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gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs

02-03-2015 , 09:53 AM
selling up to 50%.

Big $22 50k
$27tpsko 40k
Hot $11 35k
$54tko 20k
BIG $109 100k
$22 12k
$11 5k
$55t re-entry 12.5k (110)
$8r 2xt 30k (64.80)
Hot $16.50 50k
$44t 16k
Big $11 65k
$27.50 4k
$109t re-entry 20k (218)
$1r 3xt 50k (12.10)
$22c 17.5k (62)
$51h 12k
$13.50 KO 12k
Hot $75 50k
Big $55 90k

$215t 25k
Hot $55 50k
$27TKO 30k
33 eurbo 4k (37.59)
=$1350.99 x 1.147 = $1550

2% = $31
5% = $77.50

send to nutzho(canada) on PS
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 10:01 AM
Reserve 2%
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 10:02 AM
2% send a bit later
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 10:06 AM
2% angel_shadow
2% luckyb555

46% available
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 10:19 AM
3% please - will ship when I'm home (2.5hrs time) - which will be quarter of hour before your first event (Big22); I know it's cutting it fine, but promise I will ship.

3% for this package ($46.50) + I've just booked 5% of your Super Tuesday ($60)

= $106.50 total (coming from HeniferLopez on Stars)
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 10:21 AM
5% sent on stars,GL!
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 10:59 AM
2% shipped from Valtsu
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:02 AM
2% gl
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:03 AM
5, glgl
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Luckyb555
2% send a bit later
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:17 AM
2% sent on stars. Nick: de....d
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:37 AM
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:54 AM
2% angel_shadow
2% luckyb555
3% jknecht
2% raiseophobia
2% luckyb555
5% mfae
2% tomahawk
2% valtsu
5% kismaci
25% probirs ($387.50)
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-03-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Joseph_Knecht
3% please - will ship when I'm home (2.5hrs time) - which will be quarter of hour before your first event (Big22); I know it's cutting it fine, but promise I will ship.

3% for this package ($46.50) + I've just booked 5% of your Super Tuesday ($60)

= $106.50 total (coming from HeniferLopez on Stars)
Shipped !! GLGL
(sorry for the slight delay, traffic was a bitch getting home tonight)
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-04-2015 , 09:37 AM
x 1.15 = 131.10

10 ko

450.23 returns

2%= $9
5% = $22.51
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-04-2015 , 10:11 AM
Hi there,
please could you combine my 3% of this ^ ($13.50) and my 5% of your Super Tuesday ($134.75, I believe) together (for $148.25 total) & ship back to HeniferLopez on pokerstars... many thanks!
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
02-04-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Joseph_Knecht
Hi there,
please could you combine my 3% of this ^ ($13.50) and my 5% of your Super Tuesday ($134.75, I believe) together (for $148.25 total) & ship back to HeniferLopez on pokerstars... many thanks!
Received - thank you very much
gettym/nuthzo Tuesday MTTs Quote
