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danish7 (up430k)  selling for 530 888 whale **CLOSED** danish7 (up430k)  selling for 530 888 whale **CLOSED**

03-07-2015 , 09:23 PM
Hey guys i have sold enough packs here including the wcoop main. i'm up more than 430k lifetime close to 390 on stars and about 50ish on 888. i'm locked on scope if u want i'll open.

selling 50% for 888 530$ at 1.15
5% 30
10% 60

send to danish7 on stars country India or to danishshaikh on 888 please post below once uve sent min is 5% please send before kickoff starts.
danish7 (up430k)  selling for 530 888 whale **CLOSED** Quote
