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steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU

11-24-2012 , 07:49 PM
wl up to 5 please
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-25-2012 , 02:46 AM
Wait List / Back Ups
CBorders = up to 5%
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:57 AM

Ok so please release the 0.5% i have on reserve others deserve it more I already have a slice

Also i recently went on a bit of a tilt slide so i banned my ftp account for 6 months so if there is any return (which I know there will be) Would it be to much trouble to get it on something else etc. moneybookers?
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-25-2012 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by PalmyDegen

Ok so please release the 0.5% i have on reserve others deserve it more I already have a slice

Also i recently went on a bit of a tilt slide so i banned my ftp account for 6 months so if there is any return (which I know there will be) Would it be to much trouble to get it on something else etc. moneybookers?
Hi, I will release your reserved shares, thanks for letting me know.

I will PM you about returning funds after the events have been played.
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-25-2012 , 05:45 AM
Giffordonian = 25%
pokergandhi = 5%
CBorders = 0.5%
PTP = 2.14%

manndl = 3% (Stars)
PalmyDegen = 0.5% (FTP)
MyironThumb = 10% (Stars)
sk345di = 4% (Stars)

Total = 50.14%

Wait List / Back Ups
CBorders = up to 4.5% more
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-26-2012 , 03:45 PM
wl 1%
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-27-2012 , 05:03 AM
Giffordonian = 25%
pokergandhi = 5%
CBorders = 0.5%
PTP = 2.14%

manndl = 3% (Stars)
PalmyDegen = 0.5% (FTP)
MyironThumb = 10% (Stars)
sk345di = 4% (Stars)

Total = 50.14%

Wait List / Back Ups
1. CBorders = up to 4.5% more
2. EasyMoney92 = 1%
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-27-2012 , 10:01 PM
WL 5% please
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 12:32 PM
have to cancel, gl
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 01:37 PM
ok sent for my 1% from J_*****V on stars
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 04:02 PM
14% available

no reserves

1st to ship gets it

Last edited by steelerian; 11-30-2012 at 04:09 PM.
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 04:57 PM
pokergandhi = 5%
CBorders = 0.5%
PTP = 2.14%
Fausto50 = 5%

manndl = 3% (Stars)
PalmyDegen = 0.5% (FTP)
MyironThumb = 10% (Stars)
sk345di = 4% (Stars)
EasyMoney92 = 1% (Stars)

Total = 31.14%

Wait List / Back Ups


No reserves, 1st to ship gets it.
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 07:04 PM
Will u play it even if u dont sell out?
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 07:37 PM
id take 10% if u take paypal
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
11-30-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by manndl
Will u play it even if u dont sell out?
Yes, I will still be playing. I initially wanted to sell 60%. The changed my mind to 50%. I've sold 30+ so far, which is my minimum figure really, so as long as the reserves ship it'd fine.

Originally Posted by jknack10
id take 10% if u take paypal
Sorry, I dont use Paypal. Only Stars and FTP.
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-01-2012 , 08:36 AM
have u allready sent PMs to all that wanted a share?
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-01-2012 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by manndl
have u allready sent PMs to all that wanted a share?
Yes all reserves have been messaged.
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-01-2012 , 09:16 AM

steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-01-2012 , 01:49 PM
did u get at least the $$ from the reserves?
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-01-2012 , 04:26 PM
manndl = 3% (Stars)
PalmyDegen = 0.5% (FTP)
MyironThumb = 10% (Stars)
sk345di = 4% (Stars)
EasyMoney92 = 1% (Stars)
CBorders = 0.5% (Stars)
Fausto50 = 5% (Stars) = 2.14%

Total = 26.14%


steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:39 AM
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-02-2012 , 07:54 AM
15% please
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-02-2012 , 08:50 AM
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
12-02-2012 , 02:09 PM
OK, final sales here on 2+2 are;

manndl = 3% (Stars)
PalmyDegen = 0.5% (FTP)
MyironThumb = 10% (Stars)
sk345di = 4% (Stars)
EasyMoney92 = 1% (Stars)
CBorders = 0.5% (Stars)
Fausto50 = 5% (Stars)

Thanks all for the investment, I hope I can win us all some lovely lovely money.
steelerian's FTOPS & Sunday Million, with variance reducing BIGs - only 1.10 MU Quote
