Hey guys,
My name is Daniel, most of the time i play HUSNG.i'm looking to play some micro/low mtt's, for the upcoming Sunday.
I made here on 2p2 a lot of packages and seold action for live MTT's,over 30 packages
Stats below:
banditu1 3,213 $14.33 $83 17% $46,047 - N/A Pacific E<=2 SNG Only x
The mtt's will start at 12:00 ET.I will make reserve until 11:00ET, and i will sell action until 11:40 ET.If i will not sell the package will ship funds back, any unused rebuy and buy'in will be shipped back.
I want to sell 100% with 80/20 in favour of investors with a full stakeback, if i make a top 3 in a MTT, the slipt will be 70/30 in favour of investors.Let'shave a nice run sunday.good luck.
12:00 $2.20+R 2x turbo 9k ($14.20)
12:00 $3.30 5K
12:15 $2.70 Turbo KO 7.5k
13:15 $1.35 Turbo KO 7k
13:45 $2.20 Turbo 10k
14:15 $1.10+R 3x turbo 60k ($13.10)
14:30 $3.30+R 20k ($15.30)
14:30 $2.20 6max 3k
14:45 $4.40 Turbo 8k
15:00 $2.70 Turbo Ko 7.5k
12:30 $11 the hotter 50k
13:30 $16.50 the hooter 50k
13:30 $11 Sunday Storm 300k
14:00 $11 the bigger 120k
Total $110.95 will round to $110
5% $5.50
10% $11
20% $22
Please send to lavinia_pkr(PokerStars).