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pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k

06-24-2014 , 08:31 AM
Hello all, I have been playing MTTs and 180s semi-professionally (as a student) since 2012. I am up around 35k on stars since 2012, close to 30k on 888 (including winning the 888 sunday deep major for 28k, and around 5k on other smaller sites such as merge network, intertops, BCP, etc.

I have sold over 20 packages on 2p2. I staked low stake MTT regs with aznxray (one of top 5 MTT regs in Alberta, recently shipped the CPT for 62k, won the 888 sunday challenge 3 times over 8 months). I am also friend with kinglune (who FTed SM twice, arguably the best online MTT reg in HK).

For my SS graph, you can search me using "pkratitsbest" (playergroup). But please note that SS does not track 888 so my 888 win for 28k is not included.

Player Name: pkratitsbest, Count: 8431, Av Profit: 4.39, Av Stake: 28.05, Av ROI%: 36.6%, Profit: $37011 (close to 70k including 888 win), Ability: 87

Here is the schedule:

Thursday (CCT) schedule (on stars):
08:00 Big $27.5 $27
08:15 $44 8k $44
08:30 $109 t 17.5k $109
08:30 $55 3k 6m $55
09:00 $320 Wednesday 100k $320
09:30 $55 30k $55
09:30 $82 ht 12K $82
09:30 $11r 2r1a $41
10:00 $11r 10k $41
10:30 $55 2K 6M $55
10:45 Hot $22 $22
11:00 $33 2K $33
11:00 $109 2x-chance 15k $209
11:30 $27 HT $23.45
11:30 $27 ko $27
11:45 $27.5 5k $27.5
12:00 $77 6m t 10k $77
12:45 $102 HT HU KO $102
13:00 $27 Progressive SKO 4k $27
13:15 $33 360 CAP 1.5K $33
13:30 $55 t 5k $55
14:00 $33 2.5k $33
14:30 Hot $109 $109
15:00 $51 HT $51
15:30 $82 HT 5k $82
= 1739.95 * 1.05 MU = 1826.95

Selling up to 30% (squintster reserved 20%). Min. purchase: 2%
2% = 36.54, 5% = 91.35
10% = 182.70
20% = 365.39

- I might be playing some other tournaments at the same time, but I won't be playing more then 15 tables at a time. I can easily handle 10 tables without any problem.
- Unused buyins or rebuys will be refunded
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-24-2014 , 10:40 AM
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-24-2014 , 10:56 AM
alrite so 40% left not 30%.
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-24-2014 , 11:37 AM
3. Sending tmr though
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-24-2014 , 08:08 PM
37% left
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 02:59 AM
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 05:43 AM
btw, finally opted in on 888 (forgot to do so after someone reminding me):

here is my latest stats including 888:
Count: 8752 Av Profit: $7.96 Av Stake: $28.98 Av ROI%: 37.2% Profit: $69680 Ability: 89
(just 3rd in hot 109 for 2.7k today)

for graph, SS pkratitsbestgroup (choose SCHEDULED). not pkratitsbest. will chance dat in future action threads. can't edit now.
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 09:03 AM
Plz ship with in 11 hours if anyone interested.
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 11:28 AM
Sent. GL
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 01:03 PM
2% Mezz2408. Sent on Stars. GLGL!
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:25 PM
5% plz gl
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 04:38 PM
2% eggdeck, sent on stars. gl
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 07:49 PM
22% sold. Almost started
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 09:24 PM

08:00 Big $27.5 $27
08:15 $44 8k $44
08:30 $109 t 17.5k $109
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 09:59 PM
busted 82 HT
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-25-2014 , 11:56 PM
busted 320 2 hours earlier

2/6 in $55 6m
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-26-2014 , 12:54 AM
3rd in dat 55 for 620 at the end.

min cashed 11r after dat
semi-bubbled 109 2x chance.
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-26-2014 , 12:56 AM
itm in 55 20k.
w very short stack tho
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-26-2014 , 03:59 AM
busto everything. ran kinda bad:

$55 6max 3rd - 617.50
$11r - 57.48
$55 20k - 104.38
$27 PSKO - KO $6.12

will be paid soon
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
06-26-2014 , 04:03 AM
squintster 10% = 78.55
amomynous 3% = 23.56
Mezz2408 2% = 15.71
-its Problem 5% = 39.27
eggdeck 2% = 15.71
pkratitsbest Thursday (CCT) action 1.05 MU with Wednesday 80k Quote
