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ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48%

02-04-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by holmfries
1% shipped on ftp. gl man.
received and booked. gl to us both.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Suigin406
Please note the new MU, from 16.43 to 13.48%.
Many thanks for doing a thankless job.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 12:50 AM
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 06:48 AM
20% from stinger5158 on FTP
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by broken_jia
Originally Posted by Fritzy
20% from stinger5158 on FTP
received and booked.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 08:21 PM
Updated List:
20% Fritzy
5% bugstud
5% hoodskier
4% bpk616
2% vetiver
2% TeamGetBig
0.5% broken_jia

5% reserved for chipsahoya

16.5% still available.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 08:31 PM
2% sent from Suigin406 on FT. glgl
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessorBen
Updated List:
20% Fritzy
5% bugstud
5% hoodskier
4% bpk616
2% vetiver
2% TeamGetBig
0.5% broken_jia

5% reserved for chipsahoya

16.5% still available.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-04-2011 , 11:49 PM
0.5% please.

Coming your way on Stars from "fernythrills"

ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Suigin406
2% sent from Suigin406 on FT. glgl
im pretty sure this is 1st time a mod has ever bought from me. gl to us both. received and booked.

Originally Posted by fernythrills
0.5% please.

Coming your way on Stars from "fernythrills"

received and booked. ty.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by holmfries
knew i forgot someone. i will update spreadsheet so this doesn't happen again. here's an updated list anyways:

Updated List:
20% Fritzy
5% bugstud
5% hoodskier
4% bpk616
2% vetiver
2% TeamGetBig
2% Suigin406
1% holmfries
0.5% broken_jia
0.5% fernythrills

5% reserved for chipsahoya

13% still available.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 03:05 AM
I'll take 1k .. sent on Stars
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 03:25 AM
I'll take the last 3%

sent on stars from WhiteRabbito
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Simplicity8
I'll take 1k .. sent on Stars
Originally Posted by WhiteRabbito
I'll take the last 3%

sent on stars from WhiteRabbito
received and booked.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 04:19 AM
chips confirmed his 5%. we are all set. glad this got done before events started.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-05-2011 , 04:54 AM
will take 10% if anything opens up ben.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-07-2011 , 04:33 AM
Doesn't look like anything will open up. Thanks for wanting to buy anyways.

FTOPS starts tomorrow for me. Was at home visiting the last few days, came back early yesterday so I could settle in. Pretty convenient that football season ended today - I won't be preoccupied with anything else and just plan on focusing on FTOPS next couple weeks. 1st 2 events the next 2 days - going to bed now.

2/7/2011 11am $216 PLO8
2/8/2011 6pm $216 HORSE

Here's a final list of everyone who has action(barring another error by me), please check to confirm:
Fritzy 20%
Simplicity8 10%
bugstud 5%
hoodskier 5%
ChipsAhoya 5%
bpk616 4%
WhiteRabbito 3%
vetiver 2%
TeamGetBig 2%
Suigin406 2%
holmfries 1%
broken_jia 0.5%
fernythrills 0.5%
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-07-2011 , 10:29 AM
Going to do a rail thread or updates posted here?
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-07-2011 , 02:01 PM
Yep, I'll do a steaking rail. Going to be too many events/updates to clutter this forum. Always forget because I'm from back before this forum had those. Thanks for the reminder.

Updates will be found here:
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-21-2011 , 04:29 AM
I've just returned or settled the cashes with everyone, except for Simplicity8 who I will talk with in the coming day. Funds were sent where they came from, copied straight from Stars/FTP email, unless you told me you could take FTP.

Please double check this list for any errors or omissions. Also will post this in main steaking thread.

Backer Percent Cashes Returned
Fritzy 20% $4,224.03
Simplicity8 10% $2,112.01
bugstud 5% $1,056.01
hoodskier 5% $1,056.01
ChipsAhoya 5% $1,056.01
bpk616 4% $844.81
WhiteRabbito 3% $633.60
vetiver 2% $422.40
TeamGetBig 2% $422.40
Suigin406 2% $422.40
holmfries 1% $211.20
broken_jia 0.5% $105.60
fernythrills 0.5% $105.60
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-21-2011 , 04:33 AM

I think that everyone involved appreciated the way you ran the package and your detailed updates, and of course your play. Well done and thanks.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-21-2011 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by WhiteRabbito

I think that everyone involved appreciated the way you ran the package and your detailed updates, and of course your play. Well done and thanks.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-21-2011 , 05:09 AM
Received, great job Ben.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:05 PM
Received, good work
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:08 PM
Received, thanx. Also really enjoyed the rail thread.
ProfessorBen FTOPS 19(and Stars Majors) Shares - "Schedule Updated, Markup reduced to 13.48% Quote
