Will sell up to 70%
13:30 $16.50 Deepstack 2.5K GTD
14:00 $11 - 1K GTD
15:00 $2.20x5 = $10.20 Rebuy 2.5K GTD
16:00 $11 Six max 1.5K GTD
17:00 $3.30x5 = $15.30 Rebuy 4K GTD
18:00 $16.50 Six max 2K GTD
19:00 $5.50x5 = $25.50 Rebuy 5K GTD
19:00 $6.60 Sniper 2.5K GTD
20:00 $11 Sniper 5K GTD
21:20 $27.50 10K GTD
22:00 $6.60 Sniper 3.5K
23:00 $11 - 2K GTD
23:00 $5.50 - 2K GTD
23:00 $22 Six max 3.5K GTD
00:00 $55 Sniper 10K GTD
00:20 $6.60 Sniper 3K GTD
14:00 $11 Daily 40K GTD
14:30 $3.30x4 = $12.30 Rebuy 60K GTD
20:00 $3.30x4 = $12.30 Rebuy 40K GTD
15:30 $11 Early antes 10K GTD
16:00 $6 Early double -a
16:02 $6 Early double -b
16:35 $3.30x5 = $15.30 Rush 32K GTD
19:00 $11 Superstack 15K GTD
21:00 $12 Daily double -a
21:02 $12 Daily double -b
00:00 $11x4 = $44 Midnight Madness 20K GTD
ALSO I want to allow $105 in addition to the mentioned games to play games that I see as a good value and have space for. I will mention any games added within 10 minutes of starting in rail thread. Any unused will be added back to bankroll with markup.
Total comes to $515.70
1.1634 = $600
$6 per share
2% = $12 (min)
5% = $30
10% = $60
25% = $150
50% = $300
* All unused buy ins and and games not played will be added back to the bankroll with mark up.
*All reserves must ship prior to the start of the first game.
* If I win money on a site you didn't pay with please allow up to 48 hours for me to swap funds around.
* I can swap a game for another game of similar buy in.
* Will make a rail thread also.
Dont have a large sample on stars or ft as I just started playing there more recently.
Cash game graph:
Will take Stars, Full Tilt or cereus
Preferred order:
FT: DAN_B_88_OR : city: R : Avatar: Pirate
Stars: D0nt_B_Scurd (the o is a zero)
Cereus: DAN_B_88_OR First name : Daniel
Previous packages:
Sucessfull trades: