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Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime)

07-31-2014 , 04:26 AM
Hi My name is Patrick and I play as Riskysoldier on Stars and Numberonepat on FTP. I'm from Québec, Canada and I've been playing for a living for the last 4 years with some good results. I've never been a big poster on forums, but I have been a long time lurker and I like to stay tuned on the news in the poker world... I'd like to add that I have a professionnal approach when it comes to Poker and that I take it very seriously. Since I just bought a house with my brother, I wanted to try to sell some of my action on sundays just to reduce variance and keep playing the same schedule as before. (Sundays can easily cost me around 4,5k/5k in buy ins total...) Feel free to ask for references.

Here's my pocketfives link :http://

Sharkscope group player: http://

OPR Stars: http://http://officialpokerrankings....AC1F6.html?t=2


I'm looking to sell for 40% for these tournaments:


$109 Sunday Kick Off --->1.08
$109 10k Gtd --->1.08
$75 5k Gtd --->1.08
$55 7,5k Gtd --->1.08
$215 Sunday Warm Up ---> 1.08
$54 16k Gtd Turbo KO -->1.08
$109 The Bigger 109 --->1.08
$25 10k Gtd Hyper 6 Max--->1.08
$55 15k Gtd Turbo 2x Chance--->1.08 (105$)*Won't rebuy after 75/150 level
$44 12k Gtd Turbo --->1.08
$20 1R+1A 15k Gtd--->1.08 ($62)
$215 1M Gtd Sunday Million--->1.08
$75 80k Gtd Hotter 75 --->1.08
$55 80k Gtd Hotter 55 --->1.08
$162 120k Gtd Bigger 162 --->1.08
$25 15k Gtd Hyper --->1.08
$55 15k Gtd 6 Max Turbo Cap 500---> 1.08
$25 10k Gtd 6 Max Hyper--->1.08

Full Tilt Poker :

$55 30k Gtd Half-Turbo (Day 1H)--->1.08
$109 40k Gtd Big Ben --->1.08
$55 30k Gtd Day (1H) --->1.08
$215 300k Gtd FTOPS 1--->1.08
$33 20k Gtd Turbo Mutly-Thirty --->1.08 (3x$33=$99)

U can send to riskysoldier on Pokerstars (John Abruzzi of Prison Break, Canada ) or Numberonepat on FTP (Rhinoceros, Q)

-I will be playing some other tournaments on my own.
-I will be playing no matter how much I sell.
-Any unusued buy in and rebuys will be refund with mark up.

$2107 x 1.08= $2276

1% = $22.76
5% = $113.80
10% = $227.60

Last edited by numberonepat; 07-31-2014 at 04:49 AM. Reason: Typo
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:32 AM
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by chuck2001
What do u mean?
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:42 AM
$55 15k Gtd Turbo 2x Chance--->1.08 (110$)*Won't rebuy after 75/150 level
-> price of the rebuy is 50$, so its 105 in total

$33 20k Gtd Turbo Mutly-Thirty --->1.08 (3x$33=$99) -> don't know how ftp handles this but is it rly 3x33?

please recheck it, ill take 10%
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:47 AM
Not sure about the Stars one, but it make sens and yeah its 3x33$ on ftp (sigh). I'll ajdust the numbers.
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:47 AM
15%, sending later today
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Turuntor
15%, sending later today
ok ty
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:52 AM
sent 10
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 05:29 AM
sent 5%
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 06:03 AM
Forgot to mention that this package is for this sunday August 3rd.

Sold out thanks guys will make a rail thread. I will not be hidden from search all day long so u can find me at anytime.
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by chuck2001
sent 10
Originally Posted by kinky4711
sent 5%
Received both ty.

Btw Sunday Million is obviously the WCOOP Challenge 08 1,5M Gtd. and the Sunday Warm Up is the WCOOP Challenge 06 750k Gtd.
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 06:54 AM
30% sold right?

Can i have 1% ?

Let me know.

Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 06:59 AM
Oh yeah sure my bad STILL 9% left guys!
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 07:10 AM
TY sir!

Sent (MrChallenger - stars)

Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 07:17 AM
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 07:40 AM
I'll take 2% for the sweat. will send in 4 hours! please reserve it
100% gonna send
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 08:28 AM
2% please
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 08:34 AM
$45.52 shipped on stars from RANDYTIGER, gl sir
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 12:11 PM
can i get in for 5% ?
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Twister1986
I'll take 2% for the sweat. will send in 4 hours! please reserve it
100% gonna send
sent (
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
07-31-2014 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by hu4rllz
can i get in for 5% ?
Yeah sure, but we're now sold out guys.
Riskysoldier Sunday majors + others/First Pack,thin mark up!(Around 275k profit lifetime) Quote
