it is treated as a cash-prize.
-I dont want be unlocked, this picures are about week old. I have personal reasons for this. It is hurting me i need to have search on. I can litle explain it for you in PM.
-If i dont recieve money before i start session you are not in.
-Money will be shipped ASAP after session ends. If we ship enorma pengar it can take longer due to transfer limits.
Biggest scores:
4. and 3. place in 1+r 3x turbo for 5k and 4k
1. and 2. place in The hot 7,50 for 4,5k and 3k
1. place in 8,80 1R1A for 2,5k
3. place in The Hot 44 for 5k
130. place in 700 TCOOP ME for 3k - entry from satelite
3. place in 27 Progressive SKO turbo for 2k - still not in graf picture - sold here
2. place in 27 NLHE turbo KO for 3,6k - still not in graf - sold here
CET/Tournament/GTD/Funds - info
SIDE BR - 50 what will be used to reg/latereg some micros/satys at start/durring session 50
The Big 5,50 20K GTD 5,50 - With big latereg. Starting aroun hot 33
The Hot 33 30K GTD 33
16:30 NLHE 2,20+r 7,5K GTD 10,20
16:30 NLHE 8,80+r 15K GTD 40,80
16:45 NLHE 11 4K GTD 11
16:45 NLHE 21 Super KO 17,5K GTD 21
The Big 8,80 30K GTD 8,80
17:00 NLHE 27 turbo KO 4K GTD 27
17:30 NLHE 8,80 1R1A 12K GTD 24,80
17:30 NLHE 13,50 KO 10K GTD 13,50
18:00 NLHE 2,20+r 2x turbo 12,5K GTD 18,20
The Big 22 50K GTD 22
18:15 NLHE 8,80 4K GTD 8,80
18:15 27 Prog. superKO turbo 35K GTD 27
The Hot 11 turbo 35K GTD 11
19:00 NLHE 22 12K GTD 22
19:15 NLHE 11 5K GTD 11
The Hot 16,50 turbo 50K GTD 16,50
The Big 11 65K GTD 11
20:15 NLHE 1,10+r 3x turbo 44K GTD 15,10
20:30 NLHE 3,30+r 12K GTD 15,30
20:30 NLHE 13,50 KO 12K GTD 13,50
21:15 NLHE 5,40 KO turbo 15K GTD 5,40
21:30 NLHE 3,30+r 2x turbo 20K GTD 27,30
21:30 NLHE 11 12K GTD 11
21:30 NLHE 27 KO turbo 30K GTD 27
22:15 NLHE 11 4K GTD 11
22:30 NLHE 16,50 turbo 20K GTD 16,50
22:30 NLHE 8,80 5K GTD 8,80
22:30 27 Progressive superKO 30K GTD 27
22:45 10,50 NLHE SuperKO 16K GTD 10,50
23:00 NLHE 7,50 turbo 5K GTD 7,50
The Hot 7,50 turbo 15K GTD 7,50
22:30 NLHE 13,50 KO 5K GTD 13,50
22:30 11 Prog. superKO turbo 20K GTD 11
22:45 NLHE 11 turbo 12,5K GTD 11
23:00 NLHE 27 KO turbo 20K GTD 27
The Hot 44 40K GTD 44
17:15 11 Sat to
Big 109 deep turbo 11
17:40 11 Sat to
Big 109 turbo 11
18:13 8,25 Sat to
Hot 75 deep turbo 8,25
19:18 8,25 Sat to
Hot 75 turbo 8,25
19:50 11 Sat to
Big 55 turbo 11
19:53 16,50 Sat to
Hot 75 turbo 16,50
20:39 11 Sat to
Hot 55 turbo 11
20:54 11 Sat to
Hot 55 turbo 11
22:13 4,40 Sat to
Hot 44 deep turbo 4,40
23:18 4,40 Sat to
Hot 44 turbo 4,40
23:53 8,80 Sat to
Hot 44 turbo 8,80
Tourneys 703
Satelites 105,6
808,6 * 1,18 = 954,15
I want to sell at least 30% to run this package.
Selling 50% max.
2% 19,08 - minimum
5% 47,71
10% 95,41
15% 143,12
20% 190,83
Please buy pieces in that shares (2,5,10,15,20...)
You can send it on pokerstars to
Odggin (CR, avatar with mr.Tsoukalos)
25% Argent
10% Mintberry
10% b2
5% prashag
Already paid.