NOW - Tiny Micro Schedule - Sponsora
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 2,339
Hi 2p2, I’ve run a small number of packages here before and have done many trades here (over 70 in P to P thread . Stats are searchable (sponsora) stars or salamandar3(ft).
Tiny Schedule - includes mixed games for which my log term stats are very good
Bounty Builder 3,30 (LR)
HOT 2,20
PLO5card PKO 5,50
PLO H/L 8 max 4,40
Hot 3.30
Bubble Rush 3,30
Total $22
20% $4.4
50% $11
Selling 100%
Stakeback plus Profit Spilt 90% backers 10% player
Accept money on stars (sponsora)
Payout of investor winnings has taken place within 1 hour of last tourney finish
Basic rail at end
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 2,339