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Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts

05-05-2018 , 04:29 AM
Aloha i´m manndl on stars and play mostly o8 s&gs (30 stars on sharkscope)but from time to time i play some Mtts as well.
Here are my Mtt stats on Pokerstars:

I wanna sell 60% and should already be sold out when my usual investors take their shares.
But i will take a small reserve list just in case.

Stars 07.05.2018:

17:00 scoop 7 low $22 nlo8 pko
16:15 scoop 7 medium sat $22 nlo8

21:00 scoop 9 low $11 HORSE *3 ---->$33
18:00 scoop 9 medium sat $5,50*3---->$16,50
20:15 scoop 9 medium sat $11*2---->$22
21:00 scoop 9 medium sat $22

$137,5*MU 9,1%----->$150

16:14 courchevel8 nl pko $7,50
16:32 plo8 pko $27
17:04 5card plo8 pko $11
18:33 plo8 pko $2,20
19:05 plo8 pko $27
19:14 courchevel8 nl pko $7,50
19:32 nlo8 pko $27
20:09 plo8 $5,50
20:36 plo8 $16,50
20:46 plo8 $7,50

$138,70 *MU 9%----->$150

5% $15
10% $30

donkey 5%
deuces 10%
mfae 10%
kinky 10%
Harrier88 5%
K_2 10%
NoPointBluffing 10%

i will take a small waitlist.
there will be a light rail

Let`s run GOLDEN
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 04:30 AM
5% wl
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 05:04 AM
Confirm resv, will send in a few hours. Ty.
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 05:48 AM
5 WL
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 07:35 AM
sentfor me and mfae..glgl
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by DONKEY08811
Confirm resv, will send in a few hours. Ty.

Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 09:59 AM
5% sent, thanks for the pre-reserve.
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 10:00 AM
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 01:43 PM
sent - GLGL
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 01:43 PM
You've been sold out since ages now, still no RAIL ????

Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by NoPointBluffing
You've been sold out since ages now, still no RAIL ????

well i to torture u
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
05-05-2018 , 02:15 PM
donkey 5% paid
deuces 10%
mfae 10% paid
kinky 10% paid
Harrier88 5% paid
K_2 10% paid
NoPointBluffing 10% paid

13frank13 5%
Luckyb555 5%
Monday scoop low and some O8 Mtts Quote
