Hey guys!My name is Uglea Adrian,i'm from Cluj-Napoca and i have a new pack for today.
#i want to change a bit the variance so i change today The regular pack.
#I sold 35 packages without any problem.
*Money will be shipped right after the last tournament is busted.
*Any unused buy-ins/rebuys will be refunded.
*I will make a rail thread
*Search will be ON during the whole session
Selling 75% of the following mtts.
10:45 $21 SKO 8kGTD
11:00 $8,80 big 25kGTD
11:15 $5,50 2R1A 5kGTD $20,5
11:30 $13,50 5k GTD
11:30 $8.80 1R1A 10kGTD $24,80
12:00 $22 big 50kGTD
12:00 $11 1R1A 5kGTD $31
12:15 $8,80 500cap 3kGTD
12:30 $11 hot 25kGTD
12:45 $5,40 10kGTD
13:00 $4,40 PKO 10kGTD
14:00 $11 big 60kGTD
14:00 $3,30 PKO 10kGTD
14:15 $1,10 3x 60kGTD
14:30 3,30+ 18kGTD 15,30
Total $215
2,5% $5,35
5% $10,75
10% $21,5
20% $43
Reserved 20% MikeMcd18
55% Left
Please ship to
ImDaPonT1 (pokerstars) avatar The Game.
Best of Luck Adrian.