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claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP

05-22-2019 , 08:11 AM
Hi guys,

Selling action for some SCOOP events tonight, a lot of which is already reserved. I will be selling up to 70% of the following tournaments:

18:00 - SCOOP 45L $55 8 Max
19:00 - Mini Battle Royale $22 PKO
19:15 - SCOOP 46L $5.50+r PLO ($27.50)
19:20 - $16.50 8 Max
19:30 - Bounty Builder $33
20:10 - $22 Freezeout
20:30 - SCOOP 47M $109 PKO
20:50 - $33 PKO Turbo
21:10 - $27 PKO
21:15 - Hot $22
21:35 - $11 Hyper
22:10 - $22 PKO Turbo
22:40 - $33 Turbo

433*1.039 = $450

1% = $4.50
5% = $22.50
10% = $45.00

Please send to claynuts on pokerstars.
All unused entries and bounties will be returned.
Thank you for the interest
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:16 AM

NoPointbluffing - 12% (rec)
Donkey - 5% (rec)
Docker - 5%
Ophidion - 20%
mfae - 8%
amsosick - 5%

Wait list: O1ne time - 5%

sold out. If any reserved do not send by 5pm WET then I will open rest up. Mfae sorry had to have 8% instead of 10% and o1ne time I am sorry but will have to wait list you for now.
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:19 AM
Will get it over by to you around that time, give or take 20 minutes as thats roughly when I get in from work so don't open it up please
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:30 AM
thx for the res its all good with 8 :-) will send in a bit. glgl
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:36 AM
7.00 difference sent. ty for the resv.
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:41 AM
Sent gl tonight
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 09:11 AM
sent, glgl
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 10:11 AM
Ok, lmk
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 12:55 PM
Nopointbluffing - 12
Rayrayray - 15
Donkey - 5
Mfae - 8
Docker - 5
Ophidion - 20
Amsosick - 5

Sold out- good luck us
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 04:55 PM
hope to see you at 33bb final table, i'm 1/795 atm with $121.41 in bounties, booty daddy atm lol i probz won't even make the money
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 05:46 PM
busted AQ < AJ AIPF vs prince pablo for 160k =( you'll just need to ship it now lol
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 07:34 PM
27 pko = $18.39
33 bounty builder = $130.77
$5.50+r scoop PLO (in for full) = $48.68

total = $197.84
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
05-22-2019 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by amsosick1888
busted AQ < AJ AIPF vs prince pablo for 160k =( you'll just need to ship it now lol
gg tough luck! WOuld have been fun to both FT for sure haha
claynuts Wednesday night SCOOP Quote
