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***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 ***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10

05-08-2015 , 12:46 PM

I'm Rob Cowen, from the UK and have been playing professionally for the best part of 8 years now. 2 years ago I took a break and came back focused primarily on PLO format mtt's. At last year's SCOOP I was just stepping upto the mediums and sold this package;

In which I final tabled the M 215 PLO/8 for $13,600

Since then I have sold various packages both online and live and returned a few scores to the MP with no problems.

A year on I've stepped up and crushed the PLO 215's and have won virtually every PLO major or come close several times.

Sadly it's tough to get large volume in at high stakes in PLO mtt's in the same way as it is with NLH.

This is my PLO playergroup with the higherstakes broken down;

I'm selling 60% of the H PLO formats in which I'll be the most profitable.

Tuesday 12th #10 $1050 PLO 6max rebuy

3050* 1.095081967 = $3340

1%= $33.40

Send to Robc1978 on stars

As always any unused rebuys/addons will be returned with MU as with any events should I decide to skip them and anything outside the prizepools belongs to moi.

I'm breaking these down so it's easier to sell but if you'd like to reserve action on other events please state when buying and you will have it until 24hrs before the next event to confirm.

I will be playing the following High events after this one with threads going up shortly.

#21 5PLO $700 1r1a (2030 total)
#27 5PLO/8 $1050 rebuy (3050 total)
#29 PLO $2100
#34 NLO/8 $2100
#37 PLO/8 $2100
And the $5k depending how the series goes

BOL all
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
05-08-2015 , 12:47 PM
20% Richie

40% left
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
05-09-2015 , 09:54 AM
If you prefer to buy as a package all of the above are @1.094819159 and 1% = $158 for;
#10 $1050 PLO 6max rebuy
#21 5PLO $700 1r1a (2030 total)
#27 5PLO/8 $1050 rebuy (3050 total)
#29 PLO $2100
#34 NLO/8 $2100
#37 PLO/8 $2100
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
05-10-2015 , 09:39 PM
BumpidyBump as this looks like its got lost in the madness!
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
05-10-2015 , 10:53 PM
1% please (Parasences).
I can send in about 12 hours

I'm a reg at PLO Hi MTT's myself. Have played a few hundred hands with OP, but still don't have a single bad note on him.
And since I don't play this MTT myself, I strongly expect robtherock to be the best buy for it
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
05-11-2015 , 11:01 AM
Sent 1%
Good luck
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
05-11-2015 , 09:17 PM
rec'd and thank you for your endorsement

Not really sure how this hasn't sold out.. Guess there's a bit of stigma about $2k events especially in non holdem formats.

Looking down the lobbies of the H scoops that ran yesterday I see a lot of players that I have notes on because I'm beating them week in week out in the PLO weeklies. Unfortunately there is no real way to bridge the gap online between the 215/530's and the highs in the S/Wcoops as there is with holdem because the volume of high stakes games just isn't there.

I will just say that these buyins aren't going to effect my decsions and I wouldn't be regging them if I didn't think I have a very good chance of winning them. (hence why I'm skipping the 2k plo hu as it favours HSPLO cashgame players edges). I'm not one to ladder; I take my spots and I play to win. I want the title's and the watches. I played the majority of the PLO and PLO/8 WSOP events last year and I ran over a very tough table in the $10k, sadly my hands didn't hold on day two in a couple of key pots.

Now lets get these sold my wrist feels naked!
***Robocow SCOOP PLO H #10 Quote
