Originally Posted by card core
Wow this is just insanely results-oriented. Selling this at .08 plus room for investor's edge means OP has to beat this game for at least 10-12% roi to make this worth buying.
Obv OP got impressive cash results but so have a ton of others in this field. So it comes down to his tournament performance and all of us are just gonna be able to randomly guess how good he is at them. Obv judging from a 382 tournament games sampe is ridic.
There's a reason why 9 out of the remaining Top 10 players are tournament players.
I simply said it would snap out at no mu which I'm sure is true but most likely a mu reduction would've done the same job and would've been more appropriate. Sure this is "obv value" but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good buy lol.
Anyway, glgl OP!
you realize i wanted to invest before, how exactly am i being results oriented when i found this investment obv profitable prior? Im salty now because i didnt get my 1% nice value true that. Not results oriented whatsoever. And im a bit exaggerating here, truth is i wanted to make this comment already prior but decided not to like whatever, just decided to rub it in now. His mtt results arent the only important sample size for a deep stacked good structured scoop obv the cashgame results have very big impact on profitability.
I do agree good cashgame player doesnt equal good tournament player, absolutely true cashgame players have been full of themselves in that sense in the past. But op has ridiculously good cashgame stats and already profitable tendency graph in mtts. A few big binks as mtt player also doesnt equal big roi in the long run either, you have to make a judgement on SOME factors you never can evaluate perfectly. Im saying OPs overall stats way more justify mark up for this 25k than a bunch of other packages for lower events.
But i mean great for OP now yolo approach worked. Ill just make one more random bluff on next final table and hope it's correct to get back my equity.
and yeah glgl