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***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** ***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s***

04-10-2014 , 10:36 AM
hey MP,

will be putting a small session and playing regardless..

Selling 50% @ almost no MU

Please ship to deucesofclub @star/tilt


1% = 4.25
10% = 42.5

Thanks in advance for investing.
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 10:36 AM
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 11:04 AM
3 please
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 11:12 AM
4 sent on stars - s***n k*****
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 11:15 AM
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 11:35 AM
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 01:32 PM
**Sold out**

Will update here...
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 01:56 PM
ITM in 25 Hyper
From chiplead to 1bb to ITM
and this 99<22 50/80 at break...

Cashed 56.91 in the hyper bust 72nd 4 way all in AJ<JJ<33<Ax

Last edited by deucesofclub; 04-10-2014 at 02:04 PM.
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 02:37 PM
chiplead pot in 35 180 man with 60 left
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 03:20 PM
bust 8RT

Busted everything 2 games left 1 35 man 180 and Hot 16. Both with chip lead but still ways to gooooo...

1/60 in 35 180 man
1/495 in Hot 16 ITM

Last edited by deucesofclub; 04-10-2014 at 03:25 PM.
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 03:35 PM
40 K pot for chip lead with 36 left in 180 man AK<66<77<55 we flopped the A... but turn 6... would have been for 3 x the chip lead..

Lost one in Hot 16 AQ<AK still in there with 20 stack...

Another one in 180 man for chip lead KQ<99<JJ we hit the K , but villain hits 9... ITM though...12/27

Bust AJss<QQ

Day saver Hot 16 perhaps ?


Friggin nuts

AA<1010>AQ for top 2 stacks with less than 200 left pfffff

Bust 124th cashed for 73.36
AK<K8 AIPF this would have been for average stack...

Last edited by deucesofclub; 04-10-2014 at 03:56 PM.
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
04-10-2014 , 05:07 PM
We had some great opportunities to make 3x 4 x profit.. but ended up short. We were in chip lead in H16 pretty much till the end and we lost AA<1010 for chiplead.
25 Hyper also had a huge potential when ITM.
180 mans was negative variance loosing KK a few times when 50-60 left. We did not play 2 games. Bubbled FT of a 15 and 35 180 man

Anyways Thanks for investing folks sending in a few...

269.51 coming back... calling it 270.

Details here:

Last edited by deucesofclub; 04-10-2014 at 05:13 PM. Reason: All funds sent, thanks for investing...
***deucesofclub:Small Grind including some 180s*** Quote
