sponsora -- SNG - Omaha H/L NL Package
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 2,339
Hi I’ve run a small number of packages here before and have done many trades here (over 70 in P to P thread ). This package will run when sold out and finish within 72 hours of sellout
US$3.5 Omaha H/L NL Turbo SNG 18 man
Have a good record with this game - Over 17K profit
20 games
Total $70
10% $7
30% $21
50% $35
Selling 100%
Stakeback then Profit Spilt 75% backers 25% player
Accept money on stars (sponsora)
state sng package whe sending as have another package up
Will run only when sells out
Will finish withn 72 hours of sellout
Will remain searchable
Basic rail - tourney id - win/loss , place
Last edited by silentnight22; 01-13-2017 at 02:52 PM.