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drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1

10-01-2010 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by jujubeez
ok well if you are going to discount the 47k from the wcoop, and the 2nd in live horse at the venetian, and the the 1st at the venetian all in the last 2 years then ok. Its not like there are that many big field mixed game tourneys each year.

Anyway it doesn't matter. I just don't see the point in being rude and start calling names before we have even heard from her. It doesn't help the situation at all.
opr lists the "47k score" as a 60k score, so i'm not discounting it. if you want to to ignore her overall results that basically say "oh hey i luckboxed 2 really big mtts but otherwise suck" then ok. there's no consistancy in anything other than going downwards on both sites. top it off with the number of baps that have been absolute cluster****s, how many times she's misrepresented stats, how many big time nlhe and mixed game players say she sucks, and how many big backers on ptp don't invest in her, i'd venture to say that she sucks and people have been misled for a while. also, before she binked the msop and wcoop tournaments, her stats were pretty awful and virtually nonexistant, so i don't know how she got backing in the first place.

take away the 60k score on stars and she's 35k in the hole. take away the 32k score on ftp and she's 24k in the hole, even though at current she has an 8% roi on ftp anyway.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by airwave16
opr lists the "47k score" as a 60k score, so i'm not discounting it. if you want to to ignore her overall results that basically say "oh hey i luckboxed 2 really big mtts but otherwise suck" then ok. there's no consistancy in anything other than going downwards on both sites. top it off with the number of baps that have been absolute cluster****s, how many times she's misrepresented stats, how many big time nlhe and mixed game players say she sucks, and how many big backers on ptp don't invest in her, i'd venture to say that she sucks and people have been misled for a while. also, before she binked the msop and wcoop tournaments, her stats were pretty awful and virtually nonexistant, so i don't know how she got backing in the first place.

take away the 60k score on stars and she's 35k in the hole. take away the 32k score on ftp and she's 24k in the hole, even though at current she has an 8% roi on ftp anyway.

hi Bb
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by jujubeez
How has she angled investors in the past?
off the top of my head the link i just posted.

she has also had the following threads posted in "report abuse" about her

it's possible there's more but those were the only threads i got searching her name in the title box

the fact of the matter is even if kamikaze didn't roll, she is guilty of pure laziness and apathy with regards to investor money

let's say, purely for the sake of argument, her posts in her rail about putting off closing the bap are true:


Hi all,

Well, this was a very disappointing series obviously. I'll be putting up the cake recovery BAP in the next week.

In the meantime, I have had an urgent family matter come up so I am only popping in for an update right now. I will close this out as soon as I can, but it may be 1 or 2 more days.


Hi all,

I hurt myself last night and have been completely out of it all day with painkillers. Will hopefully be able to cut them down by tomorrow night to be conscious enough to ship backk.

Hi guys, still completely out of it on the pain killers. If someone would be willing to verify the above numbres, I will ship back as soon as I am able. Going to take a small break from them and try to be conscious tonight to close things up.
1. the entire process of shipping back funds takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. she is putting off paying back funds for 5 days now because she needs to be mentally "in it" to sit there and take the necessary time to copy paste screen names and dollar amounts? inexcusable. maybe some people aren't in a rush to get their money back, but you can't assume everyone isn't and just be nonchalant about doing this.

2. she needs to have the numbers verified? if she were playing a month's worth of tournies, i could understand wanting it doublechecked. she played TWENTY tournaments. that's it. 20. she cashed 1. the math is not difficult. kamikaze is obviously an intelligent person, this is an unnecessary delay

3. in this same period of time she put up a 6k BAP for hyper turbos where she stressed having funds shipped immediately with no reserves being made. this is the same BAP i alluded to in the possible angleshooting.

1 person has posted to unreserve his shares, 2 people have shipped funds for that bap. this has yet to be reflected in the OP even a week after the fact

4. on PTP there is a thread outting the people who have not shipped the funds they received from fergwrx back to PTP for a fair distribution of funds equally to all people rolled by ferg. a good percentage of this thread dealt with calling her out specifically and exposing the hypocrisy of her constantly discussing doing things for the "good of the community" yet when she has to put her money where her mouth is, she deliberately avoids shipping the money or even posting an explanation in the thread as to why she hasn't. while there are no explicit rules against doing this, this is not indicative of being an upstanding member of PTP which is what she uses as a selling point in her OPs. and it's not as if she didn't know the thread existed. she has been PM'd both on PTP and 2+2 and has blatantly ignored it. this also doesn't really bode well for her having played those hypers on her own dime, as if she had the money to lose 10k in 2 weeks playing hypers, then she certainly had the money to avoid making herself look bad by dodging a meager by comparison $376 payback

also in her OP she advertises
1st in 2010 PCA-EPT Limit Holdem 6 Max ($10,000)
what she doesn't mention is that this was a 1k buyin event. there is more relevance to MTT skill saying she won a 12/180 than bringing that up
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by the gonz0
hi Bb
who you?
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 06:57 PM
healthy enough to post on internets but not able to ship back funds = very very shady to say the least.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Zacharrrr
healthy enough to post on internets but not able to ship back funds = very very shady to say the least.
and painkillers for a sprained hip?
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 07:01 PM
pretty lame that the funds haven't been sent back yet and I hope no one got rolled (but honestly I'd bet on it at this point)

but I just wanted to post ITT to say the argument of 'her roi would suck without x big score' is stupid and shows a terrible understanding of tournaments. of course so does assuming an roi is an accurate representation of skill, but you can't just take away people's big scores and say they suck
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 07:06 PM
so i invested in approx 20 people and 2 are yet to be heard of in WCOOP.
standard ?
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
pretty lame that the funds haven't been sent back yet and I hope no one got rolled (but honestly I'd bet on it at this point)

but I just wanted to post ITT to say the argument of 'her roi would suck without x big score' is stupid and shows a terrible understanding of tournaments. of course so does assuming an roi is an accurate representation of skill, but you can't just take away people's big scores and say they suck
you can't take away people's big scores, but you can take away people's big score. 3200 mtts on ftp and she's barely profitable. take away her one big score and she's way in the neg. most mtt players with that kind of volume have multiple large scores to give them enough profit that if you take away one score, even if it's the largest one, they're still going to be profitable. people who are good at poker should have big upticks in between downslopes with an overall trend of being positive, not one single bink and a lot of downswinging, otherwise we should all be running out to stake scout315.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 07:41 PM
These sound like the excuses I'd give to my college professors when I hadn't even started the papers yet. I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here. Just hope she runs goods so she can pay you back, cause she obv doesn't have it now.

Oh, in high school my appendix bursts and I somehow had the energy to do homework in the hospital despite the meds I was on. I think she can do some simple calculations with a calculator which would take a max 20 mins to ship.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 07:53 PM
I bought a big chunk of this and a bunch of her previous packages. I've never had any issues with her, but this does seem very odd. I'm friends with her on facebook and she's been posting about the incident (being in the hospital and on pain killers etc.), but I agree that this should still have been handled by now. Hopefully she settles this as quickly as possible because I know she relies on investors to play and this isn't helping her image at all.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 08:07 PM
She posted a thread on PTP

should be receiving funds shortly
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 08:09 PM
looks like a false alarm wewt, that being said shes still awful at poker, dont invest if you like $
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 09:41 PM
Hi all, I just looked back in this thread to confirm who I need to ship back to and saw this cluster****.

In any case, whatever about anonymous trolls saying I am bad at poker. My results for multiple big scores are listed in op and can be confirmed every where. If any of my actual investors would like to talk with me about them, however, I am available.

I have been posting in the rail thread, didn't know this was going on. The hip is a big deal because I can't walk or sit up at a desk, aside from the fact they keep me semi conscious, so I haven't been online hardly at all this week. But I have been posting in the rail.

But I know shipping back is a big deal, so I am doing it now. I am happy to send my ER, release papers to any investor if you doubt this "story."

In any case, I am working on shipping back now. Please be patient for a few hours at least?
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 10:01 PM
here is my list of investors. Please let me know if I got something wrong or missed you somehow.

howzatt10 4.0%
Mobills/Bustable 18.0%
Djebel13 1.0%
Anon 1.0%
fociblacke 1.0%
ThroXerioN 1.0%
miko77q 2.0%
ebh 1.0%
StarIV90 5.0%
Zacharrr 5.0%
broken_jia 0.5%
PuffCCx 5.0%
uncforte 2.0%
TakingStaCkZ 0.5%
rapsusklei 1.0%
jayluf 1.0%
Itshardtofold 5.0%

Mr. Barbegris was kind enough to help with the numbers:

Originally Posted by Mr. Barbegris
budget 14,000.00
cost 8,199.00	-
return 5,801.00
mkp 0.25
ret*mkp 7,251.25
winnings 719.00+
tot 7,970.25
1% 79.70
2% 159.41
5% 398.51
plus $14/1% for those who bought at the original markup.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 10:03 PM
oh and it should go without saying that the money lost in hypers on stars was mine. And, not that it is actually anyone's business, but with rakeback and bonus on my 6max SuperTurbo play on both sites, I am actually only down 1or 2k.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 10:14 PM
I have these players listed as having paid more than the reduced markup:

Djebel13 14
Anon 14
fociblacke 14
ThroXerioN 14
ebh 14
uncforte 28
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 10:31 PM
funds rec'd, thanks!
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by drkamikaze
Hi all, I just looked back in this thread to confirm who I need to ship back to and saw this cluster****.

In any case, whatever about anonymous trolls saying I am bad at poker. My results for multiple big scores are listed in op and can be confirmed every where. If any of my actual investors would like to talk with me about them, however, I am available.

I have been posting in the rail thread, didn't know this was going on. The hip is a big deal because I can't walk or sit up at a desk, aside from the fact they keep me semi conscious, so I haven't been online hardly at all this week. But I have been posting in the rail.

But I know shipping back is a big deal, so I am doing it now. I am happy to send my ER, release papers to any investor if you doubt this "story."

In any case, I am working on shipping back now. Please be patient for a few hours at least?

did you provide them with a screenshot proving you didn't just deposit the funds?
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 11:06 PM
just curious.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-01-2010 , 11:13 PM
Received, thanks.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-02-2010 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by drkamikaze
oh and it should go without saying that the money lost in hypers on stars was mine. And, not that it is actually anyone's business, but with rakeback and bonus on my 6max SuperTurbo play on both sites, I am actually only down 1or 2k.
Interesting thread that I somehow got attracted to. Drkamikaze, as a superturbo player myself, I don't find it hard to believe you're only down 2k with rakeback, bonuses, etc. We all have our reasons for playing them, that's implicit, and we're all aware it's tough to profit on the tables alone. Attempting to judge someone's skill level based solely on ST's is ludicrous.

However, after following the links in this thread to parttimepoker and looking at your posts and your very recent buy a piece, I'm a bit perplexed. You posted a buy a piece where you essentially asked for $6,000 to play ST's, yet nowhere you mentioned that you would also share or add to the bankroll the milestones/rakeback/bonuses that ST's would allow you to achieve. Even worse, I noticed that when a potential investor asked you about it your answer was very vague; you implied that you aren't playing them for rakeback or attempt to reach SN/SNE. Yet in this thread you felt compelled to let everyone know that, although it's none of their business, your $10k downswing is in reality only $2k thanks to those extra benefits that you weren't willing to share with your investors. This all sounds very deceiving particularly because, lets face it, a significant % of players register for these games to accelerate their SN/SNE goals.

It didn't surprise me at all that some investors there were on to you very quickly. From a personal standpoint, I'd love to be staked in those games but I'd never ask for it as it'd be tremendously unfair to investors if I'd keep all the benefits for myself... and since I'm not willing to share them the only ethical thing to do is not ask to be staked for that game format. I found it really interesting not only that you tried it, but mostly that you attempted to deceive them in claiming that bonuses weren't your purpose. I'm sorry to tell you this, but your conduct was very shady.

I don't know you personally and I have no idea about your past history. Perhaps prior to this incident and this recent buy a piece you have been an ideal horse to invest in. I don't question it because I have no idea whatsoever and some seem to vouche for you which is important. Your stats suggest you are a decent player, I don't buy some of the posts here that say "well, take away this score and she's a losing player". That's non-sense. You don't take away scores from players. I'm not going to question your game but I do question your integrity; and for a staker, if I'm going to trust you to handle my money and promptly send it when you score something, I'd go as far as saying that integrity > stats. That's just my opinion.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-02-2010 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by spacchiusu
Interesting thread that I somehow got attracted to. Drkamikaze, as a superturbo player myself, I don't find it hard to believe you're only down 2k with rakeback, bonuses, etc. We all have our reasons for playing them, that's implicit, and we're all aware it's tough to profit on the tables alone. Attempting to judge someone's skill level based solely on ST's is ludicrous.

However, after following the links in this thread to parttimepoker and looking at your posts and your very recent buy a piece, I'm a bit perplexed. You posted a buy a piece where you essentially asked for $6,000 to play ST's, yet nowhere you mentioned that you would also share or add to the bankroll the milestones/rakeback/bonuses that ST's would allow you to achieve. Even worse, I noticed that when a potential investor asked you about it your answer was very vague; you implied that you aren't playing them for rakeback or attempt to reach SN/SNE. Yet in this thread you felt compelled to let everyone know that, although it's none of their business, your $10k downswing is in reality only $2k thanks to those extra benefits that you weren't willing to share with your investors. This all sounds very deceiving particularly because, lets face it, a significant % of players register for these games to accelerate their SN/SNE goals.

It didn't surprise me at all that some investors there were on to you very quickly. From a personal standpoint, I'd love to be staked in those games but I'd never ask for it as it'd be tremendously unfair to investors if I'd keep all the benefits for myself... and since I'm not willing to share them the only ethical thing to do is not ask to be staked for that game format. I found it really interesting not only that you tried it, but mostly that you attempted to deceive them in claiming that bonuses weren't your purpose. I'm sorry to tell you this, but your conduct was very shady.

I don't know you personally and I have no idea about your past history. Perhaps prior to this incident and this recent buy a piece you have been an ideal horse to invest in. I don't question it because I have no idea whatsoever and some seem to vouche for you which is important. Your stats suggest you are a decent player, I don't buy some of the posts here that say "well, take away this score and she's a losing player". That's non-sense. You don't take away scores from players. I'm not going to question your game but I do question your integrity; and for a staker, if I'm going to trust you to handle my money and promptly send it when you score something, I'd go as far as saying that integrity > stats. That's just my opinion.

206% ROI this year over 121 MTTs with an ABI of $242. shouldn't we all be contacting him to try to buy his action?
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-02-2010 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
but I just wanted to post ITT to say the argument of 'her roi would suck without x big score' is stupid and shows a terrible understanding of tournaments. of course so does assuming an roi is an accurate representation of skill, but you can't just take away people's big scores and say they suck
bolded the important part
opr is not the gospel
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
10-02-2010 , 03:17 AM
rec money.
drkamikaze WCOOP Package: 10 cashes, top 10 in TLB, and k profits in 2009 WCOOP - 1.35:1 Quote
