hey everyone j0hndayt0n here looking to sell some action. Recently have been building the roll after returning to Canada and doing real well Ft'ing turbo mtts almost everyday and doing well at 180's. Think I should be playing some games that I've been avoiding do to bankroll issues so I'm gonna sell some action. Results in relevant games followed by tournys I'm looking to sell too.
$109 turbos - E>=180 $100-110 155 $51.75 $117 63.1% $8,021 (this excludes 109 turbos I played that had less then 180 entrants)
$35 180s - 180 Players $33-36 2,917 $6.93 $32.8 19.1% $20,203
all turboments 1-110 w/ 180 entrants or more - E>=180 $0-110 53,451 $2.02 $10.96 19.7% $108,110
Alright if you havnt sent then please send today most likely will not start today, but I will try and not to play any tournaments that I have sold action for I will post again ITT to confirm I have started
looks like I nearly got it all, Think I'm gonna take today off to feel good about putting in a big weekend. I suppose I'll make a sweat thread, but can't gaurentee tons of updates b/c I play alot of tables and usually need the 5 min breaks to walk around.