Hello all my name is Stanley Combs and will be visiting my apt in canada this weekend. I will also be selling packages for Friday and Saturday. Please do not ship any funds until Friday/Saturday.
Looking to sell 45% max of below mtts
Big 33
Hot 3.3
Psko 27
Big 44
Koff 109
Big 5.5
Psko 27
Big 75
Hot 33
Spko 21
Big 8.8
WU 215
Tko 27
Psko 44
Big 22
Tko 27
Hot 11
10k 22
Big 109
Hpr 27
Hot 16.5
Hpr 10.2
Psko 22
Big 11
Psko 109
MIL 215
Big 55
Tko 27
Hot 55
Big 162
Hpr 27
Hpr 5.5
Psko 27
2nd 215
6max 162
Psko 27
Acr $270 500k gar
Total = 2310 @ 1.189 =2746 (selling 45% max)
2% = 55
5% = 137
10% = 274
Please ship to Jackmeplz69 on pokerstars or will accept some pay pal. I may late reg some stuff and may even skip some if to many tables up. Anything i play on Sunday will be for this package.
Please do not ship until Friday/Saturday!!! I want to make sure I get into country before I take everyones funds.
Thanks for reading
opr link
hendonmob link
List of top scores
$215 {$93,500} 2nd
$450 {$29,000} 2nd Live
$215 {$28,851} 3rd
$215 {$27,000} 2nd
$365 {$25,000} 1st Live
$22 {$17,600} 1st
$109 {$17,241} 1st
$109 {$16,800} 2nd
$345 {$16,250} 1st Live
$109 {$16,000} 4th
$26 {$15,327} 2nd
$500 {$15,000} 1st Live
$162 {$14,309} 1st
$11 {$13,600}1st
$215 {$13,000} 9th
$22 {$12,200} 3rd
$162 {$11,700} 3rd
$55 {$10,000} 2nd
$215 {$9,750} 7th
$55 {$9,300} 2nd
$109 {$9,000}1st
20+ 5k - 9k scores