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SEA28 180s package SEA28 180s package

11-23-2011 , 02:25 AM
Hey guys, I’m currently a university student studying actuarial mathematics looking for a stake for a series of 180 packages (similar to adventurer’s packages).

I don't have sharkscope subscription and my pokerprolabs subscription is maxed out for the day. If somebody could put a link or graph of my stats in 180s it would be very appreciated. I know that i'm up 4K in around 1900 games.

I'm confident that my packages will be profitable for both backers and myself. And since its the first package I'm selling on this forum i will put extra emphasis on playing my A game to make maximum profits for both of us.

I'm looking to play 100 180s per package (will not play 3R because it'll be too hard to calculate rebuys and add-ons and i want to be as clear as possible with the numbers to avoid any confusion). Profits will be split 70/30 in investors favour after stakeback, meaning that i don't make any profit if it's a losing package.
The package will consist of :


Total Package: 710

1%: 7.1

Send to Menahem777 (Canada) on pokerstars

Will start when i get 100% of funds.

I'll create a rail thread to post all of my results and I'll usually finish the package within 2-3 days, and send back the shares of backers as soon as the package is done.

Last edited by SEA28; 11-23-2011 at 02:27 AM. Reason: some typos
SEA28 180s package Quote
11-23-2011 , 02:14 PM
Here is a link to my stats in 180s I'm open for suggestions to change the repartition of the 180s. Also, i'm willing to do a 100 2.50 package as a first package to minimize the cost to investors and to build trust with less money invested. I'm giving an option A and option B, confirm in ur post wether u want option A or B.

Option A


Total Package: 710

1%: 7.1

Option B

100*2.50: 250$

5%: 12.5$
10%: 25$
SEA28 180s package Quote
11-23-2011 , 10:34 PM
Option B. 100%. sent from Hw1982. if u make money, would like to rollover, but I generally like the whole package to be the same buyin, not like package A. Good luck, and do update with rail, thx.
SEA28 180s package Quote
11-24-2011 , 12:22 PM
gl man
SEA28 180s package Quote
11-24-2011 , 01:34 PM
Thx for investing, unfortunately my bro spilt a water bottle on my macbook yesterday and now it doesn't turn on anymore. I have an appointment in 4 hours to fix it at the apple store and hopefully they can fix the problem so i can start the session tonight. I'm sending this from my university computers. Thx glifford, gl on ur packages!
SEA28 180s package Quote
11-24-2011 , 07:16 PM
My computer could not be fixed tonight and apparently it will take 1-2 weeks for it to be repaired so i'll use my brothers computer for this package. I'll create a rail and start the session in 10 min.
SEA28 180s package Quote
