Hi all, Looking to sell 50-70% of my action for a few MTTs this weekend to help reduce variance. Since I began taking poker seriously almost 3 years ago, I've had consistent profit ammounting to over 300k. I have been very successful in weekend tournaments including 6 final tables (2 chops) in the stars Sunday 100r, an outright win in the ub Sunday 100r, and 2nd places in the stars 215 6max and 215 turbo. I've been previously backed by nbajam, m@d@m@d@d@ne, and baza88 and I am sure they would each vouch for my trustworthiness and work ethic.
Stars OPR:
UB sharkscope: BUTT_PHANTOM 398 $53 $191 13% $21,212
Below are the tournaments I am selling action for with estimated cost in parentheses. (Any unused rebuys will be returned including markup)
1:00 - $320
2:00 - $215 PLO
2:00 - $109r ($509)
3:30 - $55r ($255)
4:00 - $162
4:30 - $109c ($309)
5:30 - $55c ($155)
5:45 - $33q ($123)
5:45 - $215 6max
6:00 - $109q ($409)
7:30 - $55r Big Antes ($255)
7:45 - $215
8:30 - $109
3:05 - $320
2:00 - $109r ($509)
3:30 - $55r ($255)
4:30 - $109c ($309)
5:00 - $162 6max
5:30 - $55r PLO ($255)
5:30 - $55c ($155)
5:30 - $530 500k
5:45 - $33q ($123)
6:00 - $109q ($409)
6:30 - $215 250k
7:00 - $109 125k
7:30 - $109r ($509)
7:30 - $55r Big Antes ($255)
8:30 - $109
2:00 - $530 100k
4:00 - $215 200k
5:30 - $109r ($609)
7:00 - $55r ($305)
$9,134 * 1.248 markup = $11,400
Each 1% will cost $114.
5% = $570
10% = $1140
If you want to buy a piece, please send to Run dat Game (United States) on Stars or BUTT_PHANTOM (Christopher) on UB. Also, please post ITT for the sake of transparency.