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05-04-2016 , 04:25 AM
5% swap booked in the 10k main as per our skype
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-04-2016 , 05:44 PM
Would like to take 1% of each, please let me know if anything left!
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-05-2016 , 10:35 PM
sent mine gl buddy
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05-05-2016 , 11:27 PM
will have to send in 36 hours cos of xfer limits
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05-06-2016 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by card core
Can you please confirm the 2,5% of the Main Event are booked as discussed via pm?

Also just for the record, vaki sold me 2% of his Main Event action here.

Originally Posted by jstclkdabtn
will have to send in 36 hours cos of xfer limits
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-07-2016 , 01:09 PM
ok, everybody is paid except justclickdabtn, everything is ready in the spreadsheet, everything all good. have 35% left in the plos, if somebody sends before monday they have action, if not ill keep it. i'll very very likely skip the 2k plo hu and the 5k plo unless i feel amazing or the fields are way better than expected, I'll make sure to make good decisions.

super ready and really looking forward, wont make a rail thread but will update the spreadsheet very reguarly.

pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-07-2016 , 01:23 PM
hey pads just sent now pls confirm.

also want to write here for record that 1% of the 5% i bought is res'd for c**** ******o if he ships funds to me before tmrw

(dw about sorting out payments differently just send to me and i'll disburse to him at the end so no extra headache for you)
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-12-2016 , 10:10 PM
Hey I see you added the sunday grand on the spreadsheet last sunday. I dont think anyone here minds if you add stuff to the schedule at a reasonable markup, just post here or in your other thread ahead of time please.
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-13-2016 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by tl65\
Hey I see you added the sunday grand on the spreadsheet last sunday. I dont think anyone here minds if you add stuff to the schedule at a reasonable markup, just post here or in your other thread ahead of time please.

Hey buddy,

I have a rail thread where I'm updating all 4 Packages there.

Here is a link

In the thread here is a quote

Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
adding 30% 1k grand at 1.1 to main pack, have some refunds already, full day report later.
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-13-2016 , 12:30 PM
got it ty
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05-13-2016 , 01:53 PM
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-18-2016 , 10:36 PM
hey boys

sent out refunds for the omaha where we made some profit! skipped a bunch of these events, 5k plo, 2k plo 6m, 2k hu weren't right at the time or fields looked tough. got an 18th in 700 5 card for profit, could have been more.

also refunded everybody for the high roller action that I decided to skip, it started with 4 runners (3 top regs) so just loaded 10 tables up on other sites and got big stacks and whilst we missed a lot of ev not playing that tournament as field was good and pretty confident beating it at good roi (charged no mu) it was the right decision at the time.

allocated for 2 bullets in the $10k main, likely will take one maximum.

have bunch of refunds in the main package. out of 29 allocated tournaments so far refunds in 13 of them. added 5 tourneys with unfortunate bricks though.

will play thursday, likely skip friday if i don't have day 2s, so i can prepare properly for saturday and sunday, the biggest weekend in the history of online mtt poker? been a good scoop overall, I've ran stacks up every day in almost every tournament and played really good, 1 or 2 mistakes but on average playing b+ - a game. Really proud of the series so far and hoping to run good this weekend.
pads1161 SCOOP Quote
05-20-2016 , 01:44 AM
Edit: nvm
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05-20-2016 , 08:39 PM
Damn , just saw this !
Anyway , gl in rest of scoops !
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