Mzungu's Sunday 11/11 package
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 741
Thanks everyone. Sold out, starting now.
10% shark222
6% luckierno7
5% deke971
5% sk345di
5% tomsom87
3% wail79
2% darrenrudolph
2% PPlaya
2% manndl
1% GermanRaise
1% Donab0mber
1% scuingey
1% TeamTrousers
1% byghy
1% __jAbbAXX
3% Narcocop
Talked to Narco and he is counted as booked.
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 741
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 741
Ok final numbers:
$71 unused rebuys
$48.40 skipped tourneys
=119.40 x 1.1902 markup
5.10 hyper: $8.95
11 time: $59.15
2.20 2x-turbo: $21.22
11 3k: $28.56
bigger 22: $45.27
25 hyper: $78.98
bigger 162: $293.42
hotter 44: $89.41
Bounties: $49
Ending value: $816.07
1% = $8.16
This was one of the worst Sundays I have had in months. Just one of those days where it seems like nothing can go right. I seemed to lose all my important flips, ran into big coolers whenever things started going well, etc. Oh well, pretty standard to occassionally have those days playing MTTs.
Thank you everyone for the investment. Sorry it didn't go better. Next week I am considering mixing up the schedule a bit now that FTP is available, and playing a longer schedule with more midstakes tourneys, while cutting out a couple of the bigger ones.