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Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5)

12-02-2014 , 08:27 PM
Hello, I am Parasences on PS.

As far as I can see on pokerprolabs > top shark pro, I have played 34 games of 8-Game and HORSE with 100$+ buy-ins (227$ avg-BI) on Pokerstars, and made ~$10k total profit for 250% ROI, while I cashed 14 of those 34 games for 41% ITM.
Of course, that is no samplesize yet, but it at least already indicates some consistency, imo.

That consists of two 215$ HORSE Weeklies that I won, and another one that was chopped 3 or 4 way, 2 final-tables in the Weekly 8-Game with one third place, and a 20-something place in the 320$ HORSE WCOOP last year, followed by an 8th place on this years horse wcoop final-table... which means, I had no score higher than $3.5K over this tiny sample.

I have played more than 2K Mixed and Limit MTT's at all stakes and sites combined, and currently am in a backing deal for these tournaments, and PLO Hi (few nlhe). Still I'd like to sell a big part of this weekly event, to not have have such a huge outlier in my regular schedule.

I'd like to sell 70% at 1.05mu
That means 371$ x 1.05 = 390$ (389.55$)

2.5% = 9,75$ (min)

5%= 19,50$

10% = 39$

Please send funds to Parasences on PS

I will only play this when I sell at least ~60%

Here is my Pokerstars OPR:


Last edited by TooRareToDie; 12-02-2014 at 08:40 PM.
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-02-2014 , 08:39 PM
Take any US currency options like PP?
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-02-2014 , 08:44 PM
Sorry, but I remember there always were some fees... Tried this a with someone else from the US the last year, and also bought WSOP-shares over PP once, and ofc it's the same vice versa, so double PP-rake...
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:23 AM
2.5% sent.
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 03:37 AM
5 sent on stars, gl
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 03:55 AM
In for 2.5% mate, will ship tomorrow. TY & GL
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by hapunkt
In for 2.5% mate, will ship tomorrow. TY & GL
Sent on Stars, glgl
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:31 PM
5% sent from Drohirr on PS
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 07:48 PM

5% - Drohir
5% - mfae
2.5% - hapunkt
2.5% - DONKEY08811


Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 10:33 PM
10% for a sweat plzz, sending on stars

giving you my lucky penny

Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-03-2014 , 10:43 PM
My math is wrong... Nobody told me...
I beg your pardon, my bad

But instead of doing all the math and transfers again, I will now simply sell 100% of the 70%, so that you get 0,7% for each 1% you originally expected for your investment.


10% - BurnJa
5% - Drohir
5% - mfae
2.5% - hapunkt
2.5% - DONKEY08811

75% (1% = 0,7% due to miscalculation in OP)

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 12-03-2014 at 11:01 PM. Reason: IF you were hustling me here, and now want a refund, just tell me
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 05:16 AM
I can send the difference or you wanna keep it like this? both okay for me anyway.
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 05:30 AM
il take 35%
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 07:19 AM
can only send on ftp
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by mfae
I can send the difference or you wanna keep it like this? both okay for me anyway.
I'd like to keep the numbers like this now to avoid further confusion / have the same math for all investors, so if you want roughly as much as originally intended, please just send one more 9,75$ unit (for 7,5% of 70% = 5,25% of 530$)

Originally Posted by MR. Muscle
il take 35%
Originally Posted by MR. Muscle
can only send on ftp
FT is just as well. Thanks for taking a big chunk.
My nickname on FullTilt is "Parasense" (magician / city P)

35% - MR. Muscle
2.5% mfae

10% - BurnJa
5% - Drohir
5% - mfae
2.5% - hapunkt
2.5% - DONKEY08811

37,5% (1% = 0,7% due to miscalculation in OP)

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 12-04-2014 at 01:52 PM.
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 04:10 PM
I'll take 2.5% ... Sent on Stars from AmbitsGambit
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 05:01 PM
Got it, thank you
Now I have to make a first place for your first post on 2+2, I think

35% - MR. Muscle
2.5% mfae

10% - BurnJa
5% - Drohir
5% - mfae
2.5% - hapunkt
2.5% - DONKEY08811
2.5% - BigTunaKahuna

35% (1% = 0,7% due to miscalculation in OP)
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 05:03 PM
How much do you have to sell to play it?
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 05:12 PM
At least 85 of the 100* (*1% = 0,7%)
Means I need to sell 20 more now (14% in actual share)

Though, I haven't received the 35 unit so far.
Will send a pm to him in a few hours, after my short session today, and update as soon as I have more info.

If I sell enough, I will only play the Stud8 FTOPS aside, so that I have optimal focus for this event.
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 06:42 PM
sent 136.5 from ftp SN: 1690
gl dude
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 07:01 PM
Got it, thank you

2.5% mfae

35% - MR. Muscle
10% - BurnJa
5% - Drohir
5% - mfae
2.5% - hapunkt
2.5% - DONKEY08811
2.5% - BigTunaKahuna

35% (1% = 0,7% due to miscalculation in OP)

Let's get this going!
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 07:06 PM
Sent for 2.5% more to bump me to 5% in total. I have a feeling for this. GL!
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 07:35 PM

got strong feeling on this also
glgl buddy
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-04-2014 , 08:48 PM
Thanks, hapunkt and jabbaxx
After playing the way softer than expected 530$ 10-Game on Tuesday, I also have a very good feeling about this one.


2.5% mfae

35% - MR. Muscle
10% - BurnJa
5% - Drohir
5% - mfae
5% - __jAbbAXX
5% - hapunkt
2.5% - DONKEY08811
2.5% - BigTunaKahuna

27,5% (1% = 0,7% due to miscalculation in OP)
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
12-05-2014 , 03:55 AM
[QUOTE=TooRareToDie;45426545]I'd like to keep the numbers like this now to avoid further confusion / have the same math for all investors, so if you want roughly as much as originally intended, please just send one more 9,75$ unit (for 7,5% of 70% = 5,25% of 530$)

sent the 9,75$, glllll
Red 530$ 8-Game (Friday, Dec 5) Quote
