Like last sunday, this won't be the biggest tuesday of the year but it will be the softest.
Lateregging first mtt and starting at 82 hyper. Will have some of my own tables throughout the day. Will stay around 9-12 table range.
$109 $7.5k
$82h 6M $10k
Big 75
$265 KO $20k
Hot 33
$55 DeepStacks $6k
$82h 6m $12.5k
$44 Prog-SKO 6m $15k
$54 KO $10k
$82h 6m $15k
$54t KO $20k
Big 109
$55t Re-Enty $12.5k
$44t $12.5k
109t Progressive SKO
Hot 75
$51h $12k
Big 55
Hot 55
$33t $4k
Big 162
$82t Ultra-Deep $8k
$109t $30k
$55t $12.5k 6m
$1984 * 1.1592x = $2300
1% $23
2% $46
3% $69
5% $115
10% $230
20% $460
selling up to 50% of the package
Super Tuesday
$1050 * 1.1904x = $1250
1% $12.50
2% $25
3% $37.50
5% $62.50
10% $125
20% $250
selling up to 70% of the
Super Tuesday
send to khanrava (hungary) on stars, pm for NT/Skrill (
not accepting paypal)
1% reserved for valtsu in both