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Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit)

01-29-2015 , 06:03 PM
hi. I'm Grekzorba. I'm a professional mtt player for over six years, I was also
a coach and video producer on polish pokerstrategy. I'm quite known in polish poker community and I was selling shares on polish pokerstrategy with good feedback.
During my carreer I made a lot of good results-in Sunday Million- 5th,17th,12th,17th, I won bigger 162, Sunday second chance and I made a lot of final tables in big pokerstars tournaments.




Today I'm selling 65% of my Sunday Schedule:

schedule: (CET Time)

16:00- 60k GTD The Bigger 75$
16:00- TCOOP ultra deep 500k GDT 215$
16:30- 70k GTD The Hotter 33$
17:00 Sunday Warm-Up 215$
17:00- 10k GTD Knockout 54$
17:30- 10k GTD 8$ 1r1a- 24$
18:00- The Big 22$
18:15- 30k Gdt prog Ko turbo 27$
18:15- 10 k gtd 11$ 1r1a 31$
18:30- The Hotter 11$
19:00- The Big 109$
19:30- The Hot 16.50$
19:30- 24k GTD- 8$r 2xturbo 40$(around)
20:30 The Hotter 75$
20:30- Sunday Million 215$
21:00- The Bigger 55$ 160k Gtd

21:30- The hotter 55$
21:30- 30k gtd- turbo ko 27$
21:45- 8k gtd 11$ z reb. action- 50$ (around)
22:00- 162$ The Bigger
22:00- 25k Gtd 11$ z reb-50$
22:30- 215$ Sunday S. Chance

22:30- 20k Gtd turbo 16.50$
23:00- holdem 55$
23:30- 18k gtd turbo 16.50$

00:00-20 k gtd turbo KO- 27$
00:30- The Hotter 44$


18:30- Mega deep 215$

21:00- Sunday Challenge 90x2- 180$


19:00- Super Stack 55$

m.u- 1.1345


1%- 35$
2%- 70$
4%- 140$
6%- 210$
10%- 350$
15%- 525$
20$- 700$
25%- 875

I play only if I sold all
I' m waiting for money till sunday 16:00 CET time
KO included to profit
unused rebuys with. m.u included to profit
payment- only on pokerstars and ftp- Grekzorba
session start- around 16:30
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:04 PM
res 2% for me
res 2% for kismaci007
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:04 PM
Angel Shadow 1% res
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:09 PM
3% pls
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:10 PM
buying 40%
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:14 PM
17%, will PM you screenname
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:18 PM
2 plz cashback kid @stars
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:18 PM
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:30 PM
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:39 PM
reserve 1% wait list
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by LoveLadyPris
I see that I make 68% sold...May I transfer the money?
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by fakelogic
17%, will PM you screenname
Sent you PM with payment details

Also for any refunds/payouts, please wait to send. I will give you another screenname to send to. Thanks!

Last edited by fakelogic; 01-29-2015 at 08:20 PM.
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-29-2015 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckyb555
res 2% for kismaci007
sent on stars, GL!
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Starling Money
reserve 1% wait list
Hi, pm me if anything opens up, I will ship straight away
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Luckyb555
res 2% for me
res 2% for kismaci007
sent on stars,gl!
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 02:05 AM
LoveLadyPris you got your share, Starling Money - you are on wait list
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 02:12 AM
Did you get my PM about payment?
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 02:45 AM
2% WL pls
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 04:45 AM
1% shipped to Stars from R*********08

Thanks for holding reserve and good luck
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-30-2015 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Grekzorba
LoveLadyPris you got your share, Starling Money - you are on wait list
Sent from "+****.es"
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
01-31-2015 , 02:04 PM
I think everybody paid, so can't take players from waiting list
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
02-01-2015 , 12:17 PM
little change- i started to paly this 27 turbo from 17 cet instead of this 27$ at 00:00,
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
02-01-2015 , 11:03 PM
very bad session, just couple itms, money will be send in 24hours
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
02-02-2015 , 04:51 PM
Just a reminder to not send my money back to the account I had send to you. I can PM you a different one. Thank you.
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
02-02-2015 , 06:39 PM
KO- 5+52=57$
unused reb.- 28 x m.u - 32$
8$ reb- 77/1767- 116$
bigger55- 571/4456- 87$
27 turbo prog- 93/3369- 60$

Total- 352$

1%- 3.52$
2%- 7.04$
Grekzorba Sunday Majors and TCOOP! (300k profit) Quote
