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mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6

10-05-2013 , 09:09 PM
hi all,

running another sunday package for this coming sunday,

gonna do the smaller schedule again this week

i play as mossified84 on all ps/ftp and i have been 24 tabling cash the last 4 years for sne along with some mtts on the side. I have ran a lot of packages in the past on ptp so i am definitely familiar with handling staker funds and packages. I have been ownrolling the last 3 yrs or so, but im looking to start playing full sunday mtts again and run packages here each sunday.

opr links

looking to sell up to 50% at 1.20(package may still run selling less), I will always have at least 30% of myself and all action will be sold here so investors will always know how much of myself i have



$109 kickoff
$109 12.5k grntee
$265 knockout
$33 hotter 33
$709 100 rby
$109 bigger 109
$215 turbo
$75 hotter 75
$55 bigger 55
$355 $55rby
$530 sunday 500
$55 hotter 55
$162 bigger 162
$215 2nd chance
$162 sunday 6 max



$510 2 entries brawl
$645 3 entries $216 250k grntee
$324 2 entries trex
$215 sunday mulligan


$4852x 1.1953 = $5800

1% = $58
5% = $290
10% = $580

can accept funds on

pokerstars - mossified84(randy moss afro pic canada)
fulltilt - mossified84(puppydog, mexico)
moneybookers - pm me for info

* i will never leave a rby before rby period is up if i use over 7 units i will cover out of pocket
- i may use unused rebuys for other mtts
- all unused rebuys will be returned w/markup
- all knockouts will be refunded
- will have a rail to post updates but wont post hands very often, and total breakdown will be done of all refunds in the rail(any investor can also request an audit anytime)
- all funds will be shipped back sunday night after package is complete

******* i will hold all reserves until saturday at 8pm est ***********

if any1 has any questions, recommendations, or anything else feel free to shoot me a pm or post


if i forgot ne1 or if u want added to prereserve shoot me a pm so i can add u to list

this is prereserves from last sunday so not sure if every1 on here wants there % will hold until midnight tonite

rc 20%
private 5%
sparhawk 1%
deke 5%
onetime 2%

33% sold 17% avail
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:14 PM
sent from stars. GL
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:19 PM
Confirm my 5,no milli?
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:29 PM
confirm sending soon
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by deke971
Confirm my 5,no milli?
ya accident i used last weeks schedule, will play milly and warmup out of unused funds
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:54 PM
5, sent from stars
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 10:47 PM
1% send later
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 11:01 PM
1% please. Sent funds.
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-05-2013 , 11:09 PM
rc 20%
private 5%
sparhawk 1%
deke 5%
onetime 2%
pokerproplaya 5%
luckyb 1%
rilz 1%

40% sold 10% avail
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by onetime08
confirm sending soon
sent on stars from *j****0*
thanks and gl
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Luckyb555
1% send later
Sent on stars,GL!
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 02:28 AM
1% pls

Sending from 1nlove... (Stars)
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 02:42 AM
sent 2%
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 03:11 AM
Rest plz
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 04:53 AM
7% shipped I............r
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
10-06-2013 , 09:28 AM
final list

rc 20% confirmed
private 5% confirmed
sparhawk 1% paid
deke 5% paid (updated credit $90)
onetime 2% paid
pokerproplaya 5% paid
luckyb 1% paid
rilz 1% paid
peppermind 1% paid
kinky 2% paid
ackebonnie 7% paid

rail thread
mossified84  ps/ftp package for sunday 10/6 Quote
