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Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early

03-28-2017 , 12:55 AM
Hi, guys.

I play as mohanrao620 on Stars.
OPR and SS open.

trying to build a roll.. selling 100%. 80/20 after stakeback.

3.30 NHLE...........................1k GTD
2.20 Bubble Rush..................600 GTD
1.10 Big.............................3k GTD
3.30 Hot.............................5K GTD
5.50 Prog KO.......................5K GTD
1.10 (6-max, Hyper-Turbo......500 GTD
3.30 Bubble Rush.................750 GTD
2.20 NHLE..........................1K GTD
.55 (6-max, Hyper-Turbo)....400 GTD
4.40 BB..............................12K GTD
2.20 Bubble Rush.................1.5K GTD
2.20 NHLE (Deep Stack)........2K GTD
2.20 Turbo..........................1K GTD
1.10 Prog KO.......................2.5K GTD
5.50 Bubble Rush.................1.5K GTD

Total $40

10% - $4
20% - $8
50% - $20

PS id - mohanrao620 (location - India)

If you are interested to buy action, mention % below and send the $ over. If 100% not sold, will send refunds.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 02:35 AM
First game starts in 2 hours from now.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 03:00 AM
Any references? If so, I'll take it all
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by Appointed80
Any references? If so, I'll take it all
have known Fish4rapper since some time.. he can vouch for me.. but right now he is out of town/ away from computer it seems..

also, i know VinayCdy, who is a relatively new member here.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 03:23 AM
Ok, cool. Will send in 30 mins.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 03:59 AM
Sent from Taffyfella on Stars, gl
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 04:13 AM
received. thanks.

will be late registering the first game by 15 min or so..
not creating rail thread, since will be playing many tables, and it would be a bit of a distraction.. in future packs might create rail threads..

search is always open though.. and will give updates here on and off.

lastly, since this is my first pack on 2p2, if i am doing anything not in accordance with the rules/norms here, do let me know.

gl us.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 04:18 AM
Gl ....
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 06:03 AM
Is your search on or haven't you started yet?
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 06:26 AM
haven't started yet.. internet problem. got back my connection just now.

leaving the starting games.. adding the same value micro MTT.. will let you know which ones they are.

if for some reason my net troubles me again (which rarely happens), and the pack makes loss due to connectivity issues, i will make up the difference.. hope it is fair.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 06:37 AM
Ok no problem, ty for the update.

Not sure if you have 4G on your phone but whenever I encounter Internet issues I tether from my mobile, works well and uses zero data.

Anyhow, gl and let me know what games you add in place of the missed ones. Gl
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 07:02 AM
so here are all the tournies registered.

in the above pack playing from game no. 8.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by vinaycdy
Gl ....
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 09:25 AM
as of now ITM in 3 games.

1. 0.55 hyper-turbo ------ $1.43
2. 2.20 NHLE ------------- $5.20
3. 5.50 Bubble Rush ------ $8.59

4 games remaining (3 running, 1 yet to start)
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 09:34 AM
unregistered the last $4.40 Bubble Rush, and adding in its place..

1.10 NHLE.....................................2K GTD. (started)
2.20 (6-max, Hyper-Turbo................2K GTD. (yet to start)
1.10 Turbo, Prog KO........................3K GTD. (yet to start)
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 12:51 PM
ITM in 3 more games.

4.40 Hot...........$11.19
3.30 NHLE.........$5.87
1.10 NHLE.........$3.00

So total cashes are 1.43 + 5.20 + 8.59 + 11.19 + 5.87 + 300 = $35.28

if math not tallying anywhere, let me know.

refund processed.
thanks for investing.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 01:03 PM
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 01:10 PM
GG. Received ty
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 01:17 PM
40% ITM. Very strong !
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 01:19 PM
If you run another micro pack like this please PM me I'd like to take 20%
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
03-28-2017 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by 3OutTrout
40% ITM. Very strong !
it doesn't happen all the days. my ITM in general on larger sample is between 17-18.

still thanks for the encouraging words.

Originally Posted by 3OutTrout
If you run another micro pack like this please PM me I'd like to take 20%
will PM you before I sell another pack, most likely in the first week of April.
Stakeback Pack - Revised - Micro - Tuesday Early Quote
