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< SNG/MTT 3 day package < SNG/MTT 3 day package

11-06-2011 , 06:07 AM
I adopted and modified Adventuriers plan

x# days rather than sets of x# of games seems kinder to investors as far as smoothing out short term SNG variance, i intend to play through the bankroll more than once. on the other hand likely including more than just $50 of mtt buyins increases the risk and ive upped the cut slightly but this will still be primarily SNGs.


QOTSAfan Click for details 17,683 $0.82 $3 30% $14,452 Tilt N/A PokerStars E45-180 SNG Only x

QOTSAfan Click for details 10,382 $0.77 $2 35% $8,042 Tilt N/A PokerStars E180-180 S2-5 SNG Only

QOTSAfan Click for details 933 $2.91 $10 30% $2,712 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars E180-180 Rebuys Only SNG Only x

QOTSAfan Click for details 5,732 $0.59 $3 24% $3,411 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars E45-45 SNG Only x

$15 hyper HUs:
QOTSAfan Click for details 1,137 $0.84 $15 6% $955 Tilt N/A PokerStars E<=2 S10-15 Spd=ST SNG Only x

(combined PS and FullTilt) 10,063 $3.4 $12 49% $34,200 N/A 78 Global Alias Sch. Only22riverrat22 (FT)

Im UWjoe on PartTimePoker and have staked out 20k there and returned $15k profits to investors there and am still active and in good standing (just tough to sell anything there in a reasonable timeframe post black friday)

***1st PACKAGE***
On this package,IŽll play 3 days of mtts and sngs mixing any 45 or 180sng from $2 to $8 and 3r; any HUsng <$15.01 or under any MTTs with a max buy-in $11/3r (inc the 11>SM turbo satty which must be played if won) with a BR of $1000.

Profit will be split 60%/40% in investors favor after stakeback. (if the package ends even or <even 100% of remaining funds will be returned to investors by the % they invested)

TOTAL: $1000
5%= $50

No reserves,first to come first to serve

Send to QOTSAfan(Costa Rica) on Stars



*IŽll be searchable while playing,and will open a Rail thread before starting,although wonŽt probably post on it until I finish each days sessions(to focus 100% on the tables) with results and payouts.

*I have 4 days to complete the package after the day i start in case something comes up and i need to skip a days play

*I reserve the right to play another games in my own money while the package is completed.

Thanks all!
&lt; SNG/MTT 3 day package Quote
